Everyone slowly entered the main tent, and as everyone entered, they were given masks and instructed to wear them. Danae and the group were given sad-looking clown masks, which made everyone uneasy; Kahlua even looked uneasy. When everyone looked at Zachery, they noticed his excited grin as he wore the mask. Danae looked at Kahlua, who slowly put on the mask; she also put on the mask and went to one of the workers in the tent. It was a man who also wore a clown mask, but it had a devilish smile with natural sharp-looking teeth. "H-Hey there. Sorry for bugging you, but my friend and I must go to the restroom to avoid missing the show."
The man was silent and pointed to another side of the tent with slight openings. "The outside will lead you straight to the bathrooms, but someone will keep guard to get you back to the tent. Hurry before you miss the show."
Danae nodded as she immediately went to Kahula and grabbed her arm. "Danae, what are you-?"
"Come with me to the bathroom." Before Kahlua said anything, Danae dragged her away from the others and toward the opening, which led to a medium-sized cubicle where two people were guarding on each side. They motioned them to enter, which they did, and entered the cubicle where two toilets were divided by a single wall. Once the door was closed, Danae removed her mask as with Kahlua's. "What the hell is this place, Kahlua!?" Danae whispered roughly; she didn't want the guards to hear them.
Kahlua bit her lower lip. "I-I don't know. Zachery told me that it was just a circus."
"Kahlua, Zachery mentioned that he was happy that we liked something similar, but you interrupted him. You know something. I will make a scene if you don't tell me."
"Okay, okay! Zachery told me that this circus specializes in certain things: animal-like creatures, he called them. He didn't tell me much but likes the occult and paranormal stuff. Everyone has their likes. Come on, we can't be late." Kahlua then put on her mask and exited the small restroom. Danae used one of the toilets, flushed it, and washed her hands. She also put on her mask and walked out of the bathroom, where she reentered the tent. Almost everyone was seated; she saw the group waving at her.
The group sat in the second row, where they could get a closer look at the stage. Danae sat next to Malia, who wore a mask and noticed many cameras in different parts of the tents. Malia then motioned herself closer to Danae. "What did you say to Kahlua?"
"I tried to get answers from her, but she said that her new man is interested in the occult and other weird crap. I can't help but feel something is off."
"Same here. I don't feel comfortable in this place. Maybe we should-"
Malia couldn't finish as the music began to play, and the lights suddenly turned off. "Please remember there is no cellphones or other electronics usage during the show. If the rules are broken, then we will break you."
Suddenly, a dark red light pointed to the main stage, and a cloud of smoke filled the stage. Then, a figure in a black cloak appeared with a goat's head shaped like a demonic pentagram. "My humble guests, I welcome you to the Hidden Shadows Coven. As you know, I am Sister Tabatha; I also thank you for supporting our coven. Your invitation is our appreciation, and thanks for your support. Give yourselves a round of applause!"
Everyone cheered and clapped, and then everyone was instructed to quiet down. "Now, I am sure you all have waited for this moment. I wanted to let you know that this event will be recorded and put on our site. I must instruct that you all keep your masks so no one will be identified if one is caught. Failure to do so will make you food for my little pets." Then, Tabatha snapped her fingers, and four cages appeared in the smoke. Danae and the group were shocked to see that a woman had the lower body, skin, and color of an anaconda. The second was a tank of a shark with a man's lower body; the third looked like a werewolf. In the fourth cage, it looked like a minotaur; it had a man's body but the legs and head of a bull.
The audience was amazed; Danae and her friends were in shock, and no one had words to say anything. Then, another person appeared with a sadistic-looking masquerade mask and a black cloak. "I am Sister Othalia, and this is the moment you all have been waiting for. Here are our wonderful volunteers!"
Then, five of the six guards appeared all bloodied and cruised; they were tied and gagged. Danae's eyes widened in horror, as were her lips; the mask hid her expression. "What the hell is going on? Th-Those people look in bad shape!" she thought.
The five wounded guards, four men, and one woman were muffling since their mouths were gagged. No one in the audience did a thing, and many cheered. "Release my pets! Give my audience what they came here to see!"
The cages were suddenly opened; the minotaur ran out and went to one of the men, grabbed him in mid-air, threw him on the ground, and began stomping on him. The main immediately lost consciousness and killed him instantly with the force he was inflicted upon. The sound of his bones cracking echoed throughout the tent. Then, the female anaconda went to the female guard and wrapped its lower body around her, squeezing the innocent victim. The female guard screamed in agony as her life squeezed out of her. She eventually passed out and was slowly eaten by the female anaconda creature.
The rest of the two were thrown into the shark tank with their hands and legs tied. They tried to swim upward to the tank, but it was useless; the shark man-like creature swam to one of them and bit onto one of the guard's waist. The bite was so strong that it tore the man's left side; his blood and guts floated in the water. The other guard kept swimming upward and slowly reached the top, but the shark-like creature bit his tied feet off. Blood filled the tank, making looking at what was happening difficult. Moments passed, and the tank was filled with blood, guts, and the guards' heads.
Danae and her friends were horrified by what they were seeing. No one could move or make a sound; it was as if their brains were also trying to process what was happening. Everyone but them cheered as the poor bodyguards were being tortured and killed. Danae's heart was beating heavily, and tears formed and dripped from her eyes. People were killed and tortured before her, and she did nothing.
The audience cheered as the cameras were on the stage. Tabath returned to the stage as the creatures returned to their cage. "Thank you! Are you enjoying the show?" Everyone cheered again as a response. Tabatha motioned everyone to quiet down. "Now, I have a new creature different from all my creatures! This creature I have found in Mount Olympus of Greece! It was difficult to believe, but this mythical creature turned out to be true rather than myth!" Suddenly, the last female guard was tied and gagged onto the stage. Then, a cement-like box arrived on the stage. "Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce you to my most prized possession, a male siren!"
The doors opened, and then a man slowly walked out. Danae looked at the supposed male siren, who was fully nude; his body was like an Olympian god; his hair was pale blonde and wavy, matching his slightly pale skin. The male siren had hawk-like feet and legs, and his lower body had feathers. His arms, though feathers, also covered muscular; his eyes were gold with slits in the center. The male siren had a handsome face and a slight androgynous look about him. He was the most beautiful being that Danae had ever seen. She couldn't help but notice that the male siren had a choker-like necklace on his neck.
The male siren looked at the female guard; it was hungry since it hadn't been fed for over a week. The female guard stopped shaking; it was as if she admired looking at him. The male siren then walked to her and sang a soft melody.
The voice was not so deep and not too soft; it had a calming tune that made everyone quiet and allured. The female guard looked like she was in a trance, and her eyes drooped as if she wanted to sleep; it soothed her. As the male siren sang, he slowly touched the female guard and stopped with his melody. Without warning, his handsome face changed into a monstrous look that would terrify the most courageous man. He then bit the female guard's face off so that her facial skull and eyeballs were seen.
The male siren ate her facial skin, and once it was swallowed, he bit off a chunk of her neck, killing her instantly.
Everyone cheered, but Danae couldn't watch anymore as she looked away, closed her eyes, and put her hands over her ears. The male siren looked around the audience, who cheered on what he was doing but noticed Danae still wearing her mask. He saw how she covered her ears; it intrigued him as he returned to eat.
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