I look back at the Irken that is trying to blend in and realize how far from home they must feel. I give them a small wave, feeling that I should make them feel better. "Hey Y/N! Are waving at that damned Irken boy?" My friend Andy asks me. "Yeah, he seems lonely," I say feeling the need to defend myself. "They deserve to feel welcome here." "Well, he gives me bad vibes, my dude, and I don't like it at all," Andy responds. "He seems shady." "Well, have you talked to them yet? Because you have no clue who they are." I say, annoyed with Andys' trust issues. As far as I know him, he was always this way. I decide I'll talk to them at lunch. Maybe he isn't that bad.
I look for the nice-seeming Irken, And I find him at the back of the cafeteria. He sitting alone with a simple sandwich and a bag of Doritos. He seems so normal amongst everyone else, even the other Irkens. "Hey, is anyone sitting here?" I ask, and he shakes his head no. I sit next to him. "So, what is your name?" I ask, curious "Zee." He replies in a small voice, which is odd for an Irken because they usually are quite loud. "Who are you?" He asks. "I'm Y/N, nice to meet you." I noticed with the contacts, I can see my y/e/c eyes reflected in them. I get a feeling that this may go well, but you can't shake what Andy said about him giving off bad vibes. Normally when they say someone has bad vibes, they prove them right and turn out to be a complete jerk. But this guy, Zee, seems to be nice, which is weird since I have heard rumors about the Irken race. Maybe Andy is wrong for once. "So, can we talk more after school?" I ask, wanting to get to see if he is bad. "Sure, all I will be doing is sitting around studying without company." He says, looking like he rather be doing something else for once.
I go to his house, which surprisingly, looks normal. He's waiting for me at the front door.