Summary: Set in OUAT S7. After Regina and Zelena wake up with their memories and Rumple is also awake, Kat ends up in Hyperion Heights after escaping the prison world and Kai, so technically this is also VD S7. When she ends up in town, she overhears Regina and Zelena and realizes that fairytales exist. She decides to help Regina and Zelena with everything. Can Henry be saved? Can the curse be broken? What will ensue?
It was a dismal night, as a human Katherine appeared in town. She’d never been in this town before, so she took a walk around. When she did, she saw something that resembled a bar half way through town. She saw the name of it made it seem to belong to someone named Ronnie. She decided to enter and sat at the bar. That’s when she overheard them. She didn’t have to know names to know who they were. She automatically recognized their faces from a couple fairytale stories she’d read as a little girl. Overhearing them talking about her son, magic, a curse, and some people she never heard of made her finally speak.
“If you need help, all you have to do is ask. I may not be from around here, but I’m the queen when it comes to plans. Plus, I’ve known since a few years ago that I’m descended from Travelers. They’re different from your time, though. They’ve adapted so they’re less like gypsies and more like witches. Besides, I know what it’s like to watch your only child die. I wouldn’t wish it upon anyone else. Especially, my greatest enemy whom also has a daughter. I’m going to help, despite the past you both have. People change, although you two are different from the stories. In my world, many things exist like vampires, werewolves, doppelgangers, hybrids, witches, and ghosts. Hell, I was a vampire for 548 years. Then Elijah left and I took everything out on my doppelganger, not knowing that she had the cure for vampirism in her pocket, and she shoved it down my throat. You can call me Katherine. Only Elijah and my former enemy Klaus get to call me Katerina. I changed my name 500 years ago, but they’re stuck in the old times. They like to call me by my given name.”
They looked at her, as she spoke.
“Thank you for the assistance then. We’d be glad for the help,” Regina replied. “How about a drink? Then you can help us find a way to make sure Henry doesn’t die when we break the curse.”
Kat gave a smile at that.
“I’d love that.”
Regina poured her a drink and, after the drink, Kat asked, “So, what exactly did this Ivy do to Henry? Breaking a curse or any spell is easy, but first I need to know the spell she used.”
“I don’t know,” Regina admitted.
“Then I’ll need Ivy. I can use a spell to see her memories. Then I’ll know what she did.”
“How do you plan on doing that?” Zelena inquired.
“I know you’ve got trust issues, but trust me, Zelena. Okay? I know how to get what I want. Human or vampire, I always get what I want and nothing will hold me back. Let’s just say, if I was a fairytale, I’d be evil back when I was a vampire. Torture is my middle name and I’m quite good at killing. There’s a reason why vampire me was called the baddest most evil bitch of all. No matter how bad Ivy is, she’s no match for me. I was the queen, but obviously in a different way than Regina,” she explained. She then looked at Regina again. “I can sneak into her place while she’s asleep and look at her memories tonight. I’ll meet you here tomorrow.”
Regina agreed with her, so Kat did just that.
The next day, Kat came in and sat at the bar.
Regina went over to where she sat.
“I know the spell she did to Henry and I know she cast the Dark Curse. I just need you to point me to the direction of Henry and I can cure him. Then we can work together to undo the Dark Curse,” Katherine replied.
“Well done, but how are you going to cure him?” she inquired.
“Not every spell requires ingredients where I’m from. I know he’s your son, but don’t worry. I know what to do. I lost my daughter to a werewolf bite because I was too weak to have the will to ask for the cure. I won’t let you lose your son. His heart was poisoned, but it can be undone. Besides, I know Nadia would want me to be a better person and help those that need it. I’m doing this a little for her and a little for my possible redemption, but more for you. I know you lost almost everyone you love. I know that feeling. Elijah left when he felt like he couldn’t trust me, to go follow Klaus to New Orleans. 500 years ago, Klaus slaughtered my parents. I lost Nadia too and everyone that knows me or knows of me either want me dead, hate me, or are afraid of me. You and I. Our stories are a lot alike. The only difference is that my father was the one that wasn’t who he should’ve been. The other difference is you’re a witch and I was a vampire when I did all those dastardly things. Elijah was the only person who ever stood by me through everything. He even deceived his brother to keep him from finding me. When Elijah left, I had no one. Then Nadia came and for a short time, we were a family again. Then I lost it all when she died. Then I died, ended up in a prison world for a while with a Gemini witch that isn’t such a good guy, and I finally found a way out and that’s when I suddenly appeared in town. At least in this town, no one will be planning to kill me behind my back. Maybe I’ll even get a fresh start. Starting with saving your son and breaking this curse,” she replied to her.
“I’m sorry for what happened to you, but I’m glad you’re here,” Regina replied. Then she directed her to where Henry would be at and Kat did what she said she would. She cured him and then that night, when she returned, she helped Regina find a way to break the curse.
After a few days, she and Regina were finally able to break the curse and breaking it didn’t harm Henry. Everyone that didn’t remember during the curse, then remembered everything. It was good timing with breaking the curse too, since magic was needed to stop Gothel’s plan that was enacted.
While everyone else had just woken up with their memories that hadn’t before, Regina faced Gothel alone, which didn’t work out very well. She magically through her, knocking Regina out and Henry arrived a few minutes later as well as did Katherine. She saw what she was doing with the fire at the well and magically through Gothel away from it. Then she used one of the many tricks she knew from being around witches all these years. She made an invisible force field around her, keeping her from going anywhere. And as the others arrived, Katherine approached. She’d thought long and hard of what to do with this witch. Part of her wanted to kill her, but the other part knew there was a much more better punishment for her. And she had all the ingredients she needed to create the place she was going to put her in.
“You know, I may know what it feels like to be an outcast and be alone, but I never did choose hate, even when I was on a dark path. Even then, I never once put a child in danger. I guess it’s because I once had a daughter myself. After everything you’ve done, I’d love nothing more than to kill you, but since I’m trying to be a better person and there are things that are much worse than death, I think I’ll choose to let you live. You can think about what you’ve done while you’re trapped inside a dimension called a prison world. In this one though, there won’t be an ascendant to help you escape. This is your punishment for everything you’ve done.”
Katherine used the ingredients, making a prison world, and Gothel was trapped in it forever. When that happened, everything Gothel had done in terms of magic had been undone, although Ivy’s mother was still gone.
After Gothel was trapped and everyone reunited, she realized that Henry wasn’t the only one that had been poisoned in the fairytale land, so she cured Hook as well, which let him and Alice be able to touch again.
When everything was said and done, Katherine left to go figure out what to do next, leaving everyone to their happiness. She didn’t have happiness. Hers had been Elijah, but they were over, despite the fact that she knew he’d do anything to save her if she was in trouble. She’d do anything for him if he was in trouble, too. She didn’t know what she’d do next, since she’d helped save everyone and break the curse. She’d even imprisoned Gothel forever. Then, after thinking things through, she decided to check on Rumple. Throughout the whole thing with figuring out how to break the curse, she’d been filled in on a lot of things, so she knew what Rumple was going through. She wanted to help him.
When everyone was celebrating at the bar or pub place, whichever you’d call it, Kat entered and found where Rumple was. Sitting down in front of the table, looking at a photo album. She then got a couple of drinks and sat down next to him, sliding one over in front of him.
“You look like you could use one. Been there. Done that. I’d rather not do it again. You can call me Katherine. I already know who you are and what you’re going through. Regina gave me a short summary while we were figuring out how to break the curse. I’m sorry for your loss. I may not know what it’s like to be immortal and have to watch your love die of old age, but I know what it’s like to watch someone you love die. I also know what it’s like to have to die of old age. I know you want nothing more than to be reunited with Belle and I don’t blame you, but it’s better if you just live your life as she’d want you to, just as I’m doing for my daughter. I can help you sever the connection between you and that dagger, but I think Belle would want you to live your life and be happy until it’s your time. Believe me, If I could, I’d be reunited with Nadia, but that’ll never happen. She found peace. There’s no way I could resurrect her,” she greeted and informed him.
He began to drink, but after she said all of those things and he’d finished, he looked at her.
“What makes you think you know us so well? How would you be able to help me? You’re not from a fairytale land,” he replied.
“Believe me, I used to have trust issues too. Big ones. I still have trust issues, but I have a lot of things in common with those of you whom used to be villains. I’ve been on the side of bad, but also I’ve been on the side of good. I know both sides. I told you of Nadia. She told me a few years ago about a past from our family that I wasn’t aware of. I’m descended from Travelers, which is why I had magic when none of you had any during the curse. You may know them as gypsies, but they’ve adapted with the times. I don’t want to be a part of their family, but we don’t choose our family usually. I’ve learned what I can do with my magic by using what I know from witches. I was able to cure both of their hearts through some magic I learned from Freya. I was able to trap Gothel in a prison world by copying what I know a Bennett witch once did. I can sever the link you and the dagger have through a spell I know. In my world, there’s a certain spell you can use to link someone to an object or a person. There’s also a spell to unlink someone from an object or person. You’ve been trying for quite some time and haven’t succeeded. I know I’m a stranger, but I think it’s time that you trust someone. It’s time that you trust me. I can help you. Trust is all that I ask of you.”
“What’s the price? Magic always comes with a price,” he wanted to know.
“No price. Where I’m from, only some magic comes with a price. The magic I have to perform has no price. If there was a price, I’d tell you. Unlike other people, I don’t keep secrets from others unless they’re my enemy. I don’t want any enemies in this town. I want to start over. I want to be a good person. I want to be the person Nadia had belief that I could someday be. That starts with helping others, no matter what their past is.”
After her answer, he decided to take a leap of faith. He’d do anything to be reunited with Belle and to sever ties with the dagger, so he could be fully human again.
“Very well then. You have my trust,” he replied.
She gave a smile at that and finished her drink.
That night, she severed the link between him and the dagger, as she promised, and, after a month, she and Rumple found new happiness with each other. They both had thought that they’d never be happy again after losing those they loved, but they’d found it anyway.