Though the Purple Jade sect didn't have the fight anymore, it seemed not as jolly as before.
Looking at the students, their outside appearance was normal but their mind was blue - after they learnt about their ex fourth master’s death and Yang Ying’s situation.
As gaining consciousness, Yang Ying didn't struggle anymore, but she didn't talk with anyone. As the sun set, she went out of the room to the east library and sat for the whole night. Though the sun rose, she still sat there. No eating, no drinking. When Bai Xiao Feng asked her, she said she was waiting for Gong Xun.
Her action caused much worry in the mind of Bai Xiao Feng; hence she brought this matter to discuss with all her seniors.
“Doesn’t she believe he was dead?” Gao Zhang Shan said.
Bai Xiao Feng shook her head.
“Why does she do that? He is just a traitor,” Gao Zhang Shan said.
“Towards us, Gong Xun is a traitor, but towards Yang Ying, he is her everything.”
Hearing Bai Xiao Feng said, all the three seniors seemed to see something in their heads.
“I asked the student of fourth senior. He confessed that it was fourth senior’s plan to accuse Yang Ying for stealing. At first I didn't understand why he did that, but after I took the scenes to review, I found that he did not mean to harm her. Actually fourth senior loved Yang Ying since he saw her the first day she came to our sect. Because he betrayed us to join the devil sect, he knew the plan and the schedule that the devil sect would attack us. At that time, Yang Ying didn't know any spell. He was worried she would be wounded, that was why he plotted to lock her in the library, his purpose was to protect her safety.”
“You want to say that our sect harmed her!” Xu Jin Ling said.
“We might not harm her, but we didn't treat her well either,” Bai Xiao Feng said with her eyes pointed at her female senior. “When she entered our sect, no one wanted her to be a student because she had lived in the brothel and we thought she didn't have talent since she passed the golden age of learning martial arts.”
Remembering this point, Xu Jin Ling was quiet.
Bai Xiao Feng continued, “When his secret was exposed, he knew he would not be able to stay in the sect, he took her with him - because he knew that she would not be treated well - and I think he was not wrong. I remember when she was accused of stealing money, all of us suspected her and blamed her. It's true, it was fourth senior who plotted to accuse her but he was also the one who cleaned her name after. What about us? Did we do anything? No, we didn't even take a step to check whether what she said was true or not. When she said she saw her seniors had a love meeting, we said she lied and wanted to dispel her. Till today, we already knew that we wronged her, still we don't even say something to give justice to her or apologize to her. We care about our law, our image, our sect, but we don't care about her feelings, her name, her fame - because she is just a normal girl, the girl who has nothing and has a history of staying in what everyone considers a dirty and low class place. Even when she was caught to the devil sect, we didn't go to take her back.”
“At that time, our sect was in bad condition and sect leading senior was injured, so we had to put her to the side,” Gao Zhang Shan said.
“You're right, but it was more than a month, we still haven't done anything. We have a lot of students, why didn't we send a few to help or at least to seek information on how she was in the devil sect? She is our student too. Why do we do that to her? If Gong Xun didn't tell that devil's goddess to bring her here, I don't know what would happen to her.”
Everyone kept quiet listening to the youngest sister. They seemed to know their faults.
“We like to claim that the devil sect is bad and our sect is good, but after I knew that fourth senior betrayed the sect and Yang Ying’s case, I questioned myself, are we a good people? Are we really a good sect? Fourth senior might not be a good person but he is brave and sincere to himself. He knows himself clearly, he knows what he wants. He loves Yang Ying, he shows his love towards her without needing anyone to tell him to do it. He knows what he should do towards the person he loves.”
Hearing this part, Bai Bingwen made his eyes low.
“I don't need to search because through Yang Ying's actions now, I can see clearly that while she was in the devil sect, she was treated better than while she was staying with us.”
All the claims from Bai Xiao Feng seemed to be correct. The three big masters didn't dare to open a mouth to refuse.
For a short time, the room was quiet, then Gao Zhang Shan raised a word, “We should stop talking about the past. Now, we should find a way to help her.”
Talking about this point, everyone’s head seemed to be blocked. Only silence and sigh came from them.