Once again, Sahana and Toyomi were chattering away. On an entirely unrelated note, Kunie was wondering if her blood pressure was rising and whether she should see a doctor about that.
It was lunchtime and she was at least a little pleasantly surprised that the power couple had bothered to grace the class with their presence instead of running off to their castle somewhere else in the school. They even saw Kunie and smiled once before returning to their conversation!
‘Are you listening?’
When she shifted her eyes to the source of the question, she saw Masami looking at her with furrowed eyebrows.
‘Yeah. Sorry. Keep talking.’
‘About that… are you getting bored of me?’ Masami bit her lip in a way that was not intended to be sexy but read as such to Kunie. The actual reason for the lip biting was the tornado of insults circling around her mind, all directed at herself. Why did she have to blurt out that question in that way?
‘Uh, I mean it seems like I’m the only one doing the talking,’ she clarified. ‘It’d be nice to hear your voice every once in a while.’ Her face immediately went red as soon as she said that. She opened her mouth to do some damage control, but she had a feeling that she would end up saying something even worse. She bit her lip again. Did Kunie notice? Do I even have to ask?
Let’s just say that the red string got just a little bit thicker.
‘No, I’ve just been distracted.’
Masami looked back until Sahana was in the corner of her eye. ‘I see.’ She took a deep breath and put on a smile. ‘So anyway, how are rehearsals going? Are there tickets yet?’
‘There are. I’ll give you the link on Friendful. And I’m off book now, so thanks for that.’ She chuckled. ‘I told you I could do it.’ The grin on her face didn’t last long because Sahana was giggling and Toyomi was leaning in for a kiss. ‘Um, Masami, you know the rumours about Toyomi? How has Sahana reacted to them?’
Masami shrugged her shoulders. ‘She probably doesn’t believe them. I mean, I don’t. Their affection for each other is almost sickening.’ Before Kunie could add an ‘Exactly!’, Masami raised her hands as if proclaiming her innocence. ‘I’m happy for them, though!’
‘But, say if they were true, and he broke up with her and told her the truth, obviously she would be sad about the breakup, but would she accept him?’
An eyebrow raise from Masami. ‘What exactly are you getting at? Do you know something I don’t?’
‘No, no. I agree with you. Those rumours are probably lies. I’m just speaking hypothetically. How do you think she feels about… those people?’
Ouch, Masami’s poor shoulders. They were so tense and high up that they looked and felt like they were chained to a wall. Did Kunie figure out her secret?
‘I don’t really know,’ Masami eventually mumbled. ‘Not like I’ve asked her a question like that.’
Seeing Masami look like she was in pain pinched little segments of Kunie’s heart, despite having no clue why she looked like that.
When club activities ended that afternoon, Sahana brushed past Kunie to the shoe lockers. She didn’t look angry or anything. Kunie was just invisible. She wrapped her arm around Toyomi’s and chatted animatedly with him.
The words Sahana had used to defend Kunie against Dooru crawled up Kunie’s leg, as did the words Dooru used at the time. They twisted and tangled up before turning into toxic sludge and spilling from her tongue.
‘Go ahead, ignore me, then!’
Sahana turned her head. ‘Sorry. Didn’t see you there.’
‘Of course you didn’t. I’m not your precious prince.’ When Masami heard that, she grasped at her own shirt as if trying to guard her heart. She took a deep breath and focused on putting her shoes on, trying to ignore the conversation.
Toyomi instinctively wriggled out of Sahana’s grasp and kept his arms at his side. ‘What’s going on?’ Sahana asked as she looked side to side.
‘I should be asking you that. Masami and I are supposed to be your friends. No, your best friends. And what do you do? Avoid us every chance you get and go off to your boyfriend.’
Sahana reached out to Kunie, who dodged her hand. ‘I didn’t mean anything by that. It’s just that I didn’t get to hang out with Toyomi as much as I’d have liked to. Now that we’re together, I want to spend a bit more time with him.’
‘He’s your entire life! You’ve spent plenty of time with him!’
Finally, Sahana raised her voice, looking at the hand Kunie refused to go near. ‘I still spend time with you!’
‘Ha, barely! You just abandoned Masami and me and acted like we’re acquaintances rather than best friends.’
‘You could have told me that,’ Sahana said in an almost whisper as if trying to make up for her shouting before.
‘You could have thought of it! But you didn’t. You know why? You’re selfish!’
Masami leapt in front of Sahana and used her arms as a barrier between her and her bully. She and Kunie stared at each other in silence, unsure what to say.
‘You’ve said enough,’ Masami finally declared with laboured breaths. She wanted to yell so badly but she just couldn’t.
Kunie’s volume lowered in kind. ‘I don’t think I have. You know she only thinks about herself, about what makes her happy.’
‘Then why has she been so kind to us? She supported my hobby and defended you against Dooru.’
Ooh, girl, those were the wrong words.
‘Yes, ‘defended’. Let’s call it that. She totally wasn’t secretly insulting me.’
Sahana tried to interject. ‘When was I insulting y-’
‘Shut it, Sahana!’ Kunie shouted. She lowered her voice again as she turned back to Masami. ‘But sure, take her side, she was always your friend, after all.’
‘I don’t know exactly what you’re implying,’ Masami said with the face of a cat being pushed off its favourite spot on the couch.
The other students watched the two as they argued with hushed tones. Kunie said, ‘We’re only friends because someone had to hang out with us and it sure wasn’t going to be Sahana.’
‘That...’s not true.’
‘Face it, Masami. Sahana doesn’t care about us, and even if she did, she cares more about displaying her boy toy for everyone to see.’
‘Woah, woah, wait a minute,’ Sahana interrupted, successfully this time. ‘What’s your problem? Don’t drag Toyomi into this and don’t call him that!
Toyomi placed his hands in between them. As if that would do anything. ‘Okay, let’s both calm down. Maybe you should lower your voice, Sahana.’
‘So you’re taking her side? Even after I defended you?’
The trumpets that accompanied Toyomi went off key before stopping completely.
Kunie clicked her fingers and pointed her index finger up. ‘Ah, see? It’s always about you.’
Then it was Masami’s turn to push herself back into the conversation. ‘What about you? You love eating food but don’t care to, you know, actually clean up the mess you made so everyone can be in a nice, clean place.’
‘I’ve changed! I cleaned up my room, remember? Or what, is that not good enough for you and your high-ass standards?’
‘What would be good enough is for you to stop picking fights with your own friends! All Sahana did was accidentally bump into you without realising. Is that a crime now?’
‘You know it’s more than that. You absolutely know it. She’s been ignoring us for a while. Like, for the past couple of months.’
Toyomi added his two cents. Or, at least, tried to. ‘I mean, she’s kind of right.’ He rubbed the back of his neck and looked at Sahana. ‘You haven’t exactly spent as much time with them as you used to. I would be happy to join your group so we can please everyone-’
Sahana threw her hands up in the air. ‘Once again, taking Kunie’s side! You know what? I don’t have to deal with this. I’m going home. You can find a way home yourself, right?’
‘Uh, y-yeah. Wait, what?’
Before Toyomi could receive an answer, Sahana slipped into her shoes and stormed out of the building. Masami glared at Kunie before putting her own shoes on and following Sahana outside. Toyomi sighed and joined the two, leaving Kunie alone.
Kunie slid down the end of the shoe lockers until she was sitting on the floor. It wasn’t long before all the other students had left.
She tugged at her own hair and let out a primal scream that echoed throughout the halls, nobody around to drown out the sound.