So I have been asked many times to tell my origin story, and I don't have much time so lets keep this short.
Thunder can be heard above, the taste of fear in my mouth. I am currently standing up against one of the most powerful beings in all of time and space, and you want to know what I do...I run in a completely different direction. I mean who can blame me, I am just some weak mortal accounting agent. Though my idea of getting out of here didn't work to well, the being sort of sent me flying into the sky.
As I hit the ground, I hear voice speak to me, "You are not to die here, rise I have given you one of the most powerful abilities in the world." So I got up off the ground, feeling a new energy, a powerful energy, coursing through my veins (and I most likely looked cool, but who knows I didn't have mirror). I instinctively raise my hands, knowing my powers will come from my hands. And pumpkins fired from my hands at the enemy (right hear I started to cuss a lot in confusion, but lets keep this story for most audiences). The enemy gets thrown into a nearby building, and puffs into pink glitter (this I never got, at all).
Afterwards, I became the first super hero of this world, and the only one with the power of pumpkins.
I hope this shall inspire you to do greatness as well.