WARNING: GORE!!! (Also, slight mentions of rape and slight adult themes)325Please respect copyright.PENANAGlNtQQyoPk
Reign's pov.
"I am.." Megatron says, looking me in the eyes. "What the fuck do you mean your my father?" I snarl, my wolf like ears and tail fluffing out defensively. "Reign he's telling the truth!" Matryx says, getting up and standing between us. "That is also the reason I never revealed my ears and tail to you.. because he is my mate.. and you are our daughter.." Matryx says, revealing midnight black ears and tail. "I.." I stutter. "Y-you mean.. to tell me.... Isaac wasn't m- my father... And I-I've been tortured m-my entire l-life for nothing!?" I say, backing up a couple of paces, until my back hit someone's chest. "Easy.. breathe." Shockwave whispers in my ear, rubbing my forearm. I felt a panic attack quickly approaching, and I felt cornered. "I.. I need a minute.. I'm gonna get a shower......." I mutter breathlessly. "Alright, Reign. No matter what you think, we are your parents, Isaac's wife wanted to have you as her daughter, and wouldn't take no as an answer. We tried and tried to find you. That's why your carrier hesitated in telling you. I'm sorry, we should've told you sooner." Megatron says, and I nod. "Thank you for telling me, I just.. I need to process this for a little bit." I say, grabbing the clothes and heading into the bathroom. Just before I start getting undressed, there's a knock on the door. I open it, and Shockwave comes in. He closes the door behind him and places his hand on my shoulder. "How you holding up?" he asks. "I'm okay. I'm always okay, I just need time to process all this." I say. "Normally, I'm not the type of spark to care, but there's something about you that I can't put my finger on.. Just.. don't tell anyone." he says, before he brings me into a hug. I instantly get the feeling of being safe, and wrap my arms around him, returning the hug.
After he left the bathroom, I slipped my ripped and torn clothes off my body and left them on the floor, turning the water onto a comfortable temperature, and stepping into the shower. After washing myself I rinsed off, and stepped out. I wrapped the towel around me and sat on the toilet, silently thinking to myself. Once I felt I wasn't going to lose my mind, I dried off and got dressed in a black oversized hoodie that said 'Psychotic' across the chest, fishnet tights, black ripped jean shorts, and black lace up combat boots that went up to an inch below my knees. I walk out and throw the towel on a chair, ruffling my dark brown hair. "Hey." Shockwave's voice rings from where he was perched on the bed. "Hey.." I say, my voice barely above a whisper. My fangs throbbing from not being able to feed. "You sound hungry." Matryx says, appearing next to me. "Holy-!" I yelp, jumping back from her, "Part of being a Demonic Werewolf. Teleportation comes once you find your mate." Matryx says. "I'm going hunting. You wanna come, Reign?" Matryx asks. "Please. If not I'll probably go crazy. Even more than I already am anyways." I say, and she laughs. "Alright. Let's brush your hair and put it in a braid." she says, grabbing a blue hair brush.
"Hey, think we could grab some hair dye??" I ask, walking next to her. "I don't see why not. What color you thinking?" She asked. "Either blue or purple." I say. "You should do purple." she says, and I agree. "Alright."
Once at the store, we hastily search for the hair dye, and grab four boxes. When we paid, I made sure to brainwash the clerk. We grabbed the hair dye and stuffed it into a bag, before taking off towards the forest.
"Frankenmuth Michigan.. Lovely small town.. Unfortunately for them, it's time to shake this town to it's very core." Matryx mutters, and we stroll along a sidewalk in one of the streets. "You take the white house, I can smell at least three lives." Matryx says, and I nod, changing into the black skin tight t-shirt and the black baggy sweat pants that Matryx had brought with us, leaving my clothes in the black plastic bag with my hair dye. I break the lock on the door silently, and silently slip into the house, leaving my boots at the door. I walk into the kitchen, seeing the lights off. I open a drawer, grabbing a butcher knife. I smirk, my fangs making themselves known. I heard a noise behind me, and whipped around, pressing the knife against the offenders throat. "Woah!" they whisper/yelled. "S-Shockwave?" I stutter, pulling the knife away from his throat. "I wanted to watch..." he said, wrapping his fingers delicately around my wrist. "Okay.." I say. "Be quiet.." I whisper, and make my way upstairs. I open a door, seeing a room meant to be a guest room, turned into a tool room. I open a drawer in the cabinet, and grab a thing of duct tape. I walk out and close the door, roll of tape in hand. I walk over to a white wooden door with the name 'Salene' in bold pink letters on it. I open the door slowly and quietly, slipping into the room, Shockwave strolled in behind me, and shut the door behind him. He leaned against the door and watched me quietly.
I tore a piece of tape off the roll and placed it over the little 12 year olds mouth, and grabbed her by the neck, tearing off the sheets so that I had full control of the situation. I straddled her and began squeezing her throat harshly. She wakes up and begins to struggle. A whimper escapes her lips and I squeeze tighter, almost snapping her little neck. "Now now, little Salene. Wouldn't wanna wake mommy and daddy, now would we?" I whisper in her ear, licking her ear lobe. Tears begin to stream down her cheeks, and I squeeze tighter, she passes out from lack of oxygen. I unwrap my hand from her petite throat, and lick my lips, ready to drain her of her life. My fangs once again reveal themselves, and I sink them into her flesh. Drop after drop, I drained her. Looking at all her memories. Abusive parents, an older brother that rapes her once a day, and a fear of water. How pitiful.
Once Salene was dead, I looked over at Shockwave, blood dripped from my lips. "Satisfied?" he asked. I shook my head. "M..More.. I need more.." I say, my voice smooth as silk. "Well, we got the brother, he's on his way up." He says. I smirk. I throw the dark red sheets back over the little girl, and then me and Shockwave hide in the closet. He was softly caressing my black with white spots and white tipped tail. "Three.." I whisper, seeing the bedroom door open, "Two.." he whispers in my ear, seeing the 16 year old male strip down to his boxers. "One." I snarl, seeing him drop the boxers, and start stroking himself. I launch out of the closet, pinning him to the floor on his stomach, slapping some tape on his mouth and snapping his neck. I was far too disgusted to even think about drinking his blood, being a rape victim myself.325Please respect copyright.PENANAV5R0u1YtWn
I storm out of the little girls room, and slam into the parents room. Shockwave held the husband down and taped his mouth, while I grabbed the wife, slapping tape onto her mouth and forcing her onto her knees. I grabbed her hair, forcing her head back. I bent down to her ear. "You have nothing to fear, my dear." I say, loud enough for Shockwave and the man to hear. "I mean, I was nice enough to end your daughter's misery. And I'm feeling quite merciful tonight." I say, smiling like the sociopath I am. I quickly drain the woman of her life, and Shockwave holds the man on his knees for me. "Thanks~" I say, winking at him and then making the man stare me in the eyes. I rip the tape off his mouth. "I want to hear you scream..!" I growl, slamming the knife into his stomach. He cries out in pain. "Ah.. So you are an angel.." I say, my smile somehow becoming even wider. "Tell me.. what's your name, cutie?" I ask. "Get smelted!" he snarls. "Oh~!" I say, laughing. "Smelted?!" I snarl. "Your lucky I'm not heartless." I say, and then quickly drain his vessel before ripping the knife from his torso, and stabbing him in his neck. "Okay, let's go~!" I say, standing up and sauntering out, my tail wagging happily behind me.
1,519 words. :>