Jack - Man I'm bored. It sucks being in the orphanage!
Emily - It's not like we have a choice. Our parents left us here.
Liam - That's true, suck and accept it, man.
Makenzie - ( she has a crush on Liam ) omg!! sooo true Liammm!
Liam - Who are you? I've never seen plastic talk before.
Emily - Hey! How are you wearing make-up in an orphanage?
Makenzie - Ugh, the warden's son gives me some because he likes me.
Jack- Whatever Barbie doll this is our dormitory we've told you at least 50 times to back off, Liam does NOT like you.
Makenzie- UGH, he does, and I've got better things to do than being with you. Like painting my nails.
Emily- She's so annoying! She paints her nails because the warden thinks she has beauty! The warden does not have a son she has a daughter! She only said that cause she thought Liam who is jealous of her!
Liam- Well I'm not.
The dinner bell rings
Jack let's head to the dining hall.
Liam- Let's hope it's not bread and soup again......I was allergic to the carrots in the soup last time and I was up all night in the bathroom.
Emily- I remember that! I kept on hearing flushing noises! We nearly ran out of toilet paper!
Jack- Remember, today is the warden's b-day so we get dessert today. It's too bad he's allergic to carrots. Dessert is carrot cake,
Liam- I hate my life.
Jack- I'm only joking! It's chocolate cake! Your fav!
Emily- Stop messing around boys, You're older than this, we're 13 now.
makenzie- Hey, Liam-boo-boo...!
Liam- Barbie doll! Leave me alone and what did you call me?
Makenzie- I hate you! You always make fun of me! Don't you love me as your girlfriend?
Liam- I'm not your boyfriend!
Emily- ( In mind ) I'd better do something....too bad Liam isn't gay...
Emily gives a quick kiss on the cheek to Liam.
Liam- ( Realizes what Emily's doing and calls her his gf )
Makenzie- YOUR CHEATING ON ME???? I HATE YOUUUUUUUUU *She storms off*
Jack- You didn't tell me you were Together!
Emily- *Sigh* I was Joking! Anyways let's eat our Gravy and Rice quickly!
After dinner, they're all in bed sleeping
Moi- Hey everyone! This is my first time making a book. I know it's bad so that's the reason. The Co-writer Mira has written more books than me so, she'll be the one to write better chapters. This is the end of chapter 1.Thanks for reading.