Tyasia and Kinsey are a very different matter. During the summer when I did not have to work or Andy was too busy going to see Alchemy or with the mystery guy she kept from me. I would hang out with Tyasia and Kinsey. We would always talk about college and what we would do when we got there. This was a very different subject matter when talking to them than Andy. Andy didn't know what she wanted to do and, to be honest, I saw a lot of Alchemy in her. But, that is her sister and I was thinking that the apple doesn't fall too far from the family tree sometimes.
"I want to go to college for web design." Kinsey sighs dreamily. "I would be the big wig of people who want their businesses on the internet. They would have to pay me a fair amount to have it done in a professional manner."
"I want to be a secretary. Sitting behind a desk and not being bothered." Tyasia rethinks what she just said. "Well, except for the phone calls and having to run errands for the boss. I will be leaving the life if I can get into some huge company."
We are all laying on the grass in my front yard. "What about you, Sirrah?" Kinsey asks me.
"Yeah, what do you see yourself doing? Or what do you want to go to college for?"
I smile. "I always wanted to be a writer or a journalist. Something along those lines."
"I think you would be great in front of a camera, Sirrah." Tyasia holds her hands up and makes a square. "Sirrah Winters....Movie Star." She then imitates a crowd cheering.
I giggle, "That does sound like a huge hit to me. But, I am not sure I would be ready to show the world my skin." I frown.
"Ha!" Kinsey blurts. "The world isn't ready for you, Sirrah." She sits up. "Look, I and Tyasia here, we may not be your skin tone, but sometimes we do catch hell from people who are too closed minded to understand we are just as good as they are. Sometimes better."
"Exactly." Tyasia sits up as well. She looks at me. "We can show you how to be comfortable in your own skin. It's not all that hard but then it's not all that easy either. You have to really love yourself."
"I do, sometimes." I sit up as well and begin plucking at blades of grass. "I just..."
"Nope, this summer when you are not working, hanging out with Andy or being around Cole. We will teach you how to do that. But, sometimes it must come from yourself, Sirrah." Kinsey grins.
"That sounds like a wonderful idea." I knew that this was not going to be an easy thing like Tyasia had said. But, I am willing to learn, even though I do like myself a little, it's more than what I felt back in high school.