Stella adjusts the augmented interface in her glasses. A familiar tingle on her nose signals her connection to the Central Logistics Command. Looking up, the StarShade station’s distinctive lotus-like form strikes her as poetic—a delicate flower reimagined as a colossal outpost on the fringes of known space.
As the interface calibrates, the stark walls of her compact office quarters dissolve, replaced by a breathtaking galactic panorama. Tiered seating spirals upward, with a circular stage hovering at the center, bathed in a soft blue glow. Around her, representatives of the Unity Accord’s planets, stations, and guilds materialized as brilliantly detailed avatars, each a riot of intricate colors and forms.
A massive holographic display flickers to life at the center of this cosmic theater. The main trade routes unfolded before them, a complex web of shimmering lines connecting seven space stations with seven planets, and even more distant colonies among asteroids, dwarf planets, and moons.
EDI’s voice resonates across the virtual meeting, clearly and authoritatively. “Initiating private thread. Connecting relevant parties: Zybiria CLC, Yrene CLC, Photheus CLC, IrisVeil Command and Chief, HelianFlare Command and Chief, StarShade Command and Chief, and StarShade RAD. All participants are now linked. This thread is secure and restricted to authorized personnel only. Please proceed with your discussions.”
The deep, authoritative voice of Commander Thomir reverberates through the virtual space, commanding attention. “Greetings from StarShade Command. Thank you all for joining us on such short notice. As you are aware from the latest reports, the Otodus SS75-class hauler encountered a critical failure and was unable to complete its jump. This incident has severely impacted Photheus biodome #2, commonly referred to as ‘The Greenhouse,’ and Yrene biodome #3, known as ‘The Genesis Sphere.’”
“StarShade Command and Chief have reviewed and accepted the proposal put forth by the StarShade RAD team. We are fortunate to have their representative with us today to provide further insights. In light of this situation, we are formally requesting assistance from IrisVeil Command and Chief to help mitigate the impact and ensure the continuity of our operations.”
The Commander’s focus narrows. “IrisVeil Command and Chief, we seek your support in this critical endeavor. Can we count on your cooperation?”
A new voice, calm and masculine, fills the virtual space. “This is IrisVeil Command. We have reviewed your request and are prepared to assist. The Leviathan will be ready to jump at 0800 galactic hours.”
Another female voice chimes in, this one slightly more formal. “Photheus CLC acknowledges and thanks you for your support.”
Following closely, a third female voice, warm and appreciative, adds: “Yrene CLC extends our gratitude as well.”
Commander Thomir’s voice returns, directing the next query. “StarShade Commander to EDI. When can we expect the Leviathan to arrive at the StarShade station?”
EDI processes the request and responds after a few seconds, voice precise and unwavering. “Commander Thomir, based on the current data and mission parameters, the Leviathan is scheduled to depart from IrisVeil station at 0800 hours. Assuming no changes to this schedule and accounting for all necessary operations and travel time, I project the Leviathan will arrive at StarShade station in 3 days, 18 hours, and approximately 37 minutes.”
As if on cue, a section of the galactic map flares red, indicating the trade routes for the Leviathan. The lines waver and distort, reflecting the dynamic nature of space travel. Stella’s workstation interface tones, feeding her real-time data on transit procedures, shipping processes, resource allocation, and economic impact. She felt the familiar pressure building behind her eyes as her mind raced to process the influx of information.
All the representatives’ avatars focus on the galactic map except for Commander Thomir, who slightly breaks character and gulps. Something even Stella would have missed if she weren’t that tired from the colorful lights and forced her eyesight on the commander by mistake. Commander Thomir notices the stare, and with a deep frown, she encourages Stella to focus elsewhere.
Stella startles and quickly expands her personal interface with a quick gesture of her hand. Layers of data cascade around her, each piece of information critical to the mission’s success. Her fingers manipulate variables and test scenarios, moving through the air as if baking or weaving. The EDI offers suggestions directly through her neural interface. A vast database supplements her already formidable knowledge.
Stella submits a request to speak, heart pounding slightly, waiting for acknowledgment.
“Commanders, we have a request from StarShade RAD. Go ahead,” comes the prompt response. Commander Thomir straightens her back, suspicious of Stella.
“Thank you, EDI. This is StarShade RAD,” Stella begins, she frowns immediately, her voice ringing clearly across the virtual expanse. “We have a critical request for the StarShade and HelianFlare Commanders and Chiefs. We propose utilizing the scheduled Colossus SS75-class hauler to transport cargo for the Genesis Sphere and Greenhouse, allocating 37,500 m³ for each. We have a 14-hour window to finalize this decision. By the time the Leviathan reaches HelianFlare station, it can transport the cargo intended for Verilia’s biodome #3, known as ‘The Regenesis.’ This plan allows us to allocate resources to the affected biodomes for one day. Initial projections indicate minimal disruption to the overall supply chains.”
As she speaks, her proposed route materializes on the galactic display; a new line threading its way through a sparkling arm that connects StarShade with HelianFlare stations. The intricate web of trade routes glows neon, each line pulsating with a soft glow, reflecting the complexity and precision required for the operation. The holographic interface projects a dynamic, three-dimensional map, highlighting potential bottlenecks and optimal pathways.
Avatars representing various commanders and chiefs nod appreciatively, their expressions a mix of concentration and approval. Some avatars lean forward, their holographic forms flickering with activity as they begin running their own simulations on the suggestion. Data streams and analytical overlays appear about them, indicating real-time adjustments and considerations. The virtual room buzzes with a sense of urgency and collaboration, each participant contributing their expertise to refine the proposed plan.
This atmosphere is charged with focused energy, the collective intellect of the Unity Accord’s finest minds working in unison. Stella is weighted heavily by the immensity of their expectations and the importance of this mission. Her own interface feeds her continuous updates and feedback as adjustments are made in real-time. The success of their coordinated efforts will hinge on precise execution and seamless communication facilitated by quantum entanglement. Mirrored particles existing in several places many systems away, stretching across the Orion Spur of the galaxy.
Another firm, authoritative voice breaks the silence. “HelianFlare Commander here. We can assist with this request, provided Verilia CLC agrees.”
Commander Thomir folds her hand before her and limits eye contact with the rest of the CLC. This is the moment of the truth… does Verilia CLC know or not?
EDI’s voice interjects smoothly. “Connecting Verilia CLC. Please hold.”
After a brief pause, another voice chimes in, clear and decisive. “Verilia CLC here. We accept the proposal. HelianFlare Chief, please instruct HelianFlare ITD to command the Colossus to switch cargo for Photheus and Yrene biodomes.”
The HelianFlare Chief responds promptly, his tone efficient and businesslike. “HelianFlare Chief here. I’m transferring the request to HelianFlare ITD now.”
Commander Thomir’s voice returns, filled with apparent gratitude. “StarShade Command thanks you for your swift cooperation.”
“Verilia CLC will coordinate with The Regenesis Lead.”
Nysari immediately cuts in. “Dr. Zyran Korr is in the middle of a conference and won’t be reachable for the next five hours. I strongly recommend waiting.”
After a few seconds pause, “Verilia CLC… understands.”
The constant stream of data, combined with the effort of maintaining her avatar’s presence, begins to take a toll. Stella’s head throbs, her glasses feeling suddenly very heavy. With a practiced thought, she partially disengages, the galactic vista fading into the background.
She finds herself back in her quarters on the StarShade, the room’s smart surfaces now a calming blue, designed to soothe and relax. Stella rubs her temples, feeling the cool glassy texture of the glasses against her skin. Through the room’s single window, she can see the projected stars—distant and silent, yet somehow more comforting than the detailed representations she was immersed in only moments ago.
Taking a deep breath, Stella centers herself once more. She allows a moment to appreciate the quiet beauty of the stars, drawing strength from their steady presence. Even as she gazes, she keeps her auditory connection active, listening to the ongoing discussions and updates from the virtual meeting.
“Are you there, StarShade RAD?” came the familiar voice, pulling her back into the virtual space.
“Yes, StarShade RAD here,” Stella responds, her voice steady and clear.
“HelianFlare Command and Chief are giving you access to HelianFlare RAD,” the voice continues.
“Thank you, HelianFlare Command and Chief,” Stella replies, her gratitude evident.
“StarShade RAD to HelianFlare RAD, standing by and awaiting your tasks,” she confirms, her focus sharpened and her resolve bolstered.
One by one, avatars begin to disconnect from this bubble of meetings while they transfer themselves to other meetings. Duties of various natures call.