To my eldest sister, Taylor, and my brother in law, Nick, may your paths be elaborate and complicated, life becomes fun that way.
And hello to my Collab friend, The Writer, see you in book 2!
Xenagos had always feared his father, the Lord of Shadows, one reason was that he was very abusive, and another… Xenagos saw his father kill his mother, Queen Starstruck of the Celestials. Xen could clearly remember his mother’s screams as she died, he remembered her limp body on the ground and his father’s dripping black claws. But here he was, going back to the hell he thought he escaped. He was almost to the portal that would transport him to the Demon Kingdom, Xen was trembling, sweating, but he tried to look strong for the young white haired girl who walked next to him. His younger sister, Auroral, has beautiful long white hair, pale pinkish shin and thick, short curved horns, her blue and gold outfit that of a true angel for that was what she was half of. She took longer strides then Xen did but he didn’t mind, he was in no rush to visit his father, even though he should be.
When Auroral first visited him and his uncle BlackFrost, a distant relative to his mother, he laughed at the thought that this girl could be his sister, he has black and white hair, no horns, and a bronze orange skin tone. Not to mention the difference with their eyes, Auroral has black stars for her pupils, white for the color, and black for the outside, along with a red line from the bottom of her pupil to the bottom of her eye itself. Xen on the other hand has black diamond pupils and red diamonds for the color, and the outside is a nice grey color that Xen thinks compliments the red. Xen and his uncle were horrified to hear what the Shadow Lord, their father, was doing to the rest of his siblings. Xen knew he abused the boys more than the girls but he never suspected that he would purposely set his two older siblings Zecra and Vitus in a deadly war with each other over the Dragon Kingdom, and that he would make his two youngest daughters guard the most dangerous gateway in the multiverse. The ones who were lucky to escape him were Xen himself, Auroral, and his younger sister Silcon. But that just left one sibling left, his technical older brother Alakin, who was supposedly gifted with future vision.
That was why Xen was headed to see his father, Auroral coming to bid him farewell at the cursed gate they both had hoped to escape. They stood before the luminous gate that towered above them, the back swirls of the portal so dark that it couldn’t reflect their image. Xen, in what he hoped was a hopeful face, turned to Auroral and smiled, she smiled back, her star eyes glistening in the rising dawn.
“Auroral, let’s go over the plan again, just to be sure I got it down.” Xen joked, but in all honesty he completely forgot what the plan was, he was never good at the whole memorization thing, but he didn’t need his sister to know that. Auroral gave him a funny look and sighed, nodding.
“Alright, first off, you go into the Demon Kingdom and head to the castle… or rather creepy looking factory… and tell our father that you are now ready to help him conquer the world, he will find you suspicious but accept because he knows he can’t miss an opportunity like this, once you are inside you question him about our siblings, but not aggressively. Eventually you will get to Alakin and question our father about where he is, our father will have to tell you as to not lose your trust, especially since he knows you can tell if someone’s lying.” That was true, it was Xen’s hidden gift that he loved to use on his uncle.
“You will go find Alakin when father isn’t looking, our sister will be watching you from the mirrors so when you need an escape she can help. But most importantly Xen, is that you can’t get caught, if you are he will kill you and probably Alakin. Did you get all that?” Auroral finished, looking out of breath. Xen replayed the plan over and over in his head until he was sure he got it memorized.
“Y…Yeah I think I got it down.” Xen finally responded. Auroral didn’t look convinced, but to Xen’s surprise she just shrugged and started walking away.
“Just don’t get killed Xenagos, or else that will ruin our futures.” She said, in what sounded like she would have been kidding, but Xen knew that she meant it seriously, and it made him shiver. She was sweet on the outside, but Xen could tell that on the inside, she was a monster. With no further thought about his sister, he entered the swirling vortex of hell, it only lasted for a few seconds but in that time, it felt as if Xen’s soul was being ripped out and reconfigured to match the area he was entering. The blackness of the portal staining his eyes for a split second, after the blackness faded over his vision and he could see again, well, he was in the Demon Kingdom.
The dead trees and grass stretching beyond the eye could see, the only thing that didn’t match the scenery exactly was the floating chunk of ground over a lake of midnight black, reflecting the smoke that circled the towers of his father’s castle, and I know what you are thinking I missed, the sky, well it’s not one to describe. It’s hellish. Xen shivered from the points of his ears to the tip of his tail, his black earrings glowing red in the dim light. Xen inhaled and immediately started coughing, he had forgot about the smog that stood clear and deadly over this kingdom. The locals are used to it, Xen should be as well but he had grown use to the pure air of the Celestial Kingdom over the eight to nine years he has spent there, well technically he can’t even say that since time works differently in each world, and in toll does not directly affect Xen or his siblings.
But this was no time for gawking at the privileges he had and the ones his poor siblings didn’t, it was time to take action and find is older brother…. Younger brother? Alakin is confusing based off of what Auroral had told him, she said that Alakin was fifteen but born before Xen, but Xen’s 23… we suspect that it has to do with the demon blood he has, Xen isn’t lucky enough to have life retaining properties like that but at least he has the sword he inherited from his mother and his people, it’s called The Author’s Tool, Xen… isn’t too happy with the name, but apparently it got its name from The Author herself… even though no one has ever seen or met her, it is said that the wielder of this mighty sword would be able to hear her voice or “see her type” whatever that meant. Xen’s uncle even said that he was still too young to hear The Author, but hey, he wasn’t getting any younger, so how long would it take to hear her… or “watch her type”?
Xen had remembered that he had been standing in the same spot this whole time like an idiot, he scratched his head thinking he heard someone. Xen shook his head and started walking down the dusty path toward his father’s castle. Xen knew from experience that it would take a few days to walk from the portal to the castle, and in this darkness and since he looks like traitor and a coward. Xen just hoped that his old hide outs were still intact from all those years ago, if he could just get to the first one before dark then he would be fine. Xen picked up his pace, arching his tail in a scorpion position in case of attack, his dagger on his hip and his sword on his back.
It has been three hours now, Xen slowed down his pace, looking for the hide out that he swore was around here somewhere, but with the endless stretch of trees and a vague memory, it was hard to tell. Xen knew it was very bad to sleep out in the open, and as a wanted man. He knew that if someone… or something… found him that he would be ripped apart and eaten as dinner… or is it breakfast? Xen gets confused about the eating schedules here, I mean, who wouldn’t. Xen searched the surrounding trees and shrubs that shined gold in the fading light, and out of the corner of his eye, he saw it. The entrance to his hideout, the first of many, and hopefully the only one he had to find. Xen rushed over to the tree covered in the glowing brush and gently moved it aside to expose what just looked like the side of the tree, but Xen could see it, he can see what is hidden from normal eyes; it is the greatest gift he has, the only one he kept secret. He touched the tree bark, looked over his shoulder for anyone in earshot, turned back and whispered the words “madiolok hiadi oouvinau” an ancient language from his people, the same phrase is actually engraved in the steel on his sword. A sudden door appeared on the side of the tree, glowing in the darkness, it was… much smaller than he remembered but he would make do with the cramped space. Xen slid the hidden door over and crawled inside, the space was indeed small but was livable. The small circular space was fitted with pillows, blankets and a soft rug to lay on, there were even preserved foods in a chest against the far wall. Xen closed the door behind him and laid down, dragging a pillow and a thick blanket with him. He got comfy, laid his sword and dagger against the wall next to him and pulled he blanket over him, laying his head down on the pillow. And slowly, steadily, Xen fell asleep, but the one thing that Xen hasn’t predicted was the strange turn of events throughout the night.
Xen was in what looked like a thick redwood forest, at least that’s what he thought they were called, the one who usually visits his dream had told him that was what they were called but… it was kind of a letdown of a name. Xen looked around the sunlit trees and the beautiful green grass and leaves. And out of the corner of his eye, he spotted someone. Xen, curious, approached the stranger. It wasn’t the usual visitor in his dreams, it was someone new. Someone… familiar. And as he closed in, he could feel his sword manifest into his hand, which was strange since he saw no need for it. But as he closed in and was able to see the details of the stranger, he could see that it was his sister Auroral. But… she was different… more dangerous. He noticed the angel wings that rested tightly against her back, it surprised Xen to see such a young angel with her wings, especially if she hasn’t deserved them yet… but just as Xen finished that thought, Auroral spread her wings to their full lengths and turned to face him. The back of her wings were just like normal angel wings, but when she turned to face him, Xen could see her malice, her sick smile that only one with evil intent could wear, and her wings… the front was completely black… Xen would usually pass something like this off as a dream for that was what it was, but he could feel it in his soul that this was no dream, it was real, and his family was in danger.
Xen tried to imagen Auroral out of his head, but despite his efforts she stayed, with the grin she wore slowly fading and her eyes becoming murderous. Until finally she lunged at him with a weapon Xen has never seen before, it had the basic frame of a dagger but it was longer and snakes wrapped around the lower half of the blade; coiling around the handle to form a point at the other end as well. Xen dodged the first attack but he failed to notice that the other end of the blade was coming at him quickly, too quickly to dodge. The pointed end of the coiled snake tails jabbed into his right side, making him scream in agony as blood spilled onto the once nice grass. His peaceful world changed into one of darkness, with no walls, floor or ceiling. Auroral pulled out the blade and turned to face him again, her angel wings bloodied at the bottom. She grabbed Xen by his shoulders, keeping the weapon against his neck.
“I’m not sure how you discovered my true colors Xenagos, but hear me when I say that I will kill you if you say anything to anyone. Not to mention Alakin, I mean he’s in the most danger right now and I can get in contact with father as fast as interdimensional travel. Do you understand?” she asked with that crooked grin; Xen was sweating and in a panic, he didn’t want to endanger Alakin and he certainly didn’t want to die himself, so he nodded. Auroral released her grip and stepped back. She smiled before disappearing in the shadows. Xen sighed in relief, his world slowly returning to its beautifulness.
“Well… that was sure something.” Said a familiar voice behind him, he chuckled and turned, looking up into the tree behind him. And sitting on a branch was a young girl, about seventeen, with a hood over her face and long robes covering her body accept her hands and feet which Xen considered small for her size but he would never say that to her face (even though she knew what he thought). Xen waved and she jumped down, landing softly in front of him.
“Hello Kyoxin, have you been here long?” Xen joked with her, she punched him in the arm.
“I told you not to call me that! That’s just the name of the pocket dimension I live in!” she exclaimed, making him jump and laugh.
“Well what should I call you? You never told me your name.” Xen questioned her, he has always been curious about her because she was so secretive, not to mention that her aura produced something that he has never sensed in anyone, or anything, he’s ever seen.
“Call me whatever you want, but you are not yet ready to learn my name, but quit calling my Kyoxin! That’s the only thing you can’t call me!” she yelled, kicking him in the leg, Xen yelped and held his leg, the girl laughing. Even though she’s shorter than he is, like five foot three, she can still pack a punch… or a kick in this case. Xen sat down on a rock a few feet away and rubbed his leg, grumbling. The girl came over and touched his leg, making the pain go away.
“Thanks.” Xen smiled at her and she smiled back, her tanned skin showing for once.
“So, how about I call you… Keeper for now?” Xen asked, raising an eyebrow, she thought for a moment and nodded.
“Yes, the name Keeper will do for now, at least until you are worthy of knowing my name.” Keeper giggled and Xen chuckled.
“You’re very arrogant aren’t you?” Xen asked in a serious joking matter, she shook her head, still smiling.
“No, its not that I’m arrogant, it’s that I learn from watching others.” Keeper said, smile fading, she looked up at him, and for the first time ever, he saw her eyes; a hazel with dark blue around the outside of the color and yellow streaking through the different shades of blues and greens. Locks of brown hair falling in front of her face. Xen recognized her now, but he couldn’t (but)-the writer was here place her face to a name. Her smile returned as he returned to consciousness.
Xen awoke to the cramped space he had fallen asleep in, he breathed a sigh of relief as he grabbed his sword and dagger. After putting everything back in its correct spot, Xen ventured to the very back of the hole. He felt along the wall, until he found an old and rusty lever. Xen pulled it, he could hear gears moving and the stone door sliding. But this door didn’t lead outside, it lead to a tunnel that connected all the hideouts to one another. Xen was just glad the g(y)ears haven’t rusted to the point that it wouldn’t work. Xen crawled through the small gap that opened up on the left wall, glowing lights lining the floor. Xen crawled through the dusty old tunnel until he reached the first break point in the long pathway, the little space was empty accept for one thing, a small framed photo. Xen picked it up and smiled at the sight of it, tears forming in his eyes. It was a photo of a younger him and a young aquatic, she has light blue hair and purple covering the left side that fell over her face, her skin a sea green with light blue scales on her cheeks and forehead. Her outfit was that of a maid. Xen could remember the day they took this photo, it was after they had finished the tunnels: Xen and Nylea were giggling as they held the camera to face them.
“Xen! Smile! I’m going to take the picture!” Nylea exclaimed, pulling him close, he smiled at the camera, putting his arm around her shoulder. They argued about what to do with the picture but eventually Nylea had convinced him that they should leave it in the tunnel, in case they missed each other.
Xen’s tears ran down his face at the memory, at the sight of Nylea. He missed her dearly… if they only hadn’t gotten caught, she might still be here with him: Nylea and Xen decided to meet in the old courtyard that was always draped in shadows, what Nylea would always call the most beautiful place to be in silence. Xen crept into the courtyard, looking for Nylea. They were older now, teenagers, and Xen, despite his efforts, has grown to love her. And there she was, draped in a black cloak and dressed in a deep green strapless(shirt), her black stretch pants complementing her brown boots, golden armbands on her upper arms. Xen inhaled sharply at how beautiful she looked in the red light of the sky, her eyes sparkling. Xen approached, his palms sweaty with the small box he carried, hidden away.
“You look lovely this evening.” He said sweetly as he approached, she turned to look at him over her shoulder, a smile shining on her face.
“Hehe, you big dork, I’m not beautiful, just regular compared to a prince like you.” She looked away still smiling; it was moments like this that Xen hoped that she liked him the same way he liked her.
“Now stop that” he said spinning her around to face him, shock in her eyes. “You are the most beautiful princess I could have ever met and will ever meet in my entire life.” Xen knelt to one knee and pulled out the small box, presenting it to her. She released a gasp, her smile widening, cheeks blushing.
“X…Xen, I… don’t know what to say.” She said in her calmed exited voice he grew to love. He chuckled and opened the box. Inside was a golden choker necklace with amethyst gems embedded in it, and a shining red ruby in the shape of a water droplet that hangs from the center.
“I… know this isn’t what you expected but, I wanted this night to be memorable.” He looked at her, expecting some sort of disappointment to cross over her face, but none did. She knelt down beside him, she took the necklace out of the box and put it on. She put his hand on his, and before he knew it their fingers were interlocked. She started leaning in, Xen did as well, not wanting to miss this moment a second longer. Their lips touched, warm flooding over Xen as he closed his eyes and pulled her close. Just as the world seemed to stretch on for infinity, he heard a loud gasp from behind them. They broke the kiss and looked over, a demon maid was standing here with her hands over her mouth and a look of disgust in her eyes. She started running, Xen in a hasty decision said to Nylea,
“Go! Run and don’t look back!” he kissed her a final time before running after the maid, he chased her through all the twisted hallways and corridors until she turned a corner that Xen knew lead to a dead end. But as he rounded the bend, there was the maid with ten of his father’s strongest men, they grabbed him and started dragging him to the throne room where Xen knew his father would be waiting and seeking retribution for the loss of a servant and the betrayal of a son. But unlucky for these guards, Xen came prepared. He slid a small blade from his side and stabbed the guard to his left in the ribs, quickly ripping his arm free and stabbing the guard to his right in the leg. Xen had his opening and he took it, he ran through the halls back to the courtyard he’d left Nylea in, and to his relief she did indeed leave. Xen could hear the shouting of guards closing in, he made haste as he dove into the rushing river that cut off the courtyard. On a normal basis he would have to fear the guards following him, but this was one thing that no one else with demon blood could do (at least to his knowledge) he could swim. Nylea had taught him during their nights alone, and here he was putting it to good use. So he swam, through the sewers, and out to the mote that sat below the hideous castle. Climbing out was a breeze, but now he had to run for his life. Xen was a fugitive now, one who had disobeyed the King and ran. This is why he and Nylea made those tunnels, to prepare for the moment they got their freedoms.
Xen snapped out of his daydream, hitting his head on the stone he was crawling under. He rubbed the spot that he had hit and continued forward, making his way to the second hideout. It must have been dark once he reached his checkpoint because he could hear the cries of monsters and beasts above him (which are all nocturnal). No madder how much Xen’s body ached or how much his head throbbed, he couldn’t sleep. He held the photo of him and Nylea close to him as he laid on the ground, starring at the dirt ceiling.
“Xen…” he shot up, almost hitting his head again, he looked down the tunnels on either side of him, listening. After a long moment of silence, Xen laid back down.
“Xenagos…” he shot up again, rubbing his eyes and drawing his sword. He can’t fight easily in these conditions but, he was willing to try. He waited and waited for the sound of his name, and again, there was nothing. Xen sighed and sat back against the wall, keeping a sharp eye and ear out for movement and noise. He was just about to drift to sleep when he heard the shuffling of dirt off to his right, the way he had come. He woke up instantly and readied himself for battle. But he heard it again,
“Xenagos.” This time it was strong and clearly in the direction of the shuffling, but what really made Xen freeze wasn’t the shuffling or the sound of his name, it was the voice. It sounded like Nylea. He covered his ears and shut his eyes, trying not to be consumed by the grief and anger that was inside of him. He could hear her call him, could feel the shuffle of her knees and hands crawling through the tunnel. NO, no it wasn’t her it COULDN’T be her! Xen could feel tears streaming down his face as he tried to ignore the sound of Nylea’s voice. But then, hands touched his face, wiping away the tears. The hands were chilled and webbed like and Aquatic’s. He slowly opened his eyes to meet those of pure green where the white and color would be, and dark purple for the pupil; the color of Nylea’s eyes. Xen broke down before her, she patted his back and laid him down. She shushed him and played with his hair like she always did, humming the same song she always hummed, one from her people. Xen could feel his eyes getting heavy as he drifted to sleep, her face in his mind.
Xen awoke, alone, in the cramped space. He rubbed his eyes and sighed, sitting up. He looked down at his hand, at the picture he held. It was a little bent from Xen’s restless night but, was there something written on the back? Xen turned over the photo, and there it was, writing in fresh ink clearly in Nylea’s handwriting. It read:
My Dearest Xenagos,
Please don’t cry, for you did not send me to my doom but saved me, like you always do. When I saw you last night I was grief stricken myself for I hadn’t thought about how you were taking my sudden disappearance after our separation. I would have contacted you but I wasn’t sure where you were hiding out, please forgive me my love. I will be awaiting your arrival at the end of this tunnel, don’t worry about me, I can care for myself. I love you Xen, never forget.
Love, Nylea
Xen choked on tears as he smiled down at her message. She was here, and she was, is okay. Xen wiped his tears away, stored the photo in his knife sheath and crawled forward, more determined than ever to escape this endless tunnel.
Xen was nearing the end of the tunnel, the sound of wingbeats and loud running feet over head making him more and more nervous for Nylea. He quickened his pace, knowing that he was almost there, almost to her. He could see it, the hatch to the surface. He sped to the hatch as quickly as he could, scraping his knees and arms on the jagged rocks underneath him. Once he reached the hatch, he flew it open, the hatch crashing to the ground with a loud bang that rippled through the quiet forest. Xen, armed and ready jumped out onto the brittle grass that was stained with ashes and blood, fresh blood. Xen looked all around him, but there was no one here.
“Nylea!” he called in a shrill and heartbreaking scream. There was no response, he collapsed to his knees, hands in fists as he tried to accept that he had probably imagined the whole situation with Nylea. But he pulled out the photo again and turned it over to look at the writing. It was there, and it was indeed fresh. But then where was Nylea? Did a monster get her? Did she get stuck somewhere or caught by the royal guards? There were so many possibilities and most of them left Xen heartbroken and angry. But as he was about to accept this fate, he heard a noise from the trees above. He looked up, assuming it was one of those monstrosities with wings that he probably awoken with all the noise he was making. He sighed and waited for the beast to swoop down and kill him, but nothing happened, which surprised him. He stood up, waiting. Then, a giant reptilian with wings that represented a wyvern, a tail like a monkey and a snout like a komodo. Its deep blue scales and fur covered by waterproof black armor to hide it in the shadows. And on its back was a rider dressed in a black cloak. The monster (also known as the Moodivani within the Aquatic species) landed only a few feet on front of Xen, its fish breath sharply attacking Xen’s nose. It stood at least eight feet above Xen, and he was tall himself being seven foot ten, and he was considered short for a half breed that was mixed with BOTH a demon and celestial. The rider dismounted, her face covered. Xen smiled and sheathed his sword, holding out his hand. The rider released a chuckle and took his hand, her skin the same shade as an Aquatic’s and that of the one he loves.
“It’s been a long time, hasn’t it Xenagos.” Nylea said lowering her hood, her goggles those of the Aquatic model and gloves to match. Her outfit was of a strapless crop top with skin tight riding gear. She was wearing the same arm bands as she had all those years ago, and upon her neck, was the necklace he had given her.
“Indeed my love, it has been the longest of times, though we both know that time is a nonexistent factor.” Xen chuckled, pulling her close, he hugged her tightly and he let his tears hit her hair. She pulled away and brushed his tears away, leaving her hand on his face. He put his hand on hers, they interlocked their fingers, let their arms fall to their sides and gazed upon the luminous, horrific factory castle like structure that they have called their home.
“So, what now Xen?” Nylea asked, looking up at him, her Moodivani coming up beside them. He sighed and continued his gaze at the castle.
“I have to go rescue my brother. Then I have to meet up with the rest of my siblings… we plan to take down my father and restore order to both the Demon Kingdom and Dragon Kingdom…” Xen looked down at her with affectionate eyes.
“Nylea, you should go, you could get hurt staying here.” Xen said a bit heartbroken, Nylea snorted and kicked him in the shin, he yelped.
“How DARE YOU!” she yelled, making him jump.
“I just got back together with you and your telling me to leave?! I think not! I’m going with you!” she bellowed, climbing back onto her Moodivani.
“Nylea, this isn’t a game! I could be killed if I was caught, you especially!” Xen tried to convince her. But her determination showed through her gaze, Xen knew he wouldn’t win this fight.
“I don’t care! I’m not going to lose you again!” Nylea bellowed, pulling Xen up to sit behind her, he chuckled under his breath and wrapped his arms around her waist.
“We are going to infiltrate the castle, save your brother and get the hell out of this place!” Nylea yelled, they took off toward the castle at full speed, to face the biggest threat of all time. High There
It seemed almost magical, like this couldn’t be real. Here was Nylea in perfect health and her and Xen riding to save his brother… but something was off. Xen could tell when he saw her that night and when he saw the note. Everything happened to perfectly, to fairy tale like. But this was the real world, and Xen knew, even though he doesn’t think about it, he knows that Nyela was caught by the guards because all the wanted posters of her went down only a few days after he had made it to the Celestials, he knew because his uncle kept him informed about his father’s whereabouts. But his were still up. Xen tightened his grip around Nyela as a single tear fell from his face to the ground below. He drew his sword and stabbed his love in the back. She screamed a vile and monstrous scream that echoed through Xen’s brain. Then the pain started, it was all over, it was like being thrown into lava but never melting and always feeling the pain. Xen screamed and started pulling on his hair and earrings, trying to wake himself up from physical pain. But it didn’t work. Xen whimpered and laid down in the new blackness the formed in his subconscious. Closing his eyes, Xen dreamt of Nylea and the life they could have had together with their unborn child. Xen, Nyela and their son… what a life to wish for. It’s funny really, a life Xen could have had, should have had, was in his grasp this whole time without him knowing. Hint, Hint. The wanted posters are important for understanding WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED.
Xen drifting, floating in the blankness of his own mind, his energy exhausted and his will depleted.
“So…this is it huh?” Xen mumbled to himself as he was engulfed by the black that surrounded him. He closed his eyes, and ready to accept his fate with his lover and unborn son.
“Is he alive?” Xen heard a distant voice say, he listened.
“Yez, indeed he’z alive, what are you queztioning my zkillz now?” a younger male (Xen guessed around eighteen to twenty) voice asked the other, the other sounded like a very young child of about four possibly.
“But he’s not moving, why isn’t he moving Ala?” the child asked. Xen thought for a moment, Ala… Ala? Alakin?
“He waz bitten by a DreamBeast, nothing to zeriouz…here let me try zomething.” The voice, that Xen assumed was Alakin, said. He could smell something now, a disgusting and revolting smell that made his eyes water and gag reflex activate. He felt like he was cloaking, dying. Shutting his eyes tighter, and coughing up nothing but air. Xen’s only wish now was to rid of this endless torment.
Xen opened his eyes to a light grey stone ceiling and mossy grey stone walls, he was laid on a bed of white cotton, a dark wooded counter to the left of him. The counter was littered with herbs and medical equipment, his sword and gear also sprawled across the counter. Xen sat up, breathing in the musty air. He checked himself over, looking for potential wounds he could have gotten from the…DreamBeast? But after a thorough investigation he couldn’t find anything. Xen stood, scanned the room, and made his way to his gear. After reequipping himself, Xenagos slid silently to the ajar door that was parallel to the bed. He peered outside, listening for any sound of movement. There was none. Xen knew from experience that a quiet hall wasn’t a safe hall, so Xen kept his guard up as he made his was down the torch lit and barren hall. About twenty feet from the door he left, there was another door that was fully open, light pouring from the room. Xen could hear voices, that of a young child and that of Alakin. Xen knew he had to show himself to his brother, his brother was the only reason that he was here in the first place. But… there was something in the air, a gut wrenching feeling of neglect and sadness. Xen could sense it strong from the young child, and some from Alakin as well, it made Xen’s head throb and his heart feel like it was crumbling into pieces from the pain that those two shared. Xen could not wait any longer to show himself. So without a second thought Xen rose to his full height and went through the lit doorway.
It was a library, luminescent allege making the spherical lamps that hung over head shine like mini suns. A long table sat in the middle of the room with three chairs around it, two already occupied. The chair to the left was taken by a young boy of between three and four (in human year it would make him around ten). The boy has light blue scales along his cheeks and forehead, his hair a sea green, his skin just starting to change pigment and turn blueish green. He wears an Aquatic royal’s outfit with gold that compliments his small wings and tail that has two long fins on the end and little spines going up the tail. And his eyes, they were the most unique thing Xen has ever seen. The pupil is like a cats, but a grey color, the color part is diamond shaped, but the left half was black and the right was white. The child peered up at him with wide, sad, eyes. The sudden glistening of the necklace he wore caught Xen’s attention. Xen could feel his stomach lurch as he saw the golden choker (more like a necklace on the child) that is lined in amethyst gems with a ruby water droplet hanging from the center. Xen took a step toward the child with anger and sadness in his eyes, making the child retreat behind his protector, Alakin. Alakin has dark blue hair that covers his left bandages eye, his grey skin and horns blending nicely with the dark blue Alakin’s outfit was one to be seen on a mage, his top a deep purple with spider webs connecting the purple strips; his pants, also royal purple, had spider webs along the sides and bottom of the pant legs, a brown cloth wrapped around his left upper leg, blood soaked halfway through. Alakin wore muddy boots that looked to be about ready to be replaced. And his eyes, the pupil a circular shape and colored dark blue, the color of his eyes a bright red, and the whites… well are white. Alakin also has spider webs under his visible eye with a circle, hourglass and diamond on each of the three ends of the web. He has three matching earrings to match on his right ear, and a golden hoop on the left. Xen stopped and stepped back a few steps, looking at the two. The child, fear I his young and adventurous eyes, and Alakin, with anger in his once soft and caring eyes. Xen put his sword on the counter and put his hands in the air to show he was unarmed.
“Are…are you Xenagos?” Alakin asked, his voice making him sound much older than fifteen.
“Yes I am, and I’m going to guess that you are Alakin.” Xen smiled at him, hoping to see him relax a bit, but he didn’t.
“Please don’t be angry at the child, he did nothing wrong… we didn’t know…” Alakin stopped his rambling and glanced down at the child that clung to his long legs. Xen glanced at them both, then at the child who wore Nyela’s choker. Xen knelt in front of the child, curiosity and sadness creeping over him.
“What’s your name?” Xen asked, choking on incoming tears. The boy, all his fear gone, looked up at him and gave him a toothy smile (his teeth of a carnivore).
“My names Hydrangea!” the child answered with a sudden burst of excitement that even surprised Alakin. The tears fell then, Hydrangea… the name that he and Nyela wanted to name their child (preferably if it was a girl). Xen put his hand on Hydrangea’s shoulder and pulled him close with one swift movement, the child didn’t resist, and he just hugged back.
“I missed you daddy.” *tongue flicking* Hydrangea said in a kind loving manner that made Xen’s stomach lurch more.
“Hyd…” Alakin said under his breath, a look of jealousy and desertion on his face. Xen looked up at his brother, he got to his feet and patted his son’s head. Xen was as tall as Alakin but he could tell by how Alakin was built that Xen was indeed stronger physically. Xen watched Hyd out of the corner of his eye approach his sword, but then Alakin gripped his shoulder tightly in his hand and pushed him out into the hall.
I watched Uncle Ala and Daddy leave the room in a rush, curiosity filling my mind as I held Daddy’s sword in my hands. I was about to follow them when I heard a voice.
“Hello?” I asked out loud to the now empty room. I glanced around in search for the source but found none with sent shivers down my spine to my tail and wings.
“Hydrangea, do not be afraid.” The voice said.
“I am a friend, and you are the rightful wielder of my sacred tool.” The voice said in a mystical way, I glanced down at the sword in awe.
“But now is not the time for you to bare the fates you have been assigned yet young one. Set the tool back onto the table and do not touch it until you are of age to fly.” The voice said, Uncle Ala and Daddy had just walked back in, and glanced at me with amusement. I did as the nice lady told me and put the tool on the table.
Xen and Alakin reentered the room just as Hydrangea placed down
Xen’s sword. Xen and Alakin giving Hyd an amused look as he did so.
“Daddy! The nice lady told me about the tool!” Hyd said as he scampered over and clung to Xen’s legs.
“What nice lady?” Xen and Alakin both asked at the same time, they looked around the room in an almost freaked out way.
“The nice lady who told me about her tool!” Hyd responded spontaneously, giving both Xen and Alakin a happy smile. Xen and Alakin exchanged glances and shrugged in the assumption that this was just the child’s imagination. Xen knelt to his son’s height, glanced up at Alakin and gave a slight nod, then turned back to his son.
“Hydrangea, my beloved son, how would you like it if your uncle Alakin and I took you to a very nice place where mommy use to live, or where I lived. Would you like that?” Xen smiled, hoping to peek his son’s interests. But there was no response.
“Hydrangea?” Xen put a hand on his son’s shoulder, shaking him slightly. Alakin joining him on the floor, very concerned. Alakin put a hand on the boy’s forehead, sudden shock and fear on his face.
“He’s burning up, and trembling.” Alakin said in a shaky voice. Alakin looked dead into Xen’s eyes.
“We need to get him out of here, he needs a proper doctor.” Alakin looked back at Hyd with a hopeless look on his face. Xen turned Alakin’s shoulder to look at him.
“Brother, you are the best healer I have ever met, I know you can do something.” Xen said, trying to be encouraging. Alakin just shook his head.
“I can’t… Hydrangea has grown immune to all the herbs I have access to, so… no, I really can do nothing.” Alakin mumbled. Xenagos was about to protest, then Hyd collapsed into the arms of Xen and Alakin. Then he spontaneously combusts. (no he doesn’t)
Xen and Alakin sprinted through all the twisted and moldy stone halls of the dungeon. Hydrangea, out cold and burning up, in Xen’s arms.
“What’s wrong with him?!” Xen barked at Alakin, out of breath.
“I’m not sure! He was fine moments ago!” Alakin responded in a panicked tone. They both ran down the tunnels for a few moments without speaking, listening to the child’s hoarse breathing.
“What if we take him to the angels?” Xen suggested, sweat starting to build up on his forehead. Alakin was thinking it over.
“I’m… not at good terms with the Angel Clan, I’m not sure if they’ll welcome us with open arms…” Alakin finally responded.
“Don’t worry about that, I have a friend on the inside. He’s not a doctor but his partner is… even though she’s completely psycho.” Xen said half-jokingly. Alakin only nodded, taking Xen and his son further and further into the maze.
The trio hasn’t stopped moving in almost an hour now, and they were hopelessly lost. They stopped to rest by an old guards post outside the old prison wing of the dungeon where all the gladiators would be kept. Xen recognized this as his father’s castle the moment he awoke in the old medical wing. And he knew that the only way out of the condemned old half of the dungeon was to go through the new half right above them. He and Nylea had explored this place when they were kids so much that Xen knew the old wings like the back of his hand. Alakin on the other hand… had no idea where he was or where he’s trying to go. Xen laid Hyd down gently and approached Alakin, resting his hand on his brother’s shoulder.
“Maybe I should take the lead? I do know these dungeons, I can get us out of here faster.” Xen tried, but Alakin didn’t respond, he just stood there looking at the floor.
“Alakin?” Xen went around his brother to face him, holding his slightly shaking shoulders.
“Alakin what’s wrong?” Xen pried, but Alakin remained speechless. Xen, in a forcing manner, made Alakin sit on the floor with him.
“Alakin, I can’t help if you don’t tell me what’s wrong.” Xen started eagerly, but no response came. Xenagos was alone.
I awoke to what seemed like a bright white space, but over time the image became clear. There was a massive tree, with branches that seemed to stretch for infinity, and hanging from the branches were these bright balls of light. I tried to get a closer look, but I sadly remained immobile. My attention went from the tree to the six figures standing at its base. ‘Two with the Wings of Dragons, Two with the Wings of Birds, One Covered in Plants, One Covered in Fur.’ And with that, I was thrown back into the white abyss.
Xen looked over at his son, who was moving and mumbling in his sleep. Something about too? And plants? Xen sighed, looking back at his brother, trying to get him to comply.
“Please Alakin, I can’t do this alone.” Xen said in a plea, but no movement from Alakin showed, Xen was starting to get worried. Xen laid Alakin on his back and felt his head, it was slightly warm, not a good sign. Then Xen checked his pulse, it was weaker than normal. Xen could piece the puzzle together at this point, either whatever Hydrangea has somehow became airborne and infected Alakin, or… Auroral did inform their father of Xen’s potential betrayal and he poisoned them. Both… aren’t good. But one is better than the other. Xen picked up Alakin and hoisted him onto his back, then picked up his son. Xen, with the weight of his brother and son, made his way forward and out of the dungeon.
All Alakin saw was darkness, a black abyss forever to be lost in. Alakin looked around him for some sign of his nephew, but none showed. Alakin sighed, grinding his teeth in frustration. Then he heard it, the sound of voices, and Alakin made his way to it.
“Why won’t he wake?” Hyd asked, Alakin kept pushing forward.
“He will, don’t you worry you adorable small morsel.” A female responded in a psychotic way.
“What did you call him…” an unfamiliar male voice responded to the female.
“What I can’t help it! I’ve never tasted Aquatic before! Plus I’m a harpy I LOVE MEAT!” she responded ecstatically. Alakin pushed the last little way, and at the sound of ‘meat’ he reached his freedom.
Alakin awoke to a tan room with two unfamiliar figures standing over him, and his nephew by his head.
“Uncle Ala!” the child screamed excitedly, hugging Alakin tightly.
“Well you sure gave us a start mage, I mean, you had the nerve to try and dive in after you nephew and leave your brother to protect and carry you both all the way here! Geese! Some nerve!” the female said, she has purple hair and wings, her skin a natural harpy pale pink. Her sharp pointed teeth in a crooked smile. The male only shook his head in disappointment. The male, and angel, has bright blond hair and white and gold wings. The color of his eyes went from bright orange to dark blue, like the fires of the Harpian desert verse the deep Aquatic lakes. And tattooed under both eyes are bright orange jagged like marks that stretch down as far as to his jaw line to as short as a centimeter below his eye. Alakin looked around, not seeing his brother anywhere.
“Where’s Xen?” Alakin asked in a hoarse tone, holding Hyd close. The angel pointed at a wooden door that was off to the left.
“He’s resting, he was exhausted from carrying you two.” The angel said in a prissy way.
“You should be down on your knees worshiping him after all he’s done for you, half-blood.” The angel sneered at Alakin and Hyd, making the child tremble. The harpy and angel turned to each other then walked away, as if nothing had happened. Alakin growled low under his breath, turning back to Hyd with a protective gaze.
“Well, they sure are something… so these are the allies Xenagos spoke of… some friends.” Alakin noticed that he had been rambling out loud by the look on Hyd’s face, Alakin chuckled and pulled him close.
“It’s alright kiddo, they’re always like that these angels, always stuck up.” Alakin patted the child’s head and stood, making his way out of the room after the harpy and angel.
“Phenax, what’s our game plan? You know that Auroral is hunting for them, and I sure don’t want to get involved with family trifles.” The harpy stated with forcefulness, Alakin hanging back to eavesdrop.
“Pharika you need to trust me, Xenagos has always been a good friend of mine, and I plan to keep it that way.” The angel, Phenax, indicated with a deceiving tone. Pharika sighed, her wings rubbing the ground slightly with her shuffling.
“Fine, alright I’ll trust you. BUT! But, if things go south we get out of dodge alright?” Alakin peered around the corner slightly; Phenax, nodding and shaking Pharika’s hand. Alakin ducked his head back around the corner to avoid being seen, and luckily for him, he hasn’t (probably do to the fact that he was using magic without his knowing of it). Alakin was about to enter the room where he left Hydrangea when a strong hand landed on his shoulder and spun him around. It was Xen with Phenax and Pharika behind him, their arms crossed and faces mad.
“Xen! You’re awake!” Alakin said ecstatically. His brother’s face unchanged.
Xen looked down at Alakin with disappointed anger at his eavesdropping, but what he worried about more was the fact that Phenax and Pharika didn’t see him even though his aura showed clearly behind the thin wall he hid behind. Xen smiled slightly, relieving both their nerves. Xen was prepared to have this conversation with Alakin, this was the one thing that he prepped himself for, to tell Alakin about the usage of his magic. Xen noticed Alakin’s magic usage when he was rendered “unconscious” but Xen knew from meeting other mages (briefly) that their powers can cause some major physical exhaustion, especially if it’s a spiritual search. Xen believes that out of instinct Alakin separated his body and soul to try and help Hydrangea, but with Alakin’s lack of training he could not do so.
“Alakin, my dearest brother, I… feel like you should be aware of something…” Alakin raised his eyebrow, turning his head to one side slightly. Xen inhaled sharply, not exactly sure how to put this lightly. Like you can’t just walk up to someone you only met like what four hours ago and say ‘Hey you can do magic and you almost lost your soul to the void because of it’ NO you can’t just SAY that!
“You can do magic.” Phenax interrupted, looking at his armbands, Pharika checking her blood stained nails. Alakin said nothing for a long while, Xenagos trying to hold back his rage and not strangle his friends for not allowing Xen and his brother to talk about this in a light way. Alakin sighed, rubbing the back of his neck.
“How did you know?” Alakin asked, eyes to the floor. This shocked Xen and his friends.
“I… can see your aura… you… you knew?” Xen hesitated in asking, not wanting to make Alakin uncomfortable.
“Of course I know! My mother was a mage you know!” Alakin snapped, Xen took a step back.
“Sorry, sorry… I just… I’m sorry.” Alakin started, his words fading to a whisper. Xen ruffled his brother’s hair and smiled a genuine smile.
“Well Alakin, what would you like to do about it?” Xen asked, curious. Alakin thought.
“I… want to go study at Namryce, School Of Magics… I want to become a mage like my mother was, that’s what I want to do with my magic!” Alakin said determinedly. Xen nodded slowly, calculating the distance from the angel kingdom to the Mages Kingdom, Alakin would have to travel by portal to The Islas, then portal to the Mages Kingdom which would take a few hours but with the border war between the mages and demons it would be tough to not be caught mid portaling.
“I can take him.” Pharika alleged suddenly, sharpening her nails. Xen looked at her suspiciously, Xen knows how much Pharika hates mages and aquatics (which is why she always wants to eat them), but Xen can’t understand why she would want to help now of all times.
“I’m familiar with the Kingdom of Magi, and I need to stop by there anyway to get more supplies. You wasted them all.” She exclaimed, pointing at Alakin, her wickedly sharp teeth in a grin.
“So as retribution prince Alakin, you will join me on my quest to the Kingdom of Magi, you will join Namryce, School Of Magics and be the greatest prince ever! That is your retribution to me!” she said almost yelling, Xen and Phenax were beyond surprised at Pharika’s persistence, and dedication. Alakin only nodded slowly.
“What do we do with Hydrangea? He shouldn’t go to the Kingdom of Dragons, and it’s not safe in the Aquatic Kingdom or the Harpy Kingdom, no offence Pharika.” Alakin wavered. Pharika only shrugged. Xen thought for a moment, he knows that everything Alakin said was true, the only safe places were here in the angel kingdom, the Celestial Kingdom, and the Mage Kingdom… and Xen didn’t want to send his son somewhere he couldn’t follow if needed, and he wants him to be with someone he knows…
“Alakin, I want you to take Hyd with you.” Xen whispered with hesitation.
Alakin opened and closed his mouth, trying to find something to say. But no words came out, only hesitation.
“Alakin, I trust you with my son, hell you’ve been caring for him this long so what makes this so different?” Xen questioned, waiting for some response, from anyone.
“It’s a good idea, the boy trusts him.” Phenax stated, leaning against the wall, his eyes shimmering in the dim light that befell the hallway. Pharika was nodding in agreement, resolve burning in her hungry eyes.
“But… what if something happens… I’m not familiar with the Kingdom of Mages and I’ve never been to the school… if we get separated…” and at that Pharika slapped Alakin across the face, shocked silence casting its shadow over them. Pharika grabbed Alakin by the shoulders, digging her claws into his flesh slightly.
“Now you listen here half-blood!” she started, practically screaming.
“I WILL NOT allow such a weakling to join me on this venture if he can’t grow some backbone and watch after one single child! Not to mention that we will be headed to Namryce, School Of Magics! And it has to be one of the innocuous places in the Over to this day! So if you want to keep that child safe then you will do the SMART THING AND TAKE HIM WITH!” Pharika pushed him against the wall, Alakin dropping his gaze and trying to look strong in front of Xen.
“If… you think that this will be the best bet for his safety…” Alakin mumbled, his voice and body completely calm. He looked up into Pharika’s eyes, pride and grit showing like a beacon in total darkness. Pharika hesitated on saying anything, one could say that she had a little bit of fear on her face.
“If you think that this will be the best bet for keeping Hyd safe, then let’s do it.” Alakin alleged proudly, his voice dropping slightly and his posture more proper. Xen was proud of his brother, proud that he could stand up for himself and say what needed to be said. Pharika nodded, her smile returning onto her face.
“Alright then! When do you wish to head off, partner?” Pharika punched Alakin in the arm, making them both laugh. Alakin and Pharika wrapping their arms across each other’s shoulders. Xen has never seen anyone open up so quickly in all his life, not to mention Pharika, whom never likes to be friendly with anyone. Even him.
“We should head out as soon as possible, I’ll get Hyd and our supplies.” Alakin said, ruffling Pharika’s hair before headed back into the room where Hyd was left. Pharika followed Alakin with her eyes, sighing with what sounded like passion, her cheeks blushing slightly.
“OOHHHHH! PHARIKA!!! YOU LOOOO-“Phenax started, but his statement was quickly halted by Pharika covering his mouth, holding a hidden dagger against his neck.
“Say anything and you won’t live to see the suns rise.” Pharika growled in a whisper, it made Phenax and Xen both be completely silent, accept for the sound of their breathing and Alakin and Hydrangea’s voices. With each passing second, the blush that formed on Pharika’s cheeks intensified, eventually turning her whole face a light red. Phenax, trying not to laugh, pushed the dagger away.
“I’m happy for you Pharika, it’s not every day that you meet someone who gets you.” Phenax chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of his neck, a hint of sadness in his eyes. Xen knows how Phenax feels about Pharika, but… he also knows that it can never be. Alakin returned with Hyd on his shoulders and two bags in each hand. Pharika tried to act as if nothing had happened, Phenax on the other hand… just looked to the floor in defeat.
“Do you need to get anything before we go Pharika?” Alakin asked, innocently, and with no idea of Pharika’s feelings. She only shook her head, smiling a bright, happy smile.
“I’m ready to go whenever you are Alakin.” Pharika took one of the bags and threw it onto her back, Alakin doing the same without making Hyd uncomfortable.
“Xen, I suggest you go and meet up with Zecra and the others, they must be expecting you.” Alakin remarked in a matter-of-fact way. Xen nodded, putting his hands on his hips.
“Pharika, why don’t you go make a list of the material you need before you go, in case you missed something.” Phenax said suddenly, Pharika was confused by his statement but proceeded to go and check her inventory.
“Now listen here Alakin, I don’t know much about you but if you hurt-“Alakin raised his hand for silence, putting his hands on his hips sassily, and looking Phenax up and down disapprovingly. Alakin pointed at the angel, judgement very clearly in his eyes.
“First off, that outfit. Like what even is that, like did you rob you parent’s closet for the oldest god damned thing in there or what?” Phenax was shocked by Alakin’s statement, he couldn’t say a thing.
“Second off, do you really think I would EVER let ANYTHING happen to Pharika while we’re over at the school? Hell no, I think not.” Alakin took a step closer, and this was when Xen noticed that Hyd had his ears covered, Alakin must have told him to in the other room due to… his magic? Intuition? Not sure, it was something that Xen was sure Alakin must have told Hyd in case this happened.
“So don’t you dare make your damn remarks just because you have a crush on Pharika and you think she can’t care for herself?” Alakin was face to face with Phenax now, and tears started running down Phenax’s face and over his tattooed eyes.
“You need to trust her, and her abilities. But, if it makes you feel better, I’m not supposed to be together with Pharika either.” Now everything went silent with shock.
“H…how do you know?” Phenax asked holding back more tears. Alakin smiled sadly and pointed at the young child that sat upon his shoulders.
“I can’t see the future, but he sure can.” Alakin spoke proudly, like he knew that this was the perfect outcome to a great future… or at least the best future that they could receive.
I have seen it, a world where everyone would like in peace, where war not only shaped the world itself, but also its people. But I know, that in order to make peace happen that I would have to train, I would have to find her. Find the one who will sail with me, dance with me. Someone who I will forever love. She lives not anywhere anyone has traveled before, well not yet. I will be the first, when my wings grow to their fullest is when I know that I will be ready to find her. A girl of my age, her wings that of a butterfly, tail short and glowing with a mysterious light, eyes like a flaming island trapped in a light blue ocean, hair forever flowing toward the sky. Determination echoing throughout history. Bravery like no one could ever hope to show. Her beauty like a bright light in the darkest canyon. And from the moment I first saw her, I realized that I loved her.
Alakin, Hydrangea and Pharika, draped in cloaks colored in black to match the night sky. Xen gave a final hug to his son, a hug for his brother and a quick pat-pat for Pharika who only grunted in annoyance. And off they went, to disappear into a distant land, not seen for many years until the blood moon has set on the sixth day of the Great Purge, but it this day that Xenagos begins his own journey to the war filled land of the Dragon Kingdom, where blood seeps into the ground and the rivalry of twins will mark the destruction and rebirth of a great nation.
Xenagos had just arrived in the Dragon Kingdom, leaving his best friend Phenax to head back to the angels. And it was at Xen’s first arrival that he was automatically surrounded by hostile faces, one of the dragons who came to see him to Zecra’s castle was Lira’s first born Zir, a fire and light dragon, he’s entirely red accept for a lightning bold across both sides of his face. He stands four feet above Xen and has a bad attitude. The other dragon who greeted him is a light grey dragon with long light blue spikes and claws. A light purple scar across her snout, her eyes kind like her personality. According to Zir, she’s Mira’s second dragonet. Her name, Vanna. The three of them, in a tight formation of Zir in the lead, Xen in the middle and Vanna following behind, her head hanging low and eyes forever grief stricken, and forever kind. It didn’t take long to get to the castle, the flight on the back of Zir made things much faster than Xen ever thought possible. Once they passed the last peak that marked the border between Zecra and Vitus’s kingdoms they were in the clear, and it was smooth sailing all the way to the castle. The castle was huge, ten times bigger than any castle his father had or the Celestials or even the Angels! Gold and rubies lined the walls and floors, dragon statues lining the halls, golden windows producing beautiful bright light that rained throughout the whole castle. The throne room, was by far the most beautiful. Raining sunlight pouring all across the seemingly glowing room, the throne itself is completely gold, rubies, and diamonds. The floor sparkled in emeralds, and various types of gems. This was indeed the real castle before this stupid war which I find very frustrating… anyway, the walls are laced in silver and pearls with gold ribbons around the spires. Zir and Vanna moved Xen along and away from the empty room and into a darker and kind of depressing room. The room, a conference room, had little to no windows and all the windows that are in the room are covered with velvet blinds. The floor is nice and wooden, a special type of wood only found in the Aquatic Kingdom to the far north. There is a large oval table in the center of the room with seven chairs seated around it, five already taken. In the largest chair at the head of the table is Zecra, the dragon queen. Zecra is large and has black scales and dark green horns spines and claws, she wears a golden chainmail chest plate with matching arm bands. To her left is Auroral, sitting proper and to Xen’s silent horror, with her wings folded in tightly to her body. Next to Auroral are two twin girls, Xen’s youngest siblings, Tanda and Thana. Thana nearest Auroral and Tanda right next to her. Thana is dressed in a long black ripped dress with skulls as a belt and tiara, her black hair covering one eye and a sour look on her face, Tanda is also in a ripped dress but hers is white. And also…Tanda is covered in keys that have been buried into her flesh, her eyes gone and skin pale her smile seeming to brighten the whole room up. On Zecra’s other side was another girl a few years older than the twins, Xen knows by what Auroral had told him that this girl was Silcon. Silcon has her head rested on the table, not a care in the world, her wings lay lazy by her side and her dark hair covering her face, her patched dress visible from under her hair. There is an empty chair next to Silcon, and an empty chair across from Zecra. Zecra dismissed Zir and Vanna, they bowed low and left, closing the doors behind them.
“Xenagos, please sit.” Zecra ordered, her voice aggressive but wise. Xen nodded and sat in the chair next to Silcon. He smiled at her, but she didn’t seem to notice.
“Xen, where’s Alakin…” Auroral asked, anger hidden under false concern. Xen shivered slightly and glanced around the room at all the eyes that focused on him. Zecra’s grey dragon eyes, Auroral’s star eyes, Thana’s black eyes with goldish yellow color, Tanda’s blank stare, and still no response from Silcon. Xen breathed in deeply, exhaled, and told his story. Of course leaving out the part with Auroral in his dream and her tainted wings. Zecra nodded slowly, the twins glancing at each other, Auroral… she looked furious.
“So… Alakin won’t be joining us… that’s a shame…” Auroral mumbled under her breath. Zecra gave Auroral a puzzled look, but she didn’t make any remark against it.
“So, the reason I have gathered you all here…” Zecra started, looking at each of her younger siblings, Xen leaned against the back of the chair, tilting it slightly.
“I have gathered you all here to discuss something important; I Zecra, eldest sister of us all, want to take the throne. But unfortunately my twin Vitus also wants the throne even though it has been planned that I would take the throne. So… I ask all of you to help me down Vitus’s army and support me and my rule. And in turn I will aid and assist you all with the ruling of your own nations and protection of your families.” Xen looked at each of his siblings, they all nodded in agreement. Xen raised his hand to get his sister’s attention. Zecra motioned toward Xen with her claw, allowing him to speak.
“It’s just… my son Hydrangea… I want him and Alakin to remain in hiding… if our father found him…” Xen stopped, glancing at his hands that shook on the counter.
“Don’t worry dear brother, Hydrangea and Alakin will remain safe.” Xen nodded, feeling not at calm as he had hoped.
“Auroral, can you please go over what we discussed?” Zecra asked, authority showing clearly in her voice, Auroral nodded.
“Alright, so we all will support and aid Zecra in her rule over the Dragon Kingdom and in turn she will aid and protect our kingdoms and families. Also… We will be sure that Alakin…and Xenagos’s son will remain hidden from our father.” Auroral looked to Zecra for approval, the queen nodded.
“Alright so if this concludes our discussion then now it is time to take action, we must act now. I say that Silcon and Auroral go into the multiverse and rally up some Guardians to help us fight.” At the end of Zecra’s words, Silcon stood up, enraged, her face finally visible. Silcon’s face was half beautiful, a flawless beauty, the other half was of black
To my eldest sister, Taylor, and my brother in law, Nick, may your paths be elaborate and complicated, life becomes fun that way.
And hello to my Collab friend, The Writer, see you in book 2!
Xenagos had always feared his father, the Lord of Shadows, one reason was that he was very abusive, and another… Xenagos saw his father kill his mother, Queen Starstruck of the Celestials. Xen could clearly remember his mother’s screams as she died, he remembered her limp body on the ground and his father’s dripping black claws. But here he was, going back to the hell he thought he escaped. He was almost to the portal that would transport him to the Demon Kingdom, Xen was trembling, sweating, but he tried to look strong for the young white haired girl who walked next to him. His younger sister, Auroral, has beautiful long white hair, pale pinkish shin and thick, short curved horns, her blue and gold outfit that of a true angel for that was what she was half of. She took longer strides then Xen did but he didn’t mind, he was in no rush to visit his father, even though he should be.
When Auroral first visited him and his uncle BlackFrost, a distant relative to his mother, he laughed at the thought that this girl could be his sister, he has black and white hair, no horns, and a bronze orange skin tone. Not to mention the difference with their eyes, Auroral has black stars for her pupils, white for the color, and black for the outside, along with a red line from the bottom of her pupil to the bottom of her eye itself. Xen on the other hand has black diamond pupils and red diamonds for the color, and the outside is a nice grey color that Xen thinks compliments the red. Xen and his uncle were horrified to hear what the Shadow Lord, their father, was doing to the rest of his siblings. Xen knew he abused the boys more than the girls but he never suspected that he would purposely set his two older siblings Zecra and Vitus in a deadly war with each other over the Dragon Kingdom, and that he would make his two youngest daughters guard the most dangerous gateway in the multiverse. The ones who were lucky to escape him were Xen himself, Auroral, and his younger sister Silcon. But that just left one sibling left, his technical older brother Alakin, who was supposedly gifted with future vision.
That was why Xen was headed to see his father, Auroral coming to bid him farewell at the cursed gate they both had hoped to escape. They stood before the luminous gate that towered above them, the back swirls of the portal so dark that it couldn’t reflect their image. Xen, in what he hoped was a hopeful face, turned to Auroral and smiled, she smiled back, her star eyes glistening in the rising dawn.
“Auroral, let’s go over the plan again, just to be sure I got it down.” Xen joked, but in all honesty he completely forgot what the plan was, he was never good at the whole memorization thing, but he didn’t need his sister to know that. Auroral gave him a funny look and sighed, nodding.
“Alright, first off, you go into the Demon Kingdom and head to the castle… or rather creepy looking factory… and tell our father that you are now ready to help him conquer the world, he will find you suspicious but accept because he knows he can’t miss an opportunity like this, once you are inside you question him about our siblings, but not aggressively. Eventually you will get to Alakin and question our father about where he is, our father will have to tell you as to not lose your trust, especially since he knows you can tell if someone’s lying.” That was true, it was Xen’s hidden gift that he loved to use on his uncle.
“You will go find Alakin when father isn’t looking, our sister will be watching you from the mirrors so when you need an escape she can help. But most importantly Xen, is that you can’t get caught, if you are he will kill you and probably Alakin. Did you get all that?” Auroral finished, looking out of breath. Xen replayed the plan over and over in his head until he was sure he got it memorized.
“Y…Yeah I think I got it down.” Xen finally responded. Auroral didn’t look convinced, but to Xen’s surprise she just shrugged and started walking away.
“Just don’t get killed Xenagos, or else that will ruin our futures.” She said, in what sounded like she would have been kidding, but Xen knew that she meant it seriously, and it made him shiver. She was sweet on the outside, but Xen could tell that on the inside, she was a monster. With no further thought about his sister, he entered the swirling vortex of hell, it only lasted for a few seconds but in that time, it felt as if Xen’s soul was being ripped out and reconfigured to match the area he was entering. The blackness of the portal staining his eyes for a split second, after the blackness faded over his vision and he could see again, well, he was in the Demon Kingdom.
The dead trees and grass stretching beyond the eye could see, the only thing that didn’t match the scenery exactly was the floating chunk of ground over a lake of midnight black, reflecting the smoke that circled the towers of his father’s castle, and I know what you are thinking I missed, the sky, well it’s not one to describe. It’s hellish. Xen shivered from the points of his ears to the tip of his tail, his black earrings glowing red in the dim light. Xen inhaled and immediately started coughing, he had forgot about the smog that stood clear and deadly over this kingdom. The locals are used to it, Xen should be as well but he had grown use to the pure air of the Celestial Kingdom over the eight to nine years he has spent there, well technically he can’t even say that since time works differently in each world, and in toll does not directly affect Xen or his siblings.
But this was no time for gawking at the privileges he had and the ones his poor siblings didn’t, it was time to take action and find is older brother…. Younger brother? Alakin is confusing based off of what Auroral had told him, she said that Alakin was fifteen but born before Xen, but Xen’s 23… we suspect that it has to do with the demon blood he has, Xen isn’t lucky enough to have life retaining properties like that but at least he has the sword he inherited from his mother and his people, it’s called The Author’s Tool, Xen… isn’t too happy with the name, but apparently it got its name from The Author herself… even though no one has ever seen or met her, it is said that the wielder of this mighty sword would be able to hear her voice or “see her type” whatever that meant. Xen’s uncle even said that he was still too young to hear The Author, but hey, he wasn’t getting any younger, so how long would it take to hear her… or “watch her type”?
Xen had remembered that he had been standing in the same spot this whole time like an idiot, he scratched his head thinking he heard someone. Xen shook his head and started walking down the dusty path toward his father’s castle. Xen knew from experience that it would take a few days to walk from the portal to the castle, and in this darkness and since he looks like traitor and a coward. Xen just hoped that his old hide outs were still intact from all those years ago, if he could just get to the first one before dark then he would be fine. Xen picked up his pace, arching his tail in a scorpion position in case of attack, his dagger on his hip and his sword on his back.
It has been three hours now, Xen slowed down his pace, looking for the hide out that he swore was around here somewhere, but with the endless stretch of trees and a vague memory, it was hard to tell. Xen knew it was very bad to sleep out in the open, and as a wanted man. He knew that if someone… or something… found him that he would be ripped apart and eaten as dinner… or is it breakfast? Xen gets confused about the eating schedules here, I mean, who wouldn’t. Xen searched the surrounding trees and shrubs that shined gold in the fading light, and out of the corner of his eye, he saw it. The entrance to his hideout, the first of many, and hopefully the only one he had to find. Xen rushed over to the tree covered in the glowing brush and gently moved it aside to expose what just looked like the side of the tree, but Xen could see it, he can see what is hidden from normal eyes; it is the greatest gift he has, the only one he kept secret. He touched the tree bark, looked over his shoulder for anyone in earshot, turned back and whispered the words “madiolok hiadi oouvinau” an ancient language from his people, the same phrase is actually engraved in the steel on his sword. A sudden door appeared on the side of the tree, glowing in the darkness, it was… much smaller than he remembered but he would make do with the cramped space. Xen slid the hidden door over and crawled inside, the space was indeed small but was livable. The small circular space was fitted with pillows, blankets and a soft rug to lay on, there were even preserved foods in a chest against the far wall. Xen closed the door behind him and laid down, dragging a pillow and a thick blanket with him. He got comfy, laid his sword and dagger against the wall next to him and pulled he blanket over him, laying his head down on the pillow. And slowly, steadily, Xen fell asleep, but the one thing that Xen hasn’t predicted was the strange turn of events throughout the night.
Xen was in what looked like a thick redwood forest, at least that’s what he thought they were called, the one who usually visits his dream had told him that was what they were called but… it was kind of a letdown of a name. Xen looked around the sunlit trees and the beautiful green grass and leaves. And out of the corner of his eye, he spotted someone. Xen, curious, approached the stranger. It wasn’t the usual visitor in his dreams, it was someone new. Someone… familiar. And as he closed in, he could feel his sword manifest into his hand, which was strange since he saw no need for it. But as he closed in and was able to see the details of the stranger, he could see that it was his sister Auroral. But… she was different… more dangerous. He noticed the angel wings that rested tightly against her back, it surprised Xen to see such a young angel with her wings, especially if she hasn’t deserved them yet… but just as Xen finished that thought, Auroral spread her wings to their full lengths and turned to face him. The back of her wings were just like normal angel wings, but when she turned to face him, Xen could see her malice, her sick smile that only one with evil intent could wear, and her wings… the front was completely black… Xen would usually pass something like this off as a dream for that was what it was, but he could feel it in his soul that this was no dream, it was real, and his family was in danger.
Xen tried to imagen Auroral out of his head, but despite his efforts she stayed, with the grin she wore slowly fading and her eyes becoming murderous. Until finally she lunged at him with a weapon Xen has never seen before, it had the basic frame of a dagger but it was longer and snakes wrapped around the lower half of the blade; coiling around the handle to form a point at the other end as well. Xen dodged the first attack but he failed to notice that the other end of the blade was coming at him quickly, too quickly to dodge. The pointed end of the coiled snake tails jabbed into his right side, making him scream in agony as blood spilled onto the once nice grass. His peaceful world changed into one of darkness, with no walls, floor or ceiling. Auroral pulled out the blade and turned to face him again, her angel wings bloodied at the bottom. She grabbed Xen by his shoulders, keeping the weapon against his neck.
“I’m not sure how you discovered my true colors Xenagos, but hear me when I say that I will kill you if you say anything to anyone. Not to mention Alakin, I mean he’s in the most danger right now and I can get in contact with father as fast as interdimensional travel. Do you understand?” she asked with that crooked grin; Xen was sweating and in a panic, he didn’t want to endanger Alakin and he certainly didn’t want to die himself, so he nodded. Auroral released her grip and stepped back. She smiled before disappearing in the shadows. Xen sighed in relief, his world slowly returning to its beautifulness.
“Well… that was sure something.” Said a familiar voice behind him, he chuckled and turned, looking up into the tree behind him. And sitting on a branch was a young girl, about seventeen, with a hood over her face and long robes covering her body accept her hands and feet which Xen considered small for her size but he would never say that to her face (even though she knew what he thought). Xen waved and she jumped down, landing softly in front of him.
“Hello Kyoxin, have you been here long?” Xen joked with her, she punched him in the arm.
“I told you not to call me that! That’s just the name of the pocket dimension I live in!” she exclaimed, making him jump and laugh.
“Well what should I call you? You never told me your name.” Xen questioned her, he has always been curious about her because she was so secretive, not to mention that her aura produced something that he has never sensed in anyone, or anything, he’s ever seen.
“Call me whatever you want, but you are not yet ready to learn my name, but quit calling my Kyoxin! That’s the only thing you can’t call me!” she yelled, kicking him in the leg, Xen yelped and held his leg, the girl laughing. Even though she’s shorter than he is, like five foot three, she can still pack a punch… or a kick in this case. Xen sat down on a rock a few feet away and rubbed his leg, grumbling. The girl came over and touched his leg, making the pain go away.
“Thanks.” Xen smiled at her and she smiled back, her tanned skin showing for once.
“So, how about I call you… Keeper for now?” Xen asked, raising an eyebrow, she thought for a moment and nodded.
“Yes, the name Keeper will do for now, at least until you are worthy of knowing my name.” Keeper giggled and Xen chuckled.
“You’re very arrogant aren’t you?” Xen asked in a serious joking matter, she shook her head, still smiling.
“No, its not that I’m arrogant, it’s that I learn from watching others.” Keeper said, smile fading, she looked up at him, and for the first time ever, he saw her eyes; a hazel with dark blue around the outside of the color and yellow streaking through the different shades of blues and greens. Locks of brown hair falling in front of her face. Xen recognized her now, but he couldn’t (but)-the writer was here place her face to a name. Her smile returned as he returned to consciousness.
Xen awoke to the cramped space he had fallen asleep in, he breathed a sigh of relief as he grabbed his sword and dagger. After putting everything back in its correct spot, Xen ventured to the very back of the hole. He felt along the wall, until he found an old and rusty lever. Xen pulled it, he could hear gears moving and the stone door sliding. But this door didn’t lead outside, it lead to a tunnel that connected all the hideouts to one another. Xen was just glad the g(y)ears haven’t rusted to the point that it wouldn’t work. Xen crawled through the small gap that opened up on the left wall, glowing lights lining the floor. Xen crawled through the dusty old tunnel until he reached the first break point in the long pathway, the little space was empty accept for one thing, a small framed photo. Xen picked it up and smiled at the sight of it, tears forming in his eyes. It was a photo of a younger him and a young aquatic, she has light blue hair and purple covering the left side that fell over her face, her skin a sea green with light blue scales on her cheeks and forehead. Her outfit was that of a maid. Xen could remember the day they took this photo, it was after they had finished the tunnels: Xen and Nylea were giggling as they held the camera to face them.
“Xen! Smile! I’m going to take the picture!” Nylea exclaimed, pulling him close, he smiled at the camera, putting his arm around her shoulder. They argued about what to do with the picture but eventually Nylea had convinced him that they should leave it in the tunnel, in case they missed each other.
Xen’s tears ran down his face at the memory, at the sight of Nylea. He missed her dearly… if they only hadn’t gotten caught, she might still be here with him: Nylea and Xen decided to meet in the old courtyard that was always draped in shadows, what Nylea would always call the most beautiful place to be in silence. Xen crept into the courtyard, looking for Nylea. They were older now, teenagers, and Xen, despite his efforts, has grown to love her. And there she was, draped in a black cloak and dressed in a deep green strapless(shirt), her black stretch pants complementing her brown boots, golden armbands on her upper arms. Xen inhaled sharply at how beautiful she looked in the red light of the sky, her eyes sparkling. Xen approached, his palms sweaty with the small box he carried, hidden away.
“You look lovely this evening.” He said sweetly as he approached, she turned to look at him over her shoulder, a smile shining on her face.
“Hehe, you big dork, I’m not beautiful, just regular compared to a prince like you.” She looked away still smiling; it was moments like this that Xen hoped that she liked him the same way he liked her.
“Now stop that” he said spinning her around to face him, shock in her eyes. “You are the most beautiful princess I could have ever met and will ever meet in my entire life.” Xen knelt to one knee and pulled out the small box, presenting it to her. She released a gasp, her smile widening, cheeks blushing.
“X…Xen, I… don’t know what to say.” She said in her calmed exited voice he grew to love. He chuckled and opened the box. Inside was a golden choker necklace with amethyst gems embedded in it, and a shining red ruby in the shape of a water droplet that hangs from the center.
“I… know this isn’t what you expected but, I wanted this night to be memorable.” He looked at her, expecting some sort of disappointment to cross over her face, but none did. She knelt down beside him, she took the necklace out of the box and put it on. She put his hand on his, and before he knew it their fingers were interlocked. She started leaning in, Xen did as well, not wanting to miss this moment a second longer. Their lips touched, warm flooding over Xen as he closed his eyes and pulled her close. Just as the world seemed to stretch on for infinity, he heard a loud gasp from behind them. They broke the kiss and looked over, a demon maid was standing here with her hands over her mouth and a look of disgust in her eyes. She started running, Xen in a hasty decision said to Nylea,
“Go! Run and don’t look back!” he kissed her a final time before running after the maid, he chased her through all the twisted hallways and corridors until she turned a corner that Xen knew lead to a dead end. But as he rounded the bend, there was the maid with ten of his father’s strongest men, they grabbed him and started dragging him to the throne room where Xen knew his father would be waiting and seeking retribution for the loss of a servant and the betrayal of a son. But unlucky for these guards, Xen came prepared. He slid a small blade from his side and stabbed the guard to his left in the ribs, quickly ripping his arm free and stabbing the guard to his right in the leg. Xen had his opening and he took it, he ran through the halls back to the courtyard he’d left Nylea in, and to his relief she did indeed leave. Xen could hear the shouting of guards closing in, he made haste as he dove into the rushing river that cut off the courtyard. On a normal basis he would have to fear the guards following him, but this was one thing that no one else with demon blood could do (at least to his knowledge) he could swim. Nylea had taught him during their nights alone, and here he was putting it to good use. So he swam, through the sewers, and out to the mote that sat below the hideous castle. Climbing out was a breeze, but now he had to run for his life. Xen was a fugitive now, one who had disobeyed the King and ran. This is why he and Nylea made those tunnels, to prepare for the moment they got their freedoms.
Xen snapped out of his daydream, hitting his head on the stone he was crawling under. He rubbed the spot that he had hit and continued forward, making his way to the second hideout. It must have been dark once he reached his checkpoint because he could hear the cries of monsters and beasts above him (which are all nocturnal). No madder how much Xen’s body ached or how much his head throbbed, he couldn’t sleep. He held the photo of him and Nylea close to him as he laid on the ground, starring at the dirt ceiling.
“Xen…” he shot up, almost hitting his head again, he looked down the tunnels on either side of him, listening. After a long moment of silence, Xen laid back down.
“Xenagos…” he shot up again, rubbing his eyes and drawing his sword. He can’t fight easily in these conditions but, he was willing to try. He waited and waited for the sound of his name, and again, there was nothing. Xen sighed and sat back against the wall, keeping a sharp eye and ear out for movement and noise. He was just about to drift to sleep when he heard the shuffling of dirt off to his right, the way he had come. He woke up instantly and readied himself for battle. But he heard it again,
“Xenagos.” This time it was strong and clearly in the direction of the shuffling, but what really made Xen freeze wasn’t the shuffling or the sound of his name, it was the voice. It sounded like Nylea. He covered his ears and shut his eyes, trying not to be consumed by the grief and anger that was inside of him. He could hear her call him, could feel the shuffle of her knees and hands crawling through the tunnel. NO, no it wasn’t her it COULDN’T be her! Xen could feel tears streaming down his face as he tried to ignore the sound of Nylea’s voice. But then, hands touched his face, wiping away the tears. The hands were chilled and webbed like and Aquatic’s. He slowly opened his eyes to meet those of pure green where the white and color would be, and dark purple for the pupil; the color of Nylea’s eyes. Xen broke down before her, she patted his back and laid him down. She shushed him and played with his hair like she always did, humming the same song she always hummed, one from her people. Xen could feel his eyes getting heavy as he drifted to sleep, her face in his mind.
Xen awoke, alone, in the cramped space. He rubbed his eyes and sighed, sitting up. He looked down at his hand, at the picture he held. It was a little bent from Xen’s restless night but, was there something written on the back? Xen turned over the photo, and there it was, writing in fresh ink clearly in Nylea’s handwriting. It read:
My Dearest Xenagos,
Please don’t cry, for you did not send me to my doom but saved me, like you always do. When I saw you last night I was grief stricken myself for I hadn’t thought about how you were taking my sudden disappearance after our separation. I would have contacted you but I wasn’t sure where you were hiding out, please forgive me my love. I will be awaiting your arrival at the end of this tunnel, don’t worry about me, I can care for myself. I love you Xen, never forget.
Love, Nylea
Xen choked on tears as he smiled down at her message. She was here, and she was, is okay. Xen wiped his tears away, stored the photo in his knife sheath and crawled forward, more determined than ever to escape this endless tunnel.
Xen was nearing the end of the tunnel, the sound of wingbeats and loud running feet over head making him more and more nervous for Nylea. He quickened his pace, knowing that he was almost there, almost to her. He could see it, the hatch to the surface. He sped to the hatch as quickly as he could, scraping his knees and arms on the jagged rocks underneath him. Once he reached the hatch, he flew it open, the hatch crashing to the ground with a loud bang that rippled through the quiet forest. Xen, armed and ready jumped out onto the brittle grass that was stained with ashes and blood, fresh blood. Xen looked all around him, but there was no one here.
“Nylea!” he called in a shrill and heartbreaking scream. There was no response, he collapsed to his knees, hands in fists as he tried to accept that he had probably imagined the whole situation with Nylea. But he pulled out the photo again and turned it over to look at the writing. It was there, and it was indeed fresh. But then where was Nylea? Did a monster get her? Did she get stuck somewhere or caught by the royal guards? There were so many possibilities and most of them left Xen heartbroken and angry. But as he was about to accept this fate, he heard a noise from the trees above. He looked up, assuming it was one of those monstrosities with wings that he probably awoken with all the noise he was making. He sighed and waited for the beast to swoop down and kill him, but nothing happened, which surprised him. He stood up, waiting. Then, a giant reptilian with wings that represented a wyvern, a tail like a monkey and a snout like a komodo. Its deep blue scales and fur covered by waterproof black armor to hide it in the shadows. And on its back was a rider dressed in a black cloak. The monster (also known as the Moodivani within the Aquatic species) landed only a few feet on front of Xen, its fish breath sharply attacking Xen’s nose. It stood at least eight feet above Xen, and he was tall himself being seven foot ten, and he was considered short for a half breed that was mixed with BOTH a demon and celestial. The rider dismounted, her face covered. Xen smiled and sheathed his sword, holding out his hand. The rider released a chuckle and took his hand, her skin the same shade as an Aquatic’s and that of the one he loves.
“It’s been a long time, hasn’t it Xenagos.” Nylea said lowering her hood, her goggles those of the Aquatic model and gloves to match. Her outfit was of a strapless crop top with skin tight riding gear. She was wearing the same arm bands as she had all those years ago, and upon her neck, was the necklace he had given her.
“Indeed my love, it has been the longest of times, though we both know that time is a nonexistent factor.” Xen chuckled, pulling her close, he hugged her tightly and he let his tears hit her hair. She pulled away and brushed his tears away, leaving her hand on his face. He put his hand on hers, they interlocked their fingers, let their arms fall to their sides and gazed upon the luminous, horrific factory castle like structure that they have called their home.
“So, what now Xen?” Nylea asked, looking up at him, her Moodivani coming up beside them. He sighed and continued his gaze at the castle.
“I have to go rescue my brother. Then I have to meet up with the rest of my siblings… we plan to take down my father and restore order to both the Demon Kingdom and Dragon Kingdom…” Xen looked down at her with affectionate eyes.
“Nylea, you should go, you could get hurt staying here.” Xen said a bit heartbroken, Nylea snorted and kicked him in the shin, he yelped.
“How DARE YOU!” she yelled, making him jump.
“I just got back together with you and your telling me to leave?! I think not! I’m going with you!” she bellowed, climbing back onto her Moodivani.
“Nylea, this isn’t a game! I could be killed if I was caught, you especially!” Xen tried to convince her. But her determination showed through her gaze, Xen knew he wouldn’t win this fight.
“I don’t care! I’m not going to lose you again!” Nylea bellowed, pulling Xen up to sit behind her, he chuckled under his breath and wrapped his arms around her waist.
“We are going to infiltrate the castle, save your brother and get the hell out of this place!” Nylea yelled, they took off toward the castle at full speed, to face the biggest threat of all time. High There
It seemed almost magical, like this couldn’t be real. Here was Nylea in perfect health and her and Xen riding to save his brother… but something was off. Xen could tell when he saw her that night and when he saw the note. Everything happened to perfectly, to fairy tale like. But this was the real world, and Xen knew, even though he doesn’t think about it, he knows that Nyela was caught by the guards because all the wanted posters of her went down only a few days after he had made it to the Celestials, he knew because his uncle kept him informed about his father’s whereabouts. But his were still up. Xen tightened his grip around Nyela as a single tear fell from his face to the ground below. He drew his sword and stabbed his love in the back. She screamed a vile and monstrous scream that echoed through Xen’s brain. Then the pain started, it was all over, it was like being thrown into lava but never melting and always feeling the pain. Xen screamed and started pulling on his hair and earrings, trying to wake himself up from physical pain. But it didn’t work. Xen whimpered and laid down in the new blackness the formed in his subconscious. Closing his eyes, Xen dreamt of Nylea and the life they could have had together with their unborn child. Xen, Nyela and their son… what a life to wish for. It’s funny really, a life Xen could have had, should have had, was in his grasp this whole time without him knowing. Hint, Hint. The wanted posters are important for understanding WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED.
Xen drifting, floating in the blankness of his own mind, his energy exhausted and his will depleted.
“So…this is it huh?” Xen mumbled to himself as he was engulfed by the black that surrounded him. He closed his eyes, and ready to accept his fate with his lover and unborn son.
“Is he alive?” Xen heard a distant voice say, he listened.
“Yez, indeed he’z alive, what are you queztioning my zkillz now?” a younger male (Xen guessed around eighteen to twenty) voice asked the other, the other sounded like a very young child of about four possibly.
“But he’s not moving, why isn’t he moving Ala?” the child asked. Xen thought for a moment, Ala… Ala? Alakin?
“He waz bitten by a DreamBeast, nothing to zeriouz…here let me try zomething.” The voice, that Xen assumed was Alakin, said. He could smell something now, a disgusting and revolting smell that made his eyes water and gag reflex activate. He felt like he was cloaking, dying. Shutting his eyes tighter, and coughing up nothing but air. Xen’s only wish now was to rid of this endless torment.
Xen opened his eyes to a light grey stone ceiling and mossy grey stone walls, he was laid on a bed of white cotton, a dark wooded counter to the left of him. The counter was littered with herbs and medical equipment, his sword and gear also sprawled across the counter. Xen sat up, breathing in the musty air. He checked himself over, looking for potential wounds he could have gotten from the…DreamBeast? But after a thorough investigation he couldn’t find anything. Xen stood, scanned the room, and made his way to his gear. After reequipping himself, Xenagos slid silently to the ajar door that was parallel to the bed. He peered outside, listening for any sound of movement. There was none. Xen knew from experience that a quiet hall wasn’t a safe hall, so Xen kept his guard up as he made his was down the torch lit and barren hall. About twenty feet from the door he left, there was another door that was fully open, light pouring from the room. Xen could hear voices, that of a young child and that of Alakin. Xen knew he had to show himself to his brother, his brother was the only reason that he was here in the first place. But… there was something in the air, a gut wrenching feeling of neglect and sadness. Xen could sense it strong from the young child, and some from Alakin as well, it made Xen’s head throb and his heart feel like it was crumbling into pieces from the pain that those two shared. Xen could not wait any longer to show himself. So without a second thought Xen rose to his full height and went through the lit doorway.
It was a library, luminescent allege making the spherical lamps that hung over head shine like mini suns. A long table sat in the middle of the room with three chairs around it, two already occupied. The chair to the left was taken by a young boy of between three and four (in human year it would make him around ten). The boy has light blue scales along his cheeks and forehead, his hair a sea green, his skin just starting to change pigment and turn blueish green. He wears an Aquatic royal’s outfit with gold that compliments his small wings and tail that has two long fins on the end and little spines going up the tail. And his eyes, they were the most unique thing Xen has ever seen. The pupil is like a cats, but a grey color, the color part is diamond shaped, but the left half was black and the right was white. The child peered up at him with wide, sad, eyes. The sudden glistening of the necklace he wore caught Xen’s attention. Xen could feel his stomach lurch as he saw the golden choker (more like a necklace on the child) that is lined in amethyst gems with a ruby water droplet hanging from the center. Xen took a step toward the child with anger and sadness in his eyes, making the child retreat behind his protector, Alakin. Alakin has dark blue hair that covers his left bandages eye, his grey skin and horns blending nicely with the dark blue Alakin’s outfit was one to be seen on a mage, his top a deep purple with spider webs connecting the purple strips; his pants, also royal purple, had spider webs along the sides and bottom of the pant legs, a brown cloth wrapped around his left upper leg, blood soaked halfway through. Alakin wore muddy boots that looked to be about ready to be replaced. And his eyes, the pupil a circular shape and colored dark blue, the color of his eyes a bright red, and the whites… well are white. Alakin also has spider webs under his visible eye with a circle, hourglass and diamond on each of the three ends of the web. He has three matching earrings to match on his right ear, and a golden hoop on the left. Xen stopped and stepped back a few steps, looking at the two. The child, fear I his young and adventurous eyes, and Alakin, with anger in his once soft and caring eyes. Xen put his sword on the counter and put his hands in the air to show he was unarmed.
“Are…are you Xenagos?” Alakin asked, his voice making him sound much older than fifteen.
“Yes I am, and I’m going to guess that you are Alakin.” Xen smiled at him, hoping to see him relax a bit, but he didn’t.
“Please don’t be angry at the child, he did nothing wrong… we didn’t know…” Alakin stopped his rambling and glanced down at the child that clung to his long legs. Xen glanced at them both, then at the child who wore Nyela’s choker. Xen knelt in front of the child, curiosity and sadness creeping over him.
“What’s your name?” Xen asked, choking on incoming tears. The boy, all his fear gone, looked up at him and gave him a toothy smile (his teeth of a carnivore).
“My names Hydrangea!” the child answered with a sudden burst of excitement that even surprised Alakin. The tears fell then, Hydrangea… the name that he and Nyela wanted to name their child (preferably if it was a girl). Xen put his hand on Hydrangea’s shoulder and pulled him close with one swift movement, the child didn’t resist, and he just hugged back.
“I missed you daddy.” *tongue flicking* Hydrangea said in a kind loving manner that made Xen’s stomach lurch more.
“Hyd…” Alakin said under his breath, a look of jealousy and desertion on his face. Xen looked up at his brother, he got to his feet and patted his son’s head. Xen was as tall as Alakin but he could tell by how Alakin was built that Xen was indeed stronger physically. Xen watched Hyd out of the corner of his eye approach his sword, but then Alakin gripped his shoulder tightly in his hand and pushed him out into the hall.
I watched Uncle Ala and Daddy leave the room in a rush, curiosity filling my mind as I held Daddy’s sword in my hands. I was about to follow them when I heard a voice.
“Hello?” I asked out loud to the now empty room. I glanced around in search for the source but found none with sent shivers down my spine to my tail and wings.
“Hydrangea, do not be afraid.” The voice said.
“I am a friend, and you are the rightful wielder of my sacred tool.” The voice said in a mystical way, I glanced down at the sword in awe.
“But now is not the time for you to bare the fates you have been assigned yet young one. Set the tool back onto the table and do not touch it until you are of age to fly.” The voice said, Uncle Ala and Daddy had just walked back in, and glanced at me with amusement. I did as the nice lady told me and put the tool on the table.
Xen and Alakin reentered the room just as Hydrangea placed down
Xen’s sword. Xen and Alakin giving Hyd an amused look as he did so.
“Daddy! The nice lady told me about the tool!” Hyd said as he scampered over and clung to Xen’s legs.
“What nice lady?” Xen and Alakin both asked at the same time, they looked around the room in an almost freaked out way.
“The nice lady who told me about her tool!” Hyd responded spontaneously, giving both Xen and Alakin a happy smile. Xen and Alakin exchanged glances and shrugged in the assumption that this was just the child’s imagination. Xen knelt to his son’s height, glanced up at Alakin and gave a slight nod, then turned back to his son.
“Hydrangea, my beloved son, how would you like it if your uncle Alakin and I took you to a very nice place where mommy use to live, or where I lived. Would you like that?” Xen smiled, hoping to peek his son’s interests. But there was no response.
“Hydrangea?” Xen put a hand on his son’s shoulder, shaking him slightly. Alakin joining him on the floor, very concerned. Alakin put a hand on the boy’s forehead, sudden shock and fear on his face.
“He’s burning up, and trembling.” Alakin said in a shaky voice. Alakin looked dead into Xen’s eyes.
“We need to get him out of here, he needs a proper doctor.” Alakin looked back at Hyd with a hopeless look on his face. Xen turned Alakin’s shoulder to look at him.
“Brother, you are the best healer I have ever met, I know you can do something.” Xen said, trying to be encouraging. Alakin just shook his head.
“I can’t… Hydrangea has grown immune to all the herbs I have access to, so… no, I really can do nothing.” Alakin mumbled. Xenagos was about to protest, then Hyd collapsed into the arms of Xen and Alakin. Then he spontaneously combusts. (no he doesn’t)
Xen and Alakin sprinted through all the twisted and moldy stone halls of the dungeon. Hydrangea, out cold and burning up, in Xen’s arms.
“What’s wrong with him?!” Xen barked at Alakin, out of breath.
“I’m not sure! He was fine moments ago!” Alakin responded in a panicked tone. They both ran down the tunnels for a few moments without speaking, listening to the child’s hoarse breathing.
“What if we take him to the angels?” Xen suggested, sweat starting to build up on his forehead. Alakin was thinking it over.
“I’m… not at good terms with the Angel Clan, I’m not sure if they’ll welcome us with open arms…” Alakin finally responded.
“Don’t worry about that, I have a friend on the inside. He’s not a doctor but his partner is… even though she’s completely psycho.” Xen said half-jokingly. Alakin only nodded, taking Xen and his son further and further into the maze.
The trio hasn’t stopped moving in almost an hour now, and they were hopelessly lost. They stopped to rest by an old guards post outside the old prison wing of the dungeon where all the gladiators would be kept. Xen recognized this as his father’s castle the moment he awoke in the old medical wing. And he knew that the only way out of the condemned old half of the dungeon was to go through the new half right above them. He and Nylea had explored this place when they were kids so much that Xen knew the old wings like the back of his hand. Alakin on the other hand… had no idea where he was or where he’s trying to go. Xen laid Hyd down gently and approached Alakin, resting his hand on his brother’s shoulder.
“Maybe I should take the lead? I do know these dungeons, I can get us out of here faster.” Xen tried, but Alakin didn’t respond, he just stood there looking at the floor.
“Alakin?” Xen went around his brother to face him, holding his slightly shaking shoulders.
“Alakin what’s wrong?” Xen pried, but Alakin remained speechless. Xen, in a forcing manner, made Alakin sit on the floor with him.
“Alakin, I can’t help if you don’t tell me what’s wrong.” Xen started eagerly, but no response came. Xenagos was alone.
I awoke to what seemed like a bright white space, but over time the image became clear. There was a massive tree, with branches that seemed to stretch for infinity, and hanging from the branches were these bright balls of light. I tried to get a closer look, but I sadly remained immobile. My attention went from the tree to the six figures standing at its base. ‘Two with the Wings of Dragons, Two with the Wings of Birds, One Covered in Plants, One Covered in Fur.’ And with that, I was thrown back into the white abyss.
Xen looked over at his son, who was moving and mumbling in his sleep. Something about too? And plants? Xen sighed, looking back at his brother, trying to get him to comply.
“Please Alakin, I can’t do this alone.” Xen said in a plea, but no movement from Alakin showed, Xen was starting to get worried. Xen laid Alakin on his back and felt his head, it was slightly warm, not a good sign. Then Xen checked his pulse, it was weaker than normal. Xen could piece the puzzle together at this point, either whatever Hydrangea has somehow became airborne and infected Alakin, or… Auroral did inform their father of Xen’s potential betrayal and he poisoned them. Both… aren’t good. But one is better than the other. Xen picked up Alakin and hoisted him onto his back, then picked up his son. Xen, with the weight of his brother and son, made his way forward and out of the dungeon.
All Alakin saw was darkness, a black abyss forever to be lost in. Alakin looked around him for some sign of his nephew, but none showed. Alakin sighed, grinding his teeth in frustration. Then he heard it, the sound of voices, and Alakin made his way to it.
“Why won’t he wake?” Hyd asked, Alakin kept pushing forward.
“He will, don’t you worry you adorable small morsel.” A female responded in a psychotic way.
“What did you call him…” an unfamiliar male voice responded to the female.
“What I can’t help it! I’ve never tasted Aquatic before! Plus I’m a harpy I LOVE MEAT!” she responded ecstatically. Alakin pushed the last little way, and at the sound of ‘meat’ he reached his freedom.
Alakin awoke to a tan room with two unfamiliar figures standing over him, and his nephew by his head.
“Uncle Ala!” the child screamed excitedly, hugging Alakin tightly.
“Well you sure gave us a start mage, I mean, you had the nerve to try and dive in after you nephew and leave your brother to protect and carry you both all the way here! Geese! Some nerve!” the female said, she has purple hair and wings, her skin a natural harpy pale pink. Her sharp pointed teeth in a crooked smile. The male only shook his head in disappointment. The male, and angel, has bright blond hair and white and gold wings. The color of his eyes went from bright orange to dark blue, like the fires of the Harpian desert verse the deep Aquatic lakes. And tattooed under both eyes are bright orange jagged like marks that stretch down as far as to his jaw line to as short as a centimeter below his eye. Alakin looked around, not seeing his brother anywhere.
“Where’s Xen?” Alakin asked in a hoarse tone, holding Hyd close. The angel pointed at a wooden door that was off to the left.
“He’s resting, he was exhausted from carrying you two.” The angel said in a prissy way.
“You should be down on your knees worshiping him after all he’s done for you, half-blood.” The angel sneered at Alakin and Hyd, making the child tremble. The harpy and angel turned to each other then walked away, as if nothing had happened. Alakin growled low under his breath, turning back to Hyd with a protective gaze.
“Well, they sure are something… so these are the allies Xenagos spoke of… some friends.” Alakin noticed that he had been rambling out loud by the look on Hyd’s face, Alakin chuckled and pulled him close.
“It’s alright kiddo, they’re always like that these angels, always stuck up.” Alakin patted the child’s head and stood, making his way out of the room after the harpy and angel.
“Phenax, what’s our game plan? You know that Auroral is hunting for them, and I sure don’t want to get involved with family trifles.” The harpy stated with forcefulness, Alakin hanging back to eavesdrop.
“Pharika you need to trust me, Xenagos has always been a good friend of mine, and I plan to keep it that way.” The angel, Phenax, indicated with a deceiving tone. Pharika sighed, her wings rubbing the ground slightly with her shuffling.
“Fine, alright I’ll trust you. BUT! But, if things go south we get out of dodge alright?” Alakin peered around the corner slightly; Phenax, nodding and shaking Pharika’s hand. Alakin ducked his head back around the corner to avoid being seen, and luckily for him, he hasn’t (probably do to the fact that he was using magic without his knowing of it). Alakin was about to enter the room where he left Hydrangea when a strong hand landed on his shoulder and spun him around. It was Xen with Phenax and Pharika behind him, their arms crossed and faces mad.
“Xen! You’re awake!” Alakin said ecstatically. His brother’s face unchanged.
Xen looked down at Alakin with disappointed anger at his eavesdropping, but what he worried about more was the fact that Phenax and Pharika didn’t see him even though his aura showed clearly behind the thin wall he hid behind. Xen smiled slightly, relieving both their nerves. Xen was prepared to have this conversation with Alakin, this was the one thing that he prepped himself for, to tell Alakin about the usage of his magic. Xen noticed Alakin’s magic usage when he was rendered “unconscious” but Xen knew from meeting other mages (briefly) that their powers can cause some major physical exhaustion, especially if it’s a spiritual search. Xen believes that out of instinct Alakin separated his body and soul to try and help Hydrangea, but with Alakin’s lack of training he could not do so.
“Alakin, my dearest brother, I… feel like you should be aware of something…” Alakin raised his eyebrow, turning his head to one side slightly. Xen inhaled sharply, not exactly sure how to put this lightly. Like you can’t just walk up to someone you only met like what four hours ago and say ‘Hey you can do magic and you almost lost your soul to the void because of it’ NO you can’t just SAY that!
“You can do magic.” Phenax interrupted, looking at his armbands, Pharika checking her blood stained nails. Alakin said nothing for a long while, Xenagos trying to hold back his rage and not strangle his friends for not allowing Xen and his brother to talk about this in a light way. Alakin sighed, rubbing the back of his neck.
“How did you know?” Alakin asked, eyes to the floor. This shocked Xen and his friends.
“I… can see your aura… you… you knew?” Xen hesitated in asking, not wanting to make Alakin uncomfortable.
“Of course I know! My mother was a mage you know!” Alakin snapped, Xen took a step back.
“Sorry, sorry… I just… I’m sorry.” Alakin started, his words fading to a whisper. Xen ruffled his brother’s hair and smiled a genuine smile.
“Well Alakin, what would you like to do about it?” Xen asked, curious. Alakin thought.
“I… want to go study at Namryce, School Of Magics… I want to become a mage like my mother was, that’s what I want to do with my magic!” Alakin said determinedly. Xen nodded slowly, calculating the distance from the angel kingdom to the Mages Kingdom, Alakin would have to travel by portal to The Islas, then portal to the Mages Kingdom which would take a few hours but with the border war between the mages and demons it would be tough to not be caught mid portaling.
“I can take him.” Pharika alleged suddenly, sharpening her nails. Xen looked at her suspiciously, Xen knows how much Pharika hates mages and aquatics (which is why she always wants to eat them), but Xen can’t understand why she would want to help now of all times.
“I’m familiar with the Kingdom of Magi, and I need to stop by there anyway to get more supplies. You wasted them all.” She exclaimed, pointing at Alakin, her wickedly sharp teeth in a grin.
“So as retribution prince Alakin, you will join me on my quest to the Kingdom of Magi, you will join Namryce, School Of Magics and be the greatest prince ever! That is your retribution to me!” she said almost yelling, Xen and Phenax were beyond surprised at Pharika’s persistence, and dedication. Alakin only nodded slowly.
“What do we do with Hydrangea? He shouldn’t go to the Kingdom of Dragons, and it’s not safe in the Aquatic Kingdom or the Harpy Kingdom, no offence Pharika.” Alakin wavered. Pharika only shrugged. Xen thought for a moment, he knows that everything Alakin said was true, the only safe places were here in the angel kingdom, the Celestial Kingdom, and the Mage Kingdom… and Xen didn’t want to send his son somewhere he couldn’t follow if needed, and he wants him to be with someone he knows…
“Alakin, I want you to take Hyd with you.” Xen whispered with hesitation.
Alakin opened and closed his mouth, trying to find something to say. But no words came out, only hesitation.
“Alakin, I trust you with my son, hell you’ve been caring for him this long so what makes this so different?” Xen questioned, waiting for some response, from anyone.
“It’s a good idea, the boy trusts him.” Phenax stated, leaning against the wall, his eyes shimmering in the dim light that befell the hallway. Pharika was nodding in agreement, resolve burning in her hungry eyes.
“But… what if something happens… I’m not familiar with the Kingdom of Mages and I’ve never been to the school… if we get separated…” and at that Pharika slapped Alakin across the face, shocked silence casting its shadow over them. Pharika grabbed Alakin by the shoulders, digging her claws into his flesh slightly.
“Now you listen here half-blood!” she started, practically screaming.
“I WILL NOT allow such a weakling to join me on this venture if he can’t grow some backbone and watch after one single child! Not to mention that we will be headed to Namryce, School Of Magics! And it has to be one of the innocuous places in the Over to this day! So if you want to keep that child safe then you will do the SMART THING AND TAKE HIM WITH!” Pharika pushed him against the wall, Alakin dropping his gaze and trying to look strong in front of Xen.
“If… you think that this will be the best bet for his safety…” Alakin mumbled, his voice and body completely calm. He looked up into Pharika’s eyes, pride and grit showing like a beacon in total darkness. Pharika hesitated on saying anything, one could say that she had a little bit of fear on her face.
“If you think that this will be the best bet for keeping Hyd safe, then let’s do it.” Alakin alleged proudly, his voice dropping slightly and his posture more proper. Xen was proud of his brother, proud that he could stand up for himself and say what needed to be said. Pharika nodded, her smile returning onto her face.
“Alright then! When do you wish to head off, partner?” Pharika punched Alakin in the arm, making them both laugh. Alakin and Pharika wrapping their arms across each other’s shoulders. Xen has never seen anyone open up so quickly in all his life, not to mention Pharika, whom never likes to be friendly with anyone. Even him.
“We should head out as soon as possible, I’ll get Hyd and our supplies.” Alakin said, ruffling Pharika’s hair before headed back into the room where Hyd was left. Pharika followed Alakin with her eyes, sighing with what sounded like passion, her cheeks blushing slightly.
“OOHHHHH! PHARIKA!!! YOU LOOOO-“Phenax started, but his statement was quickly halted by Pharika covering his mouth, holding a hidden dagger against his neck.
“Say anything and you won’t live to see the suns rise.” Pharika growled in a whisper, it made Phenax and Xen both be completely silent, accept for the sound of their breathing and Alakin and Hydrangea’s voices. With each passing second, the blush that formed on Pharika’s cheeks intensified, eventually turning her whole face a light red. Phenax, trying not to laugh, pushed the dagger away.
“I’m happy for you Pharika, it’s not every day that you meet someone who gets you.” Phenax chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of his neck, a hint of sadness in his eyes. Xen knows how Phenax feels about Pharika, but… he also knows that it can never be. Alakin returned with Hyd on his shoulders and two bags in each hand. Pharika tried to act as if nothing had happened, Phenax on the other hand… just looked to the floor in defeat.
“Do you need to get anything before we go Pharika?” Alakin asked, innocently, and with no idea of Pharika’s feelings. She only shook her head, smiling a bright, happy smile.
“I’m ready to go whenever you are Alakin.” Pharika took one of the bags and threw it onto her back, Alakin doing the same without making Hyd uncomfortable.
“Xen, I suggest you go and meet up with Zecra and the others, they must be expecting you.” Alakin remarked in a matter-of-fact way. Xen nodded, putting his hands on his hips.
“Pharika, why don’t you go make a list of the material you need before you go, in case you missed something.” Phenax said suddenly, Pharika was confused by his statement but proceeded to go and check her inventory.
“Now listen here Alakin, I don’t know much about you but if you hurt-“Alakin raised his hand for silence, putting his hands on his hips sassily, and looking Phenax up and down disapprovingly. Alakin pointed at the angel, judgement very clearly in his eyes.
“First off, that outfit. Like what even is that, like did you rob you parent’s closet for the oldest god damned thing in there or what?” Phenax was shocked by Alakin’s statement, he couldn’t say a thing.
“Second off, do you really think I would EVER let ANYTHING happen to Pharika while we’re over at the school? Hell no, I think not.” Alakin took a step closer, and this was when Xen noticed that Hyd had his ears covered, Alakin must have told him to in the other room due to… his magic? Intuition? Not sure, it was something that Xen was sure Alakin must have told Hyd in case this happened.
“So don’t you dare make your damn remarks just because you have a crush on Pharika and you think she can’t care for herself?” Alakin was face to face with Phenax now, and tears started running down Phenax’s face and over his tattooed eyes.
“You need to trust her, and her abilities. But, if it makes you feel better, I’m not supposed to be together with Pharika either.” Now everything went silent with shock.
“H…how do you know?” Phenax asked holding back more tears. Alakin smiled sadly and pointed at the young child that sat upon his shoulders.
“I can’t see the future, but he sure can.” Alakin spoke proudly, like he knew that this was the perfect outcome to a great future… or at least the best future that they could receive.
I have seen it, a world where everyone would like in peace, where war not only shaped the world itself, but also its people. But I know, that in order to make peace happen that I would have to train, I would have to find her. Find the one who will sail with me, dance with me. Someone who I will forever love. She lives not anywhere anyone has traveled before, well not yet. I will be the first, when my wings grow to their fullest is when I know that I will be ready to find her. A girl of my age, her wings that of a butterfly, tail short and glowing with a mysterious light, eyes like a flaming island trapped in a light blue ocean, hair forever flowing toward the sky. Determination echoing throughout history. Bravery like no one could ever hope to show. Her beauty like a bright light in the darkest canyon. And from the moment I first saw her, I realized that I loved her.
Alakin, Hydrangea and Pharika, draped in cloaks colored in black to match the night sky. Xen gave a final hug to his son, a hug for his brother and a quick pat-pat for Pharika who only grunted in annoyance. And off they went, to disappear into a distant land, not seen for many years until the blood moon has set on the sixth day of the Great Purge, but it this day that Xenagos begins his own journey to the war filled land of the Dragon Kingdom, where blood seeps into the ground and the rivalry of twins will mark the destruction and rebirth of a great nation.
Xenagos had just arrived in the Dragon Kingdom, leaving his best friend Phenax to head back to the angels. And it was at Xen’s first arrival that he was automatically surrounded by hostile faces, one of the dragons who came to see him to Zecra’s castle was Lira’s first born Zir, a fire and light dragon, he’s entirely red accept for a lightning bold across both sides of his face. He stands four feet above Xen and has a bad attitude. The other dragon who greeted him is a light grey dragon with long light blue spikes and claws. A light purple scar across her snout, her eyes kind like her personality. According to Zir, she’s Mira’s second dragonet. Her name, Vanna. The three of them, in a tight formation of Zir in the lead, Xen in the middle and Vanna following behind, her head hanging low and eyes forever grief stricken, and forever kind. It didn’t take long to get to the castle, the flight on the back of Zir made things much faster than Xen ever thought possible. Once they passed the last peak that marked the border between Zecra and Vitus’s kingdoms they were in the clear, and it was smooth sailing all the way to the castle. The castle was huge, ten times bigger than any castle his father had or the Celestials or even the Angels! Gold and rubies lined the walls and floors, dragon statues lining the halls, golden windows producing beautiful bright light that rained throughout the whole castle. The throne room, was by far the most beautiful. Raining sunlight pouring all across the seemingly glowing room, the throne itself is completely gold, rubies, and diamonds. The floor sparkled in emeralds, and various types of gems. This was indeed the real castle before this stupid war which I find very frustrating… anyway, the walls are laced in silver and pearls with gold ribbons around the spires. Zir and Vanna moved Xen along and away from the empty room and into a darker and kind of depressing room. The room, a conference room, had little to no windows and all the windows that are in the room are covered with velvet blinds. The floor is nice and wooden, a special type of wood only found in the Aquatic Kingdom to the far north. There is a large oval table in the center of the room with seven chairs seated around it, five already taken. In the largest chair at the head of the table is Zecra, the dragon queen. Zecra is large and has black scales and dark green horns spines and claws, she wears a golden chainmail chest plate with matching arm bands. To her left is Auroral, sitting proper and to Xen’s silent horror, with her wings folded in tightly to her body. Next to Auroral are two twin girls, Xen’s youngest siblings, Tanda and Thana. Thana nearest Auroral and Tanda right next to her. Thana is dressed in a long black ripped dress with skulls as a belt and tiara, her black hair covering one eye and a sour look on her face, Tanda is also in a ripped dress but hers is white. And also…Tanda is covered in keys that have been buried into her flesh, her eyes gone and skin pale her smile seeming to brighten the whole room up. On Zecra’s other side was another girl a few years older than the twins, Xen knows by what Auroral had told him that this girl was Silcon. Silcon has her head rested on the table, not a care in the world, her wings lay lazy by her side and her dark hair covering her face, her patched dress visible from under her hair. There is an empty chair next to Silcon, and an empty chair across from Zecra. Zecra dismissed Zir and Vanna, they bowed low and left, closing the doors behind them.
“Xenagos, please sit.” Zecra ordered, her voice aggressive but wise. Xen nodded and sat in the chair next to Silcon. He smiled at her, but she didn’t seem to notice.
“Xen, where’s Alakin…” Auroral asked, anger hidden under false concern. Xen shivered slightly and glanced around the room at all the eyes that focused on him. Zecra’s grey dragon eyes, Auroral’s star eyes, Thana’s black eyes with goldish yellow color, Tanda’s blank stare, and still no response from Silcon. Xen breathed in deeply, exhaled, and told his story. Of course leaving out the part with Auroral in his dream and her tainted wings. Zecra nodded slowly, the twins glancing at each other, Auroral… she looked furious.
“So… Alakin won’t be joining us… that’s a shame…” Auroral mumbled under her breath. Zecra gave Auroral a puzzled look, but she didn’t make any remark against it.
“So, the reason I have gathered you all here…” Zecra started, looking at each of her younger siblings, Xen leaned against the back of the chair, tilting it slightly.
“I have gathered you all here to discuss something important; I Zecra, eldest sister of us all, want to take the throne. But unfortunately my twin Vitus also wants the throne even though it has been planned that I would take the throne. So… I ask all of you to help me down Vitus’s army and support me and my rule. And in turn I will aid and assist you all with the ruling of your own nations and protection of your families.” Xen looked at each of his siblings, they all nodded in agreement. Xen raised his hand to get his sister’s attention. Zecra motioned toward Xen with her claw, allowing him to speak.
“It’s just… my son Hydrangea… I want him and Alakin to remain in hiding… if our father found him…” Xen stopped, glancing at his hands that shook on the counter.
“Don’t worry dear brother, Hydrangea and Alakin will remain safe.” Xen nodded, feeling not at calm as he had hoped.
“Auroral, can you please go over what we discussed?” Zecra asked, authority showing clearly in her voice, Auroral nodded.
“Alright, so we all will support and aid Zecra in her rule over the Dragon Kingdom and in turn she will aid and protect our kingdoms and families. Also… We will be sure that Alakin…and Xenagos’s son will remain hidden from our father.” Auroral looked to Zecra for approval, the queen nodded.
“Alright so if this concludes our discussion then now it is time to take action, we must act now. I say that Silcon and Auroral go into the multiverse and rally up some Guardians to help us fight.” At the end of Zecra’s words, Silcon stood up, enraged, her face finally visible. Silcon’s face was half beautiful, a flawless beauty, the other half was of black nightmares, like cracked porcelain.
“Why do I HAVE TO GO?!?!” Silcon shouted, standing up, her lovely and deadly voice ringing in Xen’s ears. Zecra sighed and glanced at Silcon.
“Because you are a Warrior, Silcon. You are a General.” Zecra looked between Silcon and Auroral in a nervous manner. Silcon sat back down and pulled her hair over the cracked side of her face. Auroral rested her head on her hands, a wicked smile creeping over her face.
“Then it is settled. Auroral and Silcon will venture into the Multiverse, make an army, and return to help us end this war once and for all.” Zecra finished, outstretching her wings to their full lengths. All the siblings approved accept for Xen and Silcon who only exchanged nervous glances, but said nothing. And it was the fact that they didn’t say anything that they sent themselves into their own doom.
, like cracked porcelain.
“Why do I HAVE TO GO?!?!” Silcon shouted, standing up, her lovely and deadly voice ringing in Xen’s ears. Zecra sighed and glanced at Silcon.
“Because you are a Warrior, Silcon. You are a General.” Zecra looked between Silcon and Auroral in a nervous manner. Silcon sat back down and pulled her hair over the cracked side of her face. Auroral rested her head on her hands, a wicked smile creeping over her face.
“Then it is settled. Auroral and Silcon will venture into the Multiverse, make an army, and return to help us end this war once and for all.” Zecra finished, outstretching her wings to their full lengths. All the siblings approved accept for Xen and Silcon who only exchanged nervous glances, but said nothing. And it was the fact that they didn’t say anything that they sent themselves into their own doom.