It was the day before the Great Buno Races would begin. The Earth team wondered why Keith called a meeting so late. He didn’t appear to be his usual self. The crew was used to seeing a stern expression on the man’s face. Worry filled his gray eyes.
It almost made Lindsay feel bad for him. The look made him appear older than what he seemed. Keith's hair was a definite salt and pepper mix; Lindsay presumed that he could’ve been in his mid-fifties. She detected military training but because of how he treated her, Lindsay decided not to care.
The crew remained in the Earth bay, standing around the Silver Stallion. They watched as Keith spoke softly with a Legoom. As the Legoom walked out, Keith cleared his throat and gazed at the team.
“It seems that we have a situation on our hands. The first race will be delayed for at least another week, maybe two.”
“What happened?” Bradley asked. The team had practiced almost every day for the past month; Bradley was looking forward to the first race of the season.
“Apparently, someone’s mother didn’t like the runaround she received about her child’s whereabouts. She decided to pay a surprise visit to Roswell.”
“Why would someone’s mom do that? We’re all grown here…” Lindsay wondered out loud.
“That actually sounds like my mother…” Yoji added quietly. Lindsay gave him an apologetic glance.
“She got the media involved. The president wanted no more bad press or speculations on your whereabouts. So… everyone on Earth knows about the races.” Keith shocked the team. They all stared at one another with stunned looks before returning back to their manager.
“Not everyone would be willing to believe that. It took us a while to do it.” Tim said, and the others agreed. Had it not been for the seriousness of President Abraham, doubts would’ve lingered longer.
“This definitely wasn’t part of the plan. And you’re right, Tim; not everyone was willing to believe. It’s why the president decided to… have the races aired.”
“Wait, what…?” Steve’s eyes widened.
“Well, fuck a damn duck; how is that gonna work out?!”
“I know all of this seems surreal but do you hear me using that type of language right now?!” it took Lindsay off guard that the man actually yelled at her. The others adapted to the sarcastic comments and looks he gave the woman but never had he raised his voice at her. Lindsay narrowed her eyes at him.
“Now, hold on a fucking minute! Don’t put your anger out on me all cuz Yoji’s mom wanted to check up on hi-”
“It was your mother, Lindsay!” Keith glared back at her. Lindsay drew in a quick gasp and grew silent. “Now… it will take a while but with the technology here, it is possible for the races to be aired. That also means you’ll be allowed to communicate with your families. The Royal Magistrate has already departed for Earth to assure your families that everyone is safe and sound.”
“Well, that’ll make believers out of everyone!” Bradley smirked. Keith nodded.
“Malik and Yoji, I will need for you two to stay around to help update the systems here. I have no idea how hard that will be, but given we have a possible two-week window, here’s hoping that’s enough time. We’ll still continue to practice until the day before the races will begin.”
“How’s Buno taking all of this?”
“Although the initial plan was to reveal everything after the races, Buno and the rest of the galaxy are taking this fairly well. They’re all looking forward to debunking myths about alien life,” Keith told Steve. The manager looked at everyone else. “Practice will resume in two days. Take some free time.” he dismissed the others. Everyone left except for Yoji and Malik. Lindsay just stared at him.
“I’m sorry, ‘Yoj’…” she mumbled.
“Sorry? Oh, that’s fine! Like I said, it sounded like my mother for sure so I’m not offended!” he smiled at her.
“Given the circumstances, it could’ve been any of our moms.” Malik agreed. Lindsay nodded and gave the men a small smile before leaving.
“I can’t believe we’ll get to talk to our families!” she heard David’s joy in front of her. Lindsay wasn’t in the mood to speak to anyone; all she wished to do was go back to her room.
“Hey…” Bradley’s voice called out. The woman glanced up and noticed he was waiting on her. “Don’t be like that. You know moms mean well.”
“It’s not just that. Keith made me feel like a fucking idiot, you know?”
“I don’t know why he treats you like that. I was hoping it would ease up once he saw how amazing you are in that gunner’s pit.”
“Stop it…” she slightly blushed.
“It’s true! I know he wants perfection but damn girl, you only miss a couple every practice! That’s amazing!” Bradley continued. Lindsay stared at him and gave out a full smile.
“Thanks, Brad. You know… this is a good thing. I finally get to talk to my husband. And tell him everything!”
“Gonna tell him about Areiv…?”
“Why wouldn’t… oh, shut up,” she pushed Bradley lightly. “Anyway! I bet your girlfriend’s gonna be excited to hear from you, finally.” Lindsay attempted to change the subject. Being a fan for so long, Lindsay learned Bradley tried to keep his love life out of the media. It hadn’t dawned on her until that moment to have a clear answer.
“Ah… yeah. Sure she will be.” Bradley mumbled. He had thought of her since the humans left their own homes; his girlfriend wasn’t the happiest woman in the world to have him leave. Because he left Earth annoyed by her selfishness, it was simpler for Bradley not to think of her as regularly as he should. It made Bradley feel guilty that he preferred to practice all day with Lindsay than write an affectionate letter to his girlfriend. The sole reason he wrote, he admitted, was because Lindsay gave her husband daily letters: she was his reminder he still had somebody on Earth.
“Ah.” Lindsay turned her attention to the marketplace coming into view. The woman would’ve continued to pry had he not shown displeasure with the mention of his girlfriend. Lindsay wasn’t too let down at the admittance. A man of his reputation and looks was sure to have someone clinging onto his arm. But just with all crushes, there was jealousy that stirred. The feeling was simple for her to shrug off.
“Lindsay, I have found you!” an excited Baron called out and approached the two. Lindsay gave the blue alien a broad smile at first but, catching sight of the smirk on Bradley’s face made her own warm.
“Hey, Areiv. Sorry about Emuh leaving for Earth on short notice and all.”
“No need for apologies. My father was absolutely elated for the voyage back to Earth. He has mentioned numerous times how he longed for you humans to learn about the races. This is indeed a remarkable opportunity for him. Good day to you, Bradley. I do hope that you are pleased to be able to communicate with your loved ones soon.”
“Yeah; looking forward to it.” Bradley shrugged.
“I set out to Esperia earlier to consult with technicians as to how Buno will communicate with Earth. I can assist Yoji and Malik as much as possible. However, I wished to tell you, Lindsay that I have enjoyed myself very much providing you small tours of Buno. Would you prefer to have another after I leave your Earth bay?” he appeared to beam at the woman. Lindsay knew her cheeks grew rosy and shied away slightly. Lindsay enjoyed their short tours every night; she found out more about the land and attempted to grow more relaxed around the Baron.
“Oh! Well… I… that would b-”
“Ah, sorry, Areiv,” Bradley smiled, placing weight on the Esperian’s name. “Already told my partner that I’d take her around and about this evening. Seeing as though we got some extra time now.” he said. Lindsay shot him a glance.
“… You did…?”
“I see. You have learned your way around Buno?”
“A bit. There’s a couple of places I had in mind; nothing major.”
“Very well. Perhaps another day, Lindsay?”
“Of course…” she nodded. Areiv gave her a friendly smile before cupping her hand with both of his. He surprised both humans as he kissed Lindsay’s hand; the rosiness flourished into a generous flush over her body. Bradley held his cool but not before narrowing his eyes at the display. The alien looked at both of them with a smile.
“I do hope the two of you enjoy yourselves. Buno is positively remarkable in the evenings.”
“I heard. But, don’t worry; we will. Well, we gotta get going. Good luck helping Malik and Yoji.” Bradley said. Areiv politely nodded at the two.
“Thank you.” he replied before venturing towards the Earth bay. Lindsay could do nothing but gaze in disbelief as the two continued walking.
“What? I can feel you glaring at me…”
“Why the hell did you lie to him? We didn’t make any pla-”
“I just don’t think that you should be getting all comfortable with a bunch of these aliens, that’s it.” Bradley pointed out, staring straight ahead. Lindsay eyed him for a few moments before a grin crept on her face.
“Are you jealous of Areiv?” her smile widened. Bradley huffed.
“Ain’t nothing to be jealous about. Just figured that maybe your husband don’t wanna hear all about these dates you’ve been having light years away…”
“Oh, for Christ’s sakes…”