Mangle was sitting in It’s room, doing research while it played. They felt It tug on their lab coat. “‘Angul…”
They looked up, ready to ask It not to interrupt them, when they saw the look of consternation on its face. “I hafta go, ‘Angul.”
Mangle nodded and led them to the bathroom. “You didn’t look like you were about to have an accident, that’s good, It.” Mangle praised.
“Felt it early,” it mumbled.
“That’s good!” Mangle explained. “If you feel it early, you can get to the bathroom before it’s an emergency. Like sometimes we have to wait for the bathroom, and you can barely make it? Going earlier helps prevent that,” Mangle said.
It took that all in and nodded, its 28 month old brain already grasping everything he was saying. “I was good,” it said with a smile.
“You were very good, It,” Mangle amended. “Very, very good.”
It glowed in the praise. “Fanks, Doctor.”
Mangle rolled their eyes at the still mangled pronunciation. “You’re quite welcome, It. If I’m right in saying it, it stops even feeling like a compliment.”
It blushed and tried to kick them.
Mangle got up at 6:30 am, groaned, stretched, got out of bed, and went to It’s room. It had started taking to waiting by the door every morning to go to the bathroom, since it couldn’t go in the night and was consistently staying dry. However Mangle, not a morning person, wasn’t thrilled with this set-up, since they had to get up earlier to take It to the bathroom. “The second you stay dry all night for a month,” Mangle vowed. “I will go to Dr. James petitioning for a bathroom pass for you. I can’t keep this up,” they grumbled.
It sat on the toilet and let Mangle rant silently. “I know,” it said. “I’m glad you’re doing that.”
Mangle grunted. “It’s for my own personal gain of sleep,” they argued.
“But it helps me as well, for which I’m thankful,” the 30 month old explained.
“You talk too much,” Mangle sighed.
It grinned. “Sorry. Morning person.”
“I can tell,” Mangle growled. “I am getting you that bathroom pass. As. Soon. As. Possible.”
It nodded. “Yes, Doctor Mangle,” it replied as it finished up. “You’re very generous for it,” she said, pulling her Pull-up over her waist. “And I thank you.” She washed her hands.
Mangle just grunted. It was too early for them to be properly coherent.
“A bathroom pass? Mangle, are you serious right now?”
Mangle was sitting across from Dr. James trying to convince her to allow a 32 month old It to be allowed to go to the bathroom on its own when needed. “The way I see it, this is the only guarantee we’ll get that It can go whenever it needs to, especially at night. I’m not suggesting we allow It to run rampant around the facilities,” Dr. James scoffed. “I have a very simple solution to that problem.”
Dr. James sat back. “I’m listening,” she said.
“In those ancient iPhones, they had this thing called a ‘Find My Phone’ app. All it took was a computer that could register the phone’s signal and a GPS chip. It used to drain what miniscule data would be on the phone, but in this day and age, it would just take a $5 trip to the local electronics store to get a chip, activate it, and put it in the pass. We keep track of where It goes, and we spend a significantly smaller sum on Pull-ups and diapers.”
Dr. James sighed. “I wish you weren’t cute. I could say no to you a whole lot easier and keep the board off my back.”
Mangle perked up. “What I’m hearing from that is you’re saying yes.”
Dr. James groaned. “Yes, I am. I have no idea why though,” she grumbled.
Mangle took Dr. James’ hands and shook them. “You have no idea how much this means to me, Doctor. Really. Words can’t begin to describe it.”
“Yeah yeah yeah, get out of here before I change my mind!” she threatened.
Mangle walked out to It waiting against the opposite wall. “What’d she say?” it asked eagerly.
“We have the green light! Whenever you need to go to the potty, you can just go!”
It cheered. Mangle grinned. Both of them were quite relieved that they wouldn’t have to deal with overnight dirty diapers any more.
“You’re the best, Mangle!” It said honestly.
Mangle shrugged. “I try, It. I try for you.”