James- Mackenzie's father | Mary- Mackenzie's old mom | Izzie- Mackenzie.
flashback- 1980
"No! I didn't do it!, please let me go!" James says.
"So you were at the buffet table when the murder was comitti-"
Dear Diary,
The cops interviewed my dearest husband. Just as our beautiful daughter was brought into this world. Being accused of a crime...how awful. My dear would never do such an act!
Dear Diary,
The police had done some very in-depth research and James was proven guilty. I was called into the station a bit after and found out that James had murdered his nephew.
Turns out he was going to kill Izzie too. Izzie out own dear Izzie his own child! She couldn't even talk or walk! I can't believe I was ever married to such a man. He apologized, not that I wanted anything to do with him after that. I filed divorce immediately. I didn't want to be known as the wife of someone as dispicible as James. When he left, I took care of my dear Izzie with care. I never left her alone before and after James was released. I was scared he'd kidnap her.
But then there was that fateful day - I had gotten cancer. I didn't have the funds to recive treatment so my precious baby was going to James. Thank the lord, he was going to under supervision of the police while Izzie was with him. I remember my death day like it was yesterday. "I love you mama" were the last words I heard from my darling daughter.
Now I have watch over my family in heaven. Izzies life was much better than I could have hoped untill, James commited murder again. It was Izzie's new mom. James has this- I don't know, illness? He kills people if they get too annoying. That is what I saw the docter say anyways. James was taken back to prison for life and my baby is in an orphanage now. I'm glad she's safe. I haven't watched over her in a while. I hope she's still fine.
-Diary entries of Mary.