Name: Frire
Former name: Ernest King (As young human)
Origin: Earth
Element: Fire
Trait: Short-tempered, fearless, reckless, stubborn (Human and Dragon)
Weapon: Twin Scimitars
- Flame Immunity: Immune to fire-based attack
- Boiling Blood: Double damage when using fire-based attack
- Blessing of Flame: Grants fire resistance buff (Host-only)
- Bless: Enchant a weapon with fire element
- Flame Breath: Unleash a fiery breath and inflict Burn status on enemies within attack range
- Burning Veil: Cover the caster's body in fire, damaging anyone on contact. Can be done in physical and spirit form. Causes Burn status
- Kamikaze: Unleash a large radius fire blast. Causes Armor Break and Defense Down debuffs and Burn status
- Fury Strike: Wield Twin Scimitars in both hands and unleash a flurry of slash on several enemies
- Oath of Protection: Grants fire resistance for allies (All)