I graduated high school with many people on my side. Since the trial with Alchemy, more and more people were coming to me for advice and information on what to do about a bully. Though the trial didn't completely stop the bullying, it did make me an advocate for no bullying and my popularity status was raised significantly. With everything that was going on, though my grades did not slip, I didn't make valedictorian like I wanted to but I did graduate with honors.
Andy and I remained friends and kept the club going until it was time for us to graduate. When that time came, we had to name two people that we knew and trusted to run the club. However, we did not know very many people or trust anyone with the club and the maturity to run it the right way. But, we did eventually give it to the two girls that started to hang around us; Catori Comox and Kilenya Salish. They were very appreciative and ecstatic to take over for us. They promised us that things will always be the same and the only change would be new members.
During the summer, I looked at many colleges, went on college tours, and applied to them as well. Yet, I also had many colleges decline my request on ridiculous terms, in my opinion. So, without any luck with the colleges that I wanted to go to, I took a job as a waitress at some kind of fancy restaurant. However, I quit when the manager tried to make sexual advances towards me in order to raise my pay. The only issue with that was, I never asked for a pay raise. Things took a horrible turn for the worse when he started ripping at my clothes and forced me to the floor. I managed to get away and ended up suing him and getting a decent settlement for pain and suffering.
After that, Andy and I got jobs at this nutritional plant, packaging the powdered food and fake sugary drinks for people that wanted to lose weight. They had so many rules there, it was stupid, but I stayed in.
Cole wanted to continue his career in the military. He wouldn't tell me what he wanted to do, to be honest, I don't even think he knew what he wanted to do. But he did know that the training he wanted was in Florida. I pouted and was sad over that for a few days. He and I are still dating and it's been a year now. However, within that year, I have been noticing that Cole and Andy have been hanging out without me. Sydnie brought this to my attention one day and I know that my sister wouldn't lie to me, but with her mood swings. I did not know if she was telling the truth. So, I went to Cole about he said he was but that is only when I am working and Andy is off. He also told me that nothing was going on between Andy and him. Of course, I believed him. I want to keep my relationship alive, this being the first I have had.
In July, I turned 18 and got an acceptance letter from Summerfield University in Atlanta, Ga. That's a way from where I live now, but not too much. Just a mere two or three hours or so. My parents and siblings marveled at my acceptance into Summerfield, along with Cole. Andy did not marvel when I told her. Instead, she broke down and cried, saying who was she going to talk to and all that.
I suggested that she to enroll in the college, just to take some general learning classes until she can figure out what she wants to do. She was then elated at that idea and perked up. So, she followed me to Summerfield.
With the first two years of being at Summerfield, I had no idea what I wanted to do and I only took my one general learning class, which was college algebra. I knew I was going to pass with excellence.
I even got approved to be in a townhouse on campus, that is where I got to meet my roommate; Visellia Apelles. Every day that I came in from my math class, I would go through the program catalog and observe every program they have. And they have a lot. From welding to computer programming. I agonize over what I wanted to do or be.
"What have you always wanted to be, Sirrah?" Visellia asks me as she applies her eyeliner heavily from the bathroom in the hallway.
We both have our own bathroom but she claims that the hall bathroom has better lighting for her make-up.
"I remembered saying I wanted to be a writer or a journalist," I remember my 6th-grade dream
"Well, go for the communications-Journalism. That can kind of cover that." She says moving on to her left eye.
I nod and circle in a huge black sharpie on the program 'communications specialist'. I read the description of it online and the classes that I have to take. It does have some things to do with journalism.
"Thank you, Visellia," I say as Visellia fixes her top on her body.
"No problem. I am going out with my friends. Don't wait up."
Visellia grabs her purse and jacket then heads out the door.
I smile at my choice and quickly run to the admissions office before they close to register for the Communications Journalism program. I also decided to take it a step further and apply for the Communications Professional Writing program. After filling out the necessary paperwork and financial aid, I was in the program. Which would begin the beginning of May.
Andy on the other hand still did not know what she wanted to do and the semester was coming to an end.
"I never thought I would make it to college, Sirrah," Andy tells me on a personal level. "Hardly anyone in my family made it to college. They just got out and went straight to the military."
"Oh," I say not too stunned by her confession. "Well, now that you are here. You can go to a counselor and talk to him or her about what you want to do. They will test you and get you right." I suggest to her.
"Yeah." Andy perks up. "I think I will do that."
It took Andy a while to actually do that. I had to constantly hound her like a child to go to the counselor's office and let them test her. After almost a month and the semester ending, Andy finally goes and chose the Personal Trainer program.
When she told me about it in her state of euphoria, I raised my eyebrows at the choice she had made. I know I don't work out but Andy is not really.... she is on the chunky side and.... never mind. It made her happy that she finally is doing something her mom did not do. Go to college.741Please respect copyright.PENANA9iO7jbmpG2