Third Grade
“I think I like Dylan, Emilio.” She says as she chases her best friend to the park. “The Dylan that’s related to Mason?” Emilio says. “What other Dylan?” Jupiter says. “Why do you like him?” Emilio asks as the stop at the benches in the huge field of their elementary school. “I don’t know. He’s really cute and he’s good at sports.” Jupiter says, staring at the basketball hoop where Dylan was playing around with his friends.
“But he’s older than us.” Emilio says. “Yeah, I know but only by a year, Emilio.” She says, defensively. “Okay, okay.” He says. “Wanna go ask if we can play with them?” Jupiter says. “Sure, I guess.” Emilio says, frowning. “Come on, Mio.” Jupiter says. He smiles at his nickname. She grabs his hand and drags him with her across the field and over to the basketball blacktop.
Fourth Grade
Jupiter dumps her tray of food and follows the fifth graders outside, Dylan included in that group. “Jupiter, wait up!” Emilio calls. He runs after her. “Hurry up, Mio.” Jupiter calls back, not stopping. Dylan looks back when he hears her voice. “Hey, little baller, wanna play with us today?” He says, looking at her. The whole group stops and looks back at Jupiter. Her face goes bright red. Emilio runs into her and she goes forward into Dylan’s friend then falls. The group starts to laugh except for Omari, Isaiah and Dylan. Emilio frowns.
“Stop laughing. It’s not funny.” Dylan says, his brows furrowing together. Isaiah leans down and helps Jupiter up. Her ankle is bleeding a little bit and it hurts her. She dusts her hands off on her black ripped jeans then she dusts off her Nike hoodie and shoes. “Are you okay?” Isaiah asks. Dylan comes over and looks at Jupiters ankle. “Still wanna play?” He asks. Jupiter looks up into his eyes. “Mhm.” She hums, thinking about how beautiful his brown eyes are.
“Come on, little baller.” He says. Jupiter smiles at her little nickname. Dylan helps Jupiter up. Emilio stands behind her and stares at Jupiter. Jupiter smiles at Dylan as the group walks over to the basketball hoop. Jupiter steals the ball from Omari, a sixth grader and her cousin, and makes a layup. When she comes down on her ankle, her face falls in pain. She screams and Emilio runs over, as well as Dylan and his group of friends, who were just celebrating her layup.
Jupiter’s eyes fill with tears as she grabs for Emilio. “Mio!” She yells. A teacher runs over. “Are you okay, Jupiter!?” Dylan says. “You know my name?” Jupiter says through tears. “Emilio, give her to me!” Omari says. Emilio doesn’t let her go and Jupiter cries in pain. “Jupiter, are you okay?” The teacher asks. “This is your fault, Dylan!” Emilio says, angrily. He walks away. Jupiter grabs onto Omari. “How is this my fault?” Dylan asks, his eyebrows going together in confusion.
Omari picks Jupiter up and gets ready to carry her to the nurse with the teacher. “Jupiter, little baller, how is it my fault?” Dylan asks. Jayden, a friend on Dylan’s came over. “Dylan, I think she likes you, man.” Jayden says. Jupiter let’s her head rest on Omari’s shoulder. “You like me, Jupiter?” Dylan says. Jupiter turns and looks back at him. “What?” She says. “Do you like me?” He yells at her. “Dylan, stop yelling at my little cousin.” Omari says. “Do. You. Like me.” Dylan says. “Dylan, for God’s sake, she’s a fourth grader, stop interrogating her. And, maybe she does like you but there is no reason for you to be like this.” Isaiah says.
“Come on, Jupie.” Jupiter’s teacher says. Omari carries Jupiter through the crowd of people. “She likes Dylan, Maddie.” Someone whispers. Jupiter’s eyes start to water. “Ew, she’s not cute enough for Dylan.” Someone else whispers. Dylan watches Omari carry Jupiter away. Mason runs up to Omari. “Jupie, are you okay?” Mason asks. “Yeah, she’s good, Mace.” Omari says. Mason frowns and walks away. “This is the worst embarrassment…” Jupiter whispers into Omari’s shoulder. “It’ll be okay, little cousin. I’ll protect you.” Omari says.
Isaiah follows Omari to the nurse along with a teacher. The nurse checks Jupiter’s leg. “It’s sprained, Jupie. What’d you do?” The nurse asks. “I didn’t do anything, Mrs. Lee. Emilio ran into me and I fell then I went to play basketball.” Jupiter says. “Well, you sprained it playing basketball, I think. It hurt when you fell but now it’s sprained.” Mrs. Lee says. “Where’s Emilio? Does anyone have eyes on Emilio Rosaro?” The teacher's walkie talkie says.
“He called his mom and she came and got him earlier.” Mrs. Lee answers. Jupiter frowns. “I’m going to call your mom too, Jupiter.” Omari says. Jupiter nods and doesn’t say anything. She starts to cry again and hugs Isaiah while Omari goes to call her mom. “It’s okay, bean.” Isaiah says. “Is that what they call you at home?” Mrs. Lee tries to lighten the mood but fails. Isaiah nods and Jupiter continues to cry.
Jupiter’s mom came and picked Jupiter up and took her to the doctor’s office. The doctor wrapped Jupiter up and gave her some Tylenol. Jupiter went to school the next day just to find out that her best friend, Emilio, was never coming back to school. He moved schools out of guilt, hearing what happened when he left. She went through hell for the rest of fourth grade, fifth grade girls bullying her. The boys never said a thing, they just looked at her. Except for Dylan. He never looked at her. Her friends stayed by her side but it was hard to live without Emilio and she missed him deadly.
Omari and Isaiah were always by her side. They played basketball with her when her ankle healed and although it was fun, it wasn’t the same as playing on Dylan’s team. Dylan kept his distance away from her and eventually got a girlfriend, hurting Jupiters heart. When Omari graduated sixth grade, Isaiah was left to take care of Jupiter but he suddenly left the school as well and Jupiter felt like she was falling and no one was going to catch her. Not Emilio, not Isaiah...And definitely not Dylan, so she fell by herself.
3 years later - Jupiter
“Jupiter Lia Fountain! Are you ready to leave?” Jupiter’s mom yells. “Yes, mom! I’m coming!” Jupiter yells. She’s not ready, she just put her shirt on. She grabs her jeans and slides them up her legs. “Don’t fall, don’t fall, don’t fall.” She whispers. “Come on, Jupiter!” Omari yells from downstairs. She shoots up straight. “Omari?” She yells. She hears him laugh. She grabs her black Jordans, ripped denim jacket and her half of a heart necklace with an “E” on it.
She runs downstairs and jumps onto Omari. He hugs her back. “Come on, bean. We need to go, my mom is outside waiting.” He says. He carries her to the car. “So, Mari, how’s it feel to be a big ninth grader?” Jupiter asks. “Good. I’m just happy you’re going to my school this year.” He says. Jupiter is now a seventh grader and is going to a 7th-9th grade school. “Yeah, but you’re leaving next year for high school.” Jupiter whines. “You gonna miss me, bean?” Omari says as Jupiter jumps down and climbs into the car next to Isaiah. Omari climbs into the front seat. “Yeah, I’m going to miss you! And you know that Isaiah left me all alone when I was in fifth grade.” Jupiter says and glares at Isaiah then smiles. “I’m sorry!” He says and laughs.
“Don’t do it again. Family sticks together.” Jupiter’s aunt says. Jupiter nods her head and looks at Isaiah. He smiles and pulls on her ponytail. “Hey, bro. Don’t touch the hair unless you want to get beat up.” Jupiter says while checking if her hair was okay in the mirror. “Isaiah, don’t touch her hair.” Jupiter’s aunt says. “Thank you, auntie Jackie.” Jupiter says and side-looks at Isaiah. He wraps his arms around her and they hug. Jupiter’s phone rings. She smiles and answers the phone. “Mio!” She says. His face pops up on the scream. “Lia!” He says.
“Whatcha doin’?” Jupiter asks. “Nothing. Waiting for you to come to school already.” Emilio says. “Don’t rush me, rat.” Jupiter says. Emilio smiles. “I’m waiting for you at our lockers.” He says. “Okay, see you later. And promise you won’t leave me this year.” Jupiter says, pouting. “I will never leave you again, bum.” Emilio says. Jupiter smiles. “Well, you might want to run because I’m going to fight you when I get to school for calling me a bum.” Jupiter says. “Run up.” Emilio says, laughing. “I hate you.” Jupiter says. “I love you too, Lia!” Emilio says and Jupiter hangs up the phone.
Omari turns around and looks at Jupiter. “If he hurts you again, cousin, tell me.” He says. Jupiter nods. “Tell me about Isaiah too.” Omari says and looks at Isaiah in the eyes. Jupiter nods again then starts to laugh. “Ahaha. You got called out!” She laughs. Jackie starts to laugh, then Omari, then, finally, Isaiah starts to laugh.
All of this shit happened during Jupiter’s younger years. After Dylan stopped inviting her to play and her cousins left, Jupiter stopped playing basketball. Even though she loved playing and she was really good, she stopped playing because it hurt too much that Dylan was the one who taught her how to play. And after everything that happened between Emilio and Jupiter, she forgave him. She loved Emilio. He was her best friend since birth. She needed him and when he found out what she went through all of fifth grade, he begged his mom to send him back to the school so they could graduate sixth grade together.
Now they have necklaces that Emilio bought as a symbol of the promise he made. To stay by her side, to protect her and to care for her, and neither of them have taken off the necklaces. Ever. Jupiter holds him to his promise and Emilio is in love with Jupiter. He wants to be there for her even if she doesn't love him back because he knows what will happen to Jupiter if he leaves her again. And he loves her too much to stand seeing her in pain.
- alex ~.~