The soft blue glow of Kieran's pod casts muted luminescence across Keir's bedroom. Rigel sits on the edge of her son's bed, fingers absently stroking his curly hair. Despite being only two years old, Keir's eyes are bright with an intensity that belied his age, darting between his mother's face and the hovering pod that contained his yet-to-be-born brother.
Keir's small brow furrows in concentration as he tries to peek into his mother's thoughts. But all he senses is a fuzz—turning his usually clear telepathic vision into fleeting, messy impressions. Fragmented images and disjointed sounds flicker through his mind, like pieces of different puzzles thrown together. Each effort to focus only brings more distortion, like trying to decode a scrambled transmission.
Frustrated at the inability, he shifts his focus, forcing a distraction. "Mama," Keir says, his voice high and clear, "Kieyan pod, like me?"
The corners of Rigel's mouth twitch, her eyes dimly reflecting the pod's gentle shimmer. "Yes, sweetie. You were in a pod just like Kieran's. It kept you safe and helped you grow big and strong."
Keir's little face scrunched up in thought. "Why not in Mama belly? Like doggies?"
Rigel has to pause to consider what explanation could satisfy her precocious toddler while explaining the complexity of reproduction. "Well, our world is different from the doggies'. The pod helps make sure Kieran and Mama are healthy and safe."
She glanced at the metallic-looking pod hovering in the air, holding her second child peacefully in the nutrient-rich fluid. Her neural interface oversees the pod. The pod's sensors blink steadily in response to her increased attention, still monitoring every aspect of the developing child's health while allowing Rigel a glimpse at the maturation data.
Keir's eyes suddenly widened, jealous; he places a small hand on Rigel's arm. "Mama love Kiki in pod? No see, no touch."
Rigel leaned down, pressing a kiss to his forehead. "Oh, Kiki, Mama loved you so much. I watched you grow every day." She plays and tickles his feet. "I saw your tiny fingers and toes. I heard your heartbeat. Mama loved you before you were even born."
Keir giggles sweetly with the teasing and slowly relaxes. He pointed at the pod. "Kiki hear Kieyan? Like Daddy hear people?"
"Not yet, sweetheart," Rigel says gently, covering his little form with a blanket. "Kieran is still growing. When he's born, maybe you'll be able to hear him like Daddy hears people. But remember, we always ask before we listen to others' thoughts."
Keir nods seriously before breaking into a wide and sudden yawn. "Kieyan love Kiki too? Like Mama love Daddy?"
There's a hesitation from the mother. Her eyes flutter at the question, her breath catches, and she pauses as if the words are stuck in her throat. "Of course, he will," Rigel whispers, tucking the blanket around him. "And you'll be the best big brother."
She pecks his forehead as his eyes finally droop; Rigel stands and walks over to Kieran's pod. She placed her hand gently on its smooth surface, feeling the warmth emanating from within.
Keir mumbled from his bed, "Mama sleep now?"
"Yes, little one. It's time for Kieran to sleep, too. Sweet dreams, my little botanist." She turns to the room's AI. "Bubbles, initiate bedtime sequence."
The lights gradually dim, casting a soft, warm glow. Gentle lullaby music, subtly infused with nature sounds of rustling leaves. The walls display a serene animation of a moonlit forest, with glowing StarShades blooming around a tranquil pond. The ceiling twinkles with projected stars, and the air follows with a subtle, soothing scent of the starshades' aroma. The temperature quickly adjusts to a cozy comfortable, just two degrees warmer, but optimal for the the boy's sleep. Keir's plushy companion yawns and snores ever so lightly, luring the child into a peaceful slumber.
Rigel smiles as the sequence never fails to get him to sleep without much effort, allowing her to safely turn her attention to the pod. "Alright, Kieran, it's your turn," she whispers, "let's get you settled for the night."
She yawns the sequence affecting her too quickly. The pod hovers silently beside her as she walks towards the docking station in the next room's nursery. The station, a sleek, white platform with integrated monitoring systems, awaits their approach. As the pod nears, it automatically aligns with the station, and soft magnetic locks secure it in place.
At the 'docking' Rigel slips a chuckle. "Just like the Orion." Her held tilts and she feels the crack of her neck. Fingers tap over the interface with practiced ease, each tap automatic and precise, a choreography she's mastered after so many years. "Bubbles: standard nightly routine. Initiate monitoring of vital signs, adjust nutrient levels, and ensure waste removal." The pod's exterior lights dim shifting to a warm, amber hue that mimicking a setting star. Inside, the pod adjusts its environment mimicking a maternal sleep cycle.
She smiles, marveling at her son's peaceful form, the station providing a real-time, high-resolution image of Kieran. His tiny features perfectly visible despite the pod's sealed design. His chest rising and falling with each breath, his heartbeat steady and strong.
"Bubbles, restrict all external interactions and visualizations exclusively to me. Exclude access from Legion and EDI. Initiate Protocol Walder-33."
A soft, nurturing tone responds, warm but authoritative. "Protocol Walder-33 engaged."
"Goodnight, my little star," she places a hand on the pod's surface, feeling the faint vibrations within.
The pod responded to her touch, its AI analyzing her voice and emotional state. It adjusted the internal environment accordingly, simulating the sensation of her touch and voice to the baby, making him stir briefly, his tiny hand reaching out as if to grasp her finger, before settling back into a peaceful sleep.