"Its time" Todd told his fellow companion. And started moving towards that abandoned hut. His fellow Royal companion left without saying good luck, maybe for him it wasn't that much of a deal but for Todd it was his first assignment ever after being named as a Royal. He looked at his new shining armour and felt proud. Not everyone was given a chance to serve Royal companions and King. The beautiful blue Unicorn of House Dane. He felt very proud and took a deep breath and started moving towards that old hut slowly. Sun was already setting and it threw out orange shades across great grass planes of Nightfall where great battle between dwarves and men took place. Todd did not believed that story but many of them don't. He reached really close to hut now. He was almost certain that there are few people inside. He could see footprints on thick layer of dirt around entrance of hut. Probably there were four of them, he ducked and crawled towards hut after some time he managed to sneak under backside window, now he could hear some movement inside.
"But what you want us to do? " A very strange voice spoke very clearly. It had that magical and sweet aspect to it.
"I'll tell you, everyone please sit down" A loud and confident voice said.
"just what kind of elf are you " A girls voice. Todd thought she won't be older than twenty. What's she doing here with this shadow criminals.
"Camila that's rude" Another new voice.
"No it's alright.. I am a High elf" same previous strange voice replied.
"Whoa.. Excellent.. Can I touch your hair? They say they are most silky!" Camila spoke in enthusiasm.
"Enough just stay in your seat Camila"
"Yes Justin" Camilla said sounding rather dull.
" So Justin why call us here? Let me tell you firsthand i will not participate in any of your stealing plans" Said elf.
"HOW DARE YOU?" Justin roared. There was a sound of sword being driven. Suddenly there were many movements inside.
"Okay okay let go of me I won't kill that filthy Elf" Justin said panting. It sounded like someone was holding Justin back.
"Hmph.. As if you could.." Elf said with hint of laugh in his voice.
"Now now.. Be careful elf or I will skin you alive" Camila spoke coldly.
"Camila put the knife down.. By the gods you two are always hard to handle"
"Why the hell you had to bring that thing here with us.." Justin spoke bitterly.
By now Todd had found a hole in hut wall nearby he peaked inside.
"Let's just kill him right now brother and be over with it" Camila said while raising her knife.
Obviously Elf hot intimidated because he started backing off and raising his hands.
"please don't take me seriously.. I meant no disrespect."
"We would be the judge of that" Justin advance towards elf. But the other mam stood in front of them. He drew out his Longsword and looked at Justin.
"This is how you gonna start a Revolution? You are so naive Justin"
This seemed to hit Justin. He almost seemed very ashamed. He sat down on nearest chair. Todd looked at the man carefully. He wa a handsome youth of eighteen with grey eyed and graceful and slender as a knife. He wore very fine cloths perhaps best in the room. His cloak was thick , sable black and soft as sin.
"Alright but he better stop accusing me or aI will cut him in two pieces"
After that everyone once again sat down and waited for Justin to speak.
"Before they made me make a vow to this sanctuary.. I was a son to a Lord with many heirs. One day Royals caught me in Our wardens treasury room. To be honest I wasn't even trying to steal anything.. I was just seventeen "
Elf was listening carefully and so was wayat. Camila seemed to have heard this story before because she was staring out of window.
"I was there with my father in his palace.. When me and my brothers got mesmerised by the beautiful palace we started wandering here and there. Well.. And somehow I ended up in his treasury."
He looked towards Elf and continued,
"Because my father was Lord, Danes did not followed usual procedures for me, I was offered a choice"
"Just like us" Elf said . Now his hate for the lot was decreasing
"Either they will kill us fir the crimes we have committed or we will be sent off to Shadow tower to amend for our sins" Camila interrupted
"How old are we? Twenty Twenty five?, They made us swear a vow of not to have family or belonging. Banning us from everything a man holds dear." Justin said furiously
"I was arrested for coming in Your kingdom.. Trespasser they called me" Elf told them
"I killed a Lords son who was trying to rape my sister" Wayat said looking into nothingness
Everybody looked at Camila, even Todd was curious what crimes did she commit to be sent off to Shadow Tower.
"Perhaps another time" She said noticing their gaze.
"They make us do all this shitty stuffs and help those lads in the name of Sithos fucking god of fucking Darkness"
"Before Danes came Shadow guild was powerful Organization in Five Kingdoms. But King Barastian destroyed it and not it's only a Sanctuary. Only a shadow of it's former self." Wayet said addressing Elf.
"Its about time my friends we brake this false vows and return to former glory" Justin said out loud.
"What do you have in your mind?" Elf asked
"You will know soon, those of you who want to join me.."
Wayet came forward and kneelt in front of Justin.
"Justin Lancaster accept my services my Lord"
Camila did the same. Elf stood up he picked his glass dagger and made a cut on his hand.
"I offer you my blood and service may you kill our enemies and bring glory to us"
Justin was little surprised to see Elf agreeing to be under his command but he was happy nevertheless.
"My friends rise!" Justin said happily.
"Before you say anything else have a gift for you" Elf said pointing towards wall where Todd was hiding. Todd was surprised and scared he stood up in hurry and started to run. He looked back and saw Justin in window and Camilla beside him. Before he could think anything else an arrow pierced his back and heart and came out of the chest. He fell on his knees. Blue unicorn of house Dane was covered in his blood. He looked at the arrow. It was twice the usual size he ever saw. It was a glass arrow. He looked up in the sky. It was already dark now. Cold winter wind was brushing his body slowly. He could feel the pain in his chest rising and it was hard to breath now. Soon came another arrow and pierced it's back. Todd thought of his Mother and his love. He felled on ground trying to breath but only increases pain. Soft grass brushed against his cheek as he closed his eyes. And he lay there on grass. Motionless and dead.