No Plagiarism!wagGqhtw4YMKEdsbdx66posted on PENANA I was a star minding my business8964 copyright protection592PENANA4PaJmaQmaA 維尼
I was a child lost in my barbie world8964 copyright protection592PENANA8TjLJcKO8A 維尼
596Please respect copyright.PENANA5QUKcuqy0O
8964 copyright protection592PENANAyPSjOdW465 維尼
Surrounded by friends n laughters8964 copyright protection592PENANAiR1l4eh1kA 維尼
I was cherry blossom for all of them 8964 copyright protection592PENANALzXAC3BZJ8 維尼
596Please respect copyright.PENANAWvnxcgWMLT
8964 copyright protection592PENANArWqVdOhfJT 維尼
But as time drew more everything changed 8964 copyright protection592PENANA55ajvdhWpf 維尼
Ppl left; leaving behind tears n sorrow 8964 copyright protection592PENANAGyzK8ijL8X 維尼
596Please respect copyright.PENANAUqwkzYJVkk
8964 copyright protection592PENANABKMgqYHLyZ 維尼
Feel so numb inside my head8964 copyright protection592PENANAnsxum4DAnZ 維尼
Everything I learned is down the drain8964 copyright protection592PENANAZ5BdJNl1xH 維尼
596Please respect copyright.PENANAgKNOKMNO2Q
8964 copyright protection592PENANAYI6gZmczku 維尼
Luck was never on our side true8964 copyright protection592PENANAO1xj0C1DXQ 維尼
Every one I knew changed faces8964 copyright protection592PENANALk8xaDkmHC 維尼
596Please respect copyright.PENANAM07JtfPlnt
8964 copyright protection592PENANAohkQCcSAKq 維尼
It's not love nor hate that exists in me8964 copyright protection592PENANAG2Q7TYG9Af 維尼
I am an empty slate lying in the dust of time8964 copyright protection592PENANAY9NvfWNYrv 維尼
596Please respect copyright.PENANAAFYBgMLpU2
8964 copyright protection592PENANA68yMhmm6NY 維尼
I love u n I mean that8964 copyright protection592PENANAapqpa7UQca 維尼
Out of all u know what lies inside8964 copyright protection592PENANAyDw6FUfYLe 維尼
596Please respect copyright.PENANAMvdYvxOHkN
8964 copyright protection592PENANAxIY5YpO8q2 維尼
I trust u n I mean that8964 copyright protection592PENANA8jRXEY2dRW 維尼
To write to u about my vulnerabilities8964 copyright protection592PENANAy7OsZ2Thhg 維尼
596Please respect copyright.PENANA80zeCNtru6
8964 copyright protection592PENANABvBsPsDoYz 維尼
Clueless as a slate8964 copyright protection592PENANAGaZDeA7cfS 維尼
Lost as a sparrow8964 copyright protection592PENANAgp3oPBvV8V 維尼
596Please respect copyright.PENANAOkgLrZUObq
8964 copyright protection592PENANADVFDiba9Q4 維尼
Questioning facts8964 copyright protection592PENANAawpa51VGd0 維尼
Questioning knowledge 8964 copyright protection592PENANAcHw4xh0h8H 維尼
596Please respect copyright.PENANAa3yvgr3Ckm
8964 copyright protection592PENANALYr7ykEJuL 維尼
Who am I?8964 copyright protection592PENANAodpUEXBgYI 維尼
Who was I?8964 copyright protection592PENANAQQ0mCZal12 維尼
What I am supposed to be?8964 copyright protection592PENANA9Q7D1TONH0 維尼
596Please respect copyright.PENANADhbt8ZoqX8
8964 copyright protection592PENANAQzgMjLtsLI 維尼
What is love?8964 copyright protection592PENANA1h33j9LSWt 維尼
What is friendship?8964 copyright protection592PENANARq5eAxKj8W 維尼
What is happiness?8964 copyright protection592PENANAF85abPm7kv 維尼
596Please respect copyright.PENANAadqrs4LcuJ
8964 copyright protection592PENANAgBFDRLLFiE 維尼
What is real?8964 copyright protection592PENANAIfSk3IsxKR 維尼
What is fake?8964 copyright protection592PENANAoHYb5yBVIR 維尼
596Please respect copyright.PENANARACLPnIYg3
8964 copyright protection592PENANALizIpmNEs4 維尼
Who to keep?8964 copyright protection592PENANArUa6BCkuMe 維尼
Who to leave?8964 copyright protection592PENANAHO8qzTkmIO 維尼
596Please respect copyright.PENANADCXEVOTM7W
8964 copyright protection592PENANA5Nkiiw0ICJ 維尼
Lost tattered I tried to join broken parts8964 copyright protection592PENANATXfOdw3498 維尼
Then my hands bleed more from the ones I loved8964 copyright protection592PENANAXtR4GEG99I 維尼
596Please respect copyright.PENANAKooW2sThx1
8964 copyright protection592PENANA11zKK0io71 維尼
I see everyone crashing fighting helplessly8964 copyright protection592PENANACsl1oRLNdB 維尼
Trauma, guilt, sadness prevails in my mind8964 copyright protection592PENANAPCOUfJ9dU7 維尼
596Please respect copyright.PENANAKXNGwg18H7
8964 copyright protection592PENANAuIZQydij7D 維尼
Hoping for peace n hoping for fairytale ending8964 copyright protection592PENANAmrh8jVn20A 維尼
What wrong I did I wonder8964 copyright protection592PENANAR3SkXg6lKx 維尼
596Please respect copyright.PENANArjuK2sMXYe
8964 copyright protection592PENANAZjTrAB5T6i 維尼
Then the reality Dawn on me; contradicting my imagination8964 copyright protection592PENANAxZXLydhP8m 維尼
Mocking in my face for me not being good enough8964 copyright protection592PENANA66aQTxm013 維尼
596Please respect copyright.PENANAsKCQLxZ6tI
8964 copyright protection592PENANAVDz1J0q2lo 維尼
Then that empty slate cries clueless 8964 copyright protection592PENANAUeqX75euEU 維尼
Lost unaware blank about what to do next8964 copyright protection592PENANAWDebw7qOFh 維尼
596Please respect copyright.PENANA0Ni0ElxUyG
8964 copyright protection592PENANAKqh0SJ1CPq 維尼
I dont blame anyone for this8964 copyright protection592PENANAE11Q4ds1vH 維尼
I just want my wings back8964 copyright protection592PENANAu4gfMKtRuh 維尼
596Please respect copyright.PENANAMxs1lXjqv5
8964 copyright protection592PENANAYOPjie0HDv 維尼
Empty mind, soul, heart n spirit8964 copyright protection592PENANAK7nKmsDM2w 維尼
I just want my old self back8964 copyright protection592PENANASUV3vtUkG1 維尼
596Please respect copyright.PENANAoIvH3KFbCJ
8964 copyright protection592PENANA8fxaNFsNZR 維尼
Help me to find myself8964 copyright protection592PENANAmpn6xDYgcz 維尼
Bcz I got no heart to go back 22 years back to endure all that pain again8964 copyright protection592PENANAomhcGvOPxT 維尼
596Please respect copyright.PENANAMh46MQBdS0
8964 copyright protection592PENANAu702Br0CqF 維尼
I am a clean slate yours to keep8964 copyright protection592PENANA8GYZnSYHkY 維尼
Take it, keep it, break it, mold it whatever like8964 copyright protection592PENANApWm7hTfe4h 維尼
596Please respect copyright.PENANALFG6v3Upig
8964 copyright protection592PENANAAFL5i0vWop 維尼
I feel like a pacifier fresh out of factory8964 copyright protection592PENANA5HKZlLVlDF 維尼
I feel like a child after birth8964 copyright protection592PENANAzh1d5HlGKx 維尼
596Please respect copyright.PENANA1RliNUqHMd
8964 copyright protection592PENANAqQVhqchXRm 維尼
I dont know myself8964 copyright protection592PENANAfXuEbwlPHW 維尼
I dont know anyone8964 copyright protection592PENANA8xgzclA7ga 維尼
596Please respect copyright.PENANA3jYg5ttpdX
8964 copyright protection592PENANAfO0FngFIxd 維尼
I am lost lost lost8964 copyright protection592PENANAM3osjaD4ln 維尼
I am lost lost lost8964 copyright protection592PENANAJESi6ULMv2 維尼
596Please respect copyright.PENANADM9lBuOh6y
8964 copyright protection592PENANAMvVVEra7cr 維尼
Idk what is what 8964 copyright protection592PENANAZud5B4HZhz 維尼
Idk who is who8964 copyright protection592PENANA9s5cp3N0ld 維尼
596Please respect copyright.PENANAlQwymeIfdR
8964 copyright protection592PENANAWsU55sp7th 維尼
Confused as hell8964 copyright protection592PENANAa7MieHUf2H 維尼
Broken as shit8964 copyright protection592PENANA0mfkpy7I4f 維尼
596Please respect copyright.PENANA4IuzRZuEw1
8964 copyright protection592PENANA69RAF5rTWE 維尼
I wonder what to do next8964 copyright protection592PENANAcL9andnqSp 維尼
I wonder where to go next8964 copyright protection592PENANAB3X9na6BsZ 維尼
596Please respect copyright.PENANA8iXYnAqOzs