Summary: Set in OUAT S4, future VD S7 kinda, and Originals S4. Shortly after Kat comes to town, Elsa does, too. Kat tries to help, much like Emma did in the show, but gets stuck in the cave with Elsa. Can Elijah save her, or will he have to work with the others to get her out? Will Kat survive? Will she be okay?494Please respect copyright.PENANAbaxkuvIpEI
It was a nebulous night, as a human Katherine lay in a road, injured from her time in the prison world. She’d had to deal with Kai for a while, but had finally escaped. She knew she needed help, but she was too injured to move.
Elijah was outside of New Orleans, when he suddenly appeared in some woods. He didn’t recognize these woods, so he wondered why he’d ended up here. Then, at that moment that he was wondering why he’d ended up there, he smelled blood. Recognizing Katerina’s scent too, he followed the scent trail.
A few minutes later, he found her in the road, injured.
He blurred over to her and knelt at her side.
He could tell that she was quite injured. There was blood on either side of her head, a dagger in her thigh that had opened up an artery, and an arrow in her shoulder. It also looked like she’d been stabbed in her lower stomach. He knew that she’d lost a lot of blood.
He pulled the arrow out of her shoulder, tossing it to the ground. Then he gently pulled her into his arms. He knew he had to get her to a hospital. She was somehow human. He didn’t know how she was human, but he assumed it was something to do with the cure. After all, he knew that she’d loved being a vampire. She wouldn’t be human on purpose.
He got to his feet, her in his arms, and blurred into town until he could find a hospital.
When she woke up, she saw that she was in a hospital. She also saw Elijah seated on her bedside. She didn’t want him here after he’d left her in the dust, but she couldn’t help but to tolerate it. She was thankful that he’d apparently saved her by getting her here, but she hadn’t forgiven him for leaving.
She slowly sat up.
“What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be with your family?”
Elijah was confused by her anger towards him. Yes, he’d left, but he’d had every intention of returning to her.
“I was leaving, when I ended up in some unfamiliar woods. When I found you like that, I brought you here. I saved your life, Katerina. Why are you so angry? I was going to come back to you when Klaus didn’t need me anymore.”
“Thanks for saving me tonight, but you were too late back in Mystic Falls. I waited for you, but by the time I realized you weren’t coming and I had to face my fate or find a way to escape it, it was too late.”
“What happened, Katerina?” he inquired, needing to know.
“I was an idiot. I ambushed Elena after you left, thinking she said something to you to make you leave. I didn’t know she had the cure in her pocket and she shoved it down my throat. After Silas drank it out of me, I began rapidly aging. Time caught up with me and, within a few weeks, I was dead. The Other Side didn’t let me through, so I was sent to the 1994 prison world. I had to deal with Kai. I just escaped from it tonight. Happy?”
After she summarized what had happened, he felt guilty, knowing that never would’ve happened if he’d stayed.
He rested a hand on her right one, closest to where he sat.
“I’m sorry, Katerina. I didn’t know. I would’ve come if I’d known. You know that.”
He wanted to promise that he’d never leave her again, but he couldn’t. He didn’t know if his siblings would ever need him again. The only thing he could do was apologize and earn back her trust. He knew it would be difficult, though. He knew how long she could hold a grudge, after all.
She was silent at his apology. She kinda felt guilty for making him guilty for what he’d done, but she was never one to let anyone off easily. She wouldn’t make Elijah an exception.
As they looked at each other in silence, she knew he wanted her forgiveness, but she wasn’t good at forgiveness. It wasn’t easy for her, even though it was quite easy for him.
“Sorry to interrupt, but I need to know who you two are and what you are. It’s a rule here. I like to know everyone in my town.”
As the stranger spoke, they looked at her.
“And who may you be?” Elijah asked.
“I’m the mayor, but also the reformed Evil Queen. I prefer Regina. I created this town.”
“So, let me guess. Fairytales exist in this town, because you tried to get your revenge on Snow White,” Katherine assumed, recognizing her name.
“As a matter of fact, yes. How’d you guess?”
“I grew up in the 1400’s. Fairytales weren’t exactly complex at the time. I was born Katerina, but because Klaus was hunting me, I changed my name to Katherine. Klaus is Elijah’s brother. I used to be a 538 year old vampire. Klaus knew I turned, so he slaughtered my village and parents. He wanted revenge for me running, instead of letting him sacrifice me. I got the cure for vampirism shoved down my throat a few years ago, and time caught up with me. I died, but when I escaped a prison world tonight, I came back to life. This is Elijah. He’s an Original vampire. He and his family are the very first vampires to exist.”
Although she’d never met a vampire until now, since she’d heard of them, Regina knew what vampires were.
“Well, welcome to Storybrooke then. Enjoy your stay. If you’re hungry, you can go to Granny’s. If you’d like a place to stay, you can either ask Granny or the Charmings.”
“Thanks, Regina,” Katherine replied.
They watched her go.
After she was dressed and discharged, and after she’d eaten and Elijah sat across from the booth, a boy sat by her.
He looked at them both, a book in front of him.
“Hi, I’m Henry,” he introduced.
“Nice to meet you, Henry. I’m Katherine. This is Elijah,” she introduced with a smile, being friendly. She knew she had to be as a human. Plus, she’d never harm a child if she had any say in it. She liked kids. It was an instinct to protect them. She’d had it ever since boring Nadia.
“You used to be a vampire. The book is magical. When someone with magic comes to town, a new story appears in the book. You’re both in it now, which must mean you’re both important. You’re meant to be here.”
“Well, I’m glad you’re so enthusiastic, Henry, but even though I’m a believer, I don’t have a purpose that’s worth it.”
“Everyone has a purpose, even if it’s something small. And you should forgive him. He’s your true love. Love is the most powerful magic of all.”
“I will, but not today. Forgiveness doesn’t come easy to me.”
“You should soon. You used to be bad, but you still deserve your true love. My mom was the Evil Queen, but she got her happy ending when she changed.”
“Well, we’re from the outside world, so things are different,” she explained to him. “Things are complicated.”
“Well, I should probably get going. I’ll see you later.”
She watched him go.
After they’d eaten, they got a room after asking Granny for one.
The next day, after she and Elijah got acquainted with everyone in Storybrooke, and when she had just finished eating, they heard a commotion from outside.
Kat looked at her favorite Original.
“How about we check that out.”
She got to her feet and left the diner, Elijah following behind her. He knew better than to undermine her, so he didn’t argue. Besides, if she got into danger, they both knew that Elijah would protect her. If it were possible, he’d walk through fire for her. She was his Katerina, and if he had to die for her, then so be it. He’d give his life for her, just as she’d do for him, no matter what world they were in.
They looked around to see people running and yelling the word monster. Then, when Kat saw someone in a blue dress turn around a corner, she followed after her. She assumed she was the reason for the disturbance. Kat was human, so she wanted to help like most humans would.
Kat entered what looked like a small junkyard. That when she saw the girl standing in a corner. She knew better than to go near her, since it seemed like she was out of control with whatever ability she had. Because it seemed like that, the doppelganger stayed a good distance away.
“It’s okay. I know this is unfamiliar to you, but we won’t hurt you.”
“Stay back,” she warned her, not knowing if she could control her magic.
“Don’t worry. I’m staying right where I am. I’m Katherine. This is Elijah. What’s your name?”
“Elsa,” she answered her.
When the Petrova heard that, she knew where the girl was from. She also knew the magic she could wield.
“It’s nice to meet you, Elsa. When you get in control, if you need any help, there are plenty of people here that would love to help you. We’re going to go so you can calm down, but if you want to talk, you can find us at Granny’s diner.”
When they had gone from sight, Elsa was relieved, not wanting to hurt anyone. She didn’t know how to control it without her sister with her to help her. She knew that she had to go find Anna. Wherever she was.
That night, Elsa found Anna’s snowflake necklace in the pawn shop and then left.
As she stood outside of the shop, she looked at the necklace, holding it up, as she said, “I will find you, Anna.”
Kat and Elijah were at the Charmings’ place, trying to figure out how to help Elsa learn control, when the power went out.
Snow went to the power plant to try and turn it back on, while Kat and Elijah went with Charming to see what had happened.
After finding out that a few power sources had been knocked out, they found an ice wall that surrounded the town.
As they were talking not far from the part that covered the town line, Kat noticed movement.
“I’ll be back,” she informed them. Then she went over to the part of the wall that looked to be a cave.
“Be careful, Katerina,” the Original cautioned. He knew she was going to try one more time with Elsa. He didn’t want anything to happen to her, but he knew she hated being told what to do.
The former vampiress entered the cave, in which Elsa saw.
Elsa backed up.
“You need to leave,” she warned.
“It’s okay. I’m going to stay my distance. I just want to talk. You’re looking for your sister, right? If we get out of here, I can try and help you find her.”
“You’d do that?” Elsa inquired.
“Yes. I would. I never had siblings, but if I had a chance of bringing my daughter back to life and being reunited with her, I would. Nadia was the world to me like Elijah is. I lost her twice in a lifetime, so I sort of know what you’re going through. I have magic, too.”
“You have magic?” Elsa questioned.
“I do, but it’s different from yours. I’m descended from gypsies that like to call themselves Travelers. I learned that from Nadia before she died. I haven’t really learned to control it, but I’m always a quick learner.”
Suddenly, the open cave closed in on them, trapping them both. As it happened, Kat heard Elijah on the other side. And as it collapsed, trapping them, they both fell onto the icy floor, Kat landing on it harder than Elsa.
When Katherine woke up, she was on her side, still on the cold floor of the cave. She didn’t know hard she’d hit her head, but it hurt. She didn’t know how long she’d been out, either. She only knew that she in pain, freezing from the ice cave, and Elsa was knelt at her side. She assumed that she’d been trying to wake her up since after the cave had closed in.
Outside, Charming and Elijah were still there, trying to figure out how to help Elsa control this, in order to help both Elsa and Katherine. Charming had a walkie talkie in hand, talking to Elsa, as Elijah heard both sides of the conversation, as well as Katerina. Using his vampire hearing, he knew she was still alive, hearing her heart. He knew that they had to get her out of there soon, though. Although he was afraid for her life, he was calm, as usual.
As Katherine lay there, she heard the conversation between Charming and Elsa, despite the condition she was in. She then, finally, sat up, keeping one hand on the icy floor to keep herself up.
“Elsa, let me talk to them,” she told them.
Elsa gave the walkie talkie to her and Katherine spoke.
“Charming, listen. Elsa doesn’t know how to control this. Not without her sister. You need to find Anna. I’m okay for now, but you need to hurry up. She thinks Anna is in town, because she found a necklace of hers in Rumple’s shop.”
“Before I freeze this town and everyone in it,” Elsa added, speaking into the walkie talkie.
Katherine spoke into the walkie talkie again.
“See if Rumple knows about Anna or where she is,” she suggested to Charming. Then she spoke to Elijah, not needing the walkie talkie. She wasn’t sure what he was to her, since he’d left a few years or so ago, but she knew that he’d do anything to save her life, just like she’d do for him. “Elijah, I know you can hear me through the ice. You have two choices. You can stay where you are or you can help Charming find a way to undo this. You and I both know that when magic makes something happen, magic can undo it.” She then layed back down, feeling weak from the cold.
Elijah spoke through the walkie talkie he’d taken from Charming, since she was human. He knew as a human, she wouldn’t be able to hear him through the ice.
“I’ll find a way to save you, if it’s the last thing I do. We always find a way. Always, Katerina.”
She gave a smile at that.
“I know. We always eventually find each other. You’ve always been there when I needed it the most. All those times that I was alone and I didn’t have anyone else, you were there to save me. Now, go do what you do best and save me,” she replied.
Elijah left to go help Charming find out what Rumple might know about Anna.
“I’m very sorry I trapped us here. I didn’t mean it,” Elsa apologized to her.
Kat looked at her.
“I know. It’s not exactly your fault. I may be from the outside world, far from this little town, but there are many fairytale stories that were made into books throughout the years. I know that you’re the only one with this kind of magic. You don’t mean to do what you do. I’ve got regrets too. I didn’t used to be like this. I used to be quite different. I used to be what Elijah is. A vampire. Something that looks human, but drinks blood instead of food. Being turned into a vampire changed me overtime. Then I was turned back into a human a few years ago. I hated it and then I died and ended up in a realm called a prison world. I had to deal with a witch named Kai until I finally escaped the other night. Now, in this town, I’m learning to be better; be human. Before Nadia died, she wanted me to be happy and be a better person. I’m being a better person for her, whether she’s alive or not. She may be gone, but her spirit is watching me. In my world, those with magic or that are werewolves or vampires; when they die, they end up as spirits, wandering around and watching over those they love,” she explained, putting into terms that a fairytale character would understand.
Elsa wasn’t sure what to say to that. She knew it would be nice to have those in the past watching over those they love. And she still missed her and Anna’s parents. She wished they were still around. Maybe Katherine was right and they were still around, but in spirit. It was a nice thought.
When everything began to go black for Katherine, Elsa tried to keep her awake, but that didn’t work too well.
When Charming returned with Elijah, Charming told her that they didn’t know where Anna was, so she’d have to do it on her own. And after finding more out about Anna, Charming knew who Anna actually was. She’d taught him how to sword fight and be brave.
“Elsa, listen to me. I need you to find a way out,” Charming encouraged her through the walkie talkie.
“I need Anna,” Elsa replied.
“Well, we don’t have her right now. You’re gonna have to do this on your own.”
“I can’t control this.”
“I know how you feel, you’re trapped. It’s a battle you can’t win. But it’s exactly the kind of battle you have to fight. Or you’ll die.”
“No, I won’t, I’ll survive. But Katherine…”
“Survival isn’t enough. You have to live.”
“Where did you hear that?” Elsa asked, knowing that’s exactly what her sister would say.
“You know where.”
“Anna? You knew her?”
“Yeah, I did. She helped me once, a long time ago, become who I am. She saved my life. And yours. And now, we need you to save Katherine’s. I didn’t know much about Anna, but she wouldn’t want you to live alone in an ice cave. Which is where you’ll be if you don’t melt that ice. Now do it.”
As he spoke to Anna, encouraging her to try her best, Elijah was silent, afraid for his long-time love. He’d always known her as a survivor, but right now, he didn’t know if she’d survive. For once, he felt helpless. He knew it was up to Elsa to save her. The ice needed to be melted, or Elijah would lose his Katerina. Broken up or not, he still loved her with all his heart.
Elsa stood up and faced the ice wall. She put her hands up, pointing to the ice wall, and concentrated with all her might, to melt the ice. Then, when that happened, the ice wall was finally melted.
As soon as he saw Katerina and the ice wall was melted enough for him to get inside, he blurred inside and was instantly knelt at her side. He then gently pulled her into his arms, getting to his feet with her, and blurred outside of the cave with her.
Elsa left the cave, once Elijah had left it with Kat.
“Is she okay?” Charming questioned.
“She’s alive,” Elijah replied.
Half an hour later, they entered the apartment and Elijah layed her down on the couch, as Snow and Charming set heaters in front of the couch to warm her up. Elijah got a blanket and put it over her. Then he sat on the couch, watching her silently. He didn’t know what he’d do if he ever lost her for good.
When she woke up, she didn’t feel cold anymore and she wasn’t hurting either, anymore. She also saw that she was on the couch at the Charmings’ place, Elijah sitting on the couch, watching over her. The power was on now and she felt quite a lot better.
“How do you feel?” he asked her, once he saw that she was fully awake.
“Better. Thanks. All three of you.” She then sat up and gave a smile.
“Anything for you, Katerina. You know that,” he replied to her.
A week later, after that incident and after Anna and Elsa had been reunited and had gone back home, all was forgiven between them and Elijah and Kat got back together. Since his siblings didn’t need him and she didn’t have anywhere else to go, they decided to stay in town. And so, their love story continued on.