- the first one creeps me out a lot and luckily i haven’t had it for a while (istg if i just jinxed it). so it starts off with me in my bed as usual and every time this happens, at a specific time a loud running up the stairs happens. like really loud. then my door opens, i’m usually under the covers by then. after i get like teleported or smth either to the middle of my room or the middle of the hallway. i’m in a ball facing the floor and im usually holding my teddy or blanket or sometimes both. the house is so dark, no lights and at this point there’s no sound it’s just silent. only my heavy breathing can be heard. after a few minutes i can feel figures around me and standing over me, i’ve only look up once and i’ll never do it again. when i looked up nothing was there but then this black figure walked infront of me, crouched down and screamed in my face. the dream ended with figures running towards me. it was so scary i’m shaking even thinking about it. i never want this dream again. but the funny thing is, i can wake myself up but only when i can feel the figures around me.