"It's too cold!"
"Don't worry civilian, I have the power to increase the temperature!"
Mr. Temperature pressed a button on his arm... and it didn't feel any warmer. Well, that was expected because he can only increase or decrease it by 10° once a day.
"I'm still so cold!"
"Well, I'm sorry The Freeze has better powers than me. Hero work is not an easy task!"
"Your power is useless."
"I know! I have been training and I have unlocked a new power. Behold!"
The civilian looked around. "Uh, did it do anything?"
"Yes, it did. I managed to stop it from raining!"
"It wasn't even raining."
"I didn't say I stopped it today. At some point this year, a single rainy day will be replaced with a thunderstorm!"
"That's not a good thing! You know what, I'm out of here. See you Mr. Weatherman, or whatever you call yourself."
"It's Mr. Temperature!"