Mangle was working on some papers when It climbed up on their lap. It was habit by now that whenever It wanted to talk, she’d climb up on Mangle’s lap and ask whatever she needed to. “Yes, It? What’s wrong?”
It looked down at what Mangle was doing, confusion written all over her face. “What’s a guar...dian...ship paper? You keep smiling to yourself over it.”
“I’ll explain to you in a minute. First, could you put your hand over my tablet for 10 seconds?”
It did so and frowned as a light ran over her hand. “This isn’t your normal tablet.”
“No,” Mangle agreed. “Can I have your foot?”
It placed her foot on it and felt a prick in her toe. “Hey!” she objected.
A DNA scan popped up followed by her hand and footprints. Mangle flicked it to the top of the screen.
“Doc, what was that about?” It asked, frustrated.
A screen popped up on the tablet and Mangle handed it over. “This is why I’ve been grinning,” Mangle explained.
“ You have...succ...ess...fully this child into the child protection database. What does that mean?”
“I registered your DNA in the national child’s database. You’re now officially a human child, according to the government. Do you know what that means?”
It shook her head.
“It means,” Mangle said with a smile. “With a little elbow grease, I can become your legal guardian.”
It’s eyes widened. “Really? So that means that other people will have to call you my dad?”
“Or at the very least your guardian,” Mangle agreed.
It grinned. “That’s fantastic!”
“Yeah, now, all I need is a name.”
It nodded and slid off Mangle’s lap. “I’ll leave you to it, then.”
Mangle went back to the tablet and tried to come up with a name they could put in for It. Surely “It” wouldn’t do. An email popped up in the corner of the tablet screen, and Mangle read it carefully. It’s DNA was found to be half a match Dr. Fiona James. Mangle couldn’t believe it. Dr. James was It’s biological mother?! He supposed she was one to do anything for science, but to bear a child, and then deny that child even being a was something Mangle just couldn’t comprehend. They put James in the last name section. That ought to be a slap in Dr. James’ face, payback for how she treated her own child. Now, for a first name…
It came running up, yelling, “Dad! When we leave, I know where I want to go first!”
Mangle turned to see a very excited It running in with a postcard in hand for Bethany Beach out in Delaware. “I want to see the beach!” It exclaimed.
Mangle smiled. They found their first name for It. “That sounds good, It. My family owns a beach house down there, we can set up out there and you can play out in the sand, if you want.”
It nodded emphatically. “Yes! Yes!”
Mangle turned and grinned. “I’ll finish setting you up in the children’s database, and then we can talk plans.”
It nodded and ran back into Mangle’s room, presumably to look up places to go. Mangle turned to the computer and typed in, “Bethany It James”.
They walked into their room where It was with their tablet, looking at pictures.
“Okay. So, first things first, you want to go to Bethany Beach. Where else do you want to go? It might take a while to go there, but I’ll try my best to follow through,” they asked.
“New York City?” It asked.
Mangle nodded and got out a notebook, writing down New York. “Where else?”
“Um...London. Paris. Los Angeles, Washington DC, somewhere in Texas, New Orleans. The ‘big cities’ basically.”
Mangle wrote them all down and nodded. “Okay. I can sort of fund a few of these. It’ll take a little while longer for the others.”
It nodded. “I know. You asked and those are my answers.”
“All of these would be great to visit,” Mangle said. “I want to visit all of these, except maybe ‘somewhere in Texas’.”
“It’s one of those ranch thingies I want to see, y’know? I wanna go to a ranch.”
Mangle nodded and amended Texas to a ranch. “One day, we are going to see all of these,” Mangle promised It. “I know that if we work hard, we can reach all of them.”
It hugged Mangle. “Thanks Dad.”
Mangle hugged her back. “Don't mention it.”
“Ready everyone?” Mangle asked, turning to the janitors. They all smiled and nodded, holding up the small cake they all had made for It’s 4th birthday. “Okay. 3...2...1…”
They all walked in singing Happy Birthday to It, who looked up from her reading, shocked. “Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear It, happy birthday to you!”
“What is this?!” It asked, shocked.
Mangle chuckled. “It’s your 4th birthday, It. So the janitors and I decided that we ought to celebrate by baking you a cake.”
“I’ve read about cake!” It exclaimed. “What flavor is it?”
“It’s chocolate,” the female janitor with the radio said.
It’s eyes widened. “No way,” she whispered. The janitors put the cake on Mangle’s desk and It clambered up the seat, reaching towards the cake but hesitating. “Am I get a slice?”
Everyone laughed. “We made it for you, sweetheart,” Mangle chuckled as they cut into it and put a modest slice on a plate, handing it over. “Careful not to get sick,” Mangle warned.
It stuck a fork into the moist dessert, and carefully scooped it up and into her mouth. Her eyes lit up. Mangle laughed. “I’d count the cake as a success, then.”
It nodded enthusiastically. “Everyone have a slice! You need to know how well you did!”
They all did as instructed, leaving one last slice for It should she want it. Mangle smiled at the excitement on It’s face. “You know, It, I have one other surprise for you, a birthday present.”
It’s eyes widened. “But...but you didn’t have to, I mean I’m happy enough with--”
Mangle raised their hand. “I know, but I wanted to do this.”
They opened a drawer in their desk and began to read a piece of paper. “'This is to certify that Bethany It James has been adopted into the Mangle family by parent Jess Taylor Mangle, and is entitled to all the rights and privileges there to as one of their kids. From this day on, she shall be known as Bethany It Mangle.'”
It broke into a huge grin and tackled Mangle. “Thankyouthankyouthankyou!” she sobbed into their pant leg.
They picked It up and hugged her close. “You’re more than welcome, It. Happy birthday.”
“Say cheese!” one of the janitors exclaimed, a bright flash setting the moment down in history forever.
It looked up from Mangle’s shoulder after she was done and grinned. “This has to be the best birthday ever!” she exclaimed.
Everyone agreed.