"Wake up Alan..." An Elderly voice spoke shaking him a little.
He tried to wake himself up for another five minutes but seemed to fail (at it) and lost his temper.
"Alan, you sloth! Fucking wake up.."
The Elderly man ordered a servant to bring some water for him.
There was a splash of water and sound of some deep breaths. Alan finally woke up. He was a boy in his early twenties, thin and medium built, more of a bookish person and not a warrior by any angle.
"What..? Who are you?" Alan said irritably shaking his head.
"Your father sent me. He says you need to be well dressed and ready in an hour."
"For what?" He asked yawning.
"The King has summoned you."
He sat up straight. His sleep was gone completely upon hearing the elderly man mention the king.
"By Ysmir..! Do you know why?"
"Perhaps, but your father will tell you."
"Thank you.. Um.. Pardon me, but who are you?"
"Young man, I am Gregory Harldson."
He was taken aback and before he could say anything or apologize to the elderly Lord, Lord Harldson had left his chambers. For an old man he walked very fast. He was the most feared and equally respected man in all of Unaoss.
Alan saw Lord Harldson clearly noticing him for the first time. He was an old man with long white hair and beard, a missing eye where he wore an eyepatch to cover it up. Lord Harldson had taken an arrow in his left leg back in his days as a solider that's why he limps around a little. Since that day he had used all his wit and intelligence to climb those steps until he reached the second most powerful position in the Kingdom. He is the First advisor to the King after all.
Alan then thought of himself what he himself had achieved so far. Who was he? Alan Cranston. Twenty one years old. Son to Edward Cranston, Lord of Magnus keep and heir to Magnus keep. That's it. It's all he ever managed to achieve. Sitting in his chambers he turned around this question over in his mind for what seemed to be the hundredth time. Outside the winter sun had long since risen. An orange sheen of fog was visible through the window and aside the gentle tap of a branch against the wooden window all was quite in the room. Yet again he asked himself who he truly was? And yet again the same answer came back to him. Those were the answers he would offer when asked. Though they were true, he sometimes wondered whether he should add something more.
Alan called for a servant who helped him get ready. He had a nice cleansing bath and was having breakfast when the door slammed opened yet again.
He saw his father Lord Edward Cranston walk inside in a hurry. He had four Cranston soldiers accompanying with him. Lord Edward was a strong man, white long brown hair and beard. He was carrying his ancestral longsword and a badge of courtier on his chest.
"Father.. Lord Harldson came earlier and.."
"Yes Alan, calm down." His father gestured his guards out of room.
"What is it father? You seem worried."
Edward waited for a while until the soldiers left and spoke quietly, "Indeed, I am worried.. seems like these Savages don't trust us at all."
"But you are his advisor now I mean how..?"
"Advisor appointed against his wish." Edward said with glimpse of fire in his eyes.
"But what happened today?"
"There are good news and bad news." He said looking into his sons eyes. Light blue scared eyes stared back at him.
He continued, "The king has appointed you as his advisor in his court."
Alan was shocked. Him? An advisor? Seems like he finally had something to add in his qualification list. True he hated the King and this city for what they had done in their homeland but yet he was happy nevertheless.
"An advisor? Father I am so happy..!"
Lord Cranston gave a forced smile and looked at his happy young son thinking he is not that powerful but he is intelligent. Not a smart lad. Alan often gets bullied by other people.
"Son .."
"Yes father?" He asked smiling and beaming.
"He also assigned you your first mission ever.."
Now Alan got quiet. His very first responsibility as an advisor. He listened to his father's words carefully.
"You are to go to Holme to Jarl Rolf and propose a peace offer."
He saw his father's face, he was worried but trying his best not to show it.
"But father, Holme is a dangerous city for.."
"I know son, I tried convincing the King that I might do this task at your place but it's of no use.."
"So he is getting rid of us this way?"
Edward stared at his son's face and nodded after some time.
"Apparently, yes."
"Alright then I will go to Holme soon."
"You have to leave tonight my son, it's of utmost urgency."
"Well, fine." Alan was worried and scared but he decided it's about time he had some adventure and something to talk about in those feasts and celebrations he had to attend. As Alan was summoned by the King, the father-son left for Greensky Keep.
Greensky keep is the oldest palace in Whiteland by some accounts. By legends it was built by God Ysmir himself after he defeated the Kraken and his forces. The King had given Cranston's a place to live far away from the palace. It was in middle of the city just besides the temple of Kyra.
It was a long walk. They were accompanied by Cranston soldiers not to mention. His father would never for a second let Alan wander anywhere without any guards. "We can never trust these oathbreakers!" He used to say again and again. As they walked past the temple they got to a main street of the city, which had different shops on either sides of it. After half a hour they reached first to the main gate for the palace. Guards checked them as a usual routine. They were only courtiers to be checked. Now they were standing exactly below the palace which had 1000 steps.
"We better hurry son, I don't want to give him an excuse to pick on you at your first day at court." Edward said while hurrying and climbing as fast as he could. The steps to the palace had alleys and short ways on either side of them. The white stone steps were really beautiful and shining in the sunlight.
As they were about to go inside the palace, Alan heard a familiar voice coming from an alley. The voice he always loved to hear. He stopped and stood there on a large stone steps listening to the voice of a girl he thought he knew.
"What is it?" His father had returned, noticing Alan wasn't following him.
"Nothing Father let's go."
Giggling inside the alleyway stopped as they heard the two men talking. A group of girls came out along with them came Meera Vogson, the youngest daughter of King Bassen. Alan stopped in his tracks once again. She came in front running along with the other three girls. She had long red hair till her waist and she wore a beautiful blue gown matching her eyes. She was 19 years old but yet the smartest among her brothers and sisters.
"Hey there Alan!" She yelled and beamed at him.
He was shocked and wasn't able say a word. His father looked at him in question.
"Princess.." Edward bowed a little. Alan did the same coming back to his senses.
"Congratulations Alan! Becka here told me about your achievement. I am truly happy for you." She said beaming at him.
Alan said thank you quietly trying not to smile or to look at her.
"I will go ahead son, don't be late and come to LongHall soon." His father smiled at him and left ahead.
For Alan's surprise the group of girls accompanying princesses Meera decided to go ahead too. They were all giggling and that made him shy even more than he already was. And in that moment Alan decided that if he ever become any Ruler he will Ban this giggling of girls when in public.
"What are you thinking about?" She said noticing his face.
"Umm.. nothing, my princess."
"Don't call me Princess Alan! I am your friend.. I am your friend right?"
"Y.. Yes" He managed to say those words but his cheeks got red and he was nodding his head foolishly. Meera laughed and chuckled. She came closer to him and gave him a kiss on his cheek.
"I know my father hates you and your father , everyone knows that but I just want you to know.. I don't hate you Alan." She said staring in his eyes. She kept her hand on his cheek with an honest look in her eyes. She gave him another kiss, this time on his lips. Alan was shocked and stunned. Meera laughed again which only made him shake more.
"I am sorry but whenever you are around I don't known what happens to me... But I don't hate you either and perhaps I.."
"Yes?" She said teasingly.
"Nothing!" At this point he was literally blushing.
"You are a fool." She hugged him and ran away towards the palace.
It took him a little while to be normal again. The sound of bells upstairs knocked him to his senses. The thing was about to start. Alan noticed some shadows around alleys where he and Meera stood moments before.
"Let's hope they didn't saw me." He sighed and ran towards the palace.
When he reached the palace, the Kings hall was already full with people.
"Ah.. Alan Cranston!" A man in his late forties was coming towards him as fast he could. He had white and black goat beard and thin moustache. Overall he looked funny.
"Forgive me but I didn't.."
"Recognized me?" He gave a fake smile but it was clear he was not so popular.
"Yes.. Yes, I am Forangar, Kings steward."
"Nice to meet you, my lord." Alan shook his hand.
"Now let's not waste any time as you are late already."
Forangar pointed Alan to his seat as the newest advisor. It was four seats beside his father. But good thing was it wasn't at the end of the hall but just third seat in left row from the King's throne. And near the King's children's seat.
He was pleased to see Meera. She smiled at him and he smiled at her back. No other children of the King arrived at the court today.
Longhall had very high ceilings painted with House Vogson's colors and every wall had Black crooked axe as their sigil. Great long table in middle of the hall had empty bronze plates and goblets.
Finally the king came and everything started fast. There was an hour long of court work going on. Various earls of small settlements had come to solve their disputes. So had the peasants and common folks, all the same. All this time Meera and Alan were staring at each other. He caught his father's eye and he seemed to have noticed that he wasn't pleased about it. So he avoided doing it again. No one had taken notice of Alan whatsoever which was acceptable because he was new. His father spoke in between. Finally they started talking about Holme issue. All this was new to Alan. Court and its customs.
Lord Harldson stood up shaking due to his age and spoke in fading but clear voice.
"We must do something about the Holme, my King. I fear if not taken care of they will declare war against us and we cannot afford another war just yet."
Everybody agreed and yelled and cheered. Some looked at Alan and his father with distaste.
Forangar stood up and started speaking,"The village of Kart.. It's all about that village of Kart. It's been part of Unaoss for ages and Jarl Rolf has an illegitimate claim on it."
All lords in the hall cheered in approval.
"Is that so? According to me both Unaoss and Holme have their claim on Kart." Lord Harldson spoke.
"Which side are you on, Old man?" Forangar frowned.
"On the side of truth and gods, peace and prosperity, unity and happiness.." He roared.
Everyone got silent.
"As we all know, we won a war months before. But what good it did us? Our men killed, our youth destroyed. It's all because of our hunger for more land." He was angry in earnest now. Everybody looked at the King. There were very few people in Unaoss who can criticize the King like this.
Everyone got silent as the King stood up. He was a fat but a strong man and a true warrior. His black hair and beard was foot long. He glanced towards Meera.
"What do you say, my daughter?" He nodded towards Meera.
"Me..?" she was startled.
"Yes as a king's child you have right to say in courts and your brothers are not here today." Forangar said staring at Meera. She gave him an angry look and looked at her father.
"Well I think we should see if we can solve this dispute. I don't want any of the men die if this issue can be resolved "She said thinking.
King laughed a little.
"Sometimes you remind me of your mother my child, as for Holme I have decided that I will invite Jarl Rolf and his family here in my palace to feast and then we shall talk about the Land", the King spoke.
They were discussions and arguments among the lords but the King raised his hand to silence them.
"Believe me my lords after this Jarl Rolf will never raise his voice and there will be peace in both lands."
Everyone cheered.
"But my lord , why would Jarl Rolf come here in Unaoss?" Forangar said as politely as he could.
"And what makes you think that Jarl Rolf will ever agree on your peace terms?' Lord Harldson said in his same raised voice.
"Trust me my lords, I agree with you Lord Harldson. Jarl Rolf and our council should discuss the claim of Kart and if his claim turns out to be false he should leave it." the King said pacing up and down.
"And what if our claim is false?" Lord Harldson counter questioned.
"Then we should leave Kart for good."
There was a strong muttering and discussions in Longhall.
"Also I choose Alan Cranston for the task of carrying my message to Jarl Rolf. As he is the newest member of this court." He looked at Alan with bloodthirsty look in his eyes.
For some reason Alan wasn't scared at all. He stood up and glanced towards Meera who was scared and worried and looked at her father.
"I will be honoured my KING.." he stressed at the last word making the King little angry and his father chuckled in laughter. Alan stood up and bowed to the King and left. Before going he glanced at Meera. She looked as though she was about to cry. He smiled at her and left the Longhall.
In afternoon he prepared himself to go to Holme and he was scared not shamed in admitting it. Previous two convoys were completely butchered by those savages in Holme.
As he began packing his things he saw his sword laying beside his warbrode. He was a lousy warrior. He thought of his hometown where he used to be a sparring partner of Jarl's son. He wondered where Ralos is right now. Surely King Bessen had made sure all of Jarl's family and loyalist are dead. King only spared his father as a representative of Akula on advice of Lord Haraldson.
"May I come in?" Someone knocked on the door of his chambers. The voice was rather cold and emotionless.
"Who is it?" He asked backing up and picking his sword up.
"The one who knows everything because we are allowed to do so."
He only got confused and his grip on the handle of his sword tightened.
"There is no need for that weapon Lord Alan."
Alan almost yelled in shock. The man in black robes was standing right in front of him, facing him. His face was hidden in an old pointed hood and he smelled of grass and flowers.
"I was ordered to see you Lord Alan and let you know the will of gods" The man spoke in same cold voice.
"Have a seat.." He said trying to be polite.
The man sat on a chair opposite to the window. Alan sat on his bed. The priests in the High Temple always scared him. Even as a boy when he used to visit the temple in his homeland those priests had something different in the way they talked.
"Lord Alan, earlier this morning Ysmir spoke to us and he specifically mentioned you."
"The Lord mentioned me?"
"Yes, rather curious isn't it?"
"Yes.. Gods never answered to my prayers or my father's and I..."
"Oh they always answer to your prayers.. Its about listening to them.. So I am here to tell you what lord told us.."
There was a knock on door. Alan looked at door and heard his father calling him and then he looked at chair where the priest sat but it was empty.
Shaken on what he had witnessed just now he opened the door.
"What were you doing?" His father demanded.
He said nothing. He just stood there looking at that the empty chair. Should he tell his father?
"Nothing father I am sorry.." He said finally looking at his father.
"Then hurry up I have your horse ready and you are not getting any guards after border. King is only permitting you security before you cross borders." His father said bitterly.
"Where I need it less.."
His father messed his hair and hugged him.
"Remember son don't let your guard down and If needs be.. Abandon the king don't worry about me."
"Don't worry father that won't be necessary."
After an hour he was ready to leave. King had assigned two guards for him. Just as he was about to leave a girl came running towards him and handed a piece of parchment.
"What is it?"
"Don't open it right now, my lord. It's from someone you know."
The girl ran out of stables before he could say anything. Finally the three of them mounted on their horses. Lord Harldson came and gave him the king's messages and explained him the terms of treaty. He said his goodbyes to his father and to Lord Harldson and left the city galloping away as fast as he could on his first real mission ever. He was scared but also excited.
It took couple of hours till they reached Unaoss borders and the guards left. From there he had to go alone. He had a choice he could through the long route or the short route through the hills.
He chose the short route as he had to deliver the message as fast as he could. After riding for another couple of hours it was almost midnight.
He decided to rest for a while. He started a fire tied his horse on a near tree and sat beside the fire stretching his legs. He wasn't used to riding that much it was hard on his body.
Suddenly he realized of that note he was carrying. He searched for it in his pockets. And he found it and started to read.
My father intends to do something bad. Please be careful.
It took a while. He read it multiple times. He closed the note stood up and picked his sword looking into the woods. He decided to leave as fast as he could. He packed his things and was about to destroy the fire when he heard horse steps. From all directions, he was scared now. He knew it was a trap all along. Soon he saw many riders coming his way, he was surrounded by six riders. They unmounted and surrounded him.
"Who are you? I am here on mission assigned by the King. Back off" He managed to say those words.
"Oh yes we know... But now your mission ends." said the tallest man in the lot.
"Who are you...?"
"Your death!" The man drew his sword. Alan did the same and so did the other men. But before he could strike an arrow came out of nowhere and hit the man in his head. He fell on the ground dead. Other men looked for the source of arrow. There were more horse steps and arrows. One more man got hit by an arrow in his chest. Alan took the chance and killed a man near him, striking him in his back. And in the next moment many soldiers emerged from the woods.
Alan recognized Cranston colours worn by soldiers. He saw his father unmounting his horse and quickly drawing his sword. There were four Cranston soldiers and four of the killers. His father took down one of them but before dying that man managed to hurt him. Cut in his leg. Alan approached his father ducking. One of the killers was exceptional with his axe, he took down two of Cranstons.
Alan cursed and stood up raising his sword, the man saw him and came towards him. Both of them were fighting fiercely. The man quickly disarmed Alan and pushed him on the ground.
"Say your goodbyes Lord" He was about to strike him. Alan was looking at that man's face covered in blood of the soldiers he killed. The last thing he was going to remember was this man's face. That man raised his axe but lowered it, his expressions changed. He fell on Alan, he was dead. Someone pulled his body away from Alan. He saw his father's bow in his hands.
"Now you listen to me.. You will abandon this king and ask Jarl Rolf for his patronage." He told Alan straitening him.
"But what would you do?"
"I will go back to Unaoss and leave for Mysterious keep, I am done with this killer King."
"But father.."
"You promise me you will never leave Holme. Here have this, show it to Jarl Rolf" He handed Alan a sealed letter.
"Now go.. And stay safe.. Don't worry there is an output of Holme just a mile away. They won't dare attacking you again that close."
"Yes father."
Alan hugged Edward.
"I promise you father.. We will take everything back."
Edward smiled messing Alan's head.
"I am sure we will son." With that he mounted on his horse and galloped away with the remaining of his soldiers.
It was already dark and he could hear the wild creatures passing by around him which he always used to fear. Although as courtier he was supposed to be strong and efficient but he wasn't. Anyone would piss themselves off after travelling through hills which lead to Holme. And he just got attacked band of killers. And that too at that time where you can not see at all.
But considering the importance and urgency of the situation, he stood back up and untied his horse. "I suppose you had enough rest eh?" He whispered while trying to get up on his horse.
He rode very quickly for about an hour until he reached the check post. For a check post it was rather dull. A weak gate, four or five archers and some men. Alan was stopped by two men.
"Stop right there.." One of them yelled.
It took a while to calm his horse and unfortunately he rode past a little ahead.
"That's far enough my friend." The second man came in front of his horse and held him.
He quickly unmounted and sat down panting.
"Thanks... my friend."
"If I am you friend or not, that'll be decide upon next few words you speak." The first man said while smirking.
"Who are you?"
He looked at both of them, definitely he can not take on both of these men with all those archers, it seemed foolish. He took a deep breath.
"I am Alan Cranston advisor in the court of Unaoss."
Men looked at each other and one of them helped Alan to get up.
"Forgive us but you came at this hour so we were supposed to check."
"Yes.. yes alright. It's really urgent can I see Jarl?" He said in haste.
Men looked at each other again and nodded. It did make Alan fear his life as Holme is known for its loyalty and security and not to mention insanity.
"Yes indeed.." Finally one of them spoke.
And one of them accompanied him towards Jarl's Longhouse.
"Is it too far from here?" He asked.
There was no response from the man he asked again after some time. The man looked at him in irritation.
"We'll be there soon."
Finally they took a turn and walked past a small hill and the town of Holme was revealed.
Alan was stunned, even in dark Holme was a beautiful city. There were plenty of high towers. Beautiful stone buildings and a huge lake in middle of town.
"The Stories are true.. Holme is indeed the beautiful town there is!"
"Are you an outsider?"
"Yes kind of... I came into King Besson's service recently just couple of months ago."
"Can I ask how?'
"That's none of your business." he said daringly.
After this conversation the man was not pleased and started walking very fast. Alan had to run to catch up with him.
Finally he saw a beautiful palace not large but a beautiful one.
"Its Blackdown palace," the guard told him.
They walked towards the palace and there were more and more guards and archers all over the city. He wondered why there are so many guards around this city. Now they reached the huge entrance to the palace where the guards accompanying him told him to stand back and had a conversation with one of the guards. After that he left and another guard came towards him.
"He tells me that you are a courtier to Unaoss and you carry a message?"
"Yes ... Indeed." He decided to carry on with this as a common folk he won't be able to have audience with Jarl.
"I see.." The guard looked at him from top to bottom and gestured some men.
Few guards came and held Alan.
"What are you doing? I want to meet the Jarl.. I have.."
One of the guards choked him with some piece of cloth. And another struck him in the back of his head.
"Do not resist or we will kill you."
He was scared now but yet he was resisting.
"You wouldn't listen.. would you?"
They took him Inside somewhere and locked him in some store room where they kept their shields and arrows.
He was tired and scared. He could hear the hounds howling somewhere. It was cold too. Cold Blackstone floor wasn't comforting all. He started praying to Ysmir and fell asleep soon enough out of exhaustion.