Marriage is for those who know how to compromise. It's for those who don't keep tabs and those who forgive. It's for someone willing to love someone else so much, they'd give up something to make their spouse happier. They are willing to selflessly die to their own self so that another may live.
Marriage is alot. Giving of yourself totally to someone means giving your mind, body, and soul. It's saying what you feel even if it terrifies you or might cause a fight. It's being exhausted from working an extra shift because your spouse was sick and couldn't work theirs. It's connecting with and sacrificing for someone because you love them, which brings me to my next part.
Being married to someone means to love them, but not what the movies show. It can be romantic, but the true, deep, agape love is much more. It's choosing to love someone. It's not Hollywood and its not always romantic and interesting. In fact its probably not those things 80-90% of the time. But it's better and it's worth it.
Its a roller coaster and you'll have bad days and good days and bad days again. You'll choose to love because you'll fight and feel like you're not getting along at all. But you'll push everything aside, and you'll say "I'm sorry", but not always because you want to and not because you feel you're wrong. You'll say sorry because it's not about being wrong or right, it's about being a team. Agree to disagree and find common ground.
You'll probably say stupid things... scratch that... you WILL say stupid things and you'll hurt each other. Yet, choose to love and you'll do what it takes to make it right. You'll mess up and you'll mess up more, but you'll remember that you can't do things right without doing it wrong ten times over first. You'll learn to laugh, sometimes afterwards, but you'll laugh because you can. And sometimes you'll laugh because you have to and sometimes because it's all you can do. Marriage can be one long ongoing joke in a good way if you find the comedy in life.
You'll also realize that you'll never stop learning each other and you'll come to appreciate that. And communication means the world. If you suck at talking, write it down. If you're bad at writing, then talk. If you're bad at both, get a translator, do whatever, just find a way because you must learn to communicate.
Marriage takes alot out of you, but it puts so much more back into you simultaneously. It's a journey that you'll sometimes hate but you'll love so much in the long run. In fact you might find 6 bad days are worth it if you learn something and that seventh day is fantastic because of it. There is no formula and there is no method because everyone's different and has to find their own way to each others heart. To quote a small bit from Corinthians because they said it best, "it never gives up."