Fau walked towards the alley, holding the potion, not sure if he should use it or not.
There was a man leaning against the wall, smoking.
“Well, well” he said, “I didn’t think you’d actually come.”
Then the man yelled, “Hey Eden!”
“You owe me 15 bucks! He showed up!”
Fau had enough, “Can we start with whatever you had planned?”
The man looked at him, although it was hard to tell, since he hid his face behind a hood, and under that a lot of cloths, as if his face had been burned.
“Come with me” The man said.
Fau followed the man into an underground room, which looked unexpectedly cozy.
With wooden walls, a stone floor and darker wooden ceiling, it almost seemed it was made to be an underground library, but without books.
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“Welcome to the thief’s guild, i guess.” The man said.
Fau couldn’t control his wonder, “Whoa.”
“Yeah.” he said, “Don’t get your hopes up tho, you still need to prove yourself worthy of joining.”
Fau was more determined than ever, which you could hear in his voice.
The man’s eyes glistened, “Just pick something great.”
Fau heard a Irish woman at the bar yell: “Hey jackass! Jus’ lettem fight the dragon in the fores’, that oughta do it!”
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Fau felt his heart beat increase.
“There is a dragon in the forest?” he asked.
the man sighed.
“Yes, but not a single soul who tried to slay it has returned.”
Fau only heard the first word, his brain muted the part where he might die.
He was only thinking of the praise he’d get when he would slay this dragon.
“I’m on it.” Fau said as he ran off
“No, kid-” the hooded man tried, before realizing his attempts at calling Fau back would be futile.
As Fau ran home, he realized he couldn’t just beat the dragon with his bare hands, so as soon as he came home, he ran to his room and got his pot of money.
After getting his money, he ran to his father’s horse and rode it to the neighboring town, to a magical weapon-shop.
He opened the door, and heard: “Good morning there laddie! What can i getcha?”
An old man with crooked teeth stood behind the counter, with a nice smile on his face.
“I’m looking for a good sword to slay a dragon.”
As soon as he mentioned slaying a dragon, the old man’s smile disappeared like the sun behind dark clouds.
“That’ll cost ye a pretty penny.” he said.
Fau just asked: “You got anything i could use?”
“Hmm, yes, yes, I’m sure i do.” the old man said as the started looking underneath the counter.
When looking around the shop, Fau could see a lot of weird stuff, not only weapons.
He saw whips with knots, swords stuck in stones, inappropriate armor and much more.
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“Hmm” the old man said, “Yes, this should do it.”
Fau looked at the dagger in the old man’s hand.
It had a faint, light-blue glow to it.
The old man told Fau: “This has been used by Ragnor the Strong to slay fifteen-hundred dragons in his time.”
Seeing it in its glory, Fau asked how much he had to pay for it.
“A Hundred and Fifty Daric.”
That’s a lot, Fau looked around in the shop, looking for something cheaper, but ultimately chose to take the dagger, together with a few potions.
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Fau climbed back on the horse and began riding towards the wall dividing the normal world and the Dark Forest, where the dragon is supposed to live.
He was riding the horse, wearing his armor made of a thick layer of spider-silk, wearing the dagger at his hip and having the rest of his stuff in a bag he wears over his back.
The road was barely maintained and full of holes, Someone should fix that was a thought that occurred often while riding.
After a few hours of riding, Fau decided to rest, so he stopped his horse, and laid it down to sleep.
For himself, Fau picked up a bunch of fallen leaves, put them together and laid his head down on them, using the leaves as a pillow.
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In the morning, Fau heard some rustling leaves, and a stick broken by a foot.
There was someone sneaking around.
Then all of a sudden, there came an couple of orcs out of the bushes, each wearing a helmet with 2 big horns.
The biggest wielded a big axe, and he said: “Give us all your valuables, or die!”
Fau hesitated, but then he found something interesting.
He found a new instinct, and immediately grabbed his dagger and stabbed the orc straight in the heart.
He then grabbed his helmet and threw it to the left orc, knocking him out.
Then there was only one left.
The last orc charged towards him, but also into the axe of his late friend, killing himself on accident.
Fau still stood there, still alert.
He then changed his posture to stand straight, picked up his stuff and got on his horse, which he gave an apple which fell from a tree during the fight.
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After another hour of riding, Fau reached the wall.
In the large doorway, there was a Blackstone statue standing in a stance usually reserved for fights, holding a large spear.
As Fau came closer, the statue seemed to come alive more and more.
When Fau came too close, the statue moved his spear and hit Fau on his shoulder.
This caught him off-guard, and as he tried to grab his dagger, the statue hit Fau’s head with the blunt end of the spear, knocking him out.