When I am sad they make me happy
When I don't want to talk they make me talk
When I am vulnerable they protect me and hold me tight
When I am lonely they are there to hug me
When I throw in a tantrum they are patient with me
When I am stuck they are there to listen to me
When I am cold they hold me with their warm hands
When I am sick they pop up in most random ways to make me smile
When I am struggling they are praying for me silently
When I am sensitive they are there to wipe my tears
When I am mad they are willing to tolerate me
When I am frustrated unable to think clearly they direct me to clear path
When things get too much to handle they lend me their shoulder to cry
When I am euphoric they are more euphoric than me
No matter how messy I get they hold me dear and near
Oh Romi today i ponder looking at the evening sky
"These are my people, few in no. yet more than enough to surround me"
How lucky I am to be born in such a cascade of love and adoration!