You only exist to torment me. Breathing is just a simple struggle that I face day by day. The air of your very existence leaves me wondering constantly. It leaves me pondering. It leaves me thinking. I no longer meditate on other things, only of you. I ask myself every waking moment, why do you exist? Is it to mock me? To make me feel worthless forever and all eternity? I am but nothing to you. Nothing but a distant memory that caused a small and insignificant ripple in your life. Could time just freeze for just a minute to give me time to breathe? I’m suffocating because I’ve forgotten how the air of your existence feels like. I cough violently thinking, is this the air I once craved for? I no longer need it. I no longer want it from you! It’s nothing but an insult to me now. I’ve woken up from this. I’ve escaped the chambers of your very existence. Why are you still here? Why do you exist?