3rd Pov. WARNING: GORE!!!! (It's not that bad but still.)
Reign's fangs throbbed, the need for blood was thriving, and her sanity was dropping. "You ready, Reign?" Warden Johnny Harper asked. "The sooner you feed me the better." I say in an emotionless voice. "Alright let's go then." he says, removing the chains.
1st Pov.
Once at city hall, I was ready to be unleashed and sent after anything, that is until I noticed Stella, Sabrina, and Matryx lurking in the darkness, and I was reminded of my goal. 'Right, fool the humans and attack the autobots once the show looks good.' I think, and get my mind back on track, keeping my facade up. "Decepticons. Meet my first born daughter, Reign Summalee Sumdac. She's mentally unstable and insane. posing a huge danger to humanity so we keep her imprisoned." I heard my father announce. A snarl runs rampid in my throat, and two guards escort me out of the truck, and force me to stand next to my stupid father. My father forcefully rips the mouth guard off my jaw, a thick black substance running down my jaw and neck, dripping down my chest, torso and legs before dropping onto the concrete sidewalk. "Don't. Touch. Me..!" I snarl as he goes to place his hand on my shoulder. "Okay.. let's get the restraints off so that we can get this done and over with." my father says, and I have to fight a smirk. With one swift motion, the restraints are removed, and then as if on cue, gunshots ring out, and 20-30 BloodCult soldiers rush out, morphing into their beast forms, mortifying every human here, I tackle my father, and quickly slash at his stomach, paralyzing him. I stand up, blood dripping from my newly acquired blade. "If you thought the decepticons were a force to be reckoned with... You haven't SEEN ME!!!" I snarl, and activate my hellhound powers, paralyzing everyone but the decepticons and the BloodCults. I approach the leader of the autobots; Optimus Prime, and using my power, I force him to lean down to my height. "H-Hi.." he says. I mentally facepalm. "Nice paint job. How about I ruin it?" I snarl, my blade growing in size, thanks to my powers, and slicing a nice amount of his paint on his chest. "I hate the good guys. They suck ass." I say, before turning and sauntering over to Matryx and getting down onto one knee, bowing my head. "Lady Matryx, what is our next call?" I ask, rising back to my feet. "We get what's left of our troops and the decepticons, and we leave. Reign, free the cons, Stella and Sabrina, round up our remaining numbers and meet at base." Matryx orders. Both females nod before transforming into a jaguar and griffin, taking off. I smirk and walk up to the cons. My crimson eyes start glowing, and bright blue lines appear all over my body, making my tan skin look deathly white. A neon purple pentagram appeared below me, and demonic symbols appear, each in front of a decepticon. It was their names. Megatron, Soundwave, Blitzwing, Lugnut, Starscream, Shockwave, and others that I didn't bother reading. There were two that got my attention easily. Megatron and Shockwave. Once their all freed, Megatron grabs Matryx and takes off, scanning a Kenworth T680 heavy duty semi truck, and Shockwave grabs me and scans an Audi R8 V10. The rest scan different vehicles and we take off.
An hour later, we all come to a stop at a motel and the decepticons activate their holoforms and walk in with us. We all pair up, me and Shockwave sharing and go to our rooms. "Alright. Who the frag are you and your little group?!" he snarls. "The names Reign. Oh, and your welcome for saving your ass. Matryx calls us the Bloodcult's. We're outcasts. Hybrids who weren't accepted by humanity." I say. "We started out as protesters, until Isaac Sumdac decided that throwing me in solitary confinement because of me being part hellhound/werewolf, I spent almost all my life in that damn cell. All hell broke loose after that, and now.. once I see him again.. He will be the one on the experimentation table. Not me.." I say. "Also, what was with all the restraints and the black blood?" He asks, sitting on the bed next to me. "The restraints are because I need to feed off of live people in order to survive unless I have energon. I slipped up and killed a guard and a prisoner a few days ago, and so the restraints got heavier, and security got thicker. I don't even understand how I lost control.. I normally have an amazing amount of self control." I say, and then continue. "I bleed black blood when I don't have access to energon." I say. There is a knock at the door and we both stand up, he tells me to stay put, and opens the door, revealing Matryx and Megatron's holoform. "I brought clothes, and Megatron needs to tell you something." Matryx says, handing me some clothes, and they both sit down next to me. "I'm all ears." I say. "Isaac Sumdac isn't your real father.." Megatron says. "Alright, then who is?" I say, anxiety creeping up on me.
"I am."