Chirem hummed a sweet song he remembered from his childhood, and couldn't help but swing to the beat of it. He'd found a person in the forest for the second time this month, and had been glad to help him. The poor thing looked so worn out, he couldn't leave him there.
Chirem was interested in his odd appearance, though. For the most part, it was pretty normal. A plain white button up shirt with a blue scarf, brown hair combed to the right side and a normal pair of rimmed glasses. What stuck out was the device on his right hand, that sat in the middle of the back of his hand with wires winding themselves around his arm. His left arm looked like it had some weird corruption, that Chirem was forced to just brush off.
He flipped the pancake once more before he heard a coughing behind him. He jumped at the sound, before spinning around to see the boy from before standing through a crack in the bedroom door, looking mortified. Speak of the devil. He smiled at him, and couldn't help the laugh that escaped his lips at how horrified the other boy looked at his own stupidity.
Said boy's face twisted as his brow furrowed and he narrowed his eyes, hesitating to back away from the door. Chirem stopped laughing and smiled at him.
"You're finally awake, huh?" He let out a short laugh. "I won't bite, so if you want some pancakes feel free to come out." Chirem turned and continued to bake the pancakes and starting to put them on plates. He put two on two different plates and placed them on opposite facing spaces on a small wooden dining table. By the time he turned his attention back to the brown haired boy, he had only opened the door a few more inches cautiously. Chirem frowned at him.
"Hey, if you wanna know why you're here, I'll tell you. But you must know I'm not gonna hurt you." Chirem acknowledged as he sent the other boy a curious glance when he still made no attempt to move except to open the door a bit more. Chirem took a seat at the table nonetheless.
As Chirem chewed on a cut piece of pancake, he looked up when he heard a bizarre noise, he burst out in laughter when he realised what it was. The other boy obviously didn't find it that funny when his face grew red and he turned his gaze away while cradling is his stomach after the loud rumbling sound.
"C'mon," Chirem chirped with a smile as he held his hand out offering the seat in front of him to the boy. Finally, the boy took the much-needed steps to get to the seat. Hesitantly, he pulled out the chair and sat in it, arms rigid. "Help yourself!" Chirem added, pushing the boy to start eating.
He eventually picked up the knife and fork, and cut off a piece of the pancake and placing it in his mouth, eating in silence.
"I'm Chirem," He finally clarified, not being able to bear the silence. "I found you passed out in the forest, and I got concerned and brought you back to my home. Wanna explain how you got there or-?" He didn't finish and waited for the other boy to finish it for him.
The other boy waited a moment to finish chewing before finally speaking up. "I'm Mhosho." he declared. Mhosho continued to put another piece of food in his mouth and started chewing in silence again. Chirem awkwardly smiled at him.
"It's nice to meet you- uh, Mhosho, but are you gonna answer the last question I asked?" Chirem was kind of overwhelmed with how blunt he was being.
Once again, Mhosho finished chewing before continuing. "I got lost," he disclosed and showed no sign of carrying on, however, he didn't put another piece of food in his mouth like before. "Does this happen often? You don't seem that weirded out by this." Now he put food in his mouth.
"It's happened a couple of times before," Chirem claimed, not being as polite to finish chewing before speaking, but had the manners to cover his mouth with one hand. "Most of them eat and leave, so I suppose that's what you're gonna do?" The way he pronounced it made it seem more like a question than a thought.
Mhosho stayed silent and didn't make eye contact, choosing instead to look at the food he was poking at. "I would prefer not to." He simply uttered.
Chirem raised an eyebrow and tilted his head slightly. He queried "Why not?"
Mhosho kept his head lowered. "I don't really have anywhere else to go, that's why I was in the forest." He put another piece of pancake in his mouth.
"Well, that's sorted then!" Chirem chimed, surprisingly loud, causing the boy sitting opposite him to look up in surprise. "I have two rooms here, so you can stay here as long as you like, or until you've sorted your own home out."
Mhosho looked shocked for a second, before seemingly trying to force a smile and giving up. "Thank you."
Chirem smiled at his stubbornness, finding it endearing in its own way. Chirem stood and picked up his finished plate and began washing it off as his new housemate continued to eat. Chirem couldn't help his stupid grin and hummed the same song from earlier in his happiness.
He wasn't alone anymore.