She looked through the void that spun with a blast of energy. Please don't let me be too late, she thought to herself as she clutched the bell close to her heart.
Finally the school showed up into view. Finally everything was going to be back to normal. Everything was hopefully going to return to the way that it was before. She could see Alexis rushing out of the school building, embracing her younger self. Grandma looked on with a lot of shame inside of her. She couldn't help but feel pity for the turn of events that had happened.
But this isn't what I need to fix, she suddenly realized to herself. It was not Alexis that she had lost. Transporting herself closer to the actual date, she knew that there was someone that she had to help. Then maybe none of this would have ever happened.
"I need to get to the place where all of this started," she said to herself as she transported herself away.
The movement of the bus nearly knocked her over as she struggled to steady herself on the seats on the sides of the bus' aisles. I grabbed a hold of the seats. I knew this day. On the side I could see John-Michael and I sitting next to one another. This day--the day that he had told me the truth.
"You know, Lauren, I really am feeling kind of lonely with everything that has been going on throughout my life," he said. I could barely make out the words. I had no idea where the conversation was, but I went in and did what I had regretted doing before: leaning over my body, I rang the bell in his right ear.
Suddenly his mood seemed as if it had picked up. Laughter started coming out of his mouth like he had just won the next world cup. I backed away, not quite sure if anyone had really seen me. I backed away as John started talking to me. His bangs lit up with a type of fire that I had not seen inside of him before. His mouth would not quite stop talking to me in the middle of the many speeches that he had made to me. Stepping backwards, I started to make my way out of the scene. I had undone it. No longer was there going to be any form of mass shooting. Finally, I had rescued Alexis. I had saved everyone.
Going back into the whirl of energy, I closed my eyes as everything started to vaporize around me.