Jayden had been living in this world of mystery and mystically existing things that you would never know of. All the people know of them, learn about them in school but live just like you, go to school or work in the morning and eventually come back home. But not all people could control any of these things. Barely any people actually.
Jayden came from a long line of people who could do this, she had grown up being taught how to use her abilities and powers while other kids where stuck in a classroom doing calculus. Jayden still learnt things like math and English, but her lessons of magic intertwined with them finely.
“Jayden?” Her Mother called.
”Yes Mum?” She called back.
Silence followed, broken only by a soft murmuring.
”Yes Mum?” She tried again.
After a pause a meek voice belonging to her Mother replied “Uh…..can you come down here?……Now?”
Jayden had never heard her usually strong and independent Mother speak so softly and there was a hint of something in her voice, fear? No, no, no, Jayden’s mother did not get scared. Catalina Forest had never been scared in her life, or at least that is how she acted most of the time.
Jayden crept downstairs, worried that there was something that was really wrong. Had she done all her homework? Yes, but if she had sent her mother would be angry, not scared. What was down there? What was so horrid about it that made it so tremendously petrifying? Jayden arrived at the bottom of the grand spiral staircase and saw a women standing in the doorway, holding a clipboard and speaking solemnly but also in a hushed voice to Catalina.
”Blue Jay? Uh, you need to come here and sit on the couch.” It had been a long time since her mum had called Jayden Blue Jay.
Jayden sat on the sage green sofa and stared blankly at the women at the door, she had a sword at her belt and a messy bun of deep red dyed hair planted on top of her head. It is not unusual to own a sword and carrying it around is acceptable in society, but still something about this sword was…….odd.
Pout of nowhere the lady’s sword was in bedded in Catalina’s mid section. Jayden screamed while she ran upstairs out of pure instinct. Running up the winding staircase was tiring but pure adrenaline was pumping through her veins, her blue highlighted dark hair swirling behind her. The angry storms of the women’s boots where only meters away from Jayden.
Reaching the end of the staircase Jayden sprinted to the armoury that was only used in “Emergency’s” she was pretty sure this fit the criteria.