"What does the plaintiff finally need to say" the judge said. The hole court room Looking at Elza with her arms crossed and her head held up high to the side, "My client is clearly not speaking for the mental abuse the defended-". Ignoring everything her attorney is saying I begin to wonder why she's pressing charges. I mean he's the one with the scratches and bruises. He's the one bringing in an income and he's the one if anything being mentally abused. Im defending Isaiah. Isaiah Hernandez, 32 year old with a three year old daughter and a bipolar not by law wife Elza. As the attorney goes on and on I realize that two hours have passed by and we are still in the same place where we started.
"Your Honor the Prosecutor has not brought any evidence that my client has abused her physically and or mentally. What I do have to show is that MY client has visible abrasions due to scratches and Bruises on face and other parts in the body. Yet he does not want to sue but to ask if he can remove the plaintiff from his house, ask for a restraining order and is demanding custody of their child Vanessa. He says that everything will go back to normal if she takes her medications." After the judge finishes starring at the same paper for the last 15 minutes he speaks. "Very well," He stands up fixes his glasses and announces. "I rule in the favor of the defended for a restraining order." "I give the plaintiff one week to remove all her belongings from this mans house." "To obtain custody of Vanessa J Hernandez a second trail will be set till a month from now."
I wasn't surprised the judge ruled in my favor I mean it clearly shows that she has no manners, she's arrogant and crazy. My client said that he had to do the cooking. I believe him. She looks like she can't even lift a spoon. As we raised while the judge was speaking everybody in the court room got prepared to hear the gable strike the sound block. As the gable strikes the sound block a flash before my eyes sends me back to that dreadful night. I see myself back in that closet the lightning flashing and my body trembling. Reliving the same nightmare from three months ago. Its all much clearer. As he stands infront of the closet and my skin turns to ice. I see a Cain, a long black Cain with the skull of an elk on the very top end. Black slacks hiding thin legs, and black suede shoes. Never in my life have I experience such fear, such freight. As the closet doors open a flash consumes my sight and I find my self in a gurney; in a ambulance dozing off with a light shining in my eyes alone with 2 paramedic's. After that its all a blur and then all black.
A grunt awakes me, gaining focus I see Raymond in a stool next to my bed. A get well card; some balloons; and colorful flowers on the table to my left. "How long have I been here" I softly utter, Reaching for Raymond's phone I check the date. "June 3". I been in the hospital for 1 day. As the door opens I see the nurse "Good afternoon," She says. "My name is Silvia." As she begins to write her name on the white bored, "you have been here for almost a day, you have suffered a bad hit in the head when you fell." Moving to the other corner, "We will need to keep you here for one more day before we relies you just to make sure your fine and won't have any problems after you leave." "My extension is 221," points up at the bored. "and I'll be your nurse from 12:00 to 7:00 ill be coming in and check up on you but if you need something dont be hesitant please buzz me," pointing to the control next to the bed, "or call my extension and ill be here quick as a whip." As her beeper beeps and vibrates she storms out. "Ahh!" As the door is closing the grunts of the man that awoke me became louder.
With the door finally closing Raymond wakes up. " Hey take it easy," grabbing my hand in mid air and gently puts it down. "I hauled ass as soon as I got the call what happened." As he finished his sentence the head nurse walks into the room. " Mis Henderson Im Jessica Wung, the results tested positive for,-" After 3 months I can't get over the fact that im not me. Im not Liza Cage. I'm "Lucy Henderson" from Road Island. Because of witness protective measures I couldn't pick the name that I wanted so I'm stuck with this. You really dont get to pick anything. "-and the concus-" they even pick out your cloth's, not even a gift card. And where I live. Seriously my living room is my bedroom. And don't even get me started on "the anxiety attack-" my eyes sharply moved to Wung. "Wait Wait Wait Hold On" I snap back to my senses, "I had an anxiety attack." The head nurse nods. "It comes with the job honey."