“Before we start, we will be placing the first-years into their houses.” Dumbledore explains as the first-years gather near the front, close to the ‘stage’.
“First up we have Ronald Weasley.” Ms. Mcgonagall says first. Ron walks up to the stool and sits. McGonagall places the sorting hat apon Ron’s head and sorts him into Gryffindor. She then calls up Hermione Granger. The sorting hat placed her into Gryffindor. Next up was Harry Potter, he was also placed into the Gryffindor house. “Draco Malfoy” she then called out. The hat hovered over his, not even touching, and sorted him into the Slytherin House. He smiled slightly, walking over to the Slytherin seating area. “Last but not least, Lilith Diaz,” Mcgonagall called me. I walk up to the stool and sit. McGonagall places the sorting hat on my head.
“Ah, I see. Ms. Diaz, great-granddaughter of the one and only Zack and Marie Diaz.” The other students including Draco gasp as they hear the founder's name. “You're very courageous and hard-headed, you have the smarts of the Ravenclaw and the ambition of the Slytherin. I shall put you in… Ravenclaw!!” the sorting hat finally announced. My eyes directly went towards Draco, he had a saddened expression but he was smiling. I was glad to be in Ravenclaw but I wonder how Draco really feels about it.
I sit with the raven claws saddened that none of my friends are with me. After all of the selections, we feast. Dumbledore states some rules and then miles of food appear. I can already see Ron eating the chicken. I see Harry also shoving food into his mouth. I look towards him and he tells me to come to sit with them. So since I have nothing better to do I go over.
“Hey, Harry! How is the food?” I laugh.
“It's amazing I haven't eaten anything like this I think ever!” he looks so happy.
“Wait, what do you mean Harry?”
“Well, I live with my Aunt, Uncle, and Cousin. They treat me like garbage. My bedroom is under the stairs…” He replies with a saddened tone.
“Harry I am so sorry, you deserve this food. I hope you'll do better than they ever will.”
“Thank you, Lilith, you are very sweet.’’ He smiles, he's so sweet. I look towards the Slytherin table looking for Malfoy, and I see him, I smile towards him and he asks me to come over so I do.
“Hey Harry, I'll be right back. Enjoy the food” I smile while leaving the table. I walked over to Draco’s seating area and he had saved a spot for me. I sat down and he just stared at me.
“Malfoy what are you staring at?” I question.
“I just wanted to see you and hear your voice. I wish you were in Slytherin, no one here really talks to me. Do you mind staying for a while?” he looked quite down, so of course, I agreed.
“Yes Draco, are you okay? Other than you being lonely, is there anything else bothering you?” I ask concernedly.
“Uh, yeah I guess you could say that. My Father was just angry that I was already so focused on beautiful girls that I might get distracted but I was just trying to explain to him that you were really well... Uh, unique. He wanted me to focus on school though it hasn't really started yet.”
“Draco you are the sweetest thing. I promise I will not distract you. You're just one of the fewest friends I've got so I don't want to lose you, tell your father that” He gently nods.
“Hey, Draco... I know this is quite a weird question to ask, but can I hug you?”
“Uhh, yeah of course Lil. You can hug me anytime you desire” I then blush and hug him. I see he has a mark on his face, I think his father slapped him. I lift his face a little and he winces.
“Are you alright, Draco, was this your Father’s doing?” I say while making eye contact with him.
“Yeah but it's alright.”
“Draco it's turning purple I'll go get you an ice pack real quick, don't go anywhere.” He nods and I go up to Dumbledore. “Sir, may I have an ice pack for Malfoy’s face? He has a bruise.” Dumbledore nods and looks at Hagrid, who then stands up and gets an ice pack. I thank him and walk back to the bruised Malfoy. “Here you go Draco,” I say, placing the ice onto his bruised face.
“Thank you, Lil. I'm glad that we have become friends.” he gently smiled.
“Me too Draco. You seem like such a good person and quite a gentleman I must say.” I reply, smiling back at him.
I laid my head on his shoulder as we watched everyone. I then feel myself drift off, soon to be woken up by Professor Dumbledore telling us to head on over to our common rooms. I look over towards Draco and then I realize how long I was asleep.
‘’ Omg Draco I'm so sorry I didn't mean to fall asleep for that long!” I say with complete embarrassment throughout my voice...
“Lil it's alright, it didn't bother me. You looked so tired so I didn't wake you” he said
We sat in silence for about a minute, I was about to get up when he speaks up,
“Oh and by the way Lil, you are a very beautiful sleeper” he mentions smiling towards me. I look down as I feel my face heat up.
“Uhh thank you, Draco. Were you staring at me the whole time I was asleep..?”
“For the most part yeah, I wanted to make sure you were comfortable” he replies. “I hope that's not creepy,” He continues.
“No no it isn't,” I say
“ Thank you Draco, I think we should head separate ways now. It was amazing hanging out with you today, I'll see you tomorrow” I smile as I get up from the table.
“Sleep well, beautiful!” he shouts from across the room, I couldn't help but blush. I swear if you saw me you'd think I had turned into a tomato.
The rest of the Ravenclaws and I head to the Ravenclaw common room where all our stuff is. As we get to the opening, our team leader says some weird bunch of words, and the paint door thingy opens, inviting us in. We all head in and get ready for bed. I put my pajamas on and head to sleep.
𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓷𝓮𝔁𝓽 𝓭𝓪𝔂
As I walk out of the Ravenclaw common room, I see Draco sitting in the way.
“Well good morning Malfoy,” I say looking into his eyes.
“ Good morning Lil, how did you sleep?”
“I slept well. How did you sleep?” I ask as we start to make our way to the great hall.
“I slept okay. Would have been better if you were with me.” He says bluntly, causing me to look down and blush. “How about we skip breakfast and hang out some?” He asks, looking down at me.
“Sure, why not,” I reply, looking up to him. He smiles and wraps his arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer. I blush a little as he walks me to his common room. As we get there he says the ‘password’ and leads me in. We sit on the couch and he faces me.
“What do you want to talk about Draco?” I question, looking into his eyes.
“Anything as long as I'm talking to you.” He answers, scooting closer. I slightly blush and look down. I feel him place his finger under my chin to make me look into his eyes. “ You are pretty when you are blushing Lil.”
“Thank you, Draco.” I thank him, blushing more.
“Anytime beautiful.” He replies, smiling at me. “Come here.” He says, lifting his arm for me to lay into him. I do so and smile, looking up at him just looking into his eyes.
Draco then starts to hum. When he did, I felt like I immediately fell deep asleep. It was such a beautiful melody or whatever it is. I think I am falling in love with Draco Malfoy.