About 12 years before the Stranger rode into town…Pueblo Extrano flourished as a trading post. The local Sheriff, Sheriff Becker kept the town safe and killed or captured many bandits who tried to ransack the town. One night, the outlaw brothers Gold-Tooth James and Bald Jed along with their band of other lesser outlaws rode up to the good Sheriff's house and set it ablaze at the second hour after midnight.
The next day locals found two charred adult skeletons. A girl…their daughter was outside the house. She managed to leave the house in time….but the other child…the son, Chuck Becker was missing…never to be found again.
"I was that girl…the one who escaped." Eve said. The Stranger acknowledged with a slight bob of his head.
She went on to tell him that the two brothers have been ruling the town ever since along with their goons. How they had killed 17 lawmen who came to free the town. She told him about how Old Man Ford was being threatened as he would not give them free eggs from his farm.
"Anyways I have some matters to attend to. I will be sending up a pot of coffee later in the day. Si? It's on the house for you stranger…you seem...familiar" the jade eyed lady left the Stranger's room leaving him sitting on his bed and planning something that would have long lasting effects in the town.
In the noon when the clock struck 1 for the 2nd time that day, a young lad of 14 came to the bare room with a pot of coffee thinking who the poor man was who took that room was. He entered the room to find the Stranger looking at a piece of paper of sorts…
"uh… hello sir! Miss Becker told me to fetch you a pot of Joe" said the boy.
The man looked at the boy and showed him a worn out picture of a woman with grey eyes, a man with eyes like jade and hair like wheat and two children…a boy with grey eyes and a girl with green.
"What do you think about this picture ,boy?" asked the stranger. The teen pointed at the woman and said "that’s one beautiful woman."
The stranger folded the picture and put it in his coat. "Yeah…she is. Thank Miss Becker for the pot, boy"
"Wilco, sir" replied the child as he left the room. "He must be barking mad, wearing the shawl and a coat postmeridian." He thought.
Nothing eventful happened during rest of the day, though Eve could swear she saw a shadow with a hat and a peacemaker.