"I guess this is it."
"I guess it is" I tried to smile back to Clay who gripped his suitcase handle a little tighter as he looked up at me with a sad smile.
He hadn't been given any time to prepare like Evelyn had. I could tell that the short notice was so that Clay couldn't get any wild ideas.
He had every means to escape if he wanted to. He could do anything and nobody would be able to stop him.
But he didn't. He packed up his room into a single suitcase, dressed into his best white top and blue longs, and obediently made his way out the front doors to where I waited for him.
I didn't even know until Bee came to collect the blanks I pushed out to him. My nest had grown from six to ten overnight, with five extra blanks being rolled out for him.
At least the process was starting to slow down as the season came to a close.
And with the time arriving, it was the perfect opportunity to send Clay back to where it was safe.
No-one waited for him in the car. It was only him and Bee here to take him away.
It was a sad send-off. Clay deserved so much better than something so empty.
Again, the carers lined the way to give thier own farewells. And when it came to my turn, I was able to feel his arms try to wrap around my dragon body and his head press to my chest.
I hadn't been able to do this with any of the other children. It was a good feeling to finally be able to.
"I'll miss you, Scala" Clay wiped his eyes.
Ari stood beside me, holding onto Russet hand to keep her from following Clay.
"She'll miss you too."
"And I'll miss you most, Little Hellion" Clay chuckled and messed up Russet's hair before dropping to her level "you be good for Mama, OK?"
She nodded, sniffling when she wiped her nose in her long sleeves.
"I'm not needed here anymore" Clay smiled at the mansion now "my calling is elsewhere now. I'm glad I was here to help when I could. I guess it's my turn to look over my own now. Those two little boys will need a witch to guide them."
I saw his smile and watched him lift his own luggage into the back of the car.
So, it was just Ari and I and our little Russet. There would be no more children for now except our own.
The walls were going to be awefully empty until then. Another empty seat would join us for dinner tonight and another room would be empty once more.
Without Clay, the mansion was going to lose a piece of what had bought life and laughter into it.
"I know you two will thrive" he nodded to us as he climbed into the back seat "and you will take good care of Russet. She needs her Mama and Papa."
Ari looked down to Russet in surprise at the words and saw her look back up at him hopefully. Her little face bought a smile to mine.
"Thank you for guiding me!" Clay called out with a wave as Bee got into the car to start it up "and thank you for caring for me!" he added cheerfully to the saddened carers.
We watched the car roll away and Clay lean out to wave after us. It reminded me of Evelyn when she had finally been on her own way home.
I didn't chase after Clay. There was nothing more for me to cling to. He was onto bigger and better things and didn't need anything to hold him back.
I wanted him to chase that future with a smile on his face instead of tears.
I just watched him leave.
And, just like that, he was gone.
It was just the three of us now.
"Mama" Russet whimpered to me as everyone filed back inside. She snifled and held onto me when I held her close so she could cry against me.
"It's going to be tough" Ari placed a hand on her back then leant against me so we could both look down at the tiny child together "but it'll all be better soon. She just needs someone."
Russet moved from me to cling to Ari. He smiled at me then giggled at her when she started gnawing on his long sleeves to calm herself.
"Absolutely wild" he shook his head with a laugh.
"You'll need to look forward to a whole lot more of that... Papa."
Ari beamed at me and rested his head against me again. He had known. His already swelling happiness told me that he had been hoping for this and was ready to meet our family when they arrived.
Now we had one more to add to the brood.
Russet gave Ari and I something to look forward to while we waited. She made life easier with her always curious and boisterous nature.
I needed to keep reminding myself that I could enjoy these moments as her Mama. No-one was coming to collect her; she was mine to love.
And she made sure I knew how much she loved me when she banged in the door each morning and jumped into the room to approach the nest where I was curled. Her hands would run over the scales of each egg very gently before she would cuddle up in my arms and show me what new thing she had unearthed from her room. Usually it was a small trinket gift from Ari who she always visited first in his room.
Sometimes, she would approach the ledge to lean out over it, rather than come to me. I was always up in a heartbeat to snap up her clothing and drag her to the nest.
It was always a guessing game if she wanted to dance with danger that morning or play it safe.
Then, after deciding if I was going to start my morning with a heart attack or not, I would fly Russet over to the dining room balcony where we would meet with Ari and have our breakfast together around the table.
Then the day would be thiers to explore. Sometimes I would join them for a quick stroll around the grounds or a fly over the mansion, but my priority was keeping my eggs alive by keeping them warm.
Russet liked new places, that was no surprise. She also liked shifting to her werewolf form to take in the most of what that area had to offer through all her senses. She got restless with the same things quickly and always wanted more.
She was a curious whirlwind of destructive energy.
Within the first week of incubation, I lost two eggs. Slowly, I could give Russet a little more of my attention since I didn't need to exert so much energy to keep the rest warm.
The second week, I lost three more. When I rolled them out to Bee, he saw me mourning over what I had lost. I didn't have another chance at this out of season. This was my only shot and he could see I was losing it right before my eyes. I went from ten to five in a heartbeat. It destroyed Ari too, whose energy when he kept Russet occupied was lacking.
The third and final week only took one more. Ari was right there every step of the way for the planned hatching date speeding up toward us. Out of ten, we had managed to save four; the black speckle, the white crackle, a pure black, and a white with red flecks.
To us, the colours didn't matter. It was the fact that something had survived the trying times that led to this moment.
And we were going to be seeing what we had created for the first time together.
Ari slept in the nest with me the night before the expected hatching. He bought a blanket and pillow to keep himself comfortable up at my head so I could still warm the eggs and himself when he had the heat radiate from the flames.
His smile up at me when we watched over them was a memory forever ingrained into me. And when Russet came running into my room a few hours later to snuggle up under the covers with Ari and grip onto his shirt for comfort, my heart soared at having all of what I loved together.
It was a beautiful moment. It was only made more beautiful when Ari and Russet fell asleep together while I kept watch and gave them warmth.
I didn't know I had fallen asleep myself until Ari shook me awake. His excitement and pointing finger made the groginess instantly dissappear when I looked over to the shaking black speckled egg.
Russet was excited too but hid behind Ari when she looked to him for support on the strange new thing before her.
"It's finally happening, Scala" Ari nuzzled his head into mine "I can't believe it."
I pressed back and crooned when my snout touched the breaking scales that wavoured under my hot breath.
Bee arrived on time for his daily collection. However, he was not expecting to see the beginnings of a hatching when he peeked over the rock nest to see everyone wlready gathered there.
"Oh, my!" he gasped and crouch down as if he would suddenly startle them "Scala! It's happening!"
He had as much excitement as I did and clapped his hands together like a little boy when scales hit the floor.
"You need to move back" Bee breathed and threw out his arms to try and push Russet away "when it hatches, it'll bond to whatever it sees first. It needs to be the parents."
Russet whined and tried to break out of his grip before he placed her in his lap and sat there off to the side together. Ari moved around so that we were both facing the crack that had a tiny claw peek from it briefly.
"Did you see that?" Ari gasped and nudged my side excitedly.
"Mama!" Russet squealed and pointed to it "wook!"
The claw reached through again, this time scrabbling around more when the scales along the side cracked off and the side bulged outwards.
Ari held onto me. It sounded like he wasn't even breathing when he witnessed the beginnings of our family.
The side finally split and liquid spilled out. A scaley black back bulged through the mess, pinned down by a thin blanket of membrane I quickly tore off with my teeth so a head could curl around and gasp for air.
The head looked like that of my human form. It was scaley and kept its eyes firmly shut when it squeaked and shivered out of the covering. Unlike my human form, it had dragon claws and a tiny tail curled up around its side. Little dragon ears were flattened on top of its head when it called out again in the search for us.
My tongue made quick work of the little face to clean it up and warm it. It's eyes finally peeled open; little brown ones, to fix on Ari then me.
It squeaked again in triumph at having found us then struggled to try and come closer. I could see each muscle under its tiny body scrabbling around when it tried to support itsself unsuccessfully.
"Tiny little thing" Bee marveled, extending a finger to scratch under its chin "and super cute."
Ari picked up the baby to hold it close and get it warmed. Russet leant over to touch it as well with a noise of displeasure when it was still sticky under her fingers. It latched onto Ari's finger to try and bite it with its toothless mouth which made him laugh.
The pure black egg was next to crack and spill out, along with the white crackle. Each dragon inside looked the same as the first and had the same colouring as the eggs they had just hatched from. The pure black had yellow eyes while the crackle's was brown as well.
Then the last white fleck came out. It's eyes opened to a radiant red when I cleaned it up. It was the only one from the group of four squeaking babies that hadn't taken mine or Ari's colouring.
I didn't care though. I was in love with each and every one of them that called for me.
I was thier Mama. They needed me and I needed them. It was actually real. They were right here, snuggling into my side to warm themselves.
"We have to think of names" Ari leant against me while still holding the black speckle "this one is a girl."
"A girl" Bee smiled "what are some girl's names?"
"How about you, Russet?" I nudged her with my nose she grabbed onto "any suggestions?"
"Hmmm..." she hummed out as she thought, a huge grin coming across her face "Pweye."
"Pie?" Ari giggled back.
She shook her head and snagged Bee's shirt to get us to explain.
"I think she means Piper" he looked to her and she nodded "she's always loved that name. I swear half her dolls are called Piper."
"Pweye!" Russet cheered happily.
Piper. That did sound like a beautiful name for a little girl.
"Piper it is" I nodded and muzzled the tiny head that lifted up to me "your turn now, Ari."
"Me?" he looked confused "which one?"
"Any" I nudged him back "it seems only fair that each of us gives a name. Everyone is here and i would like them to contribute in some kind of way."
"Seems like a great idea" Ari replied, placing Piper down to pick up the white crackle and inspect it "this one is a girl as well."
"Two girls already!" Bee commented in surprise "very lucky!"
"Two girls" Ari murmered to the dragon and held her close, rocking her "she looks like one of those fancy vases. How about...Terracotta?"
I saw Bee smirk at the name immediently.
"It does make for a nice dragon name" he admitted "a human one; not so much."
"Lucky she is more dragon then" Ari said, peering down at his daughter "I like Terracotta."
"Terracotta does have a nice ring" I agreed when he placed her down with Piper and picked up the pure black to hand to Bee.
"Your turn" I nudged him.
"Think of a name" Ari grinned "it's a girl."
Bee held the baby in surprise then thought in silence about it.
"We are going by dragon names, right?"
"Any name" Ari replied with a nod "we already have a bit of both here."
Bee looked up at me with a smile.
"This one seems like a bit of a no-brainer. I'm tossing up between two after black and yellow things; Sunflower or Bumblebee."
"I'm surprised" Ari replied to the suggestions "I thought you'd pick something like Charcoal or Midnight."
"I'm not cliche" Bee laughed back "I did name Scala after all, after her scales."
I laughed with him and licked his cheek before looking over the squeaking dragon blinking up at me.
"Bumblebee is quite cute" I spoke "and it's similar to Bee's name too. It's kind of like a tribute to an important man."
"I hope you are saying good things about me" Bee pressed his head against mine and reached up to rub my neck.
"She likes Bumblebee" Ari smiled "it reminds her of you."
Bee grinned with shining eyes then agreed with a gentle touch to the nose of the baby opening its mouth for Russet's wiggling fingers.
"I like it too" he wiped his eyes.
"That leaves you, beautiful" Ari took Bumblebee to nestle with her sisters before pulling out the last white and red flecked baby to place between my arms "it's a boy."
A boy. Three girls and a boy. I felt incredibly lucky to have a bit of both to experience and love.
The baby called for me when I leant over to push it gently. Its head rested on my snout, the tiny mouth moving to suck on the top of my nostril.
The red flecks in it looked like blood or falling autumn leaves. And the white reminded me of quartz or the soft pelts of the cows near here.
There was no way I was calling him Cowblood. But I did want to go for a traditional dragon name like what Barebone had that made more sense than his did.
The white quartz around us looked more like a stone too. I liked the tough sound of 'stone' in the name. That part was decided, but what about the other half?
"How about Scatterstone?"
"That does sound like a mouthful" Ari noted "perhaps for short we can call him Sca..." he paused, embarrassed "uh, beautiful, let's steer clear of 'scatter', OK?"
"Why?" I moaned back, about to argue against it until he placed a hand over my mouth.
"Specklestone sounds like a very good compromise" he offered "I think it would be better to call our little boy 'Speck' for short rather than 'Scat'. Trust me on this."
I huffed back but saw Ari's pleading face and slowly agreed. I didn't know why my name choice was so bad, but I trusted Ari on his reason to avoid it.
Specklestone did have the same ring I was going for at least. And it covered both his white scales and red spots.
"Specklestone it is then" I agreed, to his relief.
"Specklestone it is" Ari revealed to the others cheerfully.
He joined his sisters by my side to nuzzle into the warmth there. I felt thier little faces press to my scales as they searched for food, thier mouths working on the smooth surface. They were already gaining strength to lift thier heads up hopefully.
"I want to take them out" I spoke "let them feel the grass and the sun. I'll feed them."
I saw his frown that eventually softened when he kissed me between the eyes and got up.
"Keep them safe" he whispered.
"Always" I whispered back with a quick nudge of his body in the direction of the door.
I watched Bee leave with Russet while Ari slid open the barn doors for me before closing the room door behind him.
Even though I could, I only scooped up one baby at a time to not hurt them with my massive teeth. They slid out onto the grass only a few meters from the ledge where I made my rounds to bundle all four together.
I leant over to drag Bumblebee back from my tail and instantly saw the others drop down and quieten. They stayed still while my shadow looked over them to bring Bumblebee closer.
At least thier instincts were still warning them of potential threats and reacting for survival. I remembered doing the same thing as a baby and ducking under the hay piles each time the barn doors opened and closed.
There was a noise my father used to make too to warn us of danger...
I repeated the clicking in my memories. They were low and unbroken.
And when something had appeared that he didn't like...
I stood up to throw my wings outwards. I lowered my neck and snarled at the grass, copying his stance perfectly.
The babies remained quiet and huddled through my practice test. They were just how I wanted them to be.
A shadow flitted overhead to make me click out my warning. I went to stand over the babies now, waiting for the threat to reveal itself.
"Did a ladybug scare you, Scala?" I heard the mocking voice before the blue body dropped down before me.
I didn't move. I wasn't sure if Barebone becoming a parent had changed his motives to protect his own or not.
"Did you scare it off?" he chuckled, sitting down.
He wasn't a threat. He was far too relaxed to be on a blood hunt for my precious babies.
"You need to throw a little more force behind it anyway" Barebone pointed out as he got to his feet "for the scary ladybug, of course."
I smiled back but quickly lost it when he spread his stance and screamed out at me with his wings held up high.
The force of his intimidation made my insides shake and my bravery falter for a moment at the sight of his glistening teeth fully bared and his face scrunched up into something that didn't resemble his silly self.
I shifted into his stance and returned the same energy, feeling my fire boil up my throat to come flickering out the sides of my wavering jaw.
I held my wings to the side to appear bigger, rather than upwards like Barebone, and called on the most darkest parts of myself to intimidate him.
"Very good!" he marvelled when he pulled his wings down "look at you!"
I heard whimpering and snapped my mouth shut instantly to check on the babies still huddled at my feet. They were shivering from the noise.
Barebone noticed them now and he took a few careful steps forward, sniffing in thier direction.
"They're beautiful" he murmered "I didn't even know they were there..."
I went to reply until I saw Ari sprinting around the side of the mansion toward me. He had his arms loaded with rocks that he cradled with his stitched arm. Russet raced out after him.
"SCALA!" he screamed out, stopping briefly when he saw Barebone there "YOU GET AWAY FROM THEM!"
He lobbed the rocks at Barebone, not holding back on his strength. He drew blood on Barebone's face this time, smashing him in the mouth and face when Barebone snarled and turned towards him.
From what he had heard and what it looked like, I was in danger. He wasn't going to take chances with that.
"ARI!" I shouted at him when he dodged past Barebone's water to drop the rocks and stand before me and throw his arms out "we are fine!"
"You were screaming!" he jabbed a finger at Barebone who licked the blood that dribbled from his temple "back off!"
Russet shifted to scurry over to me and plant herself under me and above the babies, growling.
"He's fine" I replied to both of them, pushing Russet back when she lunged forwards, and pressing my head to Ari to make him drop his arms "the little ones are learning an important lesson."
Barebone smiled sat back down to show Ari he wasn't the threat he thought.
"Don't scare me like that again" Ari breathed and turned to me to hold my face "I thought something happened to all of you."
Russet went back to Ari who wiped his eyes and cradled her against him, her hand reaching up to touch me.
"He's changed" Barebone commented with a nod to Ari through his streaming face "nice and strong now. You made me bleed this time."
"I have to protect her somehow" Ari grinned back proudly and smiled at Russet "I have five new reasons to fight."
Barebone smiled at the statement.
"And I have seven" he added thoughtfully "I understand perfectly."
I could hear the pride in his voice. He wasn't bragging about his success like he usually would, but rather relating to the new need to defend his own.
And seven. I knew he was especially proud of being a father to such a large brood. I could see it radiating from him.
"So, hit me with it quickly" Barebone melted at the sight of the tiny heads peeking from the grass up at him "what names am I going to be yelling at these little ones when they come to steal my rocks like thier mother? Did you name them something basic? Or stick with something that will actually net them a mate in the future?"
Ari and I chuckled with Barebone at his joke and looked down at the curious babies trying to wobble thier way from under my protection.
"Piper, Bumblebee, Terracotta, and Specklestone" I replied, peering at his amusement "and what will I be yelling at the ones who keep showing up to dance with my daughters?"
Ari let out a snort while Barebone grinned cheekily back.
"Ashwater, Bloodbone, Rivermist, Brinestone, Leaflark, Springrain, and Seamoss" he boasted proudly as he puffed out his chest "and you'll be yelling at all of seven of my sons."
"All seven?" I gasped back in disbelief.
"All seven" he chuckled "so save your voice. You too, little mate."
I gushed and pressed my head to Ari. Russet leant over to snuggle her face against mine.
Barebone smiled to us all. He was genuinely pleased with how things had turned out for us both despite the dark moments we had fallen into to discover it.
"There is nothing to worry about now. We have a whole life waiting for us in our own little home near the ocean. It's perfect."
I saw his smile widen and swear I could have seen his eyes sparkle with happiness.
"You know, you are missing one more important part of this whole thing" he spoke "as important as the dance and the binding to your mate."
I frowned to Ari, trying to remember what could be so important. Everything was falling into place perfectly.
"It's tradition to go for the first hunt out in the ocean, to stake new hunting grounds" Barebone revealed "and a human must come with us for good luck."
I could tell this was a lie to try and get us to join Barebone on his hunt. He didn't want to ask directly, and was darting around it with tales to make it seem like it was his plan all along.
It was just like him to do something like that.
"Would you like to join us?" I offered "I'm sure my human has luck for the both of us."
He laughed at my response and shook out his wings to make them gleem in the sun.
"Looks like we are going exploring again" Ari breathed in nervous excitement and gathered up our children to bundle inside his shirt, thier heads poking out of the top to lick at his chin.
Russet still clung to Ari's front when he carefully climbed up onto my back and snuggled into my neck.
"I trust you" he murmered to me "and I love you."
"Lob you, Mama" Russet added with a kiss on my neck.
"Look at you, Scala" Barebone grinned when we took off together.
I let out a screech of happiness as I lifted myself further upwards. My heart was already fluttering at being able to provide for my mate and our children, like I had always dreamed of.
Ari joined in, cupping his hands to whoop out loudly with a chorus of squeaks from out children. Russet added in her own triumphant howl at our first hunt beginning for our new family.
It was the push I needed to fuel the fire within me. I was determined to not fail so soon after tasting pure bliss. I was going to ride this high for as long as I could and become the mother I always wanted to be.
We had five new reasons to continue exploring our love for each other and the new ways we could grow together. Russet was as much as our daughter now than ever before, and I would make sure she knew that, starting with this flight together.
I couldn't wait to spend the rest of our time together with our growing family in beautiful, carefree moments like this; shouting from the top of the world and feeling like nothing could drag us down.
Next year would only bring a whole new tale to tell to our children. And each year after that would bring more happiness as spring settled in once more and we prepared to welcome new life into our lives, while our growing children went to forge tales of thier own.
A human male bound to his dragon mate; what an interesting story that would be.
And I was going to enjoy every blissful moment of it all as I sailed with my family out towards an unknown and exciting new place to discover.