“Luke! Get your sorry ass down here! NOW!” Luke’s mother slurred in a fit of drunk rage.
Luke shuffled his way out of the closet that he had just hid his younger siblings in. No one, not even Jake, wanted to get in the way of their mothers drunken fits. Luke hid himself tightly into the small crevice between the wall and the closet so he could listen for when their Mothers boyfriend (The father of Angelo and Bella, also known as the twins) to come home.
Jason had always been a kind man, who Luke had no idea how he had come into their lives. Their mother was a serial dater. She would have at least one child with a man in order to receive child support, get broken up with, not cry and start the cycle again.
The women disgusted Luke more than anything. Luke looked after his seven half-siblings while other twelve year olds where throwing tantrums about not getting the new kind of X-box or Play Station. The brave child had been through many, many of Anne’s drunk rage moments and her sober sobbing ones. He had tried to help Louise when she got her first period, he had raised Bella and Angelo never to go down stairs in order to avoid their Mother, he had single handedly raised seven children some who are not much younger Than his twelve year old self.
Jason finally got home and managed to somehow calm down Anne and come upstairs with food for all of the kids. The real reason he didn’t break up with Anne was because he wanted to help these kids, all eight of them, even through only two where his. The twins where well behaved and did what they where told while the others had learnt the hard way that Luke knew best. Jason felt bad, he wanted to get out of this life and run far, far away but he didn’t have the heart to leave these children behind with their psychotic mother.
Luke came out from behind the closet when Jason came in, wiggling out from the small space was becoming increasingly difficult by the day. Luke helped carry Ella and Angelo out from behind the draws and assisted in helping his half-siblings out of the squeeze-sized space. If there was any more of them the closet would become a very big problem to hide in. Jason had been to the markets to buy the kids some things to help them prepare themselves for the harsh winter ahead.
All of the kids had a new winter coat, a new warm outfit and warm fuzzy socks. The children where very grateful for the show of affection and Jason promised to bring some food later in the day, it being only noon.
”Thank you Jason.” Luke didn’t know what to say, Jason had done so much for them that it was overwhelming.
“Jason, why do you stay with mummy? She’s not good.” Veronica said while Ella made some gurgling sounds.
Jason paused, he loved the children with all his heart but he had nowhere to take them if he broke up with Anne. Anne was a terrible women, yet she managed to get the attention of men while being drunk almost 24/7 and when she wasn’t drunk she was sobbing and hungover.