Nathan walked up to a gate in front of a large mansion. A security officer walked up to him. “Identification.”
Nathan took out his wallet and showed the guard. “Ah, a member of the Cooperative?”
“Yes. I’ve been assigned to protect Minister Gerrett. I’m to be in charge of the security detail.”
“Ah…I see. I guess that means that the rumors are true.”
“There were rumblings that the Minister’s life was in jeopardy, that he stuck his nose in something he shouldn’t have.”
“I guess it’s true. I’m not too keen on the details. Anyways, keep your guard up. We never know what’s going to happen.”
“Yes sir.”
Malcom was crouching down on a large tree branch, specialized binoculars in hand. “There you are…Nathan Ceret, Liberator Five. Finally get to test my skills against one of their members.”
Malcom put away the binoculars and took out a digital note pad. Strong in all abilities. Quick decision making, reflexes that rivals any Enslaver, including mine. However, the only weakness is that he doesn’t adapt well to situations…so I should have a few aces up my sleeve.
Malcom checked some equipment he had with him. A few smoke grenades wouldn’t hurt.
“…and that’s the situation here.”
Celine sighed, changing the position of the phone. “Are we even sure that’s their next target?”
Nathan sighed. “I don’t know, but after speaking with the Minister himself, and several government officials, I would bet money he is.”
“Just…be safe out there.”
“Hey, I’m a Liberator. I won’t be going down so easily. Just you wait, I’ll be back before you know it.”
“I sure hope so…”
“Don’t worry! I’ll be just fine! Anyways, I need to get the guards set up in their positions. I’ll call you when we capture this assassin.”
Celine smiled. “Okay. I look forward to your call.”
“Love you.”
“Love you too.”
Nathan ended the call and looked at Minister Gerrett. “Alright Minister, you’ll be under constant supervision tonight. Do NOT go anywhere without at least five guards accompanying you at any time. Do not leave the gates of the mansion, under any circumstances, even if you have five guards.”
The minister nodded. “I understand…do you have any idea who to look for?”
“No, but no visitors will be allowed to visit the mansion under any circumstances. If they must contact you, they can do so via communicator.”
Nathan saluted the Minister and walked out of the room, ordering the guards to contact him if they spot anything suspicious. Exiting the mansion, he spoke to three squads of guards. “Alright men, tonight, will probably be a fight for your lives. There’s an assassin who wants to kill the Minister, and probably you too. I do not want any lives lost. Squad one, you patrol the outside, contact me over anything suspicious. Do NOT let ANYONE in the mansion, even if they say they’ve been sent by the government. I’ll take the blame for it later. Squad two, you patrol the hallways and entrance of the mansion. Squad three, you join with the other guards already protecting the Minister. I’ll be there as well. Understood?”
“Yes sir!”
The guards saluted Nathan and started to man their posts.
Malcom looked at the time. One minute till midnight…time to strike! Climbing down from his perch on the tree, Malcom scurried his way across the forested path until he reached the security gate. They probably locked the door to the room, so no use trying to the knob. Let’s just silently pick the lock and silence the guard.
Malcom took out a couple tools and started silently picking the lock. After a few seconds, he heard a faint click. Here we go.
Malcom quickly flew the door open, surprising the guard. Before he could react, Malcom stabbed the guard in the throat. The man gurgled before slumping to the floor dead, a pool of blood surrounding his body.
Looking at the mansion, he could see guards silently walking, guarding the perimeter. You’re next.
Nathan put his communicator to his lips. “Guard check in.”
“Squad one reporting in sir. Nothing to report.”
“Squad two reporting in. Nothing to report.”
“Squad three reporting in. Nothing to report.”
There was dead silence from the communicator. “Gate guard, report in…gate guard report in!”
Nathan stiffened from the lack of a response. The Minister started breathing heavier. “H-he would never leave his post! Something must have happened to him!”
Nathan turned the communicator back on. “Squad one, send two men to check the gate. Report back with your findings.”
“Yes sir.”
Two guards quietly walked up to the gate security hub. Using signals, they directed themselves to the entrance of the gate security hub. One guard quickly turned the corner, gun up, into the room, seeing the guard’s body. Holding back a gag, the guard turned back and reached for his communicator to report when he heard a sickening crack. Looking to the right, he saw his fellow guard slumping to the ground, a man standing over him.
The guard quickly raised his gun back up, but it was too late. Malcom quickly knocked the gun away and sliced the guard’s throat. Now’s the time. Enjoy your last minutes Minister.
Nathan nervously paced back and forth. “Squad one, have the two guards reported in?”
“No sir. There’s no sign of them.”
Nathan sighed. “All squads, we’re on high alert. It appears our little friend is making his move.”
The Minister swallowed hard. “Y-you sure you can take him?”
“I have no doubt that in the next ten minutes, the assassin will be either in custody or dead.”
The Minister nodded in approval. “I trust you, Mr. Liberator.”
Malcom swiftly moved from bush to bush, avoiding be caught by the guards. The few perimeter guards were either dead or dying in pools of blood. Entering through an unlocked window, Malcom stealthily ran through the halls, quickly killing the unsuspecting guards. Making his way up two flights of stairs, he entered the third floor with caution. My intel suggests the Minister is here…on this floor. Time to prove that Enslavers are more powerful than Liberators!