As a child I remember the quickening palpitations, the tightness of my chest when ever my mother would turn the lights out. I never liked the lower bunker in the three, I'd find my self up till the slightest lifting of twilight, staring at the wooden frame above me, syncing my breaths with my brothers soft exhales above.
My mind would sway to the small shadow over the window, the cold wind rattling against the metal frames, I'd white knuckle my duvet, squeezing my eyes, praying for morning to excavate the grim clutch of the starry sky.
I would pray for the morning to come quicker and stay longer. I prayed for the sun burn against my skin, bathing me in his intimacy of green leaves and mud.
And though that wasn't scientifically possible at the time, I would imagine it, my best friend- the Sun, my dragon ball lighting up the lonely sky for me.
Showing me roads of possibility and opportunity.
He woke the world from the haze of Night and brought them work. It made them Live. He would guide them, teach the, lead them.
Many Sun's shared my company and I found my self leaning more and more to learn what happens after he leaves.
The story after the ending.
So one night, after the Sun bid goodbye, instead of wishing to see him again I found myself looking at Her magnificent halo of dark blue, black and white.
And I asked her, "Why do you feel so unwelcoming to the ones that you visit? The only momentum between you and Day is Time. Why are you so different from Him? Why do you seem soo alone?"
She looked at me, her stars moved in space of her luxury and they answered for me
She was never Alone. The sun shone down on her on most night, her stars showed her stories untold, she watched over the people at peace. Gifting then with soothing cool winds, breathing into their homes with her grace of comfort.
Her Beauty was Gravitating.
She showed me the unity of rest and love, the affinity of secrets, the tranquil of silence soo charming it allowed the thoughts running wild.
I found my self wanting her companionship, and I'd look at her and speak to her, I'd tell her secrets I dared to even breath of and she'd shine hers brighter on me. I would talk to her at hours at end, and she would listen.
She taught me of the calm in the rush of Euphrates.
So I taught myself with time to enjoy both their companies equally.
The collateral being my sense of instability in case they were to ever fail me.