I stared at the dust particles floating in the beam of light oozing into my room from the haphazardly pulled curtains as my sweaty body got licked by the damp and hot air in my dimly lit room. I turned to my side as the bed chanted a creak alongside my movements.
It's dark; I wonder what the time is.
I pulled my lethargic body out of the sweltering bedsheets and took a couple of steps towards the shabby window-frame hidden behind the aged grey clothes dancing slightly to the gentle breeze. Lifting the drapes with one hand as I rested the other on the frame, I made sure not to put my weight on the wood to prevent it from breaking.
The suns about to set; I should get ready.
I walked towards the wardrobe by the side of my bed, taking in the sight of the clothes hung in it; I took a deep breath and sat on my bed yet again. Staring at the multi-colored robes, I grabbed the pointy hat with bells hung on it. The velvety fabric and luscious colors looked almost expensive. But no, it is not. Nobody would dare say a jester's clothes look wealthy. Grimacing, I started changing out of my clothes.
I don't want to be seen wearing these clothes. I'm just so tired of their mocking- not to mention I am only doing what my dad does. Everyone follows their parents' occupation; why is it wrong that I follow mine? Although I've gotta admit, it's not the most dignified gig. But hey, I at least get to see nobles, I suppose. And today is a biggie; I'll see the entire imperial family.
Sighing heavily, I stared at the damned jester's hat on the bed. I truly hoped this wouldn't be my job at 15. Resentfully, I snatched the cap from the bed and put it on my head. I stared at my reflection in the mirror, draped by many colors and bells.
If only I had magic.
I turned around and left the room, walked down the worn-out staircase as my tapping lifted the dust resting on the steps. I quickly opened the front door to the small two-story house and took rapid steps on the chipped cobblestone, listening to the hustle and bustle of the little corner of the imperial capital. Still on my last train of thought, I ranted in my head, trying to ignore my surroundings.
I am already 15; there is no way I will get magic after passing 14. But that would be amazing. Then everyone would have to take me seriously. I'd leave this stupid forgotten corner of this stupid city and take my parents and move to a nice neighborhood. I would enlist and become a war hero, earn a lot of money and fame, if only.
I stopped in my tracks and turned back in horror to face my dad. "Must you call me that outside?!" I bickered as I flailed my arms angrily.
"Sorry, son. Won't you forgive this old man? He loves his little Elly," he patted my shoulder, wearing a warm smile. I stared daggers at him, unmoving. "Okay, okay," the old man gave up and cleared his throat, "You ready to go, Elliot?"
I followed the old man with rushed steps like a baby duckling. The lengthy path leads to the top of a hill like any other path did in the city of Eltia; it led to a collection of enormous buildings bathed in gold and ivory: the imperial palace.
Today's is a relatively straightforward performance my dad kept drilling on about. As he was informed, some representatives from the East are visiting Eltia for some trade deal. Spices, sugar, wheat shortage, and some other words… Who can remember those details anyway?
I stood behind a set of massive doors; I wouldn't say I like these places- they make me feel very small. A bell chimed behind the doors. I clutched my baton and marched towards the creaking doors with my dad.
Before us was a crowd of about … 20 people? A large group stood with their backs at us, wearing crimson clothing tangled by the embroidery's golden threads, after they stood the imperial family. The crown prince, princess, and the empress stood at the sides of the emperor. His overwhelming presence, I could feel even here. I swallowed.
We started performing in this heavy atmosphere. I don't know what they expected from me- I can't possibly break this tension! I only know how to twirl a baton. But this is fine; there is a win in all of this. I got to see the gorgeous princess. Yes, she is 22 and, well, the princess- but that doesn't mean I can't look!
Averting my gaze from the princess to the rest of the viewers, I quickly scanned the Eastern officials. Slightly darker skin, black curly hair, and defined facial features, all of these men ha-
I locked gazes with a set of honey-colored orbs.
So beautiful.
I exhaled.
Everything in the room stood still. I stared at the orbs. But then, a thread snapped deep inside me. I felt a burst of energy explode from within. Everyone in the room got thrown away like bits of confetti.
My hand felt hot. I darted my gaze to see my baton on fire.
What the hell!
I threw the baton forward in panic, which hit one of the visitors and set his beard on fire.
The room got thrown into utter chaos within the course of seconds. I heard my dad faintly, mixed with the many noises in the room.
Flames came out of my hand; it was so hot. I shook my hand around in panic. The fire reached the ceiling and the large curtains around us. So many people were shouting. I heard nothing but my confused heartbeat drumming in my ears.
Something poked my back and threw me on the floor. My back hurt a lot. I turned back in panic. A palace knight walked towards me with his sword drawn out.
"I'm not doing this on purpose!" I shouted and lifted my hands to surrender, unaware. The flames burst out of my hand; the knight took a couple of steps back. Then he charged towards me, avoiding the fire.
I panicked and stood up, tripped over one of the visitors trying to run away, and fell on the princess.
I am so dead.
My eyes still closed; I waited for my end. But nothing happened. Instead, I heard birds chirping. Skittish, I slowly opened my eyes.
A meadow adorned by flowers of all colors spanned in all directions. Besides me, there was only one more thing here. I stared at the girl under my palms. I quickly let go of her as we stared at each other.
Golden strands and ice-blue orbs that shone like they are made out of glass…
This girl is related to the imperial family.
"Who are you?" the girl asked, tilting her head to the side.
"I'm Elliot, and you are?" I asked just one of about 9000 questions I have in my head.
Resting her bare knees on the grass, she stared at her overly large clothes, "My name is Aurora."
No. She isn't the crown princess. Is she? There is no way. The crown princess Aurora is a beautiful 22-year-old. I saw her just now!
I stared at her overgrown clothes.
This is definitely what she was wearing earlier… Then what just happened? Just WHAT happened earlier anyway?! Fire burst out of my palms… That can't be magic, right?- there is no wa-
"Um, excuse me," the tiny princess tugged on my shirt, "can Mister Elliot help me get home?" she mumbled.
Does she not remember who she is?
"Uh- yes, sure. Do you remember where you live?" I questioned hesitantly, one wrong move and off my head in the long run.
"No…" the girl whimpered.
Ah, she is so cute. My heart.
"Alright Aurora, I will help you get home" I stood up and smiled at the girl.
Except if I do, your dad will DEFINITELY kill me.
I grabbed the little girl's hand, and we started walking in the meadow to find a path or anything leading to civilization. Between the orchestra of flowing water, birds chirping, and leaves rustling, I head faint clip-clops of a horse. I pulled the girl by her hand and ran towards the sound.
Before us stood a small carriage and a dirt road. I shouted at the coachman from a distance, "Mister! Where does this road go?"
He turned back, his face etched in disgust. "It goes nowhere for someone from Eltia," I flinched. His accent and tone were so much more different from mine.
I yelled at the carriage, driving away, "Just tell me where we are!"
The man's yell faint to my ears, I froze at his words, "Tellton, Moravia Empire."
So, I am in the enemy territory with, from what I can tell, a 12-year-old crown princess with no memories, whose father would kill me at sight for burning the castle and a delegate and kidnapping his daughter.