Part 1
Auroral and Silcon had just arrived at The Islas, the gateway between The Over and the multiverse. Auroral, grumbling about the awful ride. Even though she has wings of her own she doesn’t use them, in case anyone sees the taint. Like her Aunt Arius has told her over and over again “Auroral, if anyone ever sees your taint, you will be disowned and renounced from queen hood, we fellow angels look down upon tainted angels just as much as everyone else, and not to mention the marked angels! Now those angels are a disgrace, I mean, we are the best clan out there, might as well act like it.” And it was exactly like that too, always being told to be better than everyone else. It’s exhausting… so Auroral and Silcon got a ride from Zir and Vanna to The Islas, even though they could have just portaled here but oh well. The Islas are absolutely gorgeous, plant life everywhere, unique flowers and trees and life engulfed this little rock like a fire during dry season. Auroral glanced at all the different portals in the center of the island, each leading to the different kingdoms, and a special one lying on the ground in the middle of all the portals. As Auroral and Silcon approached the ring of portals they noticed one off to the far left, in between the Aquatic’s portal and Dragon portal. It was marked in some sort of ancient writing that neither of them could read, the portal wasn’t functional anymore so Auroral passed it off as a malfunction rather than the biggest discovery in The Over. The two girls walked up the stone stairs to the rim of the closed portal, reading the inscription engraved on its base. ‘Thou whom wishes to enter the multiverse take caution, do not disrupt ANY and ALL timelines or else thou faces severe consequences.’ Auroral chuckled at the writing, remembering what her Aunt had told her about being the best. Silcon was about to say something, but Auroral just pushed her sister out of the way so she could open the doorway.
“Auroral… maybe we could take a detour…” Silcon mumbled, Auroral shot her a warning glance, making Silcon drop her gaze.
“What KIND of detour?” Auroral asked with a sneer, she put her hands on her hips and waited for Silcon to respond.
“I… want to meet The Gatekeeper… and she’s apparently on the way to the multiverse… so… um…” Silcon struggled to continue her sentence, Auroral rolled her eyes and thought for a moment.
“Is this Gatekeeper powerful?” she asked, calculating the probability of a powerful being becoming and ally.
“Y…yes she is… she lives in a pocket dimension in between The Over and the multiverse… that’s all I know…” Silcon choked out the words, shaking very slightly. Auroral nodded, considering their options. And, very carefully, she smiled.
“Sure, if we find any pocket dimensions on the way, we can check it out and look for your ‘Gatekeeper’.” Auroral opened the portal and looked into the swirling vortex of stars and galaxies. Silcon, who came up to stand beside her, glanced up at Auroral, and she glanced back. Together, they jumped. Auroral opened her wings to their full lengths, the beautiful white and gold feathers on the back of her wings glittering in the light of passing suns and stars, Silcon in awe behind her. Auroral was glad that Silcon was behind her, so she couldn’t see her taint. Just as Auroral started to relax and smile genially for the first time in her life, she spotted a gateway off to the left. Silcon must have seen it first because she was already flying toward it. Auroral had always forgotten that Silcon could fly too, and it always made Auroral wonder why she didn’t fly more often. Maybe Silcon was afraid that she would have another accident and break her wings, exposing the darkness underneath. Auroral glided in the direction of her sister, keeping her wings angeld in a specific way so if Silcon ever looked back she wouldn’t see the taint. It seemed to take forever to reach the small gateway, Silcon was already through when Auroral could only make out the engravings on its sides. ‘This way to Pocket Dimension 0APiscus’ Auroral raised her eyebrow in a most annoyed and slightly curious way. Eventually, she made her way through. The dimension was indeed pocket sized, but… it is indeed amazing. Birds with reptile and fish like quality, flying on nothing and everything. The sky a pattern of a sunrise that seemed to last forever. And the jungle below them, it seemed to sparkle under the pastel sky. If Silcon’s Gatekeeper isn’t here… well, she sure should be. Silcon stopped suddenly, hovering in midair, looking at a nearby mountain laced with a thin layer of sparkling snow. Auroral stopped behind her, looking over Silcon’s shoulder at the mountain. There was a house on the side of the mountain, it’s wooden (looks like dark jungle wood which is indigenous to this dimension) with steel or stone frames to keep it up. The sisters looked at each other before continuing forward. They both landed on the balcony, tucking in their wings close to their bodies. The door that faced them was of an ancient and gorgeous design, the patterns and style complementing the rest of the house and window frames with the same design. Silcon and Auroral looked at each other, then at the door. Auroral pushed Silcon forward and stepped back.
“Your ‘Gatekeeper’, you knock.” Auroral ordered, crossing her arms and looking at the space around her in a weirded out way. Silcon stepped closer to the door and, lightly at first, knocked. They waited a moment. Silence and the occasion of hearing one of those creatures their only company. Then, the door opened. Silcon and Auroral exchanged a glance, then made their way into the house. The only light within was the light from outside that leaked through the windows. The first room they entered has a couch, a projecting device on the wall, a fireplace underneath the device and a few shelves. Each covered in photos of various people. Silcon approached on of the photos and froze. Auroral joined Silcon and froze herself. It was a photo of an older girl with spiky hair and star hair pins, her outfit definitely space and time like. And the girl next to her… was none other than the notorious crime boss Koi, with her yin and yang mask and gold and red velvet dress.
“Look.” Silcon pointed to the left bottom corner of the photo, there was a date.
“4/7/4560… that was only three days ago… well I could have been months ago here, I’m not sure what month or day or even what year it is.” Auroral looked from the photo to Silcon with a glance so deadly that Silcon froze with silent terror.
“Someone’s here, and that person is working with Koi.” Auroral walked around the room and glanced at more photos.
“Silcon, look at these.” Silcon joined Auroral at another shelf with photos scattered about. All the ones in these photos where Guardians.
“Look! Chris, Laynee, Skylar and Lea are in this one!” Silcon pointed to a photo on the end with the Star Heroes and the mysterious star-clip girl. Auroral pointed to another one.
“This one has the Chaos Twins, and… is that Evelynn?” Auroral pushed the photo into Silcon’s hands, making her look at it.
“No, that’s not Evelynn… I think that’s… that is… I’m… not sure who that is…” Silcon put the photo back, stepping away and walking over to the projecting device. Auroral sneered at her sister and continued to look at the photos. Auroral jumped at the sound of the device activating. It made a buzzing sound then the black device turned on, it didn’t project anything but it did play a video. Even though Auroral and Silcon have never seen anything like this device before in their lives.
“What is that thing?” Auroral snapped, walking over to join Silcon. The device had started playing a video with no sound, it only showed the star-clip girl walking around the room. Auroral and Silcon exchanged a glance, sat down on the couch and proceeded to watch.
The video continued like that for two minutes, then the star-clip girl sat down on the couch and looked right into the camera, locking her fingers together.
“Hello Auroral of the Angel Clan, Silcon of the harpy clan.” The girls stiffened at the sound of their names.
“My name is Anguis, second daughter to the Guardian Scarlet and most commonly known in the over as The Gatekeeper.” Silcon inhaled sharply, Auroral shivered from her head to her wing tips.
“You might be wondering what this strange device you are watching is, well it is known as a Television or TV in dimension I-/3L.” the girls nodded slowly.
“And as for how I know all this… well it’s a long story so please take this time to go into the kitchen down the hall and off to the left and help you’re selves to anything in the fridge.” Anguis smiled and waited quietly. Silcon stood and looked over to Auroral.
“Do you want anything?” she asked, rubbing her neck out of nervous habit.
“N…no thank you Silcon… maybe a water?” Auroral responded, still trying to put together what this mysterious girl has just told her and preparing herself for what’s to come. Silcon nodded and proceeded down the hall and to the left into the kitchen. It took five minutes for Silcon to return with Auroral’s water and a ton of snacks to pass the time. When Silcon sat back down and got comfortable is when Anguis started talking again.
“To you, this may be in the future. But to me, this has been long into the past. In order for you to understand what I am and the properties of my powers you must know my past, from the very beginning. It all started when my mother Scarlet of dimension A-774 was framed and restricted of her Guardian-ship by the fourteen Zodiac Guardians… enraged, my mother swore to take vengeance against the Zodiacs, and unknown to my mother’s knowledge was the Guardian Orion who saw the war she was going to start and eventually prevented. My mother had fallen in love with the Cancer Zodiac, now named Krill, and he was very much in love with her, and together they stole her Guardian-ship back and escaped into a desolate dimension where they started their army. And back in dimension B-3 my aunt Glory was doing the same with help from her lover, a member of The Over, Storm of the dragon clan. The civil war forged into chaos over the endless years, alliances forming to protect dimensions and hatred growing for the ones who started this. Over the years my mother and aunt grew worrisome about keeping their legacies alive, so they had their first children. My mother has three known children, my eldest sister, me and my younger sister. My aunt had a son and twin girls. But what no one knows is that my mother had a fourth child, one who obtained the Guardian-ship trait that none of us obtained. And so after the war ended, we children ventured into the multiverse to try and find purpose, and this is where I ended up. My mother, unaware of her children’s abilities and powers did nothing to help us and I personally am very glad about that because if my mother had intervened I would have been used to end the war in my mother’s favor. For you see… my power is foresight.” Auroral tensed, she could feel someone watching her. The star-clip girl who had been sitting quietly for a few heartbeat suddenly smiled and pointed at the screen, right above the couch. Auroral and Silcon turned slowly and peered over the couch at stared eye to eye with Anguis, a warm and knowledge full smile across her face.
“And that’s how I know your secrets. Auroral of the Angel Clan, you have been cursed with tainted wings.” Auroral’s mouth dropped open and her eyes widened, Silcon glanced at her sister with almost a pitying glance.
“And you Silcon… you have been keeping this secret for too long, Silcon’s wings are made of pure porcelain and if they break… well… she will lose the ability to fly forever.” Silcon’s face went pale, her fragile wings drooping. Auroral on the other hand, smiled slightly. She wasn’t the only one with a crushing secret, and on top of that… Auroral knows how to disable her sister if needed, she can break her.
“But enough of this pointless talk, how about we just get down to business. That is why you are here isn’t it?” The Gatekeeper motioned the sisters in the direction of the kitchen, but instead of making a left she went straight. The room they entered was fairly small. It contained one of those TV things, a small sofa, a desk, and a variety of books on shelves. Each book was by the same author… The Author. Surprisingly Auroral didn’t pay much attention to the array of books, each one possessing a name of whom will affect her in the future. Book one: Xenagos, the Returning Son, Book two: Auroral’s Borealis, Book three: Silcon the War Starter and so on. The sisters placed themselves on the sofa and Anguis leaned against the desk.
“Let me start off by saying that I won’t help you, but I know a few Guardians who might be.” Auroral leaned forward, wanting to hear more.
“You will find them in their dimensions, unfortunately for you each of the Guardians you visit will be young and reckless, and the ones you don’t meet… haven’t been created yet.” Auroral only nodded, glancing at Silcon occasionally. The Gatekeeper closed her eyes for a moment, then opened them as if she saw a new future ahead of her.
“Auroral, that’s a good idea. Sure go ahead and risk THAT one.” She sighed and looked the angel in the eye.
“What’s the harm? I can use my powers to summon the Guardians and use them to help in the war.” Auroral growled, Silcon stiffened.
“But you know the risk in causing a multiversal borealis right?” The Gatekeeper looked between Auroral and Silcon, deciding how to play her cards right.
“Yeah I know the risk! But at least I’m brave enough to do something about this war!” Auroral stood, grabbed Silcon’s arm and started walking out of the room. The Gatekeeper… only shook her head.
Auroral and Silcon leapt into the air, greeting the changing colors with open wings. Auroral, leading the way to the closest rift, kept thinking about what the Gatekeeper said to her. About what she knows and how she was created. It puzzled the young angel enough for her to drift in the fiery inferno known as her mind. No one must know about that… at least not yet. Silcon brushed her wings against Auroral’s, startling her.
“What is it?” Auroral snapped, no longer trying to hide her tainted wings. Silcon smiled.
“I don’t care that your wings are tainted you know… you’re my sister, and I’ll love you no matter what.” The young harpy…possibly harpy… giggled, speeding ahead and into a gaping hole that lead into the multiverse, into open space. Auroral braced herself for the sudden cold about to possess her body, but when she went through the rift… no cold came. Auroral had no time to puzzle over the lack of coldness when Silcon came sailing back to her.
“Hurry up! You gotta see this!” and off she went again, landing on a nearby space rock. Auroral sighed and flew to join Silcon.
“What is it you wanted me to see-“Auroral’s attention shifted from her sister’s awed expression to the scenery before her, a golden galaxy with streaks of all shades of purples and blues and greens with silver little stars resting within. It is indeed beautiful, and the perfect spot for the borealis. Silcon must have been thinking the same thing, the sisters looked at each other for a long while with out speaking, talking with their eyes instead of with words.
“Shall we get started?” Auroral grinned, startling Silcon momentarily. Silcon nodded, opening her wings and taking off. Silcon knew the plan, but… would Auroral really be able to control her immense power is a question all on its own. After a few heartbeats passed, Silcon returned with a massive space rock and pushed it a few hundred yards away from the spot Auroral stood at. It was time. Auroral placed herself in the middle of the floating rock, she was never sure what to expect in trying to form the borealis, but that didn’t matter. Auroral focused, breathing in and out deeply, than delved into the inferno.
The once bright white and gold room that Auroral had called her own had now been turned into a hellish landscape filled with fire and blood. Auroral sighed and glanced around, awaiting the arrival of her second guest. And amongst the fire appeared the second guest. Auroral equipped her Dreamer’s Blade (An Author’s Tool) and prepared herself for combat. The second guest, was a remake of Auroral. But this version of her had skin like Xenagos, no horns, dark black hair and wore a red crown and dress… and her wings, the feathers had started falling out and turned all black.
“Well, well I wasn’t expecting a visit from you. How are you Auroral?” the demon asked in her sly way of speaking. Auroral scoffed and crossed her arms.
“Oh shut up Grimm. You know why I’m here.” Auroral snapped, Grimm only nodded, a slight chuckle escaping her throat.
“What are you laughing at?!” Auroral demanded. Grimm’s chuckle turning into a sick howl of laughter.
“Oh nothing my dearest Auroral!” Grimm calmed herself down and sighed, sort of out of breath.
“It’s just that, you believe that to release your full power you have to chain me up again and make the multiverse ‘pretty’ with you ‘beautiful Angel light’ Ha-ha! What a joke!” Auroral took a step back in surprise at Grimm’s outburst.
“Didn’t Dediva tell you?!” Grimm then turned all serious, and quite psychotic.
“Didn’t she tell you that the amulet was meant for me? Based off your expression I’m gonna say she didn’t.” Auroral’s hand slowly moved to the chain and amulet around her neck, the eye remaining closed.
“H…how…. Is that possible?” Auroral choked out in slight panic.
“Well you see, we may be in the same body…”Grimm rushed in almost sonic speed and whispered in Auroral’s ear:
“But we are different beings.” Grimm’s eyes started glowing and her powers started surging before Auroral had a chance to escape Grimm’s close ranged sneak attack. The force of Grimm’s powers through Auroral against the closest pillar, making it crack under the influence of both Auroral’s weight and the speed of the toss. Auroral, whom slid to the ground in pain from her shoulders to her tail-bone groaned. Angered, Auroral drew her Dreamer’s Blade and readied herself for Grimm’s second attack which was happening now. Grimm was in the air and next to Auroral in three heartbeats, which gave Auroral plenty of time to react and attack herself. And with Grimm so close and right next to her, Auroral completed a perfect Blade Attack, cutting deep from Grimm’s upper torso to her lower hips in one swift motion, moving a few steps back in the process. Grimm howled in pain, her blood gushing out her wounds and onto the already red stained floor. Auroral held her own side, feeling the slight pain there herself. Grimm stood, growling and coughing up blood.
“You’re gonna regret you did that.” Grimm charged again, leaving herself open to another of Auroral’s attacks. And again, Auroral completed a perfect Blade Attack. And again Grimm’s blood covered the floor, the fire reflecting it’s self in the puddles. But unlike last time, Grimm smiled.
“What’s with the smile Grimm? I am the one winning this fight you know.” Auroral put her hand on her hips, holding her knife tightly in her left hand. Grimm stood once again, but didn’t charge.
“I’m not stupid Auroral, but you as well may be.” Grimm pointed at Auroral and whispered something under her breath.
“What was that?” Auroral readied herself again, only to be surprised.
“I said…’let the traitor burn’.” Auroral knew it was too late to react by that point, and she was instantly covered in the flames that were reflected off Grimm’s blood. Auroral had known that Grimm was gifted in magic but… never to this level. When the burning stopped, Auroral fell to her knees. The Dreamer’s Blade fallen next to her.
“Auroral Nova Mavakio, you have officially be defeated by me, Grimm Nova Mavakio.” Grimm chimed, clasping chains over Auroral’s wrists and ankles.
“And further more!” Grimm chimed happily.
“I will be taking my prize!” Grimm carefully took the Amulet off Auroral and placed it on herself, the eye opening and filling Grimm with a great power that only the ancient Gods could possess.
“And now, I will go and make my own destiny.” Grimm chuckled, leaving Auroral chained to the floor in the burning and bloodied room for many centuries to come.
Grimm awoke to being stared at by what felt like a million faces, including the fake Harpy princess known as Silcon. Grimm turned and looked at the borealis she had created, a bloodied mess full of destroyed planets and burning asteroids. Grimm chuckled and turned back to Silcon and the army of Guardians whom saw their summonses. The fear on their faces at the newly transformed angel startling them beyond comprehension.
“Hello freedom, this is Grimm Calling!” Grimm laughed her sick laugh. Silcon, in a sudden realization of the events that will be proceeding this, attacked Grimm at speeds unseen by any Guardian or resident of the Over (But not the Underneath). Grimm only smiled as she dodged Silcon’s attack, and in one swift motion, brought a wave of destructive magic right onto Silcon’s back, shattering her wings. Silcon screamed in pain, crashing onto the rocky surface of the asteroid. Grimm cackled in laughter as she embraced both the screams of Silcon and Auroral way back inside her head. Some of the Guardians, including the Star Heroes, ran to Silcon’s side to try and assist. But before they could do anything to Grimm, she took off into the desolate blackness of space, spreading her black wings to full length as she examined the army before her.
“This will do.” She mumbled to herself. She turned to the borealis once more and flew inside, making the red blood-bath of light cave in on itself. The last thing Grimm and Auroral heard from Silcon and their Guardian army was their sister’s shout:
“Auroral!” in a high pitched and desperate scream for the angel’s return to normalcy.
Grimm and Auroral barreled themselves through the endless dimensions, at one point seeing a quick flash of something ancient and unknown.
“So where are you dragging us to?” Auroral hissed, her voice echoing in Grimm’s head. The demon growled.
“Will you shut the hell up! Geese! Now I know how you felt with me stuck in there! And now you know how I felt!” Grimm and Auroral flew in silence for a few dimensions, then Auroral spoke up again:
“Really Grimm… where are we going?” Auroral sounded sincere. Grimm grumbled.
“We’re going to visit Queen Dediva, where else would we go?” Auroral screeched, making Grimm’s ears ring.
“WHAT THE HELL AURORAL?!” Grimm barked, rubbing her ears.
“You plan to go to The Void?! That’s suicide! Even for us! We’d never make it passed the Tar Ocean! Not to mention the Fog and the deep sea monsters!” Auroral kept yammering for many dimensions, Grimm’s patience running thin.
“AURORAL! JUST SHUT UP! WE AREN’T GOING TO THE VOID!” Auroral went quiet, which Grimm was happy about. Grimm looked at her Amulet of Power (The third Author’s Tool) and the amulet looked back. Grimm pointed to her head and rolled her eyes, the amulet rolling its eye also. This made Grimm chuckle.
“What’s so funny?” Auroral asked, curious. Grimm sighed, annoyed that her prisoner had spoken up again.
“I can hear that ya know.” Auroral hissed, Grimm shook her head slowly, thinking over the meeting plan that her and Dediva had planned.
“You’ve met with Dediva? B…but how?” Auroral sounded worried and anxious all at the same time, Grimm sighed.
“When you sleep, it gives me a chance to take control.” Grimm responded drily.
“But… why would you tell me that? Won’t you be worried that I might try and escape and take over again?” Auroral mumbled, making them both go quiet for a while.
“Yes you could say that I does worry me… but I won’t let you escape.” Grimm responded finally, Auroral didn’t respond. Grimm assumed that Auroral knew perfectly well what she meant.
“We are going to a pocket dimension to meet with Dediva, then we go back to the Over.” Grimm informed Auroral, her prisoner remaining quiet.
“Auroral? You didn’t die did you?” Grimm chuckled, she heard Auroral sigh.
“Do you get lonely in here?” Auroral asked, she sounded sad, defeated. The question made Grimm think for a few moments before responding:
“Yes… I do get lonely… why do you care?” Grimm growled, and in the back of her mind she could swear that she could hear Auroral crying.
Auroral and Grimm, flying faster than a normal mind could ever comprehend, had finally arrived in a desolate pocket dimension that only goes by the name of Darkness. The planet known as BloodStorm was all black accept for the dark purple rings that went around its axis. This was where Auroral and Grimm would meet the Void Queen. Auroral grumbled under her breath as they descended into the atmosphere. The cold and icy air freezing Grimm’s wings and face, as she broke the clouds they both gasped at the sight of this seemingly empty planet. What looked like a cloud of nothing from the on-look from space was actually an illusion to hide this planets vast glory and resources. The planet was indeed all greys and blacks, the tall and twisting jungle trees stretching up above them, forming a protective canopy to avert any suspicious eyes in the sky. The wild life… well the trees echoed with life but Grimm and Auroral had not seen anything since their landing on the surface. The two, in complete awe, started walking. They casted suspicious glances at the shadowy trees in case of an animal attack or an ambush of some kind from the natives of this planet… if there were natives.
“Took you long enough.” An unfamiliar voice echoed from the endless array of trees. Grimm and Auroral didn’t panic or rush for any weapon, they just waited for the mysterious voice to show itself. And indeed it did. After a while of waiting, a cloaked native emerged from the trees, approaching in a confident and cocky way. The native has a long monkey like tail, black fur upon both shoulders and short deep sea blue hair, a metal clip on her left side. Her skin is a mage grey, her fingers and toes like small and thin dragon claws, and her eyes are that of a Voider, the white marks under her eyes are that of claws by the nose and a river that comes to a point in the middle of her face at the opposite side of her eye, the marks are identical for both eyes. Grimm and Auroral had to process this new comer for a long while, eventually making a startling connection. The girls, both derping out at the same time screeched:
“K…KOI?!” They started making accusations and freaking out at the sight of the intergalactic crime boss. The native only shook her head, arms crossed.
“I’m Ender actually…” the native sighed like she got this confusion all the time (she did).
“I’m Koi’s sister, Ender as I said before, and I’m more commonly known as The Informant.” Ender smirked, watching Grimm (and Auroral technically) process the fact that there are two of the same person.
“Oh and fun fact, me and Koi have another sister too.” Ender snorted, trying to contain laughter as she witnessed Grimm break down in over expenditure of her brain. It was the most embarrassing moment of the demon and angel’s lives.
“Ender, what have I told you about torturing my partner.” Dediva hovered above them, her form surrounded by light from a massive and bright blue moon.
“Dediva…” Grimm rose, dusting off her dress and fixing her hair and crown. The Void Queen landed softly in front of the demon, examining her for flaws. The only thing Grimm hoped for now was that Auroral remain quiet.
“So, the amulet works well then?” the queen asked, amused at Grimm’s attempt to hide the angel underneath her demon skin.
“Y…yes, it works well. Shattered the false harpy’s wings with my new found strength.” Grimm tried to sound powerful, menacing. But both Dediva and Auroral could tell that she was panicking, stressed, worried.
“Good, you will indeed make a profitable reincarnation of the God of Destruction. And once I find a way to separate you and the angel, I’ll make her a decent God of Dreamers.” Dediva chuckled, making her seemingly innocent laugh turn more and more sinister every second it continued. Ender (who Grimm totally forgot about) approached and scoffed at Dediva’s unnecessary laugh.
“Dediva, I must go. I have many dimensions to proceed through to reach the destination you have required of me.” Ender started pressing on a spherical orb on her wrist band, typing in coordinates and dimension numbers in a language that Grimm and Auroral couldn’t read.
“Alright then, be off. And don’t disappoint me!” Dediva hissed between her teeth, Ender rolled her eyes.
“When have I ever disappointed you Dediva? Answer: never.” Ender, not about to get into another scream fight with the queen, opened a Guardian like portal with her wrist band and hopped through it. Dediva, restraining herself so she wouldn’t explode, turned back to Grimm.
“Well, if that is all then you can go do as you please until the time comes.” Dediva opened her wings and lifted off.
“I’d head off as soon as possible, one pro about being a stupid guardian is being able to portal jump. Sadly us Overians can’t but you know that so I’m going to stop with useless dialogue because the Author sucks and types only to get a high word count and AT LEASE PUT SOME APOSTRAPHE MARKS OR SOMETHING!” Dediva was then flung with ease to the other side of the multiverse where she continued ranting like the annoying character that she is. Grimm and Auroral, traumatized, took off themselves and flew in the direction of home. But little did they know was that it would take at least three to four centuries (not long for them, but long enough) to get there.
Phenax and a large group of tainted, marked and banished angels arrived at the shining white castle that loomed above them in all its glory. A young banished angelic vampiric hybrid with aumbre hair, black and dark blue/purple angel wings, a black choker with a black and blue butterfly pendant hanging from the center, she has on a teal crop top and black leggings, approached Phenax, worry staining her brow.
“M… my lord… are you sure this is a good idea?” the banished angel asked, trembling slightly at the thought of going into a place where (gender) was hated and humiliated so much to the point that neither side could stand it anymore. Phenax looked down at the child, and smiled.
“It will be alright Angaline, I won’t let anything happen to you.” Phenax ruffled the angel’s hair and walked to the front of the group, he took off into the air, his golden and white wings glistening in the sunlight, power fulling him from wing tip to wing tip. The sun doing the same to all the light colored winged angel below.
“It is now that we strike my fellow marked and banished! It is time for me to take the throne from our corrupted rulers!” his words were followed by cheers and support. And one after another all the angels behind Phenax rose into the sky, and together they all headed to the giant castle that rested on the highest peak in the Angelic Kingdom.
The flight didn’t last more than a few quadraseconds (.18 of a second) each of the marked and banished angels apprehending and restraining the guards that confronted them. Phenax, the young banished angel from before, and another angel with sleek black wings and hair, a dark moon shaped scar over his left eye and a blue tear mark under his right eye (it was obvious that the two angels loved each other but were too shy to say anything) stormed into the white castle. The throne room was laced in gold and made mostly of marble, the windows colored in different shades of everything, foretelling of a prophecy soon to come. The queen rose, glaring at Phenax and the two angels at his left and right side. Phenax expanded his wings, showing his royal gold wings to the false queen.
“Queen Arius! I am Phenax Heinrich Goldheart! The previous king’s son! And I’m here to claim my throne!” The queen and her advisers hissed in disgust, but then one of the queen’s oldest advisers (he also served the previous king), Tyrani stepped forward.
“I hate to say it your majesty but… he really is the previous king’s son…” Queen Arius turned abruptly to face her adviser, painful shock on her face.
“I was there when he was born, his mother died in child birth and the king didn’t want the council to kill his son because he was born marked…” Tyrani turned to Phenax and knelt before him, crossing his right arm over his chest, hand landing on his heart.
“You, Phenax Heinrich Goldheart, are the one whom I will follow. My true king.” One after another, each adviser knelt before Phenax, and one after another so did every guard and servant that came into the throne room to inspect the commotion. The only one in the room who wasn’t kneeling to Phenax was the false queen. She scoffed, spreading her pure white wings and shattering the glass behind her in defeat. She took off, leaving everything behind to the mercy of Phenax and his new kingdom. A piece of the prophecy lying next to the throne, it was of a golden angel claiming the throne from a monster in disguise. Phenax smiled at the sight of the lone piece of glass, believing that he was the golden angel to save his kingdom. He looked from one angel to the next, Tyrani lightly grabbing his elbow and guiding the new king to his throne. Phenax could feel the power of his kingship fuel all the angels who supported him, and that day he made a promise to only use his power for good, for his nation.
Grimm and Auroral, flying as fast as light could ever dream of going, soared through millions upon millions of dimensions, glancing at pasts and presents and futures of everything that existed in the multiverse. But Auroral didn’t care about all the magic and wonder she was exposed to, she was worried about a marked angel. He had never met her before but the moment she saw him… she knew that he would be the one to be with her forever. His gold and white wings, golden hair, orange jagged tear markings… he was indeed the one. Auroral believed that, Grimm just thought she was insane to fall for someone so beneath her. Even though Grimm was flying, she could still feel the drive to continue from Auroral’s hidden love for the marked angel. And together they strived to move forward, not taking a second though about how they would hold up physically.
“When we get back… I will claim the throne, and I will marry that marked angel.” Auroral kept hoping to herself, the echo ringing in Grimm’s ears like a sonic pulse.
King Phenax and his head adviser, Tyrani, walked through all the halls and rooms. Tyrani had promised to discuss the condition of the marked and banished angels with the other advisers before they did anything to rash that would cause anarchy. In the meantime Tyrani led Phenax to his new room, the bed was of baby hippogriff feathers, the sheets made of unicorn fur and the whole room carved in marble and gold, polished counters and dressers along the wall, a mirror across from it, two fountains on the furthest corners of the room, stained glass lining the ceiling and most of the walls. Phenax smiled and nodded to Tyrani, dismissing him, the adviser bowed and made his way off to the conference room. Phenax closed the door, looking at the beauty his room held. He glanced upon the bed and saw a new outfit spread out. Accepting the custom of how a king should look, Phenax changed. The new outfit was a gray unicorn fabric with gold, diamond, and silver along the neck and waist, the pants of black heavier fabric that seemed to glisten like stars. And with the whole outfit was a golden cloak with the nation’s symbol of the aligned star (a red star with three red dots underneath) upon the back and on the clip the laid on his shoulder when he put it on. The cloak was relatively light even though it was golden, probably magic induced or something. Phenax looked at himself in the mirror, smiling slightly at how proud his father must be if he saw him now. He missed the life he could have had, but with this new sense of determination and the loyalty of the kingdom at his back, there isn’t anything he can’t do.
“MY LORD!” a young angel stormed in, sweat beating upon his forehead, breathing heavily. Phenax snapped to attention, rushing to the child’s side to assist him.
“What is it? What’s happened?” Phenax sat the child down at his desk chair, kneeling to be at eye level with him.
“M… my lord… w… we have enemies approaching f…from the s…south east.” The child huffed, coughing into his sleeve. Phenax nodded slowly, he patted the child head and ran to the conference room. While Phenax was rushing down the white and glittering halls he passed Angaline and the black winged angel from before, their backs to him. And even though he had to hurry, he made a quick detour. He rushed up behind them, turned them to face each other and pushed their heads together, their lips touching. Phenax started sprinting again, yelling over his shoulder at them:
“If you love each other than stop being afraid to express your feelings for each other already!” He rounded the corner before they could respond. Phenax burst into the conference room, glancing from face to face.
“My lord!” Tyrani rushed to him, supporting the young king.
“I got the message… who’s attacking us?” Phenax was out of breath but he pushed through the pain in his chest an approached the rounded table where all the advisers sat.
“The Demon Kingdom, my lord.” A young angel spoke up, her white hair flowing down her back, her eyes like a bright green sun, and her wings a beautiful sea blue and green. Phenax tried to respond but… he couldn’t find his words. Tyrani, seeing his young lord struggling, sighed and continued to fill Phenax in.
“They arrived on our shores a few hours ago, we are unsure how they remained undetected through our barriers and guards posted on our boarders. But we do know that they have brought DreamBeasts, NightBlenders, and… they have a wyvern with them as well…” Tyrani glanced at Phenax, looking to see if he was paying any attention.
“Any casualties?” Phenax finally said, his voice trembling very slightly. The girl from before shook her head.
“No my lord, they only used sleeping gas on our soldiers who went to confront them.” She and all the other advisers looked intently at Phenax, waiting for orders.
“They just used sleeping gas?” Phenax was thinking, looking at the map where all the Demon troops where. They were in the now abandoned part of the Marked Cities. Maybe… but he was long gone… but they didn’t know that… maybe this is what Hydrangea meant by ‘wait and watch for an army of shadows to meet the light of tainted wings.’ Damn, that kid is sure going places.
“They aren’t here for war, they’re looking for Xenagos and Alakin. The Shadow Lord’s sons.” Panic started erupting when Phenax said that.
“Wait DEMONS were HERE?!” the beautiful angel said, her eyes widening in fear and concern for the innocents who needed protecting.
“No, no Irene all the children of the Shadow Lord are half-bloods, they aren’t full demons, and actually one was half angel, Auroral.” Tyrani responded to Irene, her face calming a bit. Phenax’s face blushed a little, learning her name giving him more confidence and determination to be able to properly win a seemingly one sided battle that hasn’t even started.
“Alright, who is our mage?” Phenax asked, calculating the chance of this plan working and how many casualties will set back the chance of success. Irene raised her hand, drawing the king’s attention.
“I am your majesty.” She alleged confidently. This made Phenax blush to the point that Tyrani had to elbow him in the side to get him to be professional.
“Oh, um, do you think you can use your magic to, um, make it rain toxins on the Demon army? We can supply you with the toxins, right?” Phenax looked around, someone nodded.
“OK cool, but can you do it Irene?” He approached her, face to face, looking into each other’s eyes. Now it was her turn to blush, she nodded slowly at first then nodded faster.
“Y…yes your majesty.” She managed to choke out. Phenax smiled, touching her shoulder with assurance and affection.
“Thank you Irene, and don’t worry. I will lead us to victory.” She then smiled a bright and hopeful smile that seems to light up the whole room.
“Not yet you aren’t your majesty.” Tyrani spoke up, holding a golden and emerald crown. Phenax looked at all the faces that starred at him, hope and support giving him courage to take the crown and place it upon his head. He was king, and he will protect his kingdom, even if it meant destroying this rival clan.
“Who is our alchemist?” King Phenax asked, looking more and more confident by every second, Irene standing close to him and Tyrani giving him side advice for future questions and decisions. An older male angel raised his hand.
“I am your majesty.” He responded, Phenax whispered with Tyrani and Irene for a moment. Then nodded.
“Can you make a toxin that will kill the whole army?” King Phenax was all business now, his king-hood shining through him like a million stars.
“N…no your majesty, we… don’t have the resources to make a toxin that strong, we have already sent some pages to retrieve more ingredients from the mages. Phenax nodded.
“Alright, this is what we will do. Irene will use her magic to weaken the army with the toxins, then we will take them out wave by wave to insure that we have as little casualties as possible while also killing off the army. And if the Shadow Lord is there…” Phenax closed his eyes, breathing deeply.
“Then kill him.” The silence that followed King Phenax’s words made his open his eyes again. The shock that rippled through each face was assurance that Phenax was serious about destroying the Demon Clan.
Auroral was humming and whistling an angelic tune, making Grimm grind her teeth in anger.
“Will you STOP WHISTLING!?” Grimm barked, Auroral stopped for a few hours, then started again, singing.
“Oh my love, my love.
Where are thee, amongst the land, amongst the sea.
I will follow you anywhere, I promise my love I truly care.
But so far I have gone, to see you I long.
But years await, so take the bait.
For I have loved you forever, and time will have to wait.
Because I will come to you, through dream, through life.
So wait for me to return, wait to learn.
Because I will arise, in a sea of lies.”
Grimm didn’t say anything about Auroral’s song, she just sighed in annoyance and continued flying, never growing, never aging, but always remembering.
King Phenax awaited upon a mound that could see the whole battle field. The piles of bodies, all charred or mangled sprawled about carelessly. It was easy to say that the Demons have more casualties that the Angels. Only twenty angels died out of the fifty dispatched, and over two thousand Demons were killed. It was thanks to Irene and the alchemist adviser (Oran Tai) that the angels were sure to win. Phenax could proudly stand before his people and say:
“We have won the battle!” but, not everyone agrees with the young king. Many still shake with fear of the Shadow Lord’s wrath, the angel army hasn’t found any of the Lord’s reserve forces or any of the monsters he has brought with him. But King Phenax promises that he would personally look for these forces and destroy them. Unknown to Phenax, is the usage of the Reflecting Glass, this piece of magical glass is used to spy on enemies and threats to the one who holds it. And the one holding it, the one watching, is the Shadow Lord himself. The Lord’s black claws tightly gripping the glass shard, his army multiplying by the hundreds of millions. Hearing the new king’s promise to destroy the Demon’s made the Lord snap, sending all his forces in one big wave to crush the existence of the angels forever.
Auroral and Grimm, lost in an endless stretch of void. The dark matter breaking away from their wings, leaving them alone in the vast darkness. The sanity of the two diminishing with each lightyear that passes by in flashes. The never-aging girls, trying to maintain some sanity, started counting stars. And with each star counted the more they wanted their wrath to be witnessed, and the more Auroral wanted to be with the marked angel.
“Grimm… what do you say if we merge our two kingdoms? The angels and demons together forever… that would be cool right?” Auroral mumbled in Grimm’s head.
“Yea, that would be cool, maybe all the clans can join the party too…” Grimm chuckled, the loneliness and space madness getting to them both. The more and more their minds separated, the more and more Grimm started to change. Her wings growing feathers instead of losing them. The white returning in certain spots on the tips of the long feathers, her complexion growing paler. The stars looking more and more like shattering glass, distorting their minds to the point of madness.
“We’re never getting out of here… are we?” Auroral practically whispered, the two watching the floating pieces of glass pass them, occasionally cutting them on the wings or arms or anywhere really.
“Hey Auroral… do you think… that this was supposed to happen?” Grimm hesitated in saying, regretting her actions and wanting to start anew back home in her safe kingdom where war was far behind them and peace reigned. The two remained quiet for a long time, becoming more separated with each century that passed them by.
The bloody war raged for many centuries, the dragons occasionally requesting reinforcement from the remaining armies, even though they had the Guardians that the injured Silcon had brought back. What the dragons needed was for their angel to return and light the way. The war has now reached its peak, both sides diminishing. A final battle to decide who survives. King Phenax, gold armor glimmering in the moonlight, has been discussing battle tactics with his five remaining advisers. Tyrani, Irene, Oran, the navigation adviser Wynre, and the battle tactics adviser Kore.
“My lord, we won’t win due to our lack of armed forces.” Kore kept explaining. Phenax groaned, running his fingers threw his hair. Irene looked at the king, wanting to go over and comfort him but not wanting to be another distraction to him all at the same time. She has hesitated for months about something important but she believed it could wait till after they win this war. Kore and Phenax then started arguing, causing the young king to storm out, grabbing his swords with such force that it made Irene step back from him. She hated it when he got angry. Irene walked over to Tyrani, his already pale face almost white in fear.
“Tyrani? What happened?” Irene glanced at everyone in the tent, they all looked like ghosts. Tyrani grabbed Irene’s shoulders, shaking her a bit.
“Irene, you must get to safety, for you and the future heir!” Tyrani choked on tears, Irene was starting to put the pieces together. Knowing how much Tyrani thought about decisions based of probability, she knew that hesitating would end in death for her and her baby. So she left, flying to the safety of their allied clan, the Aquatics.
King Phenax, leading his army to face the remaining demons, his temper and pride blinding him from the real reason why they are at war, for him… it’s all about releasing his anger. Spreading his wings and launching into the brisk night sky, the moon making the white on his wings turn silver. It was almost magical how much he had changed over the past eight centuries, the boy was gone and the king returned. Phenax looked down at the growing demon army, his anger blinding his wisdom. With one final thought of the one he loves, Irene, he dove into the battle. Blood and flesh flying everywhere, heads gone, wings ripped off, everything that Phenax had been told was here in front of him, and he was diving into the middle of it. He landed with a massive thud, the impact rippling like a sonic explosion, all the super-human strength that everyone in The Over was used to, echoed everywhere. Bodies being obliterated and torn apart by mere hands alone would make an average person turn away in fear and disgust. But these beings weren’t average, and they seek the blood of their enemies. King Phenax, swinging his glimmering sword at the flesh of his enemies, for once started to think… and worry about leaving the one he loves and the two children who will be joining her when she returns.
Irene, gasping at in pain, looked down at her two children. An aquatic male standing next to her, gripping her shoulder and looking down at them in hatred and disgust. The twins, never taking their eyes off their mother, smiled. The boy, golden hair like his father with white tips that he got from Irene. His wings a light blue and silver, his eyes, like a burning fire around a black abyss (like his father’s eyes) with two black lines running from the bottom of his eyes to the bottom of his chin. He laughed and whapped his sister whom had not made any noise. The girl has black hair with three thick white strips running across the front, left and right. Her eyes were like Irene’s but she had white crosses going through the light blue color in her eyes. And under her eyes were two matching pink diamond marks with black rings crossing the sides, with freckles scattered across her nose bridge and under part of her eyes. The twins batted at each other, making noises and little grunts of annoyance. Irene was happy, but was sure that Phenax would discover her betrayal. For the daughter had small wings (smaller than normal angel wings) and the color was so exotic (teal and lime green) that it was obvious that she was not full angel. She looked to the male angel next to her and nodded, and with the quick nod he gave back he took the daughter. She started crying then, making Irene’s stomach turn with regret, but it was for the best. The son then started crying and reaching out to his sister, this made Irene snap and she ripped her daughter out of her side lover’s hands.
“Don’t take her! P…please…I… can’t bear to separate them…” Irene choked, the twins calming. The aquatic male hissed but nodded.
“What are you naming them?” he snarled, looking away to a hidden figure outside.
“I will name the boy Keiko, and the girl… I’ll name her Mariga.” Irene smiled, holding her children close to her chest, feeling their small heartbeats. As they started to drift into a light sleep, a figure dressed in unusual clothes barged into the room, blood staining her hands and body. The murderous intent in her eyes sent shivers down Irene’s spine, she called for help and looked to the aquatic next to her. He had a wide smile on his face, drawing a light dagger from his hip holster.
“Akire… w… why?” Irene choked, pulling her children into her. The twins whimpered, tears falling onto their mother’s chest.
“Because you never really loved me, even though we’ve been together far longer than you and that know-it-all king!” Prince Akire hissed, motioning to the shaded figure. The figure nodded, then attacked. She managed to mortally wound Irene with a deep blow across her chest, cutting Mariga’s left eyebrow in the process. The baby screamed in terror and pain, making her brother scream in unison. Irene was on her feet in seconds after the surprise attack, shielding her babies with what little strength she had left. In three seconds five things happened, first: the shaded figure attacked with a burning blood attack (blood magic), making Irene’s chest an inferno, scaring Mariga’s right eye with a hideous burn, somehow avoiding the boy. Second: and angel guard who followed Irene to the Aquatic Kingdom barged out of the room he had been hiding in and attack both the shaded figure and the prince with such force that the whole ground seemed like it would shatter under the dynamism. Third: Prince Akire tried to run at the sight of the guard appearing seemingly out of thin air. Fourth: Irene’s screams of pain echoing through the kingdom of water, rippling in the minds of her children forever. And Fifth: the guard catching the twins as Irene collapsed and dropped them, her dead body never reaching the ground before it was complete ashes. With the prince and figure unconscious and Irene dead the guard ran, protecting the heirs of the Angel Kingdom from anything this damn kingdom had to throw at them. And off they went, the guard’s white and emerald green wings marking the turning point in a civil war that no one could win… well, not now at least.
Part 5
Auroral and Grimm busted threw the sound barrier of The Over, glad to finally be home, glad to see their long lost love. As they dived in the direction of the Angel Kingdom they started to see. Everything was ablaze with wars previous won or just starting, bodies of various species scattered about and clustered together in massive piles. It was revolting. The now grey angel-demon with small tan horns, whimpered at the sudden sight of their kingdom. The once marvelous castle atop the tallest mountain, shattered and crumbling in the ruins of the rest of the burning kingdom. They circled over the stretch of land for a few hours trying to see if they could see anything… or anyone. They Auroral spotted it, a camp site where new buildings were being constructed, exited, they landed. But it was too late… for they landed right in the middle of a wedding, two young angels that Auroral and Grimm didn’t recognize turned from the priest and starred at the wedding crashers, and next to the male with black and blue wings was the marked angel Auroral had fallen for.
“King Phenax.... who is that?” the male asked, pulling his lover close. Auroral noticed then two children clinging to Phenax’s legs, they are identical twins accept the girl has a large and hideous scar on the right side of her face.
“Duddy… who ez dat?” the boy asked, eyeing Auroral and Grimm, Auroral looked at Phenax, her heart slowly cracking.
“It’s ok Keiko, I won’t let anyone harm you.” Phenax gave the twins to the old adviser, Tyrani, who Auroral recognized, the adviser whispered something in the king’s ear, making his eyes widen in fear. He turned to face them, face hardened into an emotionless glare.
“Princess Auroral… I hate to have to tell you this on such a strange turn of events for you but… your family has been overthrown, for I Phenax Goldheart, am the rightful king of the Angelic Clan. And my son and daughter are the rightful next heirs.” This made Auroral snap, resorting to Grimm’s takeover. Grimm glared at Phenax, then at his children who they hated so much. Overcome with anger and sadness, Grimm charged at the children, ripping large scratch marks into her arms and using her blood to form a sword, fire reflecting off the solidified blood. Unexpectedly, the boy who Phenax referred to as Keiko stepped forward, magic pulsing threw him like light itself, and before Grimm could bring the flaming sword down onto the children and the adviser, Keiko formed a shield of pure energy that shattered Grimm’s blood magic. She jumped back, startled by this sudden turn of events, and even more startled by the faces of both the children. The boy had the face of a true warrior, a hero that would rise from noble beginnings and sacrifice himself for the greater good. And the girl who walked up to stand beside her brother had the look of someone who has seen the evil of the world and would do anything for a chance to become stronger and more powerful. Grimm took a few steps back, sudden thoughts ringing in her head… the name Keiko… it sounded so familiar that it made her sick. She blinked rapidly, realizing that she had been crying. It was stupid, to get emotional over someone just because they moved on and you didn’t, but here we are. Then she remembered, she remembered what her aunt had told her when she was younger: “Auroral, if you have to bow down to anyone for any reason then bow down to the Demi God of Unity, Keiko. He will be the only one who can fix your… problem…” it had been years since they had thought of that moment, but that conversation may have saved her that day. Seeing this young boy with his immense birth power was almost confirmation that this was the reincarnation of the Demi God of Unity. Grimm fell to her knees, lowering herself to the ground in front of the boy’s feet. Confusion echoing through the crowd of angels.
“Demi God of Unity, I beg your forgiveness…” Grimm stammered, not risking a glance at the Demi God. Phenax was enraged at the action of Grimm, pulling his son and daughter away.
“What do you mean ‘God of Unity?!” Phenax barked, making Grimm jump.
“A…actually it’s DEMI God, not just God… but this is indeed the Demi God of Unity, Keiko…” everyone looked at the prince in complete shock, even his sister and father.
“What just because he has the same name at a Demi God it means he is one?!” Phenax growled, grinding his teeth. Grimm looked up at them, eyes ablaze with anger.
“I can sense his magic, his immense power.” She rose, looking at all the eyes staring at her.
“I am Grimm Nova Mavakio! I am the wielder of the Author’s Tool: The Amulet of Power! And I am indeed one of the most powerful mages in the known multiverse!” Grimm shouted over the already silent crowd, eyes widening in fear and awe. Grimm spread her black wings and took off into the sky, taking a final glance at the angel clan before blasting off into the emptiness of space once again.
The twins starred up into the sky after the monster that fled. They turned and looked to their father, King Phenax, with big scarred eyes. He knelt down beside them and patted their heads, telling them something reassuring I’m sure. But Mariga wasn’t listening, she was looking at her brother Keiko. She had always known something was special about him, and now she knew why. Ever since her accident at birth (which their father never talked about or explained to them) she had always… seen things, and she would only tell the one being she trusted most, her brother. The spirits were whispering to her, telling her things she didn’t understand or could comprehend at such a young age, but it was fun listening to them when she got bored or lonely. Keiko stepped on her foot, making her glare at him but realized that he was only following the protocol that they had set up. She nodded and watched her father stand and address the crowd, their worries piling over him. Even though the twins had just turned two in the last month, it was easy for them to understand the massive threat they had just witnessed. They looked to each other, practically reading each other’s minds, casually slipping away into the crowd and back to the temporary castle that was located three miles away from a huge hole that was apparently caused by the war. The twins rushed inside, avoiding the eyes of any passing servant or official until they got to their room.
“Why?” Mariga asked suddenly when the door was shut and locked. Keiko looked at her in a confused way.
“Why what?” he asked, sitting on his bed and watching her little wings flutter in frustration, it was funny when she did that. She only shook her head.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were a demi god!” she shouted, making their room tremble under her bombing voice. Keiko sighed, catching a piece of concrete that cracked and fell from the ceiling.
“Mariga I would have told you if I knew, but I obviously didn’t.” he stood and patted his raging sister on the back to calm her.
“Adi didn’t say anything about you being one of them…” Mariga mumbled under her breath, making Keiko hold his.
“Who’s…? Adi?” he asked, afraid of the answer she is about to give. She looked into his eyes and pointed to the dark closet and whispered:
“She’s the monster in there, she talks to me at night. She says she’s the god of betrayal. And she doesn’t like you or duddy or anyone… she says that I was supposed to be a god like her, BUT I’M NOT!” she shouted, throwing a small tantrum. Keiko tried to calm her but to no avail, but he did manage to sneak a glance to the dark closet… where he saw long black fingers quickly pull back into the infinite obscure known to them as the closet.
The twins spent the rest of the day looking in the temporary library where all the surviving archives and books rested peacefully. Each of them retrieving all the books they can on the ancient gods and prophecies on reincarnations. Keiko, reading and writing at the same time, charted a clear list of all the previous gods and previous demi gods. The list went as so:
Rosetta the Kind: the previous god of creativity
Malakai Destroyer of Words: the previous god of destruction
Lunus the Dreamer: the previous god of dreams
Autai the Brightest Light: the previous god of magic
Nebula the Ventured: the previous god of dimensions
Faith the Kind: the previous god of peace
Laosiki the Brave: the previous demi god of war
Mador Keeper of Life: the previous demi god of nature
Yayo the Balancer: the previous demi god of balance
Lakion the Changer: the previous demi god of shifting
Reaper the Soul Collector: the previous demi god of souls
Keiko the United: the previous demi god of unity (the original text involving the demi god name was incomplete so Keiko put his own name there like a stupid)
Adi Keeper of Poison: the previous demi god of betrayal
M (words unknown): the previous demi god of sonics
Iris the Beautiful: the previous demi god of beauty
Xera the Wise: the previous demi god of mystery
Terioka the Navigator: the previous demi god of constellations
The twins glanced at each other, reading over the list. Each time landing on the line ‘Keiko the previous demi god of unity’. Mariga had tears in her eyes, occasionally glancing at the line ‘M the previous demi god of sonics’.
“That could be you, ya know.” Keiko smiled, patting Mariga’s head. She didn’t respond, she only starred at the list, also looking at the line ‘Adi the previous demi god of betrayal’. Something turned in her head, her wings remaining perfectly still for the first time in… ever.
“Mariga?” Keiko leaned in close, poking her lightly in the arm. She turned away covered the scarred part of her face with her already short hair.
“Sister? Mariga what is it?” Keiko shook her shoulder, hoping that she hadn’t gone into another freezing fit (where she remains perfectly still, accept for her wings, for the maximum of three hours). But she pulled away, growling low and hateful. Keiko tried to talk to her but she stormed out before anything of importance can be said.
Mariga barged into her and Keiko’s room, slamming the door behind her.
“Why! Why is HE A GOD AND I’M NOT!” Mariga screamed into the dark closet, hearing rustling from within. In a few heartbeats a dark female figure immerged, green plus and cross marks racing across her whole body. Her four glowing green eyes ablaze, her two mouths in a wicked grin. Her long claws scraping the wall and closet door. The monster, or god at this point, pointed a long sharp claw at the young princess.
“How DARE YOU SHOUT AT ME!” she blasted, making the little girl tremble in fear. The monster approached with anger and rage in her now glowing red eyes (the glowing marks also turning red). In a quick haste Mariga jumped onto her bed, hugging her knees. This made the demi god stop in her tracks, examining the situation. Taking a few glances to the dimly lit floor the god could make out chalk lines, the child had made a protective barrier around her bed. Smart. Adi sighed, sitting on the ground with her legs crossed, hands on her knees, elbows at a ninety degree angle.
“So… you believe you are not a god Mariga?” Adi asked, lowing her head to look at the floor and the chalk marks. The child nodded.
“Yes! Why does Keiko have his name in those old books but I don’t! It’s not fair!” Mariga screeched, making the windows tremble. Adi only sighed deeply and shook her head.
“And what gave you that impression M?” Adi looked up, her glow turning from red to a dark greenish blue. The child looked back to her, and started weeping.
“Because my name wasn’t in those old books!” Mariga cried, wiping her eyes with the back of her hands. Adi just groaned in annoyance, throwing her head back in exaggeration to her annoyance. The princess stopped her crying and starred at the god with watery eyes.
“M, listen. You are a god… well demi god, gods are stupid always remember that.” Adi started, confusion crossing over the girls face.
“There is no explanation, everything is confusing, so DON’T ASK.” Adi hissed, grinding her jagged teeth together.
“If you want to unlock your true power than do as I said and look for the others.” Adi stood, towering over the child with ease. The only response she received was a set of big round wondrous eyes looking up at her. This was the one, the one Adi was looking for.
Auroral and Grimm, ripping each other apart at their frustration with each other and their lover who has betrayed them, crashed into trees and mountains, wiping them out as they went. But their pain was too great and they crashed into the marshes of the Aquatic Kingdom. "WHY?! WHY! WHY! WHY!" Auroral and Grimm shouted in unison, both seemingly in control. They wrapped their arms around themselves, whimpering and angrily cursing the name of the one who took their lover away from them. “My my, what do we have here?” a female voice asked kindly. Grimm and Auroral rose their head to look at the stranger. She was a hybrid of a Blazer and an Elemental, her massive burning wings and long fiery hair making her purplish skin illuminate, her blue claws and green eyes shimmering. “Who the hell are you?!” Grimm shouted, ready to tear the wings off this disgraceful hybrid. The hybrid raised a hand, smiling kindly. “I mean you no harm Grimm and Auroral, for I am Yayo the Balancer, and I wish to help you.” Auroral’s mouth opened in shock, her whitish grey wings fluttering slightly at this unbelievable turn of events. “Wow, yea you two have issues, switching roles so suddenly like that… damn the Author must have some faith in your powers or is just that cruel to do this to you guys…” Yayo crossed her arms, a tree branch from the trees above falling suddenly, nearly crushing her. Yayo cursed the Author’s name under her breath. The demi god shook her head and laughed pleasantly. “So princesses, will you please come with me? I may be the previous god of Balance but I am in connections with Kito the United, the previous demi god of unity and Terioka the Navigator, previous demi god of constellations. So I think the three of us will be able to assist you!” Auroral looked at the demi god closely, she looked happy and confident but Auroral could tell that she was tearing herself up on the inside. And the mention of the other two gods seemed to make it worse. “Wait… I thought it was Keiko the United?” Auroral chimed, standing up and brushing herself off. Yayo sighed disappointedly. “How stupid are you Overians nowadays?! How can you not get simple history right?!” Auroral was surprised at the outburst but didn’t take offence, Auroral knew the history of The Over was in shadows and maybe this god was her way of discovering the truth about what happened to that planet in deep space, Avikar I believe its name was… “I mean seriously?! How can you all be so stupid as to not remember the BloodSun clan!? Or the legendary Seer?! Or Silcon’s true identity-“Yayo covered her mouth, realizing that she revealed too much. Auroral and Grimm approached the god. “What do you mean by ‘Silcon’s true identity’?” they asked, Yayo took a step back, seeing both Author’s Tools being slowly activated. “I… I… can’t tell you…” Yayo started, but Grimm had had enough of her bullshit, she pinned the god against the nearest tree, her Amulet of Power activated. “So, Yayo the Balancer, you are going to tell me exactly what you meant by Silcon’s true identity.”
Over among the ruins of The Forgotten, a tall lanky cloaked figure stands diligent, awaiting the arrival of a cursed princess and the reunion of old friends. His white hair and purple eyes laced over the cosmos, watching things unravel in history. “It’s time… time for this ring to find its keeper…” The cloaked figure held a ring made of space matter and star dust, engravings along the sides. “Dimensional Ring, Author’s Tool, find your keeper.” He said to the object, and like that the ring left his hand, the tiny object disappearing into space. The cloaked man looked behind him and picked up the last Author’s Tool. “Well… that makes five of the Tools out and with their keepers… only one left.”
Anguis walked briskly down a beautiful stone pathway in a locked dimension that goes by the name of Dream Scape. The trees and creatures here are beyond explanation of the norm, maybe in a later book it shall be explained more. Anyway. Anguis had finally made it up the long stone stairs going up the side of a mountain, finally making it to me, The Author, and my pal The Writer who it just chilling here writing her own stories in my hot tub, not a care in the world... yet... hehehe. So Anguis walks up to us and asks "Hey, so um, Silcon the War Starter... the next book..." I nodded, listening but writing because I already know what she’s gonna say but I want to hear her anyway because I like the sound of her voice. Anguis clears her throat. "So Silcon is headed back to The Over as we speak... shouldn't you have Kito send out the last Author's Tools?" I sighed because that is so much effort and I really wanted to wait and you know what I will wait because god damn it I’m the Author and I can do whatever the hell I want! So I jus nod indicating that I’ll get to it. Anguis nods back, but before she leaves I give her a copy of the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th books in the Rise of the Half Bloods series. She thanks me and leaves me and the Writer to continue our stories.