*Camille runs into the living room with a big smirk on her face, and a delivery amazon box*
Camille: RAPUNZELLLLLLLLLL! I have a dare for you!!!!!!!!!!
Rapunzel: really? what is it
Jack: wait...... what is in your hand?
Camille: you'll seeeeeeeeeeee
Kay: what is the dare?
*stands on table* Camille: THE DARE IS from your's truly, AND IT IS!!!!!!! I dare you Rapunzel to let me give you a punk rock edit
*everyone except Camille and Rapunzel jaw drop*
Rapunzel: sure *smiles*
Camille: *laughs manically and drags Rapunzel into a room*
Kay: should we be worried? *everyone nods*
*Camille dies Rapunzel's hair black and puts on a ton of goth makeup on her*
*they walk out and show it to Kay, Hiccup, Jack, And Merida *
Hiccup: wow............
Merida: what the bloody hel-- *Kay sticks a cupcake in her mouth*
Kay: not in front of the kids!
Kay: you look ....nice
Jack: yeah what she said....*points at Kay*
Rapunzel: *grins* thank you.......so um...... how do I get all this stuff off me?
*everyone's quiet*
Kay:CAMILLEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! come take all this stuff off of rapunzel!!!!
Jack: um. she's gone
Kay: WHAT!
Hiccup:like... she's legit gone.... like not in the house
Kay: I can't believe this. Come on Rapunzel i'll take all that stuff off you
Rapunzel: thank you Kay
*Camille sits under the abyss of her bed*
Camille:ha ha...In so not leaving, Youtube here I come