Akamu, Kahlua, Malia, and Makoa sat outside the circus while still wearing their masks. They didn't want to take them off because they didn't want to show discomfort. Zachery went to look more into the circus and see what they had available. The group was silent, and some shivered from what they had witnessed beforehand. Kahlua sat slightly apart from the group and looked away from the others. "I can't believe we came with you," said Malia. The men were silent but decided not to say anything.
"I-I didn't know that this is what Zacahery was into this stuff. I-"
"You haven't dated this monster long enough, and look at the consequences. We witnessed innocent people getting butchered and murdered! We all sat and did nothing!" Malia tried to calm herself down since she didn't want to cause too much of a scene."
"It-It could have been fake. I mean, it could have some special effects."
Malia had a raging glare behind her mask; she fought the urge to beat Kahlua. "Then, what do you call all of this, Kahlua!? If this is fake, why did this freak show happen on this island in the middle of the ocean!? Why did we have to wear these creepy masks!? You are such in denial, all for money who only wants you for a quick fuck!"
"Sis, calm down," Akamu whispered roughly. "We can't do this here and now!"
The young woman tried to calm herself down, trembling with utter rage. "We should have never hung out with you in the first place. We're only here since Mokoa guilt-tripped us to hang out with you because he pitied you."
Akamu flinched. Even though he agreed with his sister's statements, they were harsh; he shook his head. Makoa immediately looked at her. "Malia, that's enough! You're going too far!" However, it was too late. Kahlua's body trembled violently. She removed her mask, threw it on the ground, and ran away from the group. Makoa stood and wanted to call out to her but noticed other people were looking at him and the group. He immediately sat down. "Damn it, Malia! What the hell is wrong with you!? I know you're freaked out, but you should have done this when we got back to the island!" he whispered.
"Like hell, Makoa. You also have to blame for this. If you hadn't guilt-tripped us, then we wouldn't have been witnesses to murder. It's because of not minding your business we are here."
"Guys. Guys. We need to calm ourselves. We are not going to solve anything by arguing here, especially since we're surrounded by maniac. What we need to do is find Danae and get the hell out of here."
Malia scoffed. "How are we going to do that, Akamu? We got here through that psycho's boat. We have to wait when he wants to go." Then, Malia felt her phone vibrate; it was a message from Danae.
"Malia, we're in danger! The workers of the circus suspect us! I'm still in backstage and will get out soon! Meet at the pier before they catch us!"
"G-Guys, we need to go now. Danae told me that the workers here know we're not part of their community. She told us to meet at the pier."
The men stood. "How are we going to get out of here!? These people have keys to their boats," said Akamu.
"Well, we're not going to stand here and find out. If we tell that Zachaery creep, then he might blow our cover. We will have to take a risk and find any boat we can and escape."
"What about Kahlua? We shouldn't leave her here. I know that she screwed up being with that guy but-"
Malia then got Makoa's shirt and motioned him to her. "She has to own up to her actions, Makoa. She was never a friend, not mine. I'm not going to pity her just because of her attention-seeking behavior. If you want to be a saint, stay here with her. Let's see how long you last." She let him go and began walking toward the path leading to the pier. Akamu looked at his sister and then at Makoa. He followed her. Makoa was conflicted about whether to track or to try to find Kahlua. He couldn't deny that Malia was speaking some truths, but the image of those people murdered couldn't escape his mind. He feared what would happen if they were caught. That's when Makoa decided to stop caring for someone who didn't want help; he went to catch up with the siblings.
As the group left, one of the circus workers noticed the group walking away. He got out his walkie-talkie and spoke to the others. "I see a group of three walking out; I think they are the ones we seek. It seems that they are headed toward the pier, copy."
Meanwhile, the group of three walked down to the path where they saw the pier ahead. No one said anything as the crunching of rocks and first echoed. "Do you think Danae will be there?" asked Akamu.
"Danae knows what she's doing. She's braver than she looks." As they got closer, the group heard another noise: another group of footsteps. It sounded as if they were coming from behind.
"Going somewhere?" asked a feminine voice. The friends stopped but dared not look back. "We are hurt that you are thinking of leaving so soon. After all, the coven has done so much for our fans to have a good time." It was Othalia, but she wasn't alone. There were five other people with her, and they had automatic rifles in hand.
The three slowly turned around and saw the guns pointed at them. "W-We're tired since we all had a sucky day at work. However, we enjoyed the show," said Malia.
"Really? Then, why were you guys looking away when those pieces of meat were being eaten alive? I mean, that's usually the best part! Besides, we looked at our list, and five of you were extra."
"A guy named Zachery invited us since we have the same interest."
Othalia smiled, but it was not ordinary; it was straight with a hint of sadism. "So then, where are your other two friends? Some of our members heard you arguing. Let's just say that we have eyes and ears everywhere. You're not one us." The friends felt absolute fear; it was so much that they thought that they would pass out that very moment. "Now, we can do this the easy way or the high way. Sister Tabatha will-" Othalia couldn't finish her statement when a loud sound was heard from the circus.