Dear Aura,
It's me, your dad. You're probably wondering why I asked Selena to give you the letter, and not me directly. I would have done it myself, really, but I can't bring myself to.
I wrote this letter a few days after your thirteenth birthday. Now, I don't know how old you actually are but I hope you've grown up into a strong, beautiful young woman.
I just want you to know that none of this changes anything between us - not you and me, your mother or your sister.
This is all a confusing story for you, but the first part of the life changing... there's a box in the attic. I placed it in the one spot your mother never looks at while spring cleaning - with the ancient photo albums she keeps there untouched just for safekeeping. It has some of your forms and documents as a baby.
Legally, the information is correct but biologically, your origins are confusing. You were born with a purpose, Aura. To be the first human test subject for your creator's efforts to eradicate radioactivity.
You see, your DNA is solely from a world renowned scientist, who you may know by reputation - Dr. Aurelia Oxide. I know that Selena talks critically about her all the time, but deep down, I believed that she was a good person.
Believed - past tense. She's grown mad with power, and her well-meaning efforts from the 2030s have escalated by a lot.
I don't know what she's up to as of whenever you're reading this, but as of 2050, she's been plotting to selectively handpick radioactives and manipulate their powers to make them superhumans, to learn the secrets of the great power and to stabilize it for her own benefit.
I like to believe that I saved you from her devices. Whatever pregnancy photos your mother has shown you are real, but the baby we were expecting in 2037 was a miscarriage. We were grieving that secretly when I discovered Aurelia's little passion project.
I stole you overnight. Call it a bad way of dealing with grief, call it whatever you will, but when I brought you home... oh, you should have seen the look on your mother's face. And as Aurelia's plot slowly escalated, I felt more and more like this was a good thing I did for you.
As of when I'm writing this, I am sick to my stomach as I watch her every day. I fear for my future though.
Lucky for me, I stole the cloning device. I made a few alterations and have vb successfully created a dead humanoid version of myself. I am planning to put my car on autopilot and crash it into a truck with the dummy inside.
I need time to foil her operation but she has been on to me so I can't do it from the inside. But maybe after I'm 'dead' she'll lower her guard.
But I did leave Aurelia with a thought provoking idea - a science competition for schools. One which, whenever she's executing, you might join.
Aura, there’s something crucial you need to understand about Aurelia. She has a brilliant mind, yes, but it is coupled with an insatiable thirst for power and control. Her ambition knows no bounds, and she has a tendency to view people as mere tools for her experiments and goals. This makes her dangerous, especially to those who are close to her.
One of her most chilling projects involved a boy named Helios. You might remember Oxidane mentioning her twin brother. Helios inherited a severe radioactive condition from his father, which made him a prime candidate for Aurelia’s experiments. His radioactivity is so intense that he’s been kept confined for years, under the guise of receiving special care.
In truth, Aurelia has been using him to test the limits of her theories on radioactivity and human enhancement. Helios’s condition is both his curse and his shield. She keeps him under strict observation, constantly manipulating his environment and monitoring his powers. It’s an existence that’s more of a prison than a sanctuary.
Oxidane’s hope that her brother is alive is well-founded, but his life is far from normal. I fear for him, as I fear for anyone who falls under Aurelia’s influence. She is relentless in her pursuit of what she calls “progress,” often disregarding the humanity of her subjects in the process.
Aura, if you decide to join the science competition, you’ll have a chance to see her world up close. You’ll have the opportunity to understand her methods and perhaps uncover more truths that she has hidden. But remember to stay cautious. She’s incredibly perceptive and manipulative. Do not let your guard down around her.
I know this is a heavy burden to place on your shoulders, but I believe in your strength and intelligence. You have the potential to do great things, to make discoveries that can change the world for the better. Always remember the values we’ve instilled in you and stay true to yourself.
Your journey will be challenging, but I have faith that you will rise to the occasion. Whatever happens, know that I am proud of you and that your family is here to support you.
Stay curious, stay safe, and stay true.
With all my love,