- this dream i’ve also been having for years. i don’t remember this one as much but it starts with me in my room again or sometimes in different locations whether it be my dads house, my brothers house etc. but the place where i am is always so dark and has a really scary feeling about it. i can move around freely but there’s always one place where my body is dragging me too. i always end up there and when i get there someone i know, usually my mum is standing/sitting in front of me. i ask her the same question everytime. ‘what’s the time?’. i can’t help it my mouth just says it. then she turns her head around slowly and her mouth is black and wide open, aswell as her eyes. that’s when i get teleported or something to another place. i don’t even know what this place is it’s just dark. there’s always a story whenever i have these dreams and they always connect to the last one somehow. i found out the other day that izzy (brothers gf)?? was the one behind all it but at the end of that dream, i saw this tall figure and i woke up shaking. never. again.