"Mhoooooshoooo," Chirem called, dragging out the 'o's'. "Are you coming?" He continued, standing in front of the front door to the building they were standing in currently, holding a small backpack over one shoulder, shifting from one foot to another every few seconds.
"Yeah, one second!" Mhosho replied, not really sounding that involved in the current situation. A moment later, Mhosho came out of his room, wearing his usual clothes, the only addition being the slight bags under his eyes. "Did we seriously have to get up this early?" He grunted, walking up to Chirem, clearly unimpressed at the time the clock read.
"Yup!" Chirem chirped happily, changing the foot that held the most weight once again.
Mhosho gave him a perplexed look at how much energy he seemed to have. "Well?" Mhosho urged to the other boy, motioning to the door in front of them as he did.
Chirem nodded sharply and pulled at the door's slightly rusted bronze handle, letting it open smoothly. He took a step outside and stretched, loving the feeling of the calming breeze brush against his slightly tanned skin and tufts of his ears. Mhosho next to him, however, looked slightly less impressed.
"Can we get going then?" Mhosho yawned, rubbing the now forming wetness appearing in the corners of his eyes. Chirem turned to him and nodded, walking ahead expecting the other boy to follow him, which he did.
They stayed like that for a while, trekking through the forest with Chirem leading and Mhosho following in tow, albeit begrudgingly. After yet another yawn, Mhosho decided his tiredness had reached its peak. "How much longer?" He spoke up, barely seeing Chirem walking in front of him from the blurriness of his eyes after yawning.
Chirem simply hummed in response, coming to a stop as the trees parted. After rubbing the water out of his eyes, Mhosho raised an eyebrow at that but walked to his side.
Chirem had the biggest smile possible on his face, as he stared out over the cliff edge. Orange coated the skyline, like some kind of tidal wave of orange juice, Chirem thought. The clouds dispersed slowly as they drifted away from the orange juice, like fluffy marshmallows. Someone has poor taste, Chirem pondered. Chirem tilted his head, still bearing a bright smile, to gauge Mhosho's reaction, but frowned at said boy's face.
Mhosho was looking at the sunset, squinting, with a slight hint of an emotion Chirem hadn't seen on him before. Longing, Chirem placed.
"Is... " Mhosho breathed quietly, before repeating himself, louder this time. "Is this all?" His voice was monotone like always, any hints of emotions from before seemingly disappearing as he looked down at Chirem slightly.
Chirem gazed at him worriedly. "D-don't you find this pretty?" He gushed, trying to sound happy so Mhosho wouldn't know he had caught on to whatever he was hiding.
"I guess..." He shrugged, looking down to the ground, kicking a stone.
Chirem plopped onto the cliff edge, legs dangling over the edge dangerously. Mhosho looked at him cautiously, before chirem taking something out of his bag grabbed his attention. Chirem held out a small pouch of water to him. "Want some?" Mhosho nodded silently, taking it from him, sitting down and taking sips every few minutes.
They sat in that comfortable silence for a while, just watching the sandy colours of the sky meld into the sea blue of normality. Chirem spoke up first, breaking the silence. "Mhosho, I thought this would make you feel more comfortable, it always seems to calm me down..." He trailed off quietly, feeling guilty even if he did nothing wrong. "Sorry if I did something wrong.." His eyes fell to the ground, worried his apology wasn't enough.
Mhosho turned to him and looked concerned that he had hurt the Chirem's feelings, probably the first time he'd actually shown emotions besides aggravation towards Chirem. "No, it's... It's not you..." He kept looking at Chirem, who in turn looked back at him, looking more confused than guilty now. Mhosho felt bad holding the gaze and turned towards the skyline of the forest beyond the cliff. "It doesn't... I have this... thing. A problem. With my eyes." He stated, Struggling with his words in trying to find a way to say it. He finished, not showing any signs of going on any further.
"Is that why you wear glasses?" Chirem pushed, hoping to get more than that out of him.
Mhosho shook his head. "No, I just have poor eyesight," He answered, looking back at the other before looking back out to the trees. "I have... well, you know being colour blind?" Chirem nodded. "I have that, except it's like.. completely colour blind." Chirem only responded with a quiet 'oh', before it returned to silence again.
"Sorry..." Chirem spoke up, the same guilty look on his face as before. Mhosho looked alarmed at this expression returning.
"No, it's not your fault. I should have told you earlier." Mhosho reasoned, putting on a weak but comforting smile when Chirem looked up to him for confirmation. Chirem smiled back, albeit wider, before dragging Mhosho up to his feet with a 'woah'.
"C'mon, I'll make some pancakes!" He announced, before continuing to drag Mhosho back down the path that they had come down previously.
Mhosho followed, looking alarmed, before smiling at the batboy's hyper-activity.
Before he was promptly dragged over a log on the floor, which pulled them both to the floor in a tangled mess.
Chirem laughed loudly as Mhosho huffed, hair falling into his face.