I haven't gone to school for a week now , I was collapsing every morning and my mum and dad are thinking of taking me to hospital , but I reassure them that's its only lack of sleep, that was not actually a lie but I can;t tell them that I'm upset over my past and Andy, they've been in so much pain because of me that at least I need to give them a bit of rest. I tried calling Andy but no response and Cadie said she hasn't seen him in a while. What is going on ? I didn't mean to hurt him but I can't say.
Although I thought that I sent him a text telling him if he wants to know everything he should come to my house and talk about it at the same time as Monday. He didn't respond, I haven't noticed how a small encounter with him changed my life so much , just my seeing him , hearing his husky sexy voice made my day , even the part where we tease each other made it more interesting , I hate this I really wanna see him. I waited for him but it was a no show , when I as about to loose hope there was something hitting my window, I opened the window
“ Make it quick” he said ,
I went rushing down.
“ I thought you weren't coming.”
I said happily but his face was neutral
“ I was not coming but after sometime my sister convinced me I should at least listen to your story.”
his sister ? Who ever you are I'm so thankful to you.
“ Come with me it's cold we should at least stay inside.”
I went inside and he followed me.
“ So what's all this mystery huh?”
I shivered for a second , and he seemed to notice
“ Sum..?”
“ Before I tell you , can you promise you wont run away again ? I can't take it please?”
His eyes went wide but he nodded softly.
I started slowly
“ When I was 14 years old I meet this guy , sweet and caring , every guy a girl wants , after some time we starting going out and after we ended up together , I really liked the guy and at 14 every girl wants to be a girl rescued by prince charming right ? Well I had my prince , we were together for 3 years , and I actually thought I loved him but I never expected him to be that way.”
I stopped to take a breath and Andy listened to every word and in silence showed me thats it's ok to trust him and so I continued
“ One day I was shopping for his birthday present, as I usually do every year , when I was walking along the streets
I saw him kissing another girl, at first I didn't want to believe it was him but he was ..”
“Jerk” Andy spatted out,
“ he noticed me and started running my way but I started running home , he was an athlete so he caught me easily and he pushed me at the edge of the street ,
I was struggling to be freed but he just slapped me in the face and hit me against the wall
“ Don't you dare run away from me anymore , your mine and mine only , I can have you and her at the same time.”
those were his exact words , I remember them perfectly. He said that he'll come at my house later and if I say something to anyone he will kick me so hard that I would spit blood. I was too scared to even move and so that night came and apparently he drugged me as I don't remember anything ,
i just remember waking up covered only in my bed sheets with nothing on. He was in the corner watching me ,
he raped me ,
thats when I realized but he laughed it off and said
“ Don't worry your not pregnant I used a preservative on you , who would want a baby from you?”
I just stayed there and cried , he grabbed me and put me on the chair with only the sheet covering my body , he put on mouth some tape so wont scream to my mum and dad , and then he begin hitting me , he hit so hard I started seeing blood in my eyes
he said “ You know why I let you see me without putting a bandage on you ? I wanted you to see this face before you die ,
if I can't have you then I won't let anyone have you.”
he kept torturing me for sometime and then the door broke open and there was my dad with an angry face that I never have seen on him. He was about to hit him when my mum came in and said
“ Derek , don't touch him , you'll be interrogated , and I called the police they're on their way.”
Jefrey just stood there peeing his pants off , but while the cops took him away he screamed at me and said
“ I'll find you someday and finish what I started.”
I feel on my knees , shaking and crying like a baby , my mum and dad both hugged me whispering to me that I was gonna be ok.”
Andy was staring at me with his eyes and mouth wide open.
“ After some time of rehab I felt better but I never got close to anyone ever again and I don't smile anymore.
Few years later they informed us that he somehow got away from prison, we've been running ever since.”
I looked at Andy wanting to know what he thought , he just stared at me not knowing what to say or to think.
Just then my eyes filled with tears , something that hasn't happened since that night.
Andy got up and grabbed me and hugged me so tight I couldn't breath. “ Why ?”
Andy looked down at me and said :
“ Why what ?”
“ Why I feel so secure in your arms ? And I feel I can tell you anything.”
He laughed softly
“ That's because I'm hot and cool right ? Plus I'm a stalker.”
I laughed softly “
That's not actually a joke you can do it know right?”
But I feel so good with him.
“ Sorry.”
“Sorry about what ?”
“ Cause I forced this on you , but I like you Sum and I can't think straight when I'm with you.”
I looked up at him and said
“ I like you too , and same here remember the pat on the shoulder that was low.”
We laughed to each other. Then he leaned close first forehead to forehead ,
nose to nose ,
and then … he kissed me.
His lips are so soft , and they're cold , he must have been feeling cold all this time and he acted all tough just to look cool, well I like that about him. He kissed me softly again , and then more passionately. I don't know what happened how it got to this but with him I can put my past behind me.
Next morning Cadie called me to check on how I was , I told her about me and Andy,
“ Whattttt and you telling me this just now ?”
I laughed to her sincere comment ,
“ Sorry Cad everything happened so fast I don't know what happened myself.”
“ So what happened after ??”
“ What do you mean?”
“ You know what I mean.....” I sighed
“ Nothing like that happened , we kept talking till dawn and he left before my parents got up.”
“ Ohh come on I want more juciyy stuff , does he kiss good?”
“ Cadieee , come on , and yeah he does.”
She laughed and after sometime she hung up because Luca asked her to hang out today, hope she'll be ok.
Soon after my phone started ringing, it's Andy :
“ Andy , everything ok ?”
he laughed softly
“ Yeah , shouldn't a guy call his girl huh?”
I didn't comment to that, I blushed so hard and felt embarrassed
“ Come on outside will ya I'm in front of your door.”
“ What ? And give me sometime I'll be right down.”
We hung up the phone together and changed quickly and went downstairs.
When I saw him I hugged him , and he kissed me softly ,
“ Now thats a good good morning.” I snorted out.
He just smiled and kissed me again.
“ So how about a date , your free now ?” I blinked at him
“ Well I'll have to check my agenda.”
He grinned and started tickling me
“ Ok ok , I'm free, where are you gonna take me ?”
“ How about we go for a movie and lunch for now?”
for now? Hmm
“ Sure give me 10 minutes to change ok?”
He nodded and kissed my forehead, I smiled softly and went to get ready.
“ What the hell was that movie ?”
I said a bit angry , he's been laughing at me for quite some time now,
“ Sorry , but I didn't think you got scared so easily.”
I was pissed at him , but his smile made up for it. Just then my phone started to ring ,
“ Cadie what going on?”
I heard her a bit down
“ Nothing much , just that I'm confused but happy at the same time.”
I glanced at Andy and told him to wait a minute and he nodded , but he put his hands around me to show me that we must move on or well be late.
“ Tell me everything Cadie , maybe I can help.”
She sighed
“ Well , you know Luca came to pick me up and just then I found out that were gonna hang out with his friends , I didn't really mind but I don't really know them so I kept to myself for sometime , and today I found out that Kayden , the boy I told you I had a complicated relationship with,”
Kayden , the older guy she liked so much , that story made me sad , cause she seemed heart broken when she remembered him,
“ came to talk to me , asked how my life going , and he had a girlfriend for quite a while now , he seemed so nice after all that went between us.”
She was on the verge of tears so I tried to cheer her up
“ Cadie it's gonna be ok these things take time and don't pass easily and I'm here for you anything happens always ok?”
She laughed happily
“ Thank you Summ for everything , well have to go Luca is waiting for and explanation why I'm so sad today.”
When she was about to hang up
“ Ohh say hi to Andy for me , I'm not supposed to say it but he asked for hint so he could take you on a perfect date.”
I looked up at him smiling , he blinked at me but smiled back
“ Thank you Cadie, well take care and call me if you need.”
“ Yeah you too, see ya”
She hung up,
“ So mister tough guy need to ask tips from his girls , friend huh?”
he blushed
“She wasn't supposed to say.”
he said while looking like a puppy that lost his bone, I reached up and kissed his cheek
“ Well , it's cute so thank you.”
We smiled to each other and headed straight into a restaurant. He took me in a beautiful restaurant and I ate and laughed so much my stomach was about to explode. After paying we went outside the restaurant
“ How about a walk near the beach ?”
I nodded to him
“ So you can be romantic too?”
He grinned at me and we went to the beach and just talked, it was amazing , other than the movie , which made me pee in my pants , it was an amazing day.
When we were walking home , I felt a chill run down my spine , I stopped and looked behind , no one was there although I think I saw a shadow hiding behind the tree but vanished immediately
“ Summ , everything ok?”
“ Ohh, yeah sorry just felt a chill thats all.”
He looked at me concerned but I smiled back to him and we kept going. “ Wow , your house its huge.”
I said in awh, he laughed and said
“ Wanna come in ?” ,
I looked at him with a questioning look , he smiled
“ Don't worry I won't touch you.”
He winked at me and grabbed my hand to led me to the door, before he could open a door
“ Puppyy is that you?”
A very beautiful lady opened the door and glanced at us , when she looked at me she smiled and said
“ Bethh , Bethh , puppy has brought a girl home hurry.”
Andy hit his head with his hand and blushed whispering to me
“ Sorry about this.”
A girl came by the door , she was beautiful just like her mother, but they didn't resemble Andy at all.
She rushed to me and hugged me tightly
“ You must be Summer right? I heard so much about you.”
I glanced at Andy his face was covered by his hand but I could be he was blushing underneath ,
I just had to laugh at that I haven't seen him so embarrassed , today I'm seeing so much aspects of him I haven't noticed before , I'm really happy. “ I'm Beth and this is my mum Mavis.”
I took their hands and smiled to them
“I'm Summer , it's a pleasure to meet you.”
Just then two little heads popped from behind Mavis , I leaned down , “ Who might you little cuties be ?”
They came forward , and I noticed that they're Identical twins, they bowed there heads to me and said
“ We are Aria and Brea, nice to meet you miss.”
they responded at the same time , I smiled at them ,
“ It's very nice to meet you too , my name is Summer.”
There eyes glittered and said in their cute little voice
“ Sammur like Sammur?”
it seems they can't talk perfectly yet , well they look not much older than 3 years old.
“ Yes.”
I smiled at them and they both came putting their small arms around my neck.
“ Aria , Brea , go inside and continue to play ok ? You can talk with the lady later.”
They smiled at me and went back inside.
“ Summer dear, come inside , Andy will make you his famous tea.”
He sighed heavily , and I laughed
“ It would be a pleasure , thank you.”
I followed Beth and Mavis inside and Andy grabbed my hand and said “ I'm so sorry about them , but your cute when you are with kids , you look like one of them.”
He laughed and went away.
Ughh Jerk.
Beth showed me to my sit and I sat slowly on the comfty sofa ,
“ Beth , do you come to our school?”
“ Oh no I'm a year younger so I'll be going next year.”
I smiled softly at her and she did the same to me.
“ Ohh Summer, I'm really thankful to you , I haven't seen him smile so much …... well from when my husband was living with us.”
She sounded sad so I responded
“ Its a pleasure ma'am he made me smile too after a long time.”
She looked at me thankfully
“ I'm so happy to hear you say that.”
“ Your not showing her embarrassing pictures right ?”
Andy came back with the famous tea, it was amazing.
He has an amazing family , I stayed at their house for quite some time and I had to leave as my parents would get worried , Andy is walking me home , I thanked everyone and kissed the twins cheeks.
Puppy huh?”
“ Ughh they're so gonna get it when I get home.”
We laughed softly ,
“ I really had an amazing time today thank you , mostly when they showed me your pictures when you were a kid , you were cute.” He grabbed me from behind and started tickling me again. “ Ok ok sor....” I stopped , there it was again that chill , almost like I'm being watched. “ Summer , what happened?”
I shook my head
“ Nothing , it's ok just I feel like I'm being watched.”
He looked around us
“ No one's here , and besides you have your night in his shining armor so i'll protect you.”
He hugged me , and my fear vanished. We soon arrived to my house
“ Thank you for today.”
I smiled up to him , he leaned down and kissed me , first softly and then more passionately as if he doesn't want to let go, but he did soon after.
We just stood their looking at each other like their was nothing around us , I never felt this feeling, I can't describe it but if I should put it in worlds it's like looking in his eyes , he took me to a whole new world with no gravity and nothing around us just me and him.
After some silence he said
“ Beth really likes you , she might want to see you more.”
I laughed
“ Shes an amazing girl , nothing like you on the matter.”
I grinned at him “
What did you mean by your nasty comment huh ?”
he said sarcastically
“Well she's polite and a good girl , but mostly she doesn't look at all like you.”
He lowered his eye and let go of me slowly , did I say something bad ?
“ …. No she doesn't.”
He sighed and for a moment I saw sadness and sorrow in his eyes that I never saw in him, but he covered it with his smile , I wished to ask but I'll let him talk to me when hes ready , if somethings bothering him so much.
“ So tomorrow I'll come pick you up for school ok?”
I smiled at him
“ Sure , my dad needs a bring from being a taxi driver.”
I winked at him ,
“ Well I better get going .”
He kissed me and started walking away , I shouted at him
“ Text me when you arrive ok ?” He waved at me and vanished in the dark night.
A week later , were having a girls night at my house , Cadie , Beth and Lizia are here. Cadie and Beth started off with a bad start but they seemed to get along pretty well after sometime.
“ Ok , now boys talk.”
Lizia blurted out , well typical , I got to know Lizia and Beth a lot better in just a week time , and we became big friends easily.
“ Well me and Luke are going on fine , although I've been thinking about my ex Caleb , that even though hes in a relationship he still talks to me a lot , and his mum told me that he speaks about me quite often, and Luke noticed that something was going on and we talked it out , we've been together for 2 years now and I love him.”
her moral went down to earth , Cadie and I noticed , we looked at each other and Cadie said
“ Well me and Luca have problems too , like we know each others feelings but I'm scared that he's doing this for his own amusement but I can see his eyes and his hugs and his face show me he cares but something is off , and I can't actually grabbed what it is yet , we are not actually dating but sometimes just by a simple sign he makes my day.”
She smiled softly and I smiled to her
“ How about you Beth?”
She sighed heavily “ Well …. I have a boyfriend,”
we all looked at her interested :
“ his name is Kian , we've been on and off for a whole year now , I know he likes me but one time I saw him cheating on me and couldn't trust him again ,
but I just can't keep away from him , I know I have to be strong but I just can't really go on without him.”
She seemed sincere
“ hows he doing right know tough?”
“ He changed a lot and he's a much better person now and I'm trying to slowly trust him again , and he's not rushing me , he's taking step by step and I'm really grateful for that.”
She smile and we all applauded to her and she bowed her head ,
and we all laughed at each other.
After we all stopped they all looked at me , like hungry dogs,
“ What ?” ,
Cadie rolled her eye :
“ What what ? Seriously we all want to know your story , Andy remember the guy you are dating ?”
I laughed at her
“ Well , Andy is … Andy I guess , I can't describe my feelings for him but I know something , that he made me smile again and I haven't smiled and laughed in years and I can't thank him enough for that.” They all smiled at me .
The night went by easily , we cried we laughed together , I felt like a normal teenage girl.
“ Hey I got an idea since tomorrow is Sunday why don't we go on a group date?”
I asked them.
They all looked at me with interest in their eyes,
“ What do you have in mind?”
Beth asked ,
“ Well I don't know , maybe a picnic and later we go bowling or watch a movie , it would be fun and plus you ladies need a change of pace and the guys make you happy no ? So we go all together.”
They all nodded in satisfaction ,
“ Well I'll call Andy and ask , you guys call your boys ok ?”
I left the room and dialed Andy's number , after sometime waiting
“ Summ , something happened ?”
I love hearing his voice , even tough I heard it just this morning,
“ No nothing , was just wandering if you have some plans for tomorrow?”
“ No not really why ? Have something in mind?”
“ Well I was just talking to the girls and thought they needed a change of pace so I thought we go all on a group date , maybe a picnic in the morning and then go bowling in the evening , what do you say?”
He stayed silent for some time,
“ That sounds great , emm but do you mind if a friend of my comes with us he'll bring his girlfriend too?”
“ Sure why not ?”
I smiled to myself , this is the first time I'm meeting a friend of Andy's, “ Well I'll call you tomorrow to tell you time and place ok?”
He laughed
“ Sure thing Sum , goodnight.”
“ Goodnight Andy”
I hung up and went to check on the others , they all said that everyone is coming. Soon after deciding everything we went to sleep.
The next day , thankfully it was a great weather for a picnic, Andy is taking his mum's van and the guys will rendevouz at the near stage so well pick them up and get going. The girls went back home to prepare early in the morning , my mum and dad where really happy for me ,
“ You got great friends hunny buu.” dad said,
Andy arrived soon later , I hugged my parents goodbye and headed out. A guy and a girl where talking to Andy , they must be the friends he mentioned , when I arrived near them Andy introduced us
“ This is my girl Summer , Summer these are Gray and Dakota.”
“ It's nice to meet you.”
I smiled and bowed my head to them , Gray was the first one to talk
“ Wow , you really are as Andy describes he got you right ,”
he smiled
“ I'm Gray it's a pleasure to meet you too”
we shook hands , he was a cheerful fellow , quite handsome and he had a nice smile too ,
next was his girlfriend Dakota
“ I'm Dakota it's a pleasure to meet you , and please don't listen to Gray he's an idiot.”
She smiled at me , she was beautiful, tall and slim with silky like hair, just like a model , and she seems a really down to earth person , i'm looking forward to becoming friends with her , we shoke hands as well. Andy took my bag and put it in the back and I sat infront next to him and Gray and Dakota sat behind , we passed for the others and everyone was so cheerful it made the day better ,
they all clicked quite easily and that made me happy ,
I can see the smiles on everyones faces, I glanced at Andy and he has a smile on his face too and that was quite the scene to watch.
We soon arrived in destination it was at the top of a small hill where you can smell fresh air,
I went running out of the car to check the view , it's new to me , I saw a lot of green where I lived and I noticed that there's not much of green in Malta but it was an amazing scene , someone grabbed me from behind ,
I knew it was Andy , and he said “
Beautiful right ?”
I smiled '
“ Yeah”
Gray shouted from behind us
“ Hey , lovebirds do you mind coming to help us , a lot of heavy bags you know.”
We laughed and went to help the others .
The topics of our conversations changed a lot , I couldn't keep up with them.
“ Hey Hey speaking about birthdays , Summer yours is next month right ?”
Cadie said ,
I nodded to that and she smiled
“ We need to celebrate.”
“ Oh nono theres no need its just a normal day.”
They all stared at me as if I said something stupid
“ Andy say something please”
Beth said.
Andy glanced at me and said
“ Why not ? It sounds fun. Say yes and no objections.”
I looked at everyone staring at me waiting for my response ,
I didn't know what to do ,
“ Fine , but not something big ok just us.”
They all cheered and decided to do a small party at my place , my mum and dad need to go back to Italy because my aunt is having a baby , that I really wanna see and they said that after she recovers she'll be coming to see me , so they can't be here on my birthday and asked Cadie u stay with me for that week.
The day passed so quickly , finally Beth and Kian are back together
and I'm sure Luca really likes Cadie but is afraid of what she thinks of him.
Lizia and Luke seem much better together ,
I think this day was good for everyone, including me ,
I didn't know I liked Andy this much , I never had such feelings for anyone every before, he makes me alive and Andy was my new beginning.
“ You seem happy.”
Andy told me when he walked me back to the house.
“ Yeah I really am.”
He smiled and wrapped me in his arms and help tightly.
“ So what you want as a present for your birthday?”
I looked at him
“ Nothing.”
“ What do you mean nothing?”
“ Nothing as in nothing I have everything I need.”
he sighed
“ Come on I want to give you something.”
“ You already gave me enough , and much more than you think so just being by your side is enough for me.”
He looked at me, and then he hugged me so tight I couldn't breath
“ Don't say something like that our story only just started.”
I laughed under my breath.
Days passed easily , weeks passed so fast I couldn't count and somehow it's already my birthday .
I had so much fun and so many beautiful things happened in my life that I just can't count. Andy is coming in the morning and staying with me a whole day so Cadie can go meet up Luca for a while ,
like I need a babysitter with me but they both laughed at me when I said that.
“ Andy what are you doing in the kitchen?”
“ You just stay there and don't you dare peek.”
he sounds like a little girl ,
after sometime he came in the living room and asked me to come in the kitchen,
when I entered there were candles on the table , everything was perfectly placed and a small packet on my side plate
“ Wow Andy you made all this for me ?”
“ Well my little miss is old now so I wanted to make her something special.”
he winked at me ,
I turned to him and kissed him lightly
“ Thank you , it's beautiful.”
He smiled and helped me to my seat,
“ You always amaze me how you can be romantic and tough and cocky at the same time.”
He laughed and said
“ That's what you like about me girl.”
“ Ohh there more don't feel to self-conscious now.”
He can cook so well , I'm learning new things everyday about him and I'm liking him more and more.
After dinner he took the packet and asked me to open it,
I didn't want him to spend money on me but he said that it's a small thing, after some quarreling I decided to open it ,
“ Andy.... it's beautiful , help me put it on ?”
It was a heart shaped necklace with red gems on it and a cross drawn inside the heart ,
It was more than I expected.
While he was putting it on me
“ You really like it ? Beth helped me choose it”
“ I love it , thank you.”
I turned around and kissed him again,
he kissed me again more roughly this time ,
and all over again ,
the door bell rang and I had to stop him so I can go and open the door for the others.
Everyone gave me a bear hug as they entered the house, they all gave me beautiful gifts although they didn't have to ,I excepted everything , I love every single thing.
Everything was amazing , they even brought a cake and I had to make a wish with the candles ,
just as I blew out the candles ,
the door bell rung ,
I didn't expect anyone else but it was rude to not open so I went to see who was at the door.
“ Yes?”
I froze I couldn't move ,
“ Well hello baby , you look good , ohh and happy birthday.”
I couldn't believe it ,
I didn't want to believe it ,
please make it a dream ,
but it wasn't ,
he's here
“ Jeffrey.”
“ You look amazing , you became more beautiful then I expected.”
“ What are you doing here?” I said with his disgusting grin.
He laughed at me comment
“ Well I came to wish my girl a happy birthday.”
“ I'm not your girl , leave now.”
“ And I came all the way here , I've been observing you silently , you seem to be doing well and moved on from me huh , what's his name Arthon ,
Aiden ,
ohh wait Andy right ?”
I was disgusted
“ Don't you dare say his name with that disgusting voice of yours.”
“ you've become quite a tiger , and all because of me right ? Remember that night ? It was amazing , I had so much fun and I came here for more.”
I was gonna vomit but a voice interrupted
“ Summ , everything ok ?”
Ohh no! Its Andy I can't let him come here
“ Yeah don't worry.”
“ Yeah Yeah like I can't worry.”
He popped in the corridor that led to the door ,
“ Ahh here he is the amazing guy .”
Andy looked at him angrily
“ Who the hell are you?”
He looked at me and noticed my scared face,
“ Andy go back it's ok.”
“ Ohh come on the fun just started.”
Jeffrey said cheerfully
“ I brought you a birthday present by the way.”
He went and grabbed something from his back pocket , I have a really bad feeling about this ,
something shiny and silver came out ,
shit, don't tell me …...
its a gun.
“ What the hell?” Andy retorted.
Jeffrey started laughing so hard that I started crying and shaking with fear., he pointed it to me first
“ Hmm I was gonna kill you Sum , but your too beautiful to kill , so I'm gonna kill him!”
In a flash he moved the gun and shoot a fire ,
it was so fast I only heard a cry
“ Arghhhhh” Andy cried in pain,
my heart stopped ,
it's all my fault, its all my fault ,
I went running by Andy's side , he's loosing so much blood , although I was relieved he didn't hit him in a vital organ but hes still loosing blood, I took off my blouse and wrapped it around his shoulder and pressed hard to stop the bleeding ,
the others came running ,
“ DONT!!” I shouted
“ DONT come closer , someone call the ambulance fast.”
“ Do you think I'll let them ?” Jeffrey said ,
I stood up and blocked his view
“ you want to shoot someone , shoot me.” he laughed
“ Ohh dear , if it was so simple I would have killed you years ago.”
My eyes went wide,
he aimed again but this time he aimed low ,
don't tell me ??? hes aiming at Andy again …. ,
what the hell is this guy thinking ?
I'm crying my eyeballs out , my heart is gonna burst , I can't hear his cry another time ,
I stood directly in front of Andy ,
“ Stupid girl.” he said angrily ,
then he shoot ,
the room went spinning ,
agonizing pain , in my left foot ,
I fell to the floor and Andy cried out to me even tough he's in so much more pain then me ,
I don't deserve a guy like him ,
I can't make him suffer again , not know not ever.
' Je...ff..reyy.”
“ What babe ?”
I looked directly at him
“ Take me with you.”
“ huh?”
“ I'll go with you , you can do anything to me but please let them go, I beg of you.” he looked at me with no expression at all
“ You beg of me ? Its too late for that.”
“ Please , you can kill me but please don't hurt them.”
I heard sirens from afar ,
the police , Thank God ,
Jeffrey looked afraid .
“ Shit, fine come.”
I stood slowly but Andy grabbed my hand
“ D..on't .. you ..dare … leave me ...”
I looked at him , I can't stand seeing him like this,
I leaned down and kissed him ,
“ Please be happy Andy , I don't know how this happened in just about 2 months I fell completely for you.”
I smiled at him,
tears fell from his eyes
“ Me too Summer , me too”
Jeffrey grabbed my hand forcefully and pushed me away from him and pushed me through the door,
I don't have so much time I lost so much blood already ,
I feel faint.
I heard Andy “ Summerrr , nooooo”
that voice of his , made me shiver every time I heard him talk , sorry Andy , I couldn't see you get hurt.
“ Shit, the police.”
The police?! They're here , please at least catch him.
I fell on the ground , I heard everything from afar
Jeffrey cursing ,
police shouting
Cadie's voice , beth's voice , everyones voice and I'm sure that I was in someone's arms ,
so warm,
I lost consciousness before I could see his face , but that warmth only belong to one guy,
I slowly opened my eyes ,
“ S....”
“ Summ....”
“ Little miss...”
Little miss I laughed to myself , since I couldn't move at all , Andy's here. When I regained consciousness , I saw Andy's face first , I'm glad , he's ok. He was Crying so I tried to move my hand slowly to wipe away his tears,
although I could hardly move , I managed to touch his face. He grabbed my hand and squeezed hard
“ My little miss is ok, you made me worry.”
“ …... Didn't I say to not call me that.”
I said slowly and without breath. He smiled
“ Well I got shot because of you , and I was worried sick cause you didn't wake up for 3 days, so at least give me the privilege of saying that.”
I laughed slowly ,
“ Hunny buu?”
“ Dad.”
I moved my head slowly and saw Dads face , his handsome face looked worn out , with worry ,
“ Hunny.”
“ Mum”
My mum , her beautiful face , was in the same shape as dad's
“ I'm sorry for worrying you.”
they laughed and cried with joy
“ You are our daughter , ohh we have a surprise but not today in a few days time when you feel better.”
“ You know I hate surprises.”
“ Yes , but you'll love this.”
she smiled at me softly. I was so worn out I closed my eyes and slept the whole night.
As I was regaining consciousness , I heard birds chirping , morning already ? When I was completely awake I saw Andy sleeping in the near chair , '
He's been here the whole time?' I said to myself and I smiled.
I tried to push myself up and somehow managed to at least sit on the bed, I saw a lot of Get Well Soon cards, and a Soft-toy that showed Get well soon Girl on it's shirt , Cadie.
“ You awake?”
I looked back finding Andy already at the side of my bed :'
“ Yeah” I smiled at him.
“ That's great , how you feeling?”
“ Much better , I'm still weak tough.”
“ Don't worry this time I'll take good care of you.” he looked determined.
“ How's your shoulder?” He moved his shoulder up and down
“ As you can see it was just a scratch.” I lowered my head
“ Sorry Andy , it was all my fault.” he stayed silent for a second , then he grabbed my chin and slowly lifted my head so I can see his.
“ It wasn't your fault , but to think that you would give your life for me really scared me, I can't let you go as well.” he grabbed my hand and slowly lift it up to his face and kissed it lightly.
“ What do you mean me too?” he looked down and this time it was me who grabbed his chin and lifted it up,
“ Tell me, please.”
He slowly sits on the bed and started his story
“ Mavis and beth and the twins are not my real family.”
my eyes went wild , he was adopted ? That explains how he looks completely different from them ,
“ It seems that when I was 3 years old , my biological mother abandoned me in a near orphanage , I only partly remember her face , from what I recall she was still very young , I don't blame her , maybe she didn't have the money to raise me but I never actually searched or asked anyone about her.
I only stayed in the orphanage for year and thenmy adoptive dad came and took me to were I live know ,
Mavis couldn't have children at that time because she was very sick but she took care of me no matter what.
After sometime Mavis could give birth to a child and her first born was Beth and years later she gave birth to the twins , she still treated me as one of her own , and I'm really grateful to her and she's my real mother no matter what the DNA says,
I loved my dad but he got into trouble with some bad guys and had to run away , living us with his depth to pay ,
Mavis had savings so everything was fine but Dad was gone and he never came back.”
I just looked at him 'and bluntly asked
“ Have you ever tried to search for your real parents?”
He nodded
“ Yes once , but I never said anything to anyone.”
“ If you want you can tell me.”
He smiled innocently at me
“ My Biological dad in fact........” he hesitated for a second and then
“is my adoptive dad.”
I couldn't believe him , I just stared at him with my jaw dropped
“ He was cheating on Mavis and for that I'm never gonna forgive him.” he clenched his fist with rage.
I took his fist in my hands and said
“ You got me now , so please believe in me and trust me.”
he smiled
“ It almost looks like a marriage vow.”
I blushed and let go of his hand, he touched my face and said
“ You became one of the most important persons to me Summ , so please don't do anything so stupid again.”
I nodded.
He took me in his arms and hugged me , he then kissed me , like it was our first kiss , it felt really good.
“ Ok , I'm so gonna ruin the moment , but I think you should say it to your mum , she deserves the truth.”
he stayed silent for awhile ,
“ Yeah , she does.”
There it is that smile I love so much ,
“ I'll be there for you if you need me.”
“ Thank you Summer.”
I stayed in the hospital for awhile and everyone came to visit everyday , Andy never left my side. “
Summyyy , I was so scared , your ok right?” Cadie came jumping to hug me when she saw me conscious, she was in the verge of crying,
“ Yes , Cad I'm much better , thank you but please , umm , I can't breath”
she was squeezing so hard
“ Ohh sorry.”
we all laughed at how cheerful Cadie can be and I loved her for that she made me smile no matter what she was passing through ,
“ I'm sorry guys it was my fault that guy came to the house in the first place,”
they all slowly looked at me , and then Beth shock her head
“ It wasn't your fault , Sum , but do you mind if I ask you who was that guy?”
they all looked at me as if wanting to know more. I lowered my head , it was hard for me to explain and I started fidgeting with my hands , then Andy grabbed my hands and said
“ If you don't feel like talking about it I'll tell them.”
he looked at me with concern but still with such determination , I shock my head
“ No , I have to tell them myself it's better this way,”
I looked at him and smiled to thank him and he nodded in agreement.
“ Well it all started when I was 14 years old..”
I started telling them all that happened , everything , they never stopped me , when I finished they all sighed together ,
“ Wait , then that scare on your back …?”
Cadie said
“ Yeah it was from that time.”
she looked down with sorrowful eyes. Then my parents came in the room
“ Summ , we need to tell you something.”
I looked at them and they seemed concerned about something ,
“ What happened?”
my dad lowered his gaze and said
“ The police said that the Jury need you to testimony so that they could give him a long term sentence to jail.”
“ What? But she can't see him again , it would be worse.”
Andy protested but I stopped him
“ Andy it's ok, it needs to be done and I'd love to see him in jail for real this time.”
They all nodded at me and I was determined to put that bastard in jail for good this time.
Everyone's life was passing so quickly I didn't stay in hospital for a long time but everyone came with a new story everyday , they all looked energetic when they came to see me and that made me feel a lot better. “
So something new with Luca ? He came to you right?”
She smiled at me and said
“ Yeah , although they're still some up's and down's in our relationship , when I needed him he was here and I still remember Kayden some time because I miss how everything was but with Luca if everything goes well I think there might something.”
She jumped with happiness
“ Well I always thought that there was something fishy going on but never could put my feet on it , I guess if you clear that between you I'm sure that your relationship will become more and more better.”
she smiled at me with her glittering eyes .
Then there was Beth
“ So , Luke ?”
she smiled at me , so I think everything went well for her too,
“ Everything is going smoothly he's really trying his better to never make me sad again, I really like him more now , he became a much better person.”
She smiled with her teeth showing , I'm happy for her , she's Andy's sister but a completely different person in whole , they get along well and that makes me glad , as she found out before anyone that he wasn't her real brother but she still loved him very much.
A month passed from that day and its summer already so I don't have school . A lot of stuff happened since that day , I had to go in rehabilitation because my leg wasn't working properly but after some time I started walking perfectly.Then I had to go to court so that they would lock up Jeffrey for good , and with my confession they gave him a life in prison. He can't get away this time I'm sure.
Then the day that Andy had to confess everything to his mother came, “ Ohh Summer dear how are you ? You must have passed trough hell!”
“ I'm a lot better miss thank you for asking.”
we smiled at each other,
“ Mum I need to tell you something , it's important.”
she looked at Andy in concern,
“ Sure puppy , anything come sit come.”
when we all sat down Andy started without hesitation
“ Mum , I know that its gonna hurt you but I think you deserve the truth , it's about dad.”
Mavis looked at him and sighed
“ It's about that he's your real father right ?”
Andy and I both looked at the lady with perplexed expressions.
“ I knew it, and from a long time again also , we married young and he loved me but it seems I wasn't enough for him.”
she took a deep breath and continued
“ I knew that he had an affair with a young beautiful lady , but I acted as if nothing happened , I loved your father so much that I just couldn't bare the thought that he would leave me so , he continued seeing your mother until you were born , unfortunately she vanished without a trace and I couldn't contact her , then your father brought you hear and I feel in love with you at the first sight, you were my son and I knew it.”
She began to cry and so Andy went beside her and hugged her , I left the room silently to leave them some space , last thing I heard was ,
“ Your my mum and no matter what.”
he can be really nice when he wants to ,
I waited for him outside what seemed like ages but I couldn't complain , he waited 3 days for me to wake up and for that I'm really grateful to him.
Half-hour later he came out with a smile on his face,
“ So?” I said
“ Every thing's fine and settled.”
I quickly gave him a good job smile,
“ So wanna go to the beach? Like last time ?”
he winked at me and offered me his hand ,
I took it and we went to the beach , our first date. We sat down for hours and it's finally sunset.
Such a beautiful view.
“Do you believe in true love Andy ?”
I asked , looking ahead at the sunset leaning close the blue ocean. He remained silent , my fair flew with the wind as I looked ahead at the sunset touching the horizon.
“ Yeah I do.”
Andy said soon after ,
“ You do ?”
He smiled
“ Yeah , every time I see you.”
I looked at him,
“ I love you Summer.”
I smiled happily ,
“ I love you too Andy.”
That was the most beautiful sunset I ever saw in my entire life , and I saw a lot.
“ So auntyy , you and uncle loved each other even after all odds?”
Keira asked, she grown so beautifully she's almost 14 know ,
“ Yes we did.”
“ Now that I told you the whole story get ready your mum is coming for you soon.”
Andy entered the room after a day of work andgave a soft peek on the head to Keira and he came to kiss me
“ How's little Henry doing ?”
while giving his son a soft peck on his head “ He cried a lot today but hes a good boy , not like his father”
He almost spat the water in his mouth , we all laughed and I think little Henry laughed as well.
“ Where's Jace ?”
“ Well you know him I think he's running around looking for an Adventure.”
I winked at him ,
“ There's not so much to search for in this house.”
“ Jace? Where are you fellow?” Andy shouted
after sometime I heard little foot steps coming down the stairs, he came running and Andy grabbed him and lifted him up , our little 7 year old son
“ There you are , now what did you find?”
“ I found Atlantis daddy.”
“ Ohh really gonna show it to me?”
he nodded
“ Mama and Henry comes too , not alone you.”
Andy putted Jace slowly down and acted as if something just pierced his heart
“ That hurt , I'm gonna cry Jace , I'm Indiana Jones and I'm gonna find you everywhere you go , but I give you a a head start RUNN?!”
Jace left running and Andy went after him,
“it's never a boring day in this house , right Henry?”
Little Henry just looked at me ,
“ I wish for you all the best hunny buu.”