Camille: Welcome to the Dating Game again. Kay why did we drag the reader in this again?...
Kay: Because i was bored anyway we are soooooooooo sorry for not being here often.... but were in high school and well post ass much as we can ^^
Camille: last time you saw me pick MAN 3 which was Hiro........I wish i got wolverine though *sighs dramatically* anyway now were going to do Kays turn.
Kay: Yay *jumps up and down. Camille sneaks backstage to see Jack,haruka, and Robbie Kay.*
Camille: You guys ready?
Boys: *nods*
Camille: great *grins walking in front of the curtains* ok Kay are you ready to start
Kay: *nods grinning*
Camille: ok so you already know the rules not even going to tell you because I'm lazy. Kay ask your question
Kay: Ok *grins* Anyone swim free style or ice skate?
Man1: I ice skate and swim a little though i get stuck in the water
Man2: I swim free style only ........never ice skated before
Man2: I ice skated and swam.. not free style
Kay: where would you take me on a first date
Man1: I'd take you flying and we can sip hot coco. There would be fireworks and we'd dance the night away.
Man2: I'd take you swimming.. and we'd have a picnic. I'd also get to know you better.
Man3: I'd take you to the park and id push you on the swing. we'd act like kids and I'd by you ice cream.
Kay:On a scale of one to ten how cute am I?
Camille: thats not even a good question Kay You cant just ask how cute you are.
Kay: well why not?
Camille:............T^T because its akward
Man1: you'd be 9
Man2: 5
Man 3 ..........7
Kay.................-_- thanks
Camille: *Laughs falling over.* Bwahahahahahaha! You thought you were going to get a ten
Kay : oh yeah well you try it
Camille: boys?
Man 1: 7
Man 2: 10
Man3: 10
Kay: *jaw drops* you traitors *mumbles pouting*
Camille: *gently pats Kays back* Dont worry ......its not my fault im Fabulous *leg lift*
Kay: yeah yeah i know............
Camille: well so kay which curtain do you pick
Curtain 1, 2, or 3
Kay:*looks at the curtains* hmmm.......i pick curtain 1
Camille: Manboy come on out
*Jack comes out of curtain 1 and my jaw drops. Haruka comes out of curtain 2 and Robbie comes out of curtain *
Camille: well the winners prize. You ready? *Looks at Kay*
Kay: *nods and walks up to Jack Blushing. She stands on her tiptoes and kisses his nose giving him frostbite.*
Jack:*blushes pink and looks away. Kay blushes red and walks to Camille with a nosebleed and a dazed expression.*
Camille: Well thats all for the dating games be sure to look for part 3.. *looks at Kay worried*
Camille: Kay...sweetie you ok? do i need to get you to a doctor, or therapy, or get you some help? Your nose is bleeding.
Kay:*still in a daze grinning like a dork while i nosebleed.*
Camille: welll be sure to like
Jack: comment
Kay: f-follow
haruka: and ask for dares
Robbie: and truths 779Please respect copyright.PENANAyNq7pKODzx
EveryoNE: see you then