Sophia’s eyes flick between multiple holographic displays, her fingers dancing across the haptic interface of her workstation. It’s a quiet shift in the Command Center, the usual ebb and flow of data from the biodomes a comforting constant. However, a subtle change in the readings from the main building catches her attention.
“That’s odd…” she murmurs, leaning in closer to examine the data. The atmospheric composition shows minor fluctuations, and the life sign readings of the conference attendees seem slightly off. She makes a mental note to keep an eye on it, assuming it’s likely just a sensor glitch. As time passes, the anomalies in the data streams from the main building become more pronounced. Sophia’s brow furrows as she pulls up a holographic representation of the Regenesis building. "Something isn’t right," she says aloud, evaluating an unusual pattern of activity within the building. Sensor readings of… something… that she can’t quite identify.
“EDI,” she calls out, her voice tense with growing concern, “can you enhance the internal scans of the Regenesis building?”
The hologram zooms in, revealing a sight that makes Sophia’s breath catch. A mysterious flow seems to be emanating from within the structure, reminiscent of the StarShade’s mesmerizing nighttime appearance. But this is different, more intense. Red and almost alive.
“What in the starshit?” Sophia whispers, her mind racing to make sense of what she’s seeing. She quickly pulls up additional data streams, trying to correlate the visual phenomenon with atmospheric readings, energy signatures, anything that might provide an explanation. The holographic displays flicker with layers of complex data, but nothing seems to add up.
“EDI, call Shimmer and do not stop until she answers,” she commands, her voice tinged with urgency. The AI acknowledges her request, and a soft chime indicates the call is being placed.
Sophia’s eyes fix to the holographic display, her fingers tapping swiftly over the interface as she tries to piece together the puzzle. There is a pattern to mysterious flow of substance within the building pulses with an almost hypnotic rhythm, its intensity growing by the second. She feels a knot of anxiety tightening in her chest.
“Come on, Shimmer, pick up,” she mutters under her breath, her worry mounting with each passing moment. The silence on the other end of the line is deafening, amplifying her sense of dread.
Just as she starts to consider the worst, the command center doors slide open with a hiss. Commander Thomir strides in, her presence immediately commanding attention. Without preamble, she addresses the room, her voice carrying an unmistakable note of urgency. “Workers, eyes on me. We have an emergent evolving situation. I need everyone at their stations. EDI, establish a direct link to Regenesis immediately. I am initiating an lockdown of the Regenesis building as of now. Activate hazmat, security, and medical response units. Engineers, I need the flow of movement and traffic away from the Regenesis building. Communications, prepare to be overwhelmed. You're going to have thousands of calls out and triple that attempting to get in when the station learns of the situation.”
EDI establishes the priority line, signaling the Commander:
“Dr. Korr, this is Commander Thomir. I have assumed control over the Regenesis facility. Quarantine protocols are now in effect. All personnel, prepare for immediate lockdown. I will be in communication as information continues to be revealed. Out.”
Sophia’s heart races as she processes the implications. Her eyes dart to the holographic display of the Regenesis building, where a mysterious red flow pulses with hypnotic rhythm.
“Commander,” Sophia calls out, her voice steady despite the adrenaline coursing through her veins, “I’ve been monitoring some unusual activity in the Regenesis building. There’s some kind of… flow within the structure. I’ve never seen anything like it. Clear air pressure displacement radiating out from a central point on the second floor. It is not liquid, so it cannot be a pipe leak. It's not fire because the thermal readings are only slightly elevated. It's almost like a sentient patterned wind. Something clearly aerosolized.”
Commander Thomir approaches Sophia’s station, her expression grim. “EDI,” she commands, “initiate our crisis management protocols. Implement the graduated evacuation and quarantine plan. I want our hazmat teams at the front door ready to decontaminate anyone coming out of that building. Medical teams ready to treat injuries from trampling and rushing. There's likely to be a panic. And security stationed to keep people out.”
“Understood, Commander,” EDI responds. “Initiating protocols now.”
Sophia watches as EDI’s algorithms spring into action. Holographic displays light up with new information, showing the station’s different zones and the flow of personnel. The Regenesis building and subsequent local area is broken down on the display and carved into sections. Door and passageways light up suggesting a sealed status. Larger areas such as floors of the building or the massive lobby are isolated and divided into gray zones awaiting interaction that represent the location of collections of people.
Sophia's eyes search desperately for any sign of Shimmer.
“EDI,” she says, her voice tight with worry, “locate Shimmer. Priority search.”
There’s a pause that feels like an eternity before EDI responds. “Shimmer’s last known position is the sixth floor. Current readings indicate high levels of contamination in that sector. Evacuation not possible at this time.”
The words hit Sophia like a punch to the gut. She grips the edge of her console, knuckles white, as she struggles to maintain her composure. Commander Thomir places a hand on her shoulder, her touch firm but comforting.
“I’m sorry, Sophie, this Shimmer must be important to you.” The Commander attempts softly. “We’ll do everything we can, but right now, we need to focus on containment. You have first eyes on this, I need you to work it."
The Commander speaks loudly, addressing the room as a whole. "We have to assume a pathogen or contaminant of some sort. This is not a drill. Control communications in and out. Coordinate crisis teams. Determine what this contamination is. And then we work it back. Do not assume Regenesis is the only place affected. Any explorer, spacer, or flight jockey could have brought something dormant that's just now activating. Work this until we have answers." The room stares. "Go!" She says with force and the command center begins to set to task.
“EDI,” Sophie hears the one of the communications group setting up their crisis terms, “establish a tiered alert system within all quarantine areas. Limit details on the quarantine to command staff and begin to reassure any inquiries that we're working on the situation. The goal is to promote cooperation and minimize panic. Go ahead and set up secure communication channels between zones. And initiate a psychological support AI for those in quarantine. Those inside need to know the hazmat teams are coming for them.” EDI responds, reciting back the orders.
Sophia shakes her head sharply to liven and pull in focus, blinking back tears. She takes a deep breath, forcing herself to focus on the task at hand. “Let's begin the process of recreating the building’s previous environmental state. Begin to roll back sensor reading over the last twelve hours. We're searching for the initiation event of this phenomenon.” She knows that Shimmer is in the heart of whatever is happening, likely already contaminated. The thought sends a chill down her spine, but she pushes it aside. There will be time for fear later. Maybe swift identification and doing her job will help.
“Commander,” she says, her voice growing stronger, “I propose setting up a dedicated team to analyze the unknown phenomenon and its effects since the pathogen sensors are not able to analyze. They can work from a secure area in the stem, using remote sensors to study the phenomenon without risking further exposure.”
Commander Thomir nods approvingly. “Make it happen, Engineer Valtor. EDI, assist with the setup and ensure they have all necessary resources. Make sure security and hazmat give them priority clearance to move freely.”
As the crisis management plan unfolds, Sophia’s fingers fly across her interface. She coordinates the evacuation of non-essential personnel, establishes quarantine zones, and monitors the environmental controls for the Regenesis building. All the while, her thoughts keep returning to Shimmer, trapped in the heart of the mysterious red flow.
"Security has the area around the building locked down," calls one section head.
"We're rerouting foot traffic and isolating the biome until further notice to keep more onlookers and media from crowding the area," reports another.
"Hazmat teams are setting up at the entrance. They're already seeing some panic from the people inside at their arrival," reports yet another.
Commander Thomir addresses the room, her voice carrying authority and calm. “This is what you trained for. We’re dealing with an unknown threat, but we have protocols in place. Stay focused, stay calm. We will get through this.”
The Command Center buzzes with activity, a symphony of urgent voices and humming technology. Holographic displays flicker with updates, showing the progress of the evacuation and the spread of the contamination. Through it all, Sophia remains focused, her determination fueled by the need to understand and contain this threat – not just for the station, but for Shimmer.
As the immediate evacuation begins to stabilize, Sophia allows herself a moment of quiet reflection. She stares at the pulsing red flow on the holographic display, its rhythmic movement almost mocking in its serenity. Somewhere within that swirling mass is her sibling, facing an unknown fate.
“Hang on, Shimmer,” she whispers, her voice barely audible above the Command Center’s din. “We’re going to figure this out. Just… hang on.”
As Sophia turns back to her workstation, EDI’s voice interrupts her thoughts. “Sophia, I have completed the verification of credentials for all incoming personnel from other biodomes. There is an additional name you might want to review.”
Sophia’s brow furrows. “Another name? Who is it, EDI?”
“According to the latest data, Sienna Krynn is also within the Regenesis building. Another person you might be interested in.”
Sophia’s eyes widen in shock. “Sienna? There?” She quickly pulls up the data from the sensors, her fingers tapping rapidly over the haptic interface. The holographic display updates, revealing the unmistakable life signs of her other sibling.
Indeed, there isn’t just one sibling stuck in the building, but two. Sophia’s heart races as she processes this new information.
“EDI, confirm the location of both Shimmer and Sienna,” she commands, her voice steady despite the turmoil inside her.
“Last reports indicates that Shimmer was located on the sixth floor, and Sienna on the first floor of the Regenesis building,” EDI responds.
Sophia takes a deep breath, her mind racing to formulate a plan. “EDI, can you connect me with them?”
“I can try, Sophia,” the AI replies, its tone reassuring yet urgent.
Sophia’s eyes remain fixed on the holographic display, her determination renewed. She won’t let anything happen to her siblings. Not on her watch. Her fingers tap harder over the haptic interface like never before, pulling up additional data streams and security feeds from the Regenesis building. The holographic display flickers, showing the chaotic scenes within the structure.
“Come on, come on,” she mutters under her breath, willing the connection to go through. The seconds stretch into what feels like an eternity, each moment amplifying her anxiety.
“Connection not established,” EDI announces, breaking the tense silence. “They appear to be moving cautiously within their respective floors.”
Sophia takes a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves. “Alright, EDI. Prioritize the analysis of evacuation routes and coordinate with the crisis management team. We need to find a way to get them and everyone out safely.”
“Understood, Sophia. Initiating priority analysis and coordination now,” EDI responds.
Sophia’s eyes remain locked on the holographic display, her fingers moving with renewed purpose. She won’t rest until her siblings are safe.